Pit o' pepper
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Brisk Pepper's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, May 20th, 2004
    2:47 pm
    Song of the Day.
    The Flying Pickets do a great cover of Only You by Yaz. I first heard it in a Wong Kar Wai movie called Fallen Angels. It's highly depressing, but wonderful. It's made it's way on many many compilations of mine now.

    The Flying Pickets - Only You (lyrics) )

    The Flying Pickets - Only You (.wma)
    mind the bandwidth!
    1:13 pm
    NEW LJ MEME!!!
    how this works:

    Post as much crappy HTML code as you can in KRUES8DR's LJ, and post a link to it in your own LJ.


    9:58 am
    It's been six long years.
    It doesn't really feel like that though. Looking back, it's hard to believe that xiane and i have been together for that long already! It's been a turbulent time full of ups and downs - the usual assortment of rollercoaster (of LOVE!) amusements.

    damn, that's cool.

    I've known married couples that haven't managed to stay around that long. I've enjoyed every last bit of it, even the frustrating parts. They just made it more vulnerable - something that only adds to it's value and makes it more precious. We've put up with a load of each others crap, some minor, and some major, and come out on top of every situation. Six years. I wouldn't trade it for the world! Well, not this one, anyways ;-) Maybe mars. I could trade for mars and get to start that whole process over again except that i'd lose all of our history. :-/ All the first experiences together... It's that very history, those very blemishes and sparkles, that give our path together texture and depth. Each one leaving the future that much more impressive and exciting.

    Most of you don't really hear me talk about my relationship with xiane. not much anyways. I've never been much of one for making this aspect of my life public. I don't usually like to share it with anyone. MINE! ALL MINE!! MUAHAHAHA!! part of the reason most of you don't hear much about it, is that you don't usually see us together much these days. between my work and our various projects we've been struggling to make ends meet. struggling against the tide of our other friendships and their very welcome stresses. Hopefully, this summer will be at least a bit different. I can see such great possibilities! I want more barbeque parties, more late-night pool parties, more rock shows ending in great gatherings of friends, and most importantly MORE CHRIS TIME. I would very much like to steal her for a bit. run away from our tasks and burdens for a while. more chris time w/out worrying about finances. not worrying about schedules or other suchness. Time to spend focussing on each other w/out being clouded by the need to complete our projects. I just want to step outside it all for a bit. I think maybe later this summer, this is a possibility. Such great possibilities for personal change within all of this, something for which i've been in need for quite some time now.

    anyways, i just wanted to share with you these little bits of my hidden life.
    Wednesday, May 19th, 2004
    5:35 pm

    *shakes head*
    1:18 pm
    It's wednesday, and i'm not going to Richmond tonight to celebrate chris' continued stint as the lovely DJ Xiane.


    She's one of the better DJ's around here, and has MUCH better taste in music than a lot of the club dj's that you'll run into. Expect to see a lot of the local LJ crowd there!

    especially RANDY

    I will be meeting up with ExplodingCat, hopefully to discuss some game stuff and maybe watch a movie.

    Current Mood: indescribable
    7:22 am
    Song of the Day.
    Ok, this song is one that's just been hitting home lately.

    Pacifier - Everything (lyrics) )

    Pacifier - Everythying (mp3 download) mind the bandwidth
    Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
    11:42 pm
    man, the day is finally over. what a crappy day.

    on a side note, is it just me? or does the Arby's logo look vaguely like a penis?
    Monday, May 17th, 2004
    4:37 pm
    randomness of the day

    2 cool points to anyone that knows what this number means: 1337.12
    Sunday, May 16th, 2004
    12:07 am
    game design stuff
    So, after much thought and deliberation, i think that i only want to bring one person in on the game thing right now. If there's more work than i anticipate, i'll bring in some more peeps. and you can bet on some beta testing! But for the mean time, I'll be meeting with ExplodingCat this wednesday (most likely) and we'll chat about the idea - as he was the first to reply.

    i think that since we're at the organizational/design phase, i should keep the head-count to a minimum. then as we outline what needs to be done, i'll contact people to do specific tasks. :-) that sounds more efficient to me.

    word. i'm tired.

    Friday, May 14th, 2004
    8:52 am
    Polistone - game
    So, in an effort to learn to use c# and directx together, i've embarked on a new journey. I've decided to make a game. In short, i need someone(s) to help me with the design.

    Where i stand )

    reply to this, or email, or aim, or call, or stop by.

    Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
    11:15 am
    bvrn007: so this guy
    bvrn007: got put in jail for a credit card scheme
    Dave A.: yah
    bvrn007: they were unable to recover 8.1 million.
    bvrn007: he still has it stashed some where.
    bvrn007: now, at our general salary
    bvrn007: 1 million dollars is 33years
    bvrn007: 3 million dollars is 100 years.
    bvrn007: 6 million dollars is 100 years double our salary.
    bvrn007: wtf are *we* doing?
    Dave A.: Hamster in a wheel, my friend.
    Saturday, May 8th, 2004
    3:20 pm
    So, what are the most addictive and/or fun games you've played? list as many as you want, or none at all - just comment! :-)

    my list:

    3. Kung Fu Chaos - really fun. really addictive.
    2. Super Mario Bros. - moderately fun. exceptionally addictive.
    1. Nethack - almost as bad as minesweeper, but fun. having fun sitting on the floor?
    Friday, May 7th, 2004
    10:08 am
    Me: Hey, do you have change for 10$?
    Them: No... but i do have 40c you can have for a coke, if you want.
    Me: Oh, cool. thanks!
    Them: No problem.
    Me: I'm sure, in the miserable annals of the Earth, you will be duly inscribed.
    Them: Oh, thanks!!!!
    Me: No problem.
    Monday, May 3rd, 2004
    7:18 pm
    Stu's guide to not hating being male
    Chapter 7 "Cooking and Watching TV at the Same Time"

    entry #23: Southwestern Smack-yo-momma Chicken

    1 Frozen Chicken Breast (or whatever)
    Garlic (powder is fine)
    Pepper (medium ground if ya got it)
    Salt (oh come on. you have this.)
    Chili Powder (stop now. go get this. trust me.)
    Cayenne Pepper (no really, it's not hot.)
    1 Jalapeno (or some of those little peppers that make your sphincter yowl)
    Salsa (pick up the Pace.)


    1.) place chicken breast on microwave safe plate and nuke it for 6 minutes on high.
    2.) watch TV until the first commercial break after you hear the ding.
    3.) Chop (almost dice) into small bits, the pepper.
    4.) apply some salt, some garlic, some pepper, and a BUNCH of chili powder. Act like you put cayenne pepper on it (tiny amount). and gently smash the jalapeno into the chicken breast.
    5.) put it back in the microwave for another 6 minutes.
    6.) watch more TV until you hear the ding. (you're really hungry so be lazy and pause the TiVo and get the food.)
    7.) apply a moderate amount of salsa on the side and grab a beer.
    8.) Eat during the next TV show.

    The advanced recipe adds fresh (canned) diced tomato to moisten the chicken, and maybe some freshly grated (at the factory) light cheesing.

    don't use a knife while you eat. you will hurt yourself.
    6:42 pm
    Sunday, May 2nd, 2004
    6:06 pm
    someone bring me some diet coke!!!

    ohhhhhhh CHA CHA CHA!!!

    Current Mood: lazy
    Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
    1:04 pm
    C# - Pingsweep - Project rundown
    So, this is just a rundown of my experience converting a piece of my software from C++ to C#. I've encountered some issues here and there, but i'm almost done and i'd like to share my hurdles with those that might be interested... This is broken into sections, just as i did it.

    The Run-down )
    Friday, April 23rd, 2004
    8:31 am
    It's been a long week and an even longer month! Today marks the final implementation push of a project i've been working on at work. The project was hell, and i've worked 12 and 13 hour days this week. Top that with the stress of such a huge project, and I'M SPENT. :-)

    I do like work, though. The guys are great, and it's lots of fun when things aren't going to hell. I seemed to have acquired a new nickname. They call me Rocker alot. moslty because i play shows and have a rock'n roll attitude (so they claim)... lol it's alot better than my old ones. ;-)

    alas, work calls. i miss most of my friends. i'd like to go drinking tonight.

    if anyone's interested - let me know. maybe miller's or rapture.
    Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
    3:08 pm
    AIM conversations that never happen.
    me: i'm learning a new programming language
    her: sexy
    me: is it sexy?
    me: cuz i was about to say; I know 5.
    her: i'm coming over.
    me: Ok.

    Current Mood: amused
    11:39 am
    Soul radiation in the dead of night - love in the middle of a fire fight.

    These headphones would be much more effective if i had ear-lobes.

    Current Music: Iggy & The Stooges
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