Worth a Look.
May 11, 2004
Via the Young Fogey, here's an amusing website that ranks and grades the various flags of the world. What grade does your country get?
May 09, 2004
Ken Macleod has an interesting post about his attendance at an SF convention in Croatia
May 08, 2004
Georgian President Saakashvili has disbanded the Adjaran parliament and installed direct rule in the province after the departure of Aslan Abashidze. Living with Caucasians has an interesting on-the-ground perspective on the events before the flight of Abashidze
May 07, 2004
On April 5, Siemens AG's CEO Heinrich v. Pierer talked to the UN Security Council about The Role of [multinational] Business in Conflict Prevention, Peacekeeping and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. I suppose the perspective of cross-country hierarchies on these issues should be given more public attention.
May 06, 2004
A decent overview of Poland and the EU, from a business and economic perspective.
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December 05, 2003
Wizbang is having a Blog Awards competition. We’re one of twenty nominees for Best Foreign blog (What an odd sort of category on the Internet one would think, but I’m not complaining.) Please, please, please go there and vote for us if you think we’re any good, because I really want to win this thing. I’ve never won anything in my life.
Update: Now here’s a good reason to vote for us, tell all your friends, family, and random strangers to do the same, pimp us on your blogs…
The frontrunner is currently Merde in France, the France-hating wingnut. (#2 is Tim Blair, the Australian one-man We’re third and are well positioned to stop him from winning. I daresay we’re easily the best of the ones with a chance to win. Keep the eurohaters from winning. Vote AFOE!
The poll is open until dec 14. I will occasionally bump this post till then.
Have there been any reports issued on the present trends in “eurohating”?
Posted by: Gary Farber at December 5, 2003 09:06 PMWell, I can do you that little favor. But how serious is this guy? He also has categories like “Best Crawly Amphibians Ecosystem Level Blog” and puts Brad deLong in the categorie of “liberals”.
Still he made a nice list. Under the category “beautiful” I found a group blog on Africa:
I think the 20 nominees are compiled from user submissions. And the amphibian thing is probably intended to help them grow in an adverse, often powerlaw structured environment.
Posted by: Tobias at December 5, 2003 11:51 PMDamn, we’ve lost ground. There’s eight days left, though. No way am I throwing in any towels.
Posted by: David Weman at December 6, 2003 12:07 AMUm, the other categories come from the Blogging Ecosystem, which has been around for, what, a year, year and a half?; they’re not made up by the Wizbang site doing the awards. It throws me into the “Large Mammal” category, for example, at current rank of #192.
I’ve made a rather lengthy post about the poll here, by the way. I might suspect it’s possible I’m the unnamed “snarky” blogger David refers to, but perhaps not. Of course, any snarkiness on my part is merely “faux,” “ironic” snarkiness, which I have devilishly constructed in layer upon layer, and which I, yet, choose to immediately explain to you here, because that’s the best way to do irony, as everyone knows. Not that Americans can be ironic, of course.
I noted, myself, that I thought trying to sort people into only two political categories was problematic, and naturally, even those folks who might be relatively easily tossed into “leftish” and “rightish” bins can be argued about by anyone, but I’m rather unclear as to what the precise objection is to Brad deLong being considered a “liberal.” I realize I’m behind on the memos, but could someone explain what tenets of liberalism Brad has been savagely violating?
Posted by: Gary Farber at December 6, 2003 06:37 AM“What an odd sort of category on the Internet”
Well I think this reflects a style of thinking, which is of course lamentable. Let’s just call it spoilt kid syndrome.
I think the blogzone remedy is in sight, and is just about to come racing round the corner though.
“Brad deLong being considered a “liberal.”“
I think there is a confusion of terminology here, liberal in the UK and US has one connotation - middle of the road, mildly progressive, and in continental europe it has acquired another meaning: something like Cato Institute economic liberal, which of course Brad definitely isn’t.
“I’ve never won anything in my life.”
Don’t worry David, there’s a lot of it out in front, and we’re going to change this.
Well, that post was hardly meant to explain anything or make things clearer….
Eh, it seems the bad guys will win this one, but that’s okay becuase we get lots of hits and expsure. It’s flattering to be nominated.
Posted by: David Weman at December 6, 2003 05:24 PMI know you’re not deadly serious, David, but: are people really “bad guys” because they have different opinions? Is this really a healthy way to look at blogging, or life?
It’s not as if you’re talking about, say, concentration camp guards, or assassins, or secret police. You’re talking about people venturing opinions, like you, me, and everyone posting here.
Posted by: Gary Farber at December 7, 2003 05:45 PMMerde in France is at best a jerk. Read that blog and tell me it’s not virulent.
It’s not about political tribalism. I’m pro-Iraq war, and all for amking it easier to fire people, lower taxes, globalization, etc. I’m not a leftist.
Posted by: David Weman at December 7, 2003 08:20 PMMerde in France
is simply reacting to the virulent anti-Americanism in France. We should wonder how this American, who has a French wife and family, and who’s lived in France for over 20 years, came by his opinions. By all indications, he seems to be quite an average family man. Perhaps it’s the hostile environment that shaped his opinions?
Posted by: John at December 8, 2003 08:20 PMJohn, where is the discrepancy between being an “average family man” and being an hateful jerk?
It’s not like he’d be the first example of such a thing.