Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "nightmares".
277 matches:
- 2dream - Deams, Incosistent Angel Things
- ___emission - emission
- _asylum_ - The Asylum
- _brokenxlies_ - _brokenxlies_
- _dark_otherkin_ - community of socially unappreciated otherkin types
- _dreamcatcher_ - dream catcher
- _emilystrange - this is where the night walkers join
- _guardiandemon_ - otherkin protectors from the dark side
- _phobic - phobic
- _total_chaos_ - _total_chaos_
- _vent - tell us what's on your mind...
- a_dream_forgotn - Dreams and Thoughts
- abandonedplaces - abandonedplaces
- about_today - Today
- abstractions - Abstractions
- abusedgrls - Abused Girls
- alomvilagbanel - Dreams, Depictions, and Diatribes
- american_mcgee - American McGee Fans
- americaneyecon - American Dream American Nightmare
- angels_fall - trauma and rape survivors
- angryraspberry - Angry Raspberry Society (ARS)
- anti_bravetoast - Hatin on The brave litte Toaster and friends
- anxious_dreams - __and it's these dreams that scare you the most
- aphairaisia - holeinthehead
- astralsociety - Astral and Lucid Dreamers
- b_w_dreams - Black And White Dreaming
- baddreams - BadDreams
- beautifuldreams - ~*~*~A Place For Dreams and Sleep~*~*~
- bipolarfriends - Bipolar Friends
- bipolarsntucson - Bipolars N Tucson
- bruadairsaoghal - Bruadair_Saoghal
- cabaretvoltaire - The Cabaret Voltaire
- charentonasylum - Charenton Asylum
- cheapwine - Love & Relationship Advice
- crapsticks - Crappy or Happy?
- crazy_dreams - crazy dreams
- daemons_group - + Daemons +
- dark_dream - Dark Dreams
- dark_fallen - Youkai Fallen
- darkdreamers - Dreamer's Realm
- darkmoonscape - Dreams
- darkness_blues - A Fire Inside
- darkpaganism - Happy Hidden Heathens
- darkramblings - Dark Ramblings
- decadence - decadence
- deep_in_dreams - Inside Dreams
- deleriousstars - Delerious Stars
- depressionsucks - Support for Depression
- deviant_minds - Dark Musings
- dididream - the dream machine
- digital_tears - anemic&sweet
- dollspace - love:smiles:way:too:much
- doriimaa - doriimaa
- dream_analysis - Dream Journal
- dream_beans - dream_beans
- dream_catharsis - dream_catharsis
- dream_fiction - Dream Fiction
- dream_journal - Dream_Journal
- dream_lab - Dream laboratory
- dream_visions - Art & Words inspired by the Dreamworld
- dreamdump - The Dream Dump
- dreamed - Dreamed
- dreamers_haven - Dreamer's Haven
- dreamers_online - Dream Interpretation Community
- dreamersjournal - Sweet Dreamer
- dreamerz - Dreamers Palace
- dreamhouse - Centrale Surréaliste
- dreamness - Meh
- dreamofarcadia - dreamofarcadia
- dreampolice - dreampolice
- dreams_in_color - The Inner Mind
- dreamscapers - dreamscapers
- dreamskin - Dreams
- dreamwarriors - Dream Warriors
- dreamweaver - Dreamweaver
- drowningsorrow - The Sacred Place
- dsafgrrl - Group for Daughters Surviving Assholic Fathers
- emo_dreamers - Dreaming Emo
- esdreamwarriors - Elm Street: Dream Warriors
- everyhourhere - everyhourhere
- eyes_shut_open - eyes_shut_open
- feardotcom - Jeannine
- fishy_go_bloop - fishy_go_bloop
- foreshortened - Pencils, Pens and Paints
- freaky_dreamers - freaky_dreamers
- fuzz_gut - Furry Horror
- ghost_hollow - Ghost Hollow
- ghostly_pa - - g h o s t l y - p e n n s y l v a n i a -
- ghostly_stories - ghostly_stories
- ghostroads_oh - Ghost Roads of Ohio
- ghostsngouls - ghostsngouls
- glassvanity - ev er yt hi ng
- grrlsroom - Grrls Room!
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- haunted_tales - Haunted Tales
- hauntings - News on Hauntings and the Paranormal
- hauntings_uk - Hauntings in the UK
- heart_of_goth - ..Refuge For A Goth..
- heartfeltwisdom - Inspiration
- hellishfetish - Hellish Fetish
- heretics - Heretics and Blasphemers
- highwang - highwang
- homeunderground - homeunderground
- horrors - spooked
- horrorskirts - Horror lovin' skirts and broads
- hothead_paisan - Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist
- houseofechos - House Of Echos
- i_dream_of - I dream of....
- im_a_sinner - Confess your sins
- in_a_dream - In A Dream
- in_our_own_way - in_our_own_way
- in_treatment - support for females in psychiatric treatment
- innebriated - innebriated
- inthegrave_icon - inthegrave_icon
- jadedly - bitches [crystal & tso]
- kaosflower - Magick Women, Pagan Girls, Female Spirituality
- la_la_land - Recollection of Dreams/Nightmares
- landofn0d - Dream Walkers
- lawn_flamingos - The Lawn Ornament Mafia
- levodopa - levodopa
- ljdreams - lj nightmares and dreamscapes
- lonesomesouls - lonesomesouls
- lordofthedead - Phantasm Community: BOY!
- lostloveletters - LOST LOVE letters
- lostminds - Lost Minds
- loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
- lucyddreams - Lucid Dreams
- lurid_dreams - Lurid Dreams
- mad_teaparty - We're All Mad Here...AiW Fans
- makes_me_feel - Self Injury Support
- mellynnin - Mellyn Nîn
- mindmovies - we like to dream
- mindterrors - A Nightmare.
- mines_eye - Mind Sigh
- minions_of_dark - Minions Of The Night
- mondo_macabro - Mondo Macabro
- my_imperfection - My Imperfection
- my_perspective - Dream Agent
- mydreams - Dreamers
- necronomiphiles - Lovecraftian Horrors
- nefas_rules - all hail to absinthe
- nevergivingup - place to vent about how you feel
- nightcrawlers - I Can't Sleep and theres NOTHING to do.
- nightterrors - Night Terrors
- nitetime_expres - Dreams and Nightmareland
- oddballs - oddballs
- oddlydreaming - oddlydreaming
- omgwtfshwhores - Silent Hill Whores
- oneiromancers - onieros
- orangerose - the dreams
- otakukiness - otakukiness
- pale_disaster - _ * ; kendra
- paperdollcutout - the strange, caffeine-addicted, mostly left-handed
- paranoid_babes - paranoid_babes
- parents_in_ct - parents in connecticut
- pcw - Paramount Canada's Wonderland
- perfectlildream - a community about dreams. yes.
- phosphene - hallucinations and dreamstates
- pieces_of_sleep - Delving into dreams
- poetic_minions - Poetic Minion
- postyourdreams - post your dreams here
- primal_screamer - Rudimentary Peni
- puppet_terrors - puppet terrors
- queensoffright - Scream Queens & Horror Divas
- rape_survivor - rape survivor
- razor_dreams - .::.D.r.e.a.m.i.n.g.::.I.n.::.R.e.d.::.
- razortag - *Your pain is our pain*
- real_parents - real_parents
- realmofdreams - The Realm of Dreams
- reincarnateme - Goth
- rem_nants - dream_sharing_community
- rem_rebound - Rapid Eye Movement
- ripplebacktome - Ripple Back To Me
- screwedvictims - screwedvictims
- searching4light - searching4light
- semiconscious - Dream Interpretation Community
- severedementia - severedementia
- shatteredhearts - For Those Who Scream of Broken Hearts
- shatteredminds - Shattered minds
- shelleycircle - The Shelley Circle
- sick_gurrl - sick girlz
- silenthill2 - Silent Hill 2: The Silence Is Broken
- silentshadows - Within*the*Shadows*of*Silence
- sleep_disorders - Sleeping Disorders
- sleep_talk - Sleep Talk
- sleepers - Sleep Lovers
- sleepie_land - Dream Tracker
- sleepparalysis - A Gasp for Air
- sleepyhollowrpg - Sleepy Hollow :: The Role-Playing Game
- souls_adrift - The Tempestuous Loveliness of Terror
- splinter_icons - The Oracle
- spookylegends - Ghost Stories, Spooky Tales & Urban Legends
- stabmyback - Fucked Up Thoughts
- still_awake - Insomniacs of the Northwest Hemisphere
- stonedpoetscafe - The Stoned Poet Cafe
- tattooed_goths - Tattooed Goths and Freaks
- the_curious - Your Story
- the_dream_guild - The Prophets Of Morpheus
- the_interior - dreamers and their dreams
- the_padded_room - The Lunatics Lounge
- the_strange - the strange
- thebroken - Broken and Bleeding
- thedreamfiles - thedreamfiles
- thedreamlog - Interpret and Share Dreams
- thedreammaster - Nightmare on Elm Street & Freddy Krueger Fans
- thehedonist - pursuit and devotion to the pleasure of the senses
- theotherworld - The Otherworld
- these__dreams - these__dreams
- thesmilingmasks - Incest Survivors' Support
- thewakingdream - The Waking Dream
- thoroughbred - Equine Art
- true_insomniacs - True Insomniacs
- twisted_reality - Twisted Reality
- twistedfic - twistedfic
- unijavalve - unijavalve
- unquiet - Support for Unquiet Minds
- unusual_people - Unusual People
- uselessthought - UselessThought
- vampchronicles - Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles
- variousthoughts - Various Thoughts
- viciousdreams - ViciousDreams
- warmblanketlove - Love Like a Warm Blanket
- wasted_dreams - >Zerstoerten Traeume<
- weird_dreams - Tell us your WEIRD dreams
- weird_weather - weird weather
- whistlerspoint - Whistler's Point, WA
- wild_kingdom - Wild Kingdom
- windsofmidnight - Winds of Midnight
- worldofdreams - Mystical Magical Marvelous World of Dreams
- wren_war - parliament of rooks
- xcandyxcuntsx - x Candy x Cunts x
- you_must_die - your heart beat offends me
- zombie_diaries - zombie_diaries
- zombie_freaks - Zombie Community
- zombiel0ve - Zombie Lâ¥ve!
Interested users
The following users are interested in nightmares. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1978 - 1978
- 23skidew - becky
- _anarchist_ - Shin'ya
- _aplagueonyou_ - The PlagueBearer
- _fred_ - Winifred Burkle
- _nitelite - La Tigrita
- _zippie - oh of all the muffiny muffin-ness
- aalyara - Aalyara
- abhorred - Abhorred
- abulia - water in a wineglass
- adunaphel - Mr. Ordinary Visionary
- aesthitic - ejay
- agloriousday - Ivka
- ajimsestren - DJ Nev Kaiv
- akhet1031 - Dark Rain
- akiwis - Ki
- alexibear - Anna
- alfa - ||eternal child||
- alida - Alida Carson
- altowolf - Alto Wolf
- amatsuburabbit - Crystallie
- angelicpsycho - the first among the fallen
- angelphyre - Freak on a Leash
- angstdroom - hypothermya
- anironundomiel - Aniron Undomiel
- annalaridae - annalaridae
- anneifer - Anneifer
- antipas - Demon
- arachnidagger - Greg
- arcanus - arcanus
- audreyramirez - Aud
- autumnkurai - Jen/Dark Autumn
- auzzi - avoid closing out sight
- avernath - Whim
- ayabraeden - Aya Braeden
- azriel - Dakota
- barflikeadog - Foes befo' Hoes
- batvomit - Lick me, I'm cynical
- beatmuse - the funky fresh pirate
- beauty_of_tears - elena
- beyondnever - Sags
- bitchgoddessdm - DM
- blackcypress - Little D
- blackfox79 - Sean
- blcktrinity - Molly
- bloodyporcelain - Mending Wings with Faith and String
- boi_grrl - Battius
- boys_13_lucky - boys_13_lucky
- brainsplatty - Nobody
- brokenfairy00 - kaje
- broknprmisering - as if it happening wasn't enough...
- bubblebobble - shattered
- caged - home of the phoenix
- cashewblanca - The Incredible Shrinking Kitten
- cassian - Katie Lynn
- castizabell - castiza
- cearalaith - Erin
- chaosbunnie - it's a wonderful night for eyebrows
- chaotic_dyke - Shadowed Chaos
- chaoticerotic - We are as Gods here....
- charlotteorb - Charlotte
- chibikitty - Take a good look, I smell change
- chokingdoll - [melissa]
- christinalawes - christina
- chronicles - »» º Pixels of the Mind º ««
- cjezuaza - Cjezuaza
- clawzz - raptor,wolverine,scorpion,hawk
- concentric - Concentric
- crimson - hamlet. [you'll love a lad insane.]
- cuzgoatsrkool - Heather
- cwmurffie - Christine
- dai_dreamer - dreamer during the long day
- dalia - jezebel
- damnneardead - My World Seen In Black and White.
- dandelionpepsi - Iconoclast Panda
- dankfairee - Kitty
- dark_seed - Dark_SeeD
- darkchilde - Elisabet
- darkfear - Russ
- darkwhispers - shadow walker
- darkyak - Wacky Morning Ãber-Yak
- daydream - Wendi
- dead_boy - ...
- dead_mercutio - Scari Boi
- deleterion - Nasi Nakal
- demonangel - Blackangel
- denile - Diabolus Angelus
- depacat - DepaCat
- desending - Alida
- disposable_teen - Travis Dawson
- distortedrose - Midnight
- dizzyintherain - Li
- dizzyrockstar - ~*DizZy*~
- dominoep - An army of no one...
- dood - holmes
- dreamers - Dreamers
- dreamt - silly little urchin
- dreamydawn - DawnZy
- drownedophelia - Devin
- duckah - Anonymously Yours
- dvoid - DvoId
- dyskorat - Patrick Ryan, Ace Doorknob Salesman
- elfdmn - Just a guy.
- elise - Elise
- elizabeth - Elizabeth
- elo - elo blu
- emerald_embers - Em: imploding spleens since 1995.
- emi_bob7 - *~Starz~*
- emmiepooh01 - EmøtiÃnaL. . . â¥
- endlessthoughts - kitten killer
- eon_blue7 - Abby
- essenapaj - Rubbermaid
- eudha - eudha
- everydayangel - Jeannette
- evillucy - Evil Lucy
- evremore_megami - Lauren
- faery77 - Carla
- fallingdarkness - Eclipse
- fgty - Tortilla Montpelier
- flyboy45 - Derek
- folletaelf - Sally Spiked the Punch
- folterte - folterte
- forsaken1 - Richard
- forsakenplight - Mordae
- freakonature - ...strange little girl...
- freakwoman - Pretentia
- frozenflare - kurai
- gabrielknight - Michael
- gaeaaurora - Sinister Unicorn
- gazabo - Gazabo Zephyr
- gethsemane - Amba
- getofftheshed - Plain Mary
- ghostfire - ghostfire
- ghoulie_girl - the living dead kitten
- giant - kieran
- gippssi - DaniMonster
- goddess21401 - deviant spark
- gods_mistake - Sally
- goldmourn - {amber dawn}
- goreygirl - Jennacide
- gothtart - Tara
- gothwhorezzzzz - *Mi.Ca.Be.As.H*
- graey42 - Graey
- graveyarddigger - The Grey Wolf
- greyskymiracle - Linn
- grrlspitsblood - grrl spits blood
- gwen_o_rama - Sliznatch
- h_ades - daryl aka hades aka hyades aka asshole
- hailochild - Chris
- halocy - jem
- hamplassrosie - HampLassRosie
- hassenmaschine - HassenMaschine
- heavenlyangel - spankie
- heirofdarkness - Bleeding Like Embryos...
- hellishchild978 - Emily's master
- hellsbytch - ~~*Missi*~~
- heretik - Heretic
- herichon - we are not what was intended
- heyseuss - BrandonCore
- horrorwrestling - suck my finger
- hotaru_sama666 - Akumu, Vampire Wraith
- icingsugargirl - ..Auntie Sugar Bird--to someone who counts...
- idied25times - what a goth
- iliveinurdreams -
- indielily - suchsweetsaddness
- industrykiller - ^l-_XxTJxX_-l^
- jackassjoe - joubin
- jadedpixie - Elise
- jamiew - Jamie Wilkinson
- jazzmolloy - JazZ MolloY's Evil Genetic Clone
- jeffys_gurl27 - Freak
- jepfiug - Little Sex Kitten
- jesquarius - Jessica Helvenston
- jindalimbs - jindalimbs
- kabookie - Sheli Oliphant
- kabuto - Squirrel
- kait_sith - Kait Sith, The Supar Biatch!
- karanlikmelek - Malach-ha-Mavet
- kazulrw - nobody's pumpkin
- keelion - please dont eat me
- kill_anthox - him small and watered down
- kino_makoto - Innocence Lost
- kipandkid - Kip
- kitsu - Karoi Gewehr
- kitty_cat - Kittin
- kiwikitten666 - I Only Smile In The Dark...
- klorine - The Cool Elusive
- kornqueen118 - DrUg+Of+ChOiCe
- kreigvargr - Beau Geste
- krzy - krzy
- kurruptmindz05x - Tarnished
- kytty - Kytty
- labile - Faith
- labluething - Frapping Froop
- lacrimas - the wandering werewolf
- ladyleena - Hogwarts Library
- lama_face_parti - JuICe BoX
- leafytreeful - leafytreeful
- leopardesse - Endangerous
- lifesfable - d
- ligaa - Owen McNamara
- lilathena - .agent.starling.
- lilaudie - *audrey*
- lilthspnboy1 - jason michael miller
- lionessvalenti - another gothic subculture poser
- lizzie_borden - Lizzie Borden
- lnitefall - Lady Nitefall
- loganweaponx - THE ONE and only CAGMIRE
- lordleviathan - Shari Vegas
- losing_soul - Losing Soul
- lost_littlegirl - lost_littlegirl
- lovelyevening - CM
- lovemenot - frannycakes
- lunaruby - Jessie
- lupita - Lupita
- lyss - Lyss
- lyssarian - Lyssarian Joy
- maddycat - MaddyCat
- madsheep - katie
- magbastard - The Magnificent Bastard
- majestic_mal - Malisa
- mako_reactor - Curtis
- maldorora - maldorora
- malus - Malus
- manicfreak - SkankyJanesBlood
- mariani - Peace Pilgrim
- marley - All's Not Well
- maybesomeday - Stormy
- merrywidow - Blue Collar Monster
- midnightlakes - Misunderstood
- midniteillusion - juan
- mindreams - Mind Dreams
- mirquenie - lady of the waters
- miserymachine - a stem is not a rose
- missguided_soul - Missguided_soul
- missing - Trake Adams
- misterspook - Michael
- mizangel - Melissa
- mlle_end - serial monogamist
- moonbunny - Violet
- moonfroggy - Bug New Leaf
- morphinebaby - morphinebaby
- mossy - Super-Friendly Aviator
- mozzarella - Michelle Zarrella
- mselfie - Lachesis
- munch17 - Munch
- murque - Murque
- myorangekazoo - fuck you! and your dog.
- mystik_nothing - comfortable + alone
- n_dreamscape - Nightfall's Dreamscapes
- nancie - Nancie Sara RamÃrez
- narcoleptic - Jungle Fighter Zeb
- nascent - (jason m. luna)
- nefas - imaginary girl
- neoookami - NeoWolf
- nephesh - nephesh the splendiforous
- nerdgirl - addicted
- nextproblem - Emily
- nibiki - The Blue Thunder of Furinken High
- nixiepix - starkitten
- noahchan - Lixenes
- nocturne200 - Nocturne200
- nonsequar - Mister Pitchfork
- norsican - Box of Hair
- nosa - a wilderness of error
- nosering_girl - Book of Matches, Can of Kerosene
- notcrazybutmad - Flying Purple People Eater
- novembermachine - 010010100110110101111010
- nyela - Emily
- ophelia13 - Ophelia
- optci0nvap0r - The Last Great Rump
- orchidkiss - splintered tree
- pancua - Disillusioned
- paynith - anja! anja!
- peachfuzz401 - She who roams in the darkness
- pen_in_throat - yeah... that guy
- perseverancia - Vassily Rakoski
- piehole - piehole
- pikaboner - Domesticated Pikachu
- pink_fira - <··s.e.x-i.z-a-w.e.a.p.o.n··>
- pinktigger - Katey Watey
- piranhaex - Brad
- planet_bob - Amber
- plhs - Dork Squad Leader
- plushophiliac - Missi
- poisoned_tongue - Mark
- poisonone - Shanana
- pookiedrawers - Sunlight Through Styrofoam
- poopers - Kait Sith/Kat Najera
- porchgenie - Genie
- postorgasmic - Postorgasmic chill
- pottimouth - Kyra
- prophetoftearz - ?[::V??????::]?
- punkybroodster - Amber
- rach7007 - Tatyana
- rawdesign - willow
- raynarose - Renee Rascon
- rcburnme - R.C.BURNADETTE
- replication - petey
- residue - the first layer
- retard182 - sick_girl
- retardhaha - ...just a pitiful anonymous...
- ripebastard - Stahl Engel
- risquezebra - Jenni
- rockstar101 - Slightly Damaged
- rubicant - Rubicant
- ryanr0b0t - distorted ghost
- sablesoul - SableSoul
- sadisticangel - Enchanted Angel. . .
- satanickanarchy - fuckifiknow
- sath - Single Sath
- saveemo - super emo kid
- scara - Sarah Para
- scholarofdecay - The Muse
- serenitywolf - Alisha
- serenla - Aviendha Dreamwalker
- sexytease69 - Angel
- shadow_of_shame -
- shadow_wolf - Winged Wolfos
- shattered_lips - a glimsp of pixy dust
- shining_crono - shining_crono
- shiva68 - Shiva
- shutupbetsy - twinkle twinkle little starfruit
- silencedwords - [ damien ]
- silentwitness - Fade Into The Night
- sillycat - Sandy
- silvanus - Silvanus Westwind
- sing2mejourney - SingMe2Sleep
- sisterray - Lucie
- sivet - Ree
- skinwalker - Changeling in Plastic
- sleepintrashcan - Sierra Rose Little-Johnson
- slvrdream - Shadowhawk / Jade
- sneakies - SniFFles McGeeY
- snow_buttercup - Snow_Buttercup
- sogi - Crash
- solitassemper - ForeverLonely
- sophiasophia - Letter to Control About the Big Brother
- spamy - that loser chick
- spankthemullet - Jooliah Favorov
- spasticpirate - Turbo Heinz
- spicada - Jen
- spiders - chelle
- spitefairy - Amy
- squee_217 - chez
- squirly - Whiteboybob
- starfalcon - Keith
- starlitchaos - StarlitChaos
- steelcorpfilms - steelcorpfilms
- stellarsheller - StellarSheller
- stephie - Stephanie
- stigmatajane - Stigmata Jane
- stmachiavelli - Saint Machiavelli
- strangeronearth - The Id
- stuffy - Everyone's favourite Malaysian-Chinese Curmudgeon
- stumble_beauty - Willow
- sublimeinc - Snapples
- sunseteyes - I am Shannon
- sweetbniteglaze - wallfloweralt
- sweetprince - Sweet Prince
- taintedangel - Tainted Angel
- taiteki - Strawberry Boy
- takita - Takita
- tanzplag - The Laughter of the Hyena
- tatteredfairy - Mike
- tellulah - Feral Cat
- terraknight - Terraknight
- theauthoress - Little White Owl
- theexiled - EX
- thekittie - Kittie
- thesp - Fiodor
- throwmeaway - Sam Antha
- tiegra - Tiegra
- titeredemente - Taylor
- toanextent - To An Extent
- toothfairy - scary monster
- tortured_eyes - tortured eyes
- tristania - maldorora
- tvdemon77 - Buckley
- twilightsm - Twilightsm
- twistedmindset - Capt Howdy
- twizzledpink - my prostitute
- ubleedme - bewildered noodle
- uncharted - A.Monster
- undeaderotica - VOID
- underworldfairy - UnderWorldFay
- uniondai - Dai
- urbancowbatchik - Sidhiel
- vaguerant - "..."
- valhaltia - A Goddess With Fins
- vampireskiss - Patient Zero
- vampiricembrace - â Enigmaâ
- vanquishedart - Deliriums Playtoy
- vashie - Fallopian Teapot, Yo
- ven_poi - Mario
- verotika - Verotika
- violentdizzy - DiZzY
- violet_wylde - Violet
- vitabrevis - Korin BlackClaw
- vizionz - vizionz
- vorona - Ivy
- vow - Vow
- watch_me_bleed - Joey
- wayren - Damnable Contraption
- weatherhead - weatherhead
- webmyrcury - steph
- weirdeddie - No One Mourns the Wicked
- whatever2000 - Princess Jaycee
- wintersoul - & only in you do I understand me
- winterthing - Sally
- witch_baby18 - *~SaFeYa KeeN~*
- wogs - wogs
- wolf_master - Brian Whiting
- wolf_nymph - girl pup
- wytchbabie - wytchbabie
- xandria_uk - Louise the Ginger One
- xfallenangel - Midian
- xkyriex - Kimber
- xloudsilencex - Jessica
- xnothingx - | x | nothing | x |
- xsuccubax - xxxxxx
- xvwackovx - Sierra
- xyloart - Las Sanguijuelas Humanas
- ydd - Sumptuous waffles
- zamzetta - Pixiekin
- zephyrus - Raine
- zexos - Devon Black
- zombieslave - ^V^THE QUEEN OF DECAY^V^