May 07, 2004


My 1992 Honda Accord went over 200,000 miles today. She is still running like new.

Posted by Les Dabney at 10:49 PM | TrackBack (0)

April 04, 2004

Atrios tells Kerry to pull links to his blog.

I completely agree with this step too. When I first heard about the Daily Kos incident I thought it was a knee-jerk reaction. I hope all of this gets worked out. I don't particularly care for John Kerry myself but he seems to be positioned to get Bush out of office. Now is not the time for the Democrats to be splintering.

Posted by Les Dabney at 04:42 PM | TrackBack (0)

March 12, 2004

Was Bush AWOL from the Blount campaign?

Since the Democratic primary kicked off the story about Bush being AWOL from the ANG has been getting kicked around again. Some folks down in Charlotte, North Carolina are asking a former worker for the "Red" Blount campaign some questions about Bush's time in Alabama.

Archibald says Bush typically came to work around noon, hours later than other campaign workers. He says Bush often joked about drinking the night before and about getting out of legal scrapes while a student at Yale.

Bush's job on the campaign was state organizational director. His duties included getting signs, buttons and other material to campaign volunteers around the state. According to Archibald, a senior campaign official came to him one day and said the job wasn't being done and asked him to do it. He took over.

Archibald told Time that a group of headquarters volunteers thought Bush "looked good on the outside, but was full of hot air." They called him the Texas Soufflé.

I think John Kerry has been handed a nice rebuttle for when Bush call's himself a "war president".

Posted by Les Dabney at 03:12 PM | TrackBack (0)

February 01, 2004


Wow...I used up all my bandwidth last month. :)

Posted by Les Dabney at 09:33 AM | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)

December 28, 2003

Bad Beef

We were told last week that 1 cow stricken with "Mad Cow" disease. Then came news of a second herd being quarantined.

How long will it take for the third, fourth and fifth herds to be identified? Folks, this isn't something new. Oprah warned us about this years ago and she got sued, sending a message to everyone what will happen if you air the meat industries dirty, worst kept secret.
With shades of the Ford/Firestone fiasco, the media can no longer ignore the story and now the US is pointing a finger at Canada. The US begins to blame Canada even though they recently claimed it could take weeks, months or "that investigators might not succeed at all".(link to NYT--free blah blah required)

This doesn't look good for the US at all no matter how you look at this. The political implications are enormous since wide swaths of meat eating Americans will be possibly affected by a widespread outbreak of CJD. Not to mention the fact that a GOP lead Congress put the kibosh on a bill that might have helped prevent "downed-animals" from making it to the tables of America.

Posted by Les Dabney at 05:31 PM | Comments (42) | TrackBack (0)

Johnny Cash

I have been a fan of the "Man in Black" since I first heard him sing when I was a child. I recently saw a commercial on TV for his latest collection entitled "Unearthed", it is a box set of previously unreleased music. Those of you who don't know Johnny was a man of the people, specifically a working class man's hero and musician. Not suprisingly there is an upside-down American flag on the front of the box set cover.

Posted by Les Dabney at 09:17 AM | Comments (58) | TrackBack (0)

December 21, 2003

Dishonest Dubya

Ladies and Gentleman...just in time for Xmas...get your own Dishonest Dubya doll!

Another fine product from Angry Candy Productions.

Posted by Les Dabney at 08:43 PM | Comments (62) | TrackBack (0)

December 08, 2003

Remind Us

I am mirroring this file for Angry Candy. Enjoy our leader reminding us why we went to war.

Remind Us

Posted by Les Dabney at 01:04 PM | Comments (47) | TrackBack (0)
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