ana clara voog
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Monday, May 10th, 2004 12:19 am

was that thee most intense survivor finale or what?! :)

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Sunday, May 9th, 2004 05:31 pm
the everything but the kitchen sink hat!

more info and details about this hat and the yarn it's made out of (i made the yarn yesterday) in my hat journal here:

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Sunday, May 9th, 2004 03:08 am
shallow thoughts: survivor

i am pumped for the finale of survivor tonight :)

although i really hated boston rob on whatever season he was 1st in (and that could be due to the fact of how they choose to edit, or rob saw what a dick he looked like the 1st time and cleaned up his act, i don't know).
but i kind of feel he deserves to win because he did play the game, so far, so well! i'm very surprised to find myself saying that.

but my 1st choice would have to be rupert, because he seems like an all around good person and he works hard for the tribe. but when he lost the last season he was on, i was really disapointed in his sulky pouty sourpuss goodbye he did and he went down a million points in my book for doing that. i don't think he is as good of a person as he leads on to be. or that might be the editing, too. who knows? but i don't love rubert as much i did in the beginning. but he is my 1st choice to win. i think he'd put the $ to good use, as well.

jenna to win? no way. god no. i hope not. 'nuff said. argh. what is she is gorgeous? i'm not going to hold that against her although many in the game hate her for it.
she still is a strong person and no idiot (expect for telling her tribe she won a car and then going on and on about it...that was stupidest move she made in the game so far). although i wouldn't be SUPER happy for her to win it just because i don't think she played as hard as boston ron or rupert.

but, from a guinea pig psychological standpoint i'd like to see amber win just to see if rob could take it , being mr. macho and all. and if she won, would they still be together or would it be too much of a blow to his ego that his girlfriend won over him?

(will they be together after this show even if both lose?)

it shall be interesting whatever happens (unless jenna wins which is very uninteresting to me)

so my choice in order i'd like to see win:

1. rupert 2. rob 3. amber, 4. jenna

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Saturday, May 8th, 2004 12:53 am
jim woodring

my favourite cartoonist/visionary:

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Friday, May 7th, 2004 09:17 pm
ear hole stretching

ok, i have been thinking about that for a very long time, too.
goiing back and forth on it for about 10 years now.
i'm kind of leaning towards that now.
i'm sure [info]danica can tell me everything i need to know about it.
there is so much beautiful jewelry now for it more than there ever was a decade ago. clear spirals. clear claw tusky talon things.
swirly glass spikes. i love :)
i think [info]stacy is also stretching her ears. i don't want mine super stretched. maybe just 1/2 an inch. how does one go about starting such a process?
and is there anyone else who has had this done that reads my journal who can tell about their process?

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Friday, May 7th, 2004 05:11 pm
the news

i haven't been paying much attention to the news lately.
and i'm SO glad about that. it's all a bunch of bullshit.

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Friday, May 7th, 2004 05:08 pm

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004 09:18 pm
yoko ono rollerskates

you know what i have had for years now and have never even used ONCE? rollerskates!
what's my deal? i'm going to rollerskate tomorrow , dammit. (if it doesn't rain).
they are white with gold sparkly laces and yellow pom poms. brand new.
i tried to find yoko ono once at this gathering she was supposed to be at because i wanted her to sign them. i never did see her, but i also found out she doesn't sign things.
but it would have been cool to have yoko ono rollerskates :)

my dream is to someday live in a warehouse space that is so big i can rollerskate in it, like in the movie "diva" from the 80's.

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004 03:08 pm
the show i am in: voltage fashion amplified

may 25th, first avenue, minneaplis

be there!

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004 01:55 pm
thanks for everyone's input on cartilage piercing

thanks for everyone's input on the cartilage piercing. it sounds way too much more painful and involved than i was wanting to get in to. with all the healing risks , as well. blarg. so scrap that idea, sadly. i don't want to have to wait a year for my ears to heal. every piercing i want done is either 1. a total pain in the ass to heal or 2. it will likely migrate or grow out of me eventually.
such a bummer since there are so many cool piercings i want.
maybe i'll change my mind again, but now i am leaning towards not getting that done. i didn't know cartilage had no blood flow going to it so it took forever to heal, if ever, and all this kind of thing.
maybe i can pierce the sides of my ear but not in the cartilage? just like a normal piercing like you would do in the lobes? but my skin is really thin there and i wonder if the piercing would eventually get pushed out of my body?

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