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Belgrade Tourist Guide

Twenty meters away from my office for the first time of my life I noticed this bookstore this afternoon:

Bookstore. (novala)

And guess what's in the shop window.
Travelguide Belgrade. (novala)

Vienna is full of miracles.


Implementing The Slovene National Colors Into Everyday Life

Implementierung der slowenischen Nationalfarben in den Alltag

Slovenian colors. (novala)

Slovenian flag. (novala)

Von novala um 11:46h in SLO | noch kein Kommentar |Kommentieren


No Travel Guides For Serbia

Naivety sometimes seems to be my second name. There are still a few things I would like to know about Serbia. Let's start with a simple travel guide, Novala thinks and walks into a big - a BIG, B I G - bookstore. Slovenija, Croatia, Dalmatia, Istria. Somewhere well hidden a single copy of: Montenegro. No Serbia.

"Excuse me, madam, do you have any travel guides for Serbia?"
"Do travel guides for Serbia exist?"
"Do you still have old travel guides for Yugoslavia?"
"So I guess I have to write it myself."


A.: Being Eleven in Halovo

Being eleven is difficult enough. It is even more difficult when your parents went away and have left you behind with the grandparents. There is no work in Halovo, the little village in the Serbian mountains 240 km Southeast of Belgrade. A. sees his mum and dad twice a year when the working visa expires. There is no chance for the boy to join them in Austria.

Full story inside


Besuch aus der DDR: Deutsch lernen in Serbien

Serbian schoolbook for German. (novala)

Full story inside

