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Editor's Choice

Non, merci
How pupils are shunning foreign languages

Simon Carr
Quarantine could be the best thing to happen to this bunch independent portfolio

Peer pressure
How stately homeowners are paying the bills

Hamish McRae
History books will record true cost of Greenspan's cheap money policy

Sir Ian McKellen
Do you mind being addressed as 'Serena'?

Independent Book Group

Top Stories

One incident. Two stories. What really happened?

Mourners bury one of the victims that Iraqis claim were killed when American planes launched air strikes on a wedding party near the Syrian border

Tory leader's 'U-turn' draws protest

Leading article: Politicians jostle in the shadows of a foolish warindependent portfolio

Commons security reforms to end centuries of tradition
A new head of security will replace the Serjeant at Arms as part of a radical shake-up at the Houses of Parliament after the "purple powder" attack

Rail chiefs threaten legal action to avert nationwide strikes
Rail chiefs last night threatened legal action to avert what is set to be the most disruptive industrial action on the network for a decade

UK news

Scientists fear hidden epidemic of vCJD

Major sheds light on murky world of the honours system

Mothers for justice: women say militant fathers are creating a climate of fear

World news

Call for inquiry as Israel insists 'peaceful' protesters were armed

Kerry hit by new threat in abortion row with bishops

Australia accused of leaving East Timor on brink of ruin

Europe news

Party time in Madrid as royals fly in for wedding

Belgian food scare sparks cancer alert

Anglo-Spanish talks founder on Gibraltar


Mothercare delivers return to dividends

MPC's Kate Barker 'dubious' about the shock value of sharp rate rises


Richardson graft puts England on back foot

Family helps Beckham decide to stay in Spain


'Scandal' of elitism still exists, says chief schools inspector


Your house chopped up for cash


Sir Ian McKellen: You Ask The Questions


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