Did anyone watch the Eurovision Song Contest last night? The competition, formerly known as the Grand Prix d' Eurovision de la Chanson, turned into a pan-European showcase of bad pop music. It's not that Europe doesn't have any talent, it's just that talented artists somehow seem to avoid the Eurovision contest like a plague. Instead participating countries select so-called perfomers that are flexible enough to be talked into wearing the most ridiculous outfits, dancing really silly, shouting "Wild dance!" extremely loud, singing with their eyes closed, covering bad songs from the 70s and 80s, or all of the above.
And since none of the songs stuck out, the televoters of the 34 participating nations simply voted for their respective country of origin: 12 points for Turkey from Germany, 12 points to Germany from Spain, 12 points from Ukraine to Russia, 10 points from Montenegro to Bosnia and Herzegovina and so on. It was quite predictable.
Ok, maybe that Greek Ricky Martin wannabe was kind of cute and those Ukrainian Neanderthal ballet dancers did show a good amount of naked flesh, but by those standards the Polish girl should have deserved more points for not wearing any underwear.
But now, seriously, how did that song from Serbia and Montenegro manage to get so many points? Is Serbian ethno-folk-pop really that popular throughout Europe? Somehow I must have missed that trend.