May 21, 2004
Oil vs. Gas
In terms of helping out, right now, which would be better:
A) Tapping the Strategic Oil Reserves or B) Suspending all gasoline taxes?
And furthermore, does one smack of political tomfoolery over the other or would both be seen as a sham?
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May 20, 2004
With apologies to Carly Simon
"Nobody says it better..."
In this case, that is literally true. I can't imagine a single human behavior that would not become much more helpful with the right level of negative feedback.
For example, you put your hand on a hot stove, you get an immediate feedback, with all kinds of jangling alarms and warnings of imminent damage racing each other up the nerve pathways, causing an instinctive jerking away of the hand from the heat.
But without feedback, all kinds of damage can result.
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This wedding business
As Neal Boortz put it, The United States Military is guilty until proven innocent. Sad to say, but it's always true these days. Just look at some of the stories coming out about this...
Notice, we're already on the defensive here.
But the worst headline, suprisingly, is from the Guardian.
Wedding party massacre
Wow, way to be objective there Al-Guardian.
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May 19, 2004
I'm gonna fisk a Senator! below, or else you'll miss it!
Mr. Hollings comments are in Bold, of course.
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Secret's Out, folks
Damn it! The VRWC has finally been exposed for what it truly is.
Drink alert in effect. You have been warned.
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Mikey's next movie
Spc. Jeremy C. Sivits has been found guilty in the Abu Ghraib incident.
I'm sure Michael Moore is drooling over the idea of interviewing Sivits for his next movie. And then showing it in Cannes and having the French & Hollywood types giving him another 20 minute ovation.
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May 18, 2004
An awesome feat
Congratulations to Arizona Diamondback pitcher Randy Johnson, who set two new records tonight by pitching a perfect game against the Atlanta Braves, winning 2-0.
He was the oldest pitcher to pitch a perfect game (beating Cy Young's 100-year-old record of 37), and had the longest period between no-hitters (14 years).
Given that there have been only 17 perfect games in Major League history (out of all the thousands of games pitched), this is something of which he can be justifiably proud, and we salute him.
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Hey, Everyone!
Let's get started, shall we?
You know where to click...
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Crime really sucks
I gotta say this, though. There's nothing like Instant Karma to make you feel good about life.
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With all the high gas prices, inevitably, calls for the tapping the Strategic Oil Reserves are bound to crop up.
If we had a major breakdown in worldwide oil production, THEN sure, tap the damn thing. However, just to manipulate it to give some semblance of a election gambit is worthless.
The Senate Democrats want the administration to release 1 million barrels of oil a day for 30 days to ease prices.
Would I be naive in thinking if some corporation tried to manipulate prices like the Democrats would have the White House do, they would NOT be raked over the coals for it?
From the beginning of the article:
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said Tuesday that inaction by the Bush administration in the face of soaring gasoline prices and rising health care costs is costing Americans their jobs and savings.
This is Bush is somehow in charge of gasoline prices, making sure Americans have jobs AND making sure they have a savings account.
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May 17, 2004
Smoke 'em if you got 'em
It looks like those stoners you knew in high school weren't spaced-out loners because of the pot, they were into pot because they were spaced-out loners.
A new study from Britain shows that the anti-social behavior isn't necessarily linked with cannabis usage.
I blame Bush. This bush, to be precise.
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Thanks Drudge, you gimp
The sheer BRUTALITY of it ALL!!!!!
The Iraqis, who were trying to kill Coalition soldiers, were wear Maxi-Pads....I'm suprised Drudge didn't use FREAK or some other stupid headline.
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One year later
It's been about a year since Baghdad fell and the process of changing Iraq from a terror-ocracy to a democracy began.
Do you feel unsettled? Do you feel like re-assessing what we are doing there? Do you feel like apologizing for what's happened since 9/11? Do you wish to pack up and leave?
That being said, I have HAD IT with the media. They can stick their polls straight up where the sun will never shine. They can take their compulsive Vietnam complex and cram it with walnuts. THEY can wring their hands over Abu Ghraib until the dolphins rise up from the ocean and start to walk on land.
It seems to me that the only people who feel like we're losing in Iraq IS the media. To listen to some of them, you'd think ONE FRICKIN' YEAR is long enough for a democracy to take hold. Sort of like waiting for the Fairy God-Person to snap their wand and *poof*....everything is happy-time!
Wobbly? Don't think so. I hope most Americans understand what is at stake, and that pulling out now, like the media and John Kerry would like to do, would be disastrous. Never think about trying to change the Middle East from that point on. The terrorists will have already won.
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Maybe we have stumbled on a couple things here...
For the sake of bandwidth, please click below:
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Our deepest condolences
Those of you who visit here can most often find me at Lee's site. Lee has been going through some rough personal times recently, and it has ended tragically with the death of his father yesterday.
We here at Drumwaster's Rants wish to extend our most heartfelt condolences and sympathies to Lee and his family.
I offer this poem in honor of Lee and his family in the hopes that it might offer some comfort. (Credit as appropriate.)
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All talk, less wrinkles
Apparently, John Kerry wants to take out Bush.
In remarks to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Kerry vowed to end both the Bush presidency and a trade policy that "hasn't made America stronger."
What is it about the Democrats where they constantly need to take a steaming dump on this country? Because they're not in power, all they can do is WHINE? Jeebus.
The Bush administration has ignored Americans in need, Kerry said.
"For four years, they've basically told us: 'You're on your own,'" he said.
Another Dem tactic..."You're too dumb to get things done on your own America, you need us to take care of you." Ignoring of course the idea that Americans probably don't want your help Senator.
Kerry attacked Bush on the hot-button topic of the outsourcing of American jobs: "If a company is torn between creating jobs here or overseas, we now have a tax code that tells you to go overseas. That's wrong."
Like Heinz, eh Senator Kerry?
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Something stinks
UPDATE**- It seems an artillary round in Iraq was filled with Sarin gas.
I heard about this story over the weekend, but to my surprise, it's been hard to find on major news outlets. I finally found it at Instapundit.
Syrian technicians accompanying unknown equipment were killed in the train explosion in North Korea on April 22, according to a report in a Japanese newspaper.
The source said North Korean military personnel with protective suits responded to the scene soon after the explosion and removed material only from the Syrians' section of the train.
My initial reaction to this: What were Syrians doing in North Korea? My second reaction: Why were the North Koreans wearing protective suits around the part of the train where the Syrians were? I'm sure there are plausible explanations to this, but considering whom we're dealing with, I doubt I'll trust them.
The other part of this story is the hunt for WMD's and our reluctance to admit Syria has gladly taken Saddam's stockpiles. Yes, I believe the stories about them being in the Bekka Valley, since it's painfully clear Saddam has had WMD's in the past and I'm not dumb enough to think he just grew a conscience unexpectedly.
The odd part of this is that I've never thought WMD's were the only reason to go into Iraq.
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May 16, 2004
I can't even think of a title for this one
I hear that the Bush Administration has been keeping the prison shenanigans at Al Ghraib secret. At least that's what Democrats have been claiming.
That would be tragic, if it were not for the fact that it just isn't true. The Democrats have known for almost two months now...
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Well, maybe cicadas can be dangerous
But only if you choose to saute and eat about 30 of them.
I'll only point out that it was an allergic reaction, and not something poisonous about the cicadas themselves, before saying just this:
That is all.
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May 15, 2004
Cicadas are not dangerous
No matter what some doctor says.
Let's look at those examples:
First there was the girl who fell off her bike fleeing a flying cicada. Then a boy trying to swat a cicada out of the air with a baseball bat instead hit his friend in the nose.The final straw came when another child hurt his hand trying to squish a cicada under a car's tires.
Not "The cicada grabbed the handlebars of the bike, causing the little girl to crash" or "A cicada grabbed a baseball bat away from a small boy and hit another child with it" or even "a cicada aggressively assaulted a small boy by forcing his hand beneath the tire of an automobile". Every one of those cases were caused by people who were panicking over an insect that probably didn't even know that anything was transpiring.
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