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May 18, 2004: Only 168 days until Election Day!

Cashing In

Health Care Failures

Bush and national Republicans have taken more than $100 million from the pharmaceutical, health services, and insurance industries in the past few years, an investment that has been repaid many times over.

Bush has consistently worked to keep the interests of industry ahead of patients' interests, meaning higher costs and fewer protections for American families.

Learn More! Read our DNC Special Report, Cashing In, to learn how President Bush's giveaways to the health care industry special interests are costing you and your family.

Read the Special Report >>

Take Action! Tell us how Bush's health care failures have affected you and your family.

Tell us your story >>

John Kerry

John Kerry

The John Kerry for President campaign is taking Kerry's positive message directly to the American people with the largest campaign ad buy in presidential campaign history.

Click here to watch the ads and help spread John Kerry's positive message by telling your friends.

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The Bush Record in Your State

(You'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

Bush Record Exposed
Political cartoon of the day
Paid for by the Democratic National Committee — 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003.
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