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""Do or do not, there is no try.""
-- Yoda

the xynoffy Inquiry

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    Back in Austin

    I'm now back in Austin after a wonderful math-free (sort of) vacation in Chicago, Wichita, and Oklahoma City. (I say sort-of because I did discuss with several people some possible group structures of the Rubix cube and then read a little content-free discussion of the Riemann hypothesis... Good Grief! I am a nerd!!!) While on vacation, I had the opportunity to visit two art musuems, and watch several movies I hadn't yet seen including Gladiator, Gothika, and the highly politicized The Day After Tomorrow. Unfortunately, I did not get any recording done, though I have been working on some new songs, and two Bob Dylan records I got from my sister for my birthday warped on the trip down to Austin. So that was really a bummer. I had to watch Spinal Tap just to cheer me up.
    xynoffy :: 1 : 30 pm - 06 . 04 . 04 :: Leave a note [ 0 ]

    It always rains when I'm in Chicago

    Of course, usually I'm in Chicago for more than a couple days. But the short trips have both had rain.

    The first was five years ago when I was visiting this venerable institution as a prospective student, or prospie. It was a dreary trip; I knew no one and got conned out of five dollars.

    It truly is amazing what five years can do. This trip, which, by the way, I'm still on, I've managed to get that down to two dollars - and everywhere I go I see people I know.

    I must remark that the reactions of people who see me are often hilarious. Several people have waved and said "Hi," as if seeing me walking around campus is a regular, everyday sort of occurence, since for five years it was, and then they realize that I actually do not live in Chicago anymore. It's rather amusing to watch.

    Humorous greetings aside, this has shaped up to be a stellar trip, and its really only half over. I am anxious to see what will happen next.
    xynoffy :: 11 : 02 am - 05 . 23 . 04 :: Leave a note [ 2 ]


    Last year, nobody loved me.

    This year, I'm not copping out.

    xynoffy :: 1 : 41 pm - 05 . 19 . 04 :: Leave a note [ 1 ]

    Just Finished

    I just finished my first school year of graduate school. Yes, yes, I was supposed to finish on Saturday. But um... the final sorta wasn't at 7pm... rather it was 9am-12 and I kinda missed it.


    It's funny now only because it all turned out alright and I took it at my professor's house this morning (Yes, his HOUSE... the word awkward comes to mind...), but at the time it was pretty insane. These things are only supposed to happen in nightmares.

    Cest la vie.
    xynoffy :: 1 : 02 pm - 05 . 17 . 04 :: Leave a note [ 1 ]

    Two weeks short.

    In about seven hours I will be beginning my last test of my first "year" of graduate school. Not only do I sense a conspicous lack of accomplishment (as the true test of this year comes in August) , but I feel no urgency to study. Once again my perseverance falls short.

    What should I suspect? The susceptibility to quitting has be prevalent since my second year of college when I went in two weeks cold to take my analysis final. Ever since then, I've stopped two weeks short of completion. At least. And the problem is not strictly academic. How else can one explain that a year ago I averaged three to four hours a day of practice on the guitar, and this year I've yet to get out and perform.

    The closer I get, the farther I am.

    Success is disease to me: I fear it.

    I prefer falling short, it keeps expectations low - especially my own.

    Now I'm at new lows. I'm completely ready to go in and take my C (the equivalent of an F in grad school).

    Two weeks short of done - eternally.

    THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO "Hmmm..." "Chihuly who?" - my sis.
    xynoffy :: 12 : 01 pm - 05 . 15 . 04 :: Leave a note [ 1 ]