5/22/04 How low can they go? Just when you think the world can't get any more obvious about Jew-hatred, you read something like this:
Because, you know, the SS were just patriots fighting for the country, right? It's not like they were, oh, vicious mass murderers or anything like that. Have I mentioned lately how immensely glad I am that my great-grandparents all emigrated from that part of Europe? Because I'm really hating those people right now. permalink | | The air[man] show Wind Rider posted his version of the airshow we saw at Langley yesterday. He knows I haven't time to rebut, what with my having to work two jobs and finish the synagogue newsletter this weekend. But I did have time to crop and post this photo. When we got to the show, to my utter delight, it was raining men. I'm only sorry I didn't have my camera ready fast enough. This was the tail end of the dropin. There were lots more. For some reason, WR got annoyed when I started singing the Weather Girls song, but I think it was just an act. And hey, if you want to hear a really funny story, ask Wind Rider about the great parking spot he got, what with him being someone who actually works at Langley, instead of one of the general public who had to park, like, six blocks closer to the airfield. No, that's not a typo. Public parking, which WR disdained, was right outside the airfield. I sure got my exercise yesterday, boy. But we were not part of the herd. They only had to walk a block or two. Going back to work on my newsletter now. (I told you not to post that picture, dude. And I told you you won't win. I have not yet begun to snark.) permalink | | 5/21/04 This and that Thanks for all the good wishes. Things are much better today, and as for buying medical insurance, well, you can't get something for nothing. Can't afford it right now. The rent comes first, y'know? If something catastrophic hits, I'm screwed. Welcome to the world of the uninsured American. There are millions like me, I hear. Chris Muir gets the appeal of Troy to women. And may I say: Heh. What is there to say about Rafah? Palestinians once again mix terrorists with civilians, civilians are killed, the world condemns Israel. No matter how much proof Israel comes up with, the world ignores it and blames her.
Yeah, we've got that meme down pat: Blame the Jews. As this editorial points out, the smugglers are coming from Egypt. They're not appearing out of midair. Perhaps we might want to shift some blame there. But no, the world couldn't possibly expect an Arab regime to control its own people. The humiliation! The shame! The peace treaty being broken. Barghouti was convicted of murder. Good. Arrest Arafat and put him on trial next. Better. (No, it won't happen. But one can dream.) Where is the UN Human Rights Commission's outcry over this?
"Still considering its stance." Funny, they move awfully fast to condemn Israel. There goes that double standard again. I spent half the day doing paperwork and watching stupid videos for the new job. Now I'm going to watch the final episode of Angel, then I am going to head out to Wind Rider's neck of the woods to go watch the Thunderbirds. He didn't tell me why the Air Force has revived those funky little puppets from the old cartoon show, but hey, I got a kick out of them when I was a kid, so I guess they'll be fun to watch now. Later. permalink | | 5/20/04 Life intrudes There is a lump in the area of my right armpit lymph nodes. It's probably a cyst, as it came up suddenly and is sore to the touch. But in the meantime, I'm off to the doctor's and won't be blogging until I find out what it is. And to make it even more cheerful, I'm one of those uninsured Americans you keep reading about. Happy happy joy joy. Update: It's a cyst, and it still hurts, and I have antibiotics, and there are doctors who have ways of helping out uninsured patients. So yay for that, and now I'm going to have dinner and relax with my new Gilmore Girls DVD collection. permalink | | 5/19/04 The men of Troy: Oh, there was a storyline? The folks marketing Troy have so missed the boat on their target audience. Sure, guys like watching guys smash each other up and slash each other with swords. But you need to get their dates interested in the film, and not all women are fond of Greek epics. In fact, some of us find them downright yawners. Oh, sure, I like 'em. But I've always been an SF and fantasy fan, and flicks like Jason and the Argonauts fit right into that genre. So how to market Troy?
So you've got a buff Brad losing his shirt (and most of the rest of his clothes) more than once. Then throw in an Orlando Bloom (Legolas from LOTR) looking doe-eyed at the camera, this time in a dark, curly wig instead of those long, blonde LOTR tresses. Yes, we get a peek at his pecs, too. But wait, there's more!
Sean Bean, everybody's favorite Boromir, plays Odysseus. Alas, no flashing of pecs. Too flabby, or too shy? However, he's too cute, so he's excused. There's a lot more gratuitous pec-flashing by the thousands of extras and minor characters. Thankfully, the fat, out of shape guys all keep their shirts on. Even more thankfully, they keep Peter O'Toole fully clothed at all times. I still remember Willem Dafoe's shirt removal in Spider-Man, and my eyes still burn from that one. So the big missed opportunity here? I check out the PR site. Not a single picture of Brad or Eric without a shirt, and no sign of that awesome first shot of Achilles in the buff buff, and no, that's not a typo, those two words belong together. Michele, Ilyka, definitely a must-see. Tons of eye-candy, and yeah, there's a bit of a story, too. Actually, the fight scenes are pretty good. I just like the love scenes a whole lot more. And really, Tomwere you truly expecting Hollywood to stick to the book? Hollywood? You know, Hollywood? Anyway. Warner Bros. needs to repackage this movie. All the commercials should feature as much gratuitious pec-flexing as possible, and just show a few of Brad's butt and Shrek 2 won't have a chance. permalink | | What's wrong with this story? The visible bias in this AP piece is nearly as bad as the obvious Reuters bias in every piece about Israel. Let's take the most egregious parts and look, shall we?
That's just the headline, and in directly implies that the IDF went in shooting. No context, they just went in and killed 20 palestinians.
Now we have a bit of a context, but still the "20 palestinians killed" mantra, now adding to the horror by pointing out that two civilians (we think) were killed.
Let's go see what happened to cause the IDF to enter Ramallah on April 5, 2002. Oh, that's right. A little something known as the Passover Massacre occurred the week before, where terrorists killed dozens and wounded nearly 200 Israelis sitting down to their Passover dinner. Then there were these:
On April 5, the IDF was in its eighth day of Operation Defensive Shield, a military operation bound to stop the above terrorism. If you take a look at Josh's chart, you'll see that it worked. It took a long time, but successful terror attacks have gone down immensely in the past two years. The fence is part of the reason. The IDF and Israeli security services are the rest of it. And that "incursion" into Rafah then, and the "incursion" into Gaza now, are all in response to terrorists murdering Israelis. More from the AP article:
I am still waiting for international condemnation of the Hatuel murders, where palestinian terrorists shot a pregnant woman and her four children at point-blank rangeincluding shooting a two-year-old in the head to make sure she was dead.
But the headline says, "Israeli Troops Kill 20 in Gaza Camp Raid." Nothing like contradicting the headline of your own article. This one is the real kicker:
Those quotes are from the President's speech to AIPAC yesterday. The article makes it seem like he was responding to questions about the military operation. (What media bias?)
Last I checked, palestinian terrorism violated the letter and the spirit of the "road map" peace plan. Where is the outrage, Javier?
Terje Roed-Larsen, the Liar of Jenin, has yet to extend his condolences on the murder of the Hatuel family. Here's the kicker towards the end of the article:
WTF does "in other violence" mean? Violence? Hello, those were terrorists trying to murder Israelis. Violence? Try self-defense, you effing asshat moral-equivalence "news" writers. And I'm going to stop now, before I burst a blood vessel or something. Have I mentioned lately how glad I am I never pursued journalism as a career? permalink | | Twinsday
Anyway. Twinsday. Once a week, most weeks, through the summer and on into much of the autumn, we went to the Farmer's Market and bought fresh produce and looked at the ostrich eggs and the crafts and jewelry, and then we'd go do something else for an hour or two, maybe take a trip to Hollywood Cemetery or a drive to some tourist spot we wanted to see. Then we'd have lunch and head for home. We kept up the habit throughout the winter and spring, as there are many more places in Richmond than Shockoe to run errands and pass the morning, and we like hanging out together. Besides, lunches with two-year-olds are fun. Slowly but surely, I've become a regular enough part of Max and Rebecca's life that they've now started saying "Meryl car!" when they see a Jeep. Max gets greatly concerned if I visit with them and suddenly (to him, anyway) disappear. This afternoon, I met the G.'s at the T-ball field to babysit the kids while Larry coached his son's team and Sarah went off to a meeting. Turned out that Larry wasn't coaching after all, and Max thought I'd be heading back home with them in the van, even though I took pains to point out my Jeep to him and explain I'd be driving it and meeting them at home. Larry tells me he asked for me on the drive home, and Max was much relieved when he saw me pull up. Larry and I thought he was trying to tell us about Pooh Bear when I arrived. Turned out he was saying something that sounded very much like pooh, but was spelled differently, and involved his diaper. Oh. I thought he might have been saying that, but then, he does love Pooh very much. Anyway, I was out pitching to Nate while Jake did his homework and Larry finally figured out what his youngest son had been telling him. Poopy diaper, not Pooh Bear. Check. I taught Nate to choke up on the bat and he started pounding the ball through the yard. Ha. Works every time. Then I got to help Jake with his spelling homework. Y'know, I remember having to use the word in a sentence, but not having to write a story using ten of the spelling words. I think I like my spelling homework better.
It's interesting watching the kids when Daddy is around. Rebecca is Daddy's Little Girl. The rest of the world pretty much ceases to exist. Max is still Mom's Special Boy, but he's clearly happy to see Daddy during the middle of the day, a special treat. And Aunt Meryl? Obviously, she's there to push the strollers and clean up messes. She's also great as another source of food for Rebecca. A couple of months ago, we had lunch in a Chinese restaurant (one that didn't require a long walk uphill), and my plate of chicken and broccoli became Rebecca's so fast that all I could do was marvel at how much that child can put away, and try to eat some of mine before she could grab it all. She eats nearly half my roast beef sandwiches, generally. At least, half of the meat part. She mostly ignores the bread. And, oh yesshe likes to shove huge pieces of food in her mouth, enough so that I try to get her to take smaller bites. Whereupon she looks me dead in the eye the next time she crams an adult-sized helping into her mouth. Oh, yeah. Larry's gonna have a fun time when this one becomes a teenager. It's obvious that from Rebecca's point of view, my main function on these trips is to supply her with my food. I think my main function to Max is simply to be there. Last week he clearly called me "Aunt Meryl," and I got that little rush of joy that you get when you realize that yes, the children are getting as attached to you as you are to them. Max gave me a hug goodbye tonight. Rebecca was practicing for her teen years, and playing her "Read my mind and mood" game. "Rebecca?" I asked. She kept walking. Yup. Larry's gonna have a great time when this one is thirteen. I'll be starting a new job next week, mornings, half days. But not Thursdays. On Thursdays, I'll be working from two to six. Thursday is Twinsday, and I've got places to go, people to push in strollers. And lunches to share. permalink | | 5/18/04 Laurence Simon is full of crap Say goodbye to Amish Tech Support. Say hello to Lair's new domain, isfullofcrap.com. Update your links accordingly, and anyone who wants to run "arafat.isfullofcrap.com," talk to Lair. permalink | | A single shell of sarin The significance of that single shell of sarin is being overlooked or downplayed by a whole lot of people. But not me. Nuh-uh. Remember this post?
You think those sarin shells don't travel in packs? There's no such thing as a single sarin shell, just like there's no such thing as a single ant. If I had killed the ant, I would not have had to spend an hour and a half the following night exterminating all of its brethren and cleaning my kitchen. Not that the U.S. Army can follow my example and wait for the sarin shells to swarm. But if there's one shell, there are more. Just look to the ants, and you'll know: There's a lot more sarin out there. permalink | | Hamas leader: Living in fear and impotence Bluster and bullshit: First, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal says that the reason Hamas can't carry out suicide attacks has nothing to do with their inability to do so, in a logic so twisted it belongs on Indymedia:
So let me see if I get this right. Hamas can't carry out suicide bombings because the IDF is making it near-impossible for them to carry out suicide bombingsbut it has nothing to do with Hamas being unable to do so. See, they could if they wanted to, but those pesky Israeli security forces keep stopping them, darn it! Then we have the main angle of the story, which is that Hamas refuses to even consider a cease-fire. I'm shocked, shocked that the group that has carried out more terror bombings than any other doesn't want to stop murdering innocents. And then there's this:
You've already had seven years too many, Mashaal. Here's to the successful Mossad operation that gets you. permalink | | Soldiers and terrorists: Different values, different agendas Via Joel G., an interview that illustrates clearly the difference between the terrorists and the Israelis. No matter how many times I read about stories like this, I don't seem to find them anywhere else but the Israeli media.
They not only fire from behind ambulances, they hijack them to transport terrorists and weapons. Our pals, the pals. As Charles, says, let's give them a state! permalink | | Iraq and the UN: short memories I think Celestial Blue won my EU challenge from yesterday. She found news of an EU resolution from April of 2001 that was adopted by the UN Commission on Human Rights. It condemns general abuse in Iraq, and even mentions detainees, so I'll have to say that in the spirit of the challenge, CB got me. And as a special bonus, we get to compare and contrast condemnation then and now. Now:
How is it that the UN didn't seem to remember this resolution of the Human Rights Commission a year or so later, when the United States was trying to get the UN to agree that Iraq was in violation of UN resolutions? Oh, I know this wasn't binding, but that never seems to bother the world when it comes to, say, nonbinding resolutions on Israel. And did you notice the bolded text? I thought the rape rooms were a fiction of the Bush Administration. Yet here we have the United Nations Commission on Human Rights condemning them in April of 2001. What a short memory the UN has, apparently, when it comes to nations other than Israel or the United States. Or perhaps it simply overlooks or forget what doesn't fit its current agenda. That would explain the short-term memory loss on the abuses of Saddam Hussein. permalink | | 5/17/04 News roundup The IDF is battling terrorists in Gaza.
The EU is preparing to condemn Israel for the demolitions of houses in Gaza to widen a security strip and make it more difficult for terrorists to, say, attack APCs and kill soldiers. The EU is also condemning the United States for the abuses in Abu Ghraib. Can a UN resolution condemning the demolitions be far behind? If you can find me an EU condemnation of Iraqi prisoner abuse under Saddam Hussein, you can be a guest blogger here for the day. Also, see if you can find an EU condemnation of the massacres ongoing in the Sudan. Or an EU condemnation of the palestinians using an Israeli soldier's head for a football, and holding soldiers' body parts for ransom (which is, of course, against the Geneva Convention and yes, I know the pals didn't sign it). Perhaps you can find me the EU condemnation of the murder of the Hatuel family. No, I don't think I'll be having any guest bloggers here this week. Yigal Amir, Yitzhak Rabin's assassin, is still a miserable piece of excrement who deserves to be caged for life. Conjugal visits? Marriage? Puh-leeze. If Israel had the death penalty for murder, this wouldn't be wasting the court's time. That's funny. I thought there were no WMDs in Iraq.
There are no WMDs in Iraq. Bush lied, people died, dontchaknow. Israel's Fifth Column: You're going to be reading more stories like this one. I don't know what the answer to this is going to be. But it doesn't bode well for the future.
But it's not anti-Semitism. It's anti-Zionism.
Score one for the good guys. permalink | | 5/16/04 Quick links A picture is worth a thousand words: Josh Harvey has a visual representation of the drop in suicide attacks since Israel began building the fence. Go. Check it out. Link it, and email your favorite bloggers. This chart deserves a very wide distribution. Kate's getting in touch with her inner feminist. No, really. She says she likes being a role model for women, and is happily talking about opening doors for them. And she said she wasn't a feminist. I knew it all along. Lair's got the latest Carnival of the Kitties up at his new website. I just may have to join him there. Meryl.isfullofcrap.com: I'm betting a whole lot of people would love for me to have that web address. Three words tonight, more tomorrow, so feel free to read this article calling for Arafat's resignation: Never. Gonna. Happen. Judith Weiss, whom I am not linking nearly enough lately, has a roundup of posts on Nick Berg. Via Ilyka, who is feeling grouchy, and deservedly so. (Ilyka, I do hope you're getting my emails. They'd probably make you a bit less grumpy.) And now to bed, an hour later than I meant to go. permalink | | Bits and pieces Yes, I feel like bits and pieces. I have about enough energy to give you bits and pieces, but not enough to give you big posts. Long weekend. Extra hours. And extra amounts of effort at work today and yesterday. Oh, and short sleep last night. The good news: My kids all passed their last mastery skills at religious school, so Tuesday is going to be a breeze. The bad news: I'm certain I have a trojan, pretty sure it's Thinstaller Client, and haven't been able to get rid of it. It's totally screwing up my system, and it totally sucks that my anti-virus program didn't (and doesn't) consider it worth stopping. The worst news: Something is affecting my email. I'm not sure what it is, but Annette says it's probably not HM. Sigh. It's official. Woody Effing Woodpecker has returned. I've heard him twice in the last week, the latest being (sigh) 7:45 this morning. Ran outside armed with a camera and ice cubes (oh, go Google "woodpecker wars yourish" yourselves; I'm too tired to find out where it is), and saw Woody flying off with what I hope was a lady woodpecker. Strange, isn't it, that I'm rooting for a woodpecker to get laid? Rahel, I'm going to put up an entire page of cat pictures for you. Well, not exactly just for you, but I caught a picture of Tig looking grandiose, and then Gracie in as regal a pose, and, well, now I have a bunch of new pictures that are too good not to share. Later this week, a page, I promise. This is great news: The first season of the Gilmore Girls is out on DVD. And, I might add, is now on my wishlist. Now I don't have to get my tapes back from Kim (who has had them for TWO YEARS, harumph, harumph!). permalink | | Last week's blogs are archived. Looking for the Buffy Blogburst Index? Here's Israel vs. the world. Here's the Blogathon. The Superhero Dating Ratings are here. If you're looking for something funny, try the Hulk's solution to the Middle East conflict, or Yasser Arafat Secret Phone Transcripts. Iseema bin Laden's diary is also a good bet if you've never been here before. Oh, and: Jooglebomb. |
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