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A weblog

    Customer feedback for our friends at Six Apart (II)

    Hats off - again - to Six Apart.

    The new pricing scheme for Movable Type has caused a bit of a stushie around the blogging world, with some people objecting to the very idea of having to pay for something that was previously free (an argument I have difficulty accepting) and others, perhaps more reasonably, worrying that their hobby sites were about to become prohibitively expensive.

    In response to this, Six Apart are asking MT users to explain in detail why their current setups don't fit in at the more affordable end of the price scale, presumably with a view to at least considering the idea of adjusting their pricing accordingly.

    This is good. Listening to your customers is always good.

    Traditionally, of course, this kind of research is usually carried out before announcing new prices - but who ever said that Six Apart was a traditional company?

    Anyway, here's the setup at

A moblog

A guestblog

What's a weblog?

Who are these people?

  • The Blog Philes - an irregular series of my interviews with personalities from the world of blogging

How do I know that bloggers really exist?

Is it always this exciting?

Based on a design by Book of Styles