Conceived by Michele, created by Alan, and authored by bloggers from around the world.
Why? So we can post breaking news in one convenient place, and not all over the web.
What counts? Links and breaking news (keeping the rants for our home blogs).
What you should know: This is not a professional news service … we are just a group of bloggers from around the world trying to post the latest professional news that we have seen, heard, or read. In doing so we’ll always cite, and where possible provide a link to, the original source, and we encourage you to follow those links and see the original sources yourself as well.
Contact: email Alan at alan at command-post dot org or Michele at michele at command-post dot org (Note that we have full-time jobs -- really! -- and may not be able to offer a rapid reply.)
The statements expressed here, and any opinions, are those of the writers alone, and neither are opinions of nor reflect the views of The Command Post. Content created by the writers is the sole responsibility of the writers and its accuracy and completeness are not endorsed or guaranteed. This goes for all those links, too: The Command Post has no control over the information you access via such links, does not endorse that information, cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided or any analysis based thereon, and shall not be responsible for it or for the consequences of your use of that information. We're not big on legalese, but there are additional terms of use that you should read here.