May 25, 2004
The Tau Ceti Turkey Baster
Sorry fellows, but when we set out to build an interstellar colony, it's unlikely we'll be going along for the ride.
May 23, 2004
When I was fifteen, I had this book called The Third Millenium, which was a sort of almanac and history written from the perspective of the year 3000. It was pretty coherent, as those sorts of books go, but too conservative by far.
One speculation in the book which left an impression on me was this lovely painting of a rose with tiger stripes -- which this book noted, as part of its discussion on a second-wave of genetic engineering in the 2500s, had won the Chelsea Flower Show. To me, that's always been the sort of sine qua non of real genetic engineering progress.
And yet, here it is. Blue Roses.
May 20, 2004
Iraq Football
I missed that Iraq's national football team qualified for the Olympics.
I want to know where I can buy their national team jersey.
Charlie Surfs After All
My colleague lent me his Dengue Fever CD and (sorry, Mrs. Earthling!) I'm hooked. 1960s California surf music with a Cambodian lead singer, sung entirely in Khmer.
The British Fighting Man
The British Army engaged the enemy in an honest-to-god bayonet charge. Despite being outnumbered five-to-one, the results were predictable: well-trained, disciplined troops kicked enemy ass arse.
Via Kim Du Toit.
May 19, 2004
Mea Minima Culpa
John Kerry declared today that he regrets voting to confirm Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court.
Just like the fellow to commit to taking a principled stand -- after the fact -- on something that would have made no difference whatsoever.
Scalia was, of course, confirmed unanimously.
May 18, 2004
Thank You, Jeremiah Savage
Blogger Dizzy Girl lost her nephew, L. Cpl. Jeremiah Savage, in Iraq.
He was killed while handing out frisbees to Iraqi children.
He will, no doubt, be missed by those who loved him and honored -- always -- by the rest of us protected by his service.