Friday, May 21

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Friday, May 21

Congress, Media Could Talk U.S. Into Iraq Defeat - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call
Season of Apologies - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
Down the Drain in Iraq - H.D.S. Greenway, Boston Globe
Off to the Front - Austin Bay, Washington Times

The Pentagon's New Map - Michael Barone, US News & World Report
The 2004 Election Has One Issue: The War on Terror - Daniel Henninger, WSJ
Bad News for Dems, Bush Isn't Carter - Steven Hayward, Washington Times
New Jersey Up For Grabs? - John Podhoretz, New York Post
The McCain Choice - David Ignatius, Washington Post
The Howard Stern Factor - Michael DeSenne, Smartmoney
Don't Blame Bush for High Gas Prices - Michelle Cottle, New Republic
Drill More Oil and Raise the Gas Tax - Charles Krauthammer, NY Daily News
Chalabi Emerges as a Shiite Firebrand - Andrew Cockburn, Los Angeles Times

Cutting Off Chalabi - Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
Islamic Extremism is the Muslim “Reformation” - David Frum, National Review
The Arab Street and Nicholas Berg - Russell Roberts, TechCentralStation
Putin Rides High on Russians' Need for Stability - Leon Aron, Newsday
Dealing With Cuba - Max Baucus, Mike Enzi and Jeff Flake, Atlanta J-C
The Effect on Traditional Marriage - Robert Robb, Arizona Republic
Rock of Ages - Nick Hornby, New York Times
RCP Commentary: The Money Race & The 47% President

Still at the Mercy of Oil -
The Economist
Reforming Mutual Funds -
New York Times

Thursday, May 20

Sarin Discovery Deserved More Attention - Collin Levey, Seattle Times
Remembering Why We Fight - William Bennett, The Claremont Institute

Iraq Salvage Job - Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
Beaten By Lies and al-Jazeera - Ralph Peters, New York Post
Before it Boils Over in Iraq - Anthony Cordesman, Baltimore Sun
Kerry's Artful Dodges on the Iraq War - Richard Wolffe Newsweek
A Swing Voter Who's Leaning Toward Kerry - Peggy Noonan, WSJ
Conservative Base Shows Cracks - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times
Bush's Secret Stash - Nicholas Confessore, Washington Monthly
High Gas Prices Are No Cause for Panic - Steve Chapman, Chicago Tribune
Boycott Sure Showed Big Oil Who’s Boss? - Kerry Dougherty, Virginian-Pilot
Sky-High Gas Prices? Not Really - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe
Making India Shine - Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times
The Right Can't Win This Fight - Max Boot, Los Angeles Times
The Bishops and the Pols - John Leo, US News & World Report
U.S. Needs to Thin Ranks of Uninsured - Louis Sullivan, Atlanta J-C
Where's the Outcry Over Anti-Serb, Anti-Christian Attacks? - L. Uzzell, CSM
Islam's Intellectual Lethargy - Irshad Manji, Wall Street Journal

9/11 Commission National Disgrace, Cont'd -
New York Post
Grim Events in Iraq Call for Reassessment of Goals -
USA Today
Strategic Oil Politics -
Chicago Tribune

Wednesday, May 19

Sarin? What Sarin? - William Safire, New York Times
America: The Strong Horse - Tony Blankley, Washington Times
A Marine Sees What Defeatists Don't - Maj. Ben Connable, USA Today
Death of a Salesman - Harold Meyerson, Washington Post
Berlin to Baghdad - Steely Resolve is Needed - John Drescher, Seattle Times
Stop the Moral Equivalence - Garry Kasparov, Wall Street Journal
The Flaw in Seymour Hersh's Theory - Christopher Hitchens, Slate
Bush's Best Bet: Boldness -
John Podhoretz, New York Post
Crutch of Cheap Credit - Robert Samuelson, Washington Post
Why A Dose Of Inflation Is Good For You - Daniel Kadlec, Time
The Rigidification of George Bush - Dick Morris, The Hill
Is It 1988 Again? - James Pinkerton, TechCentralStation
Dems Desperate For McCain Mutiny -
Eric Fettmann, New York Post
Free Will, Churchgoers and Republican Votes - David Klinghoffer, LA Times
Sexual Politics and the Breakdown at Abu Ghraib - Cal Thomas, Baltimore Sun
When Political Discourse is a Four-Letter Word - Kathleen Parker, St. Paul PP
Running for President in the Age of Media Intimacy - Charles Freund, Reason
A Truly Ennobling Moment for Indian Democracy - Narasimhan Ravi, NY Times
Russert: The Media Est Moi! - Jonah Goldberg, Townhall
RCP Commentary: Illinois Senate Race & Here We Go Again

The Security Dilemma in Iraq -
Washington Post
Struggling Schools Forgo Innovation for Familiar Fare -
USA Today
Fortune 500 and the Uninsured -
Christian Science Monitor

Tuesday, May 18

The Nature of Wielding Power - Tod Lindberg, Washington Times
In Iraq, America's Shakeout Moment - David Brooks, New York Times

June 30 Can't Come Quickly Enough - Toby Harnden, Daily Telegraph
Set a Date to Pull Out - James Steinberg & Michael O'Hanlon, Washington Post
Lessons of Abu Ghraib - Mark Bowden, The Atlantic Monthly
The News Media, Abu Ghraib and Nick Berg - Dennis Prager, World Net Daily
Media Off the Mark With Rumsfeld Potshots - John O'Sullivan, Chicago ST
Washington War Wobbles: Interrogation Insanity - Arnold Ahlert, New York Post
'The Biggest Tsunami Since Iran-Contra, Maybe Watergate' - Fred Kaplan, Slate
The Hyena Press - Thomas Sowell, Townhall
Our Soldiers Need Up-Armoring Now - Brendan Miniter, Wall Street Journal
Ownership Society, Anyone? - Michael Barone, US News & World Report
Demagoguery Aside, Outsourcing of Jobs Is a Threat - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call
Bush's Stem-Cell Politics Leaves Dad to Wither - Jonathan Turley, USA Today
Conservative Power in America - J. Micklethwait & A. Wooldridge, NY Times
Why Companies Pay Less Taxes - Steven Rattner, Washington Post
Is Kerry Castro's Candidate? - Carlos Alberto Montaner, Miami Herald
Terror Inside the Gates - Richard Cohen, NY Daily News
The 'Multicultural' Lie - George Hahn, Baltimore Sun
RCP Commentary: Brooks & Krugman

Attacking Rumsfeld Instead of Terrorists - NY Daily News
U.S. Leans on South Korea - Christian Science Monitor
India’s New Government: The Markets Take Fright - The Economist

Monday, May 17

Blind to Progress in India - Sebastian Mallaby, Washington Post
Why Are the Architects of Kosovo so Down on Gulf War II? - Matt Welch, Reason
Even an Empire Needs Legitimacy - Niall Ferguson, Los Angeles Times
The Cost of "Whatever it Takes" - Gregg Easterbrook, New Republic
Who's Afraid of Abu Ghraib? - Reuel Marc Gerecht, Weekly Standard
The Debate Over Speeding Up Elections in Iraq - Mickey Kaus, Slate
A Campaign of Hate Won't Beat President Bush - John Fund, Wall Street Journal
Bush Falling Short in Effort to Woo Blacks - Richard Benedetto, USA Today
The Battle for Minority Voters - Jonathan Decker, Washington Times
House of Credit Cards - Froma Harrop, Philadelphia Inquirer
Housing Market Holds Risks For Economy - Dean Baker, Houston Chronicle
The Bench vs. People - Senators Orrin Hatch and Jim Talent, Washington Times
Vermont's Lessons on Gay Marriage - Howard Dean, Boston Globe
Showdown at the Communion Rail - Andrew Sullivan, Time
Security With Liberty - William Safire, New York Times
'The Middle East Is Changing' - King Abdullah of Jordan, Washington Post
Muslim Silence... and Muslim Noise - Stephen Schwartz, TechCentralStation
No Way to Run a War - Mark Helprin, Wall Street Journal
NYT - 50 Years After Brown: Stephen Breyer, Andrew Sullivan, Michael Klarman
RCP Commentary: Kerry's Confusion | The Second Ever | Turning It Around | Seymour Hersh's Latest Investigative Report

Geneva for Demagogues - Wall Street Journal
Kerry Blames Bush for Prison Abuses - Manchester Union Leader
More Hash From Hersh - New York Post
Bush's Conservative Support - Washington Times

Sunday, May 16

There Were No Opinion Polls in 1864 - Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
It's America's War, Not Just Bush's War - David Gelernter, Weekly Standard
Iraq Is Not Just Bush's Problem - Joe Klein, Time
The Curse of Pan-Arabia - Fouad Ajami, Wall Street Journal
The Hawks Loudly Express Their Second Thoughts - John Tierney, NY Times
Now's Not the Time for Bush to Go Soft - Mark Steyn, Chicago Sun-Times
What Must Come Next - John McCain and Joe Lieberman, Washington Post
We Must Make Distinctions Between Berg, Abu Ghraib - Terry Eastland, DMN
The Berg Dilemma - Zev Chafets, NY Daily News
Tyranny of the Minorities - Thomas Friedman, New York Times
No Security, No Democracy - Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek
Candidates Gambling On Strength - David Broder, Washington Post
Brown's True Legacy - George Will, New York Post
The End of the Gay Marriage Debate? - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe
Behind the Surprise in India - Jim Hoagland, Washington Post
Maryland's Ehrlich Nails It On Multiculturalism - John Gizzi, Human Events
The High Price of a Debt Financed Boom - James Grant, New York Times
Hard Reality for Soft America - Michael Barone, Los Angeles Times
RCP Commentary: Seymour Hersh's Latest Investigative Report

Brown vs. Board Fundamentally Changed Us - Dallas Morning News
If China's Soaring Economy Has a Hard Landing - The Economist
Cheap Money, Pricey Oil, and Everyone Behind the Curve - The Economist
Finally Getting Serious With Syria - New York Post

Saturday, May 15

The Moment Of Truth - James Kitfield, National Journal
Do We Want to Win? - Deroy Murdock, New York Post
Of Mice and Men - William Kristol, Weekly Standard
In Search of Iraqi Loyalty - Colbert King, Washington Post
Inside Report: Cambone the Fall Guy? - Robert Novak, Townhall
Covering Up the Coverup - Alan Dershowitz, Boston Globe
The Rule of Law and the Rules of War - Alberto Gonzales, New York Times
The Limits of a Leasehold - David Rivkin & Lee Casey, Wall Street Journal
Dawn of the Daddy State - Paul Starobin, Atlantic Monthly
How Nancy Pelosi Took Control - Harold Myerson, American Prospect
Why Bush's Numbers Are Falling - Byron York, National Review
Bush Falling Behind Among Women - Eleanor Clift, Newsweek
X-Rated But Not Indecent? - Dimitri Vassilaros, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Iran: Velvet Hand, Iron Glove - Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
Gay Marriage Is Risky. But Banning It Is Riskier - J. Rauch, National Journal
Bush's Other War: Stem-Cell Research - Patti Davis, Newsweek
Where is Capitalism Going? - Bill Gross, Duke's Fuqua School of Business
Brown v. Board @ 50: Thomas Sowell - Part I, Part II, Part III | Joseph Perkins

Blair Losing His Grip - Financial Times
In Kerry's Defense - Wall Street Journal
Slandering Soldiers - New York Post

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Notable Quotes

Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact, he's not a leader. He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon..... He has on his shoulders the deaths of many more troops, because he would not heed the advice of his own State Department of what to expect after May 1..... The shallowness that he has brought to the office has not changed since he got there.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Latest Polls
Notable Quotes

Ladies and gentlemen, the lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids -- $500 sneakers for what? And won't spend $200 for 'Hooked on Phonics.' ..... They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English, I can't even talk the way these people talk: 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' . . . And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. And then I heard the father talk. . . . Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. . . . You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth!"
Bill Cosby speaking at Constitution Hall commemorating Brown v. Board

That is exactly where we are today — in the midst of measureless peril. But as lethal and confounding as the terrorist fighters and their allies currently are in Iraq, our greater peril lies within ourselves. We have the strength — military, economic, cultural, diplomatic, (dare I include the strength of our religious faith, also?) - to persist around the world unto victory - for generations if necessary. But all this potential capacity for victory can only be brought into full being by a sustained act of collective will. It is heartbreaking, though no longer perplexing, that the president's political and media opposition want the president's defeat more than America's victory.
Tony Blankley - Washington Times

So a Sarin-infected device is exploded in Iraq, and across the border in Jordan the authorities say that nerve and gas weapons have been discovered for use against them by the followers of Zarqawi, who was in Baghdad well before the invasion. Where, one idly inquires, did these toys come from? No, it couldn't be....
Christopher Hitchens - Slate

Look at those monsters standing there five of them and they cut the guy's head off, they sawed his head off, shouting God is great. Now that is what we are dealing with, that is the kind of people who will run the world if we do not win this war on terrorism And it is being fought in Iraq and we have got to win and that is it. Full stop. There is just no losing this thing or else the world will be run by monsters."
Mort Kondracke - FOX News

"The idea that these prisoners - you know, they're not there for traffic violations. If they're in cell block 1A or 1B, these prisoners -- they're murderers, they're terrorists, they're insurgents. Many of them probably have American blood on their hands. And here we're so concerned about the treatment of those individuals. And I hasten to say, yes, there are seven bad guys and gals that didn't do what they should have done. They were misguided. I think maybe even perverted. And the things they did have to be punished, and they're being punished. They're being tried right now and that's all taking place. But I'm also outraged by the press and the politicians and the political agendas that are being served by this, and I say political agendas because that's actually what is happening."
Senator James Inhofe - R - Oklahoma

Westminster College - Fulton, Missouri
• "This Moment in Iraq is a Moment of Truth" - Senator John Kerry
• "Kerry's Troubling National Security Record" - Vice President Dick Cheney

Notable Quotes
"On March 19, 2004, President Bush asked, 'Who would prefer that Saddam's torture chambers still be open?'" said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. "Shamefully, we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management: U.S. management."
Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass

"Mr. Secretary, thank you for your hospitality, and thank you for your leadership. You are courageously leading our nation in the war against terror. You're doing a superb job. You are a strong Secretary of Defense, and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude...All Americans know the goodness and the character of the United States Armed Forces. No military in the history of the world has fought so hard and so often for the freedom of others. Today, our soldiers and sailors and airmen and Marines are keeping terrorists across the world on the run. They're helping the people of Afghanistan and Iraq build democratic societies. They're defending America with unselfish courage. And these achievements have brought pride and credit to this nation. I want our men and women in uniform to know that America is proud of you, and that I'm honored to be your Commander-in-Chief."
President George W. Bush - The Pentagon

More Quotes

Fallen Warriors

Operation Iraqi Freedom
ArmyNavyAir ForceMarines
Operation Enduring Freedom
ArmyNavyAir ForceMarinesCIA

Primary Documents
• Bush, Blair Discuss Sharon Plan; Future of Iraq in Press Conference - 4/16
• Text of Bush Press Conference - 4/13
• Sen. Kerry's at Georgetown Univer
• Transcript of 9/11 Hearing - 3/24
• Transcript of 9/11 Hearing - 3/23
• Transcript of Clarke Aug. 2002
• Transcript: 9/11 Commission Hearing
• Text of Richard Clarke on 60 Minutes
• Text: VP Cheney Responding to Clarke
• March 2002 Clarke Interview on PBS
• President Bush 1yr Iraq Anniversary
• President Bush at Fort Campbell, KY
• Vice President Cheney - Reagan Library
• President Bush on Meet the Press (2/8)
•Text of Tenet's Address on WMD (2/5)
• President's State of the Union (1/20)
• Text of Senator Kennedy Speech To the Center for American Progress (1/14)

Listen To
• The Hugh Hewitt Show
(M-F 6-9 pm Eastern)
Milt Rosenberg's Extension 720
(M-F 10-12 pm Eastern)
• The Kevin McCullough Show
(M-F 2-4 pm Eastern)