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Extrapolation Andrew Sullivan points out that Susan Sontag is vying for one of his Susan Sontag awards: ...the cover story in Sunday's New York Times Magazine is a Susan Sontag essay. Yes, she's going to write about Abu Ghraib. And - yes! - the headline is: "The Photographs Are Us." Fine, Susan. I'll consider the possibility that "the photographs are us" when you and other people in the intelligentsia and media will admit that people like this are you. Posted by Rand Simberg at May 20, 2004 02:45 PM
Bingo! I think you've got the right one. I had thought it was Ehrenreich but pretty clearly the moral degeneracy charge better suits Sontag. Rand, have you pinged the Spectator article's author? Also Andrew Sullivan and Bill Keller of the NY Times. If you're right, then Sontag deserves to be outed, and scorned.
LOL, someone is actually still willing to pay for Silly Susan's opinion.....a blank and his blank are soon parted....fill in the blanks.... Posted by biff at May 20, 2004 06:06 PMI wasn't being literal--I doubt very much if the suspect is Sontag. I was only pointing out that if she can extrapolate a few morons at Abu Ghraid to all Americans, it's just as reasonable to extrapolate that journalist to the entire profession. Posted by Rand Simberg at May 20, 2004 06:21 PMYep, Jon Alter, too: http://patterico.com/archives/002271.php (Hat tip: Instapundit) Considering the amateur homerotic S&M; pr0n aspect of those photos, you'd think people like Sontag would be proud of those pictures, as they show how the values she's been promoting all these years have seeped into the consciousness of even the US Army. I read her article and I'm still steamed to have her of all people try to define Americans. That the NYT would even publish her caterwauling shows how desperate they are to bash Bush, even to the point of trashing America. Posted by Bill Maron at May 29, 2004 12:22 PMPost a comment |