Does anybody believe that...Does anybody believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be making policy decisions?
Does anybody believe that we will ever find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?
Does anybody believe that Arafat is a man of peace?
Does anybody believe that the White House isn't behind the leak?
Does anybody believe that Bush doesn't know who it is?
Does anybody believe that the war is over?
Does anybody believe that we are safer today than we were September 11th, 2001?
Can Open! Worms Everywhere! News at 11. Who doesn't foresee another recall election (probably) already in the works should Schwarzenegger be elected in California? What sort of bad precedent does this entire recall set? Surely a serious blow against representative democracy. Unless the recall petition contained more signatures then Davis received in the election itself, the voice of the people spoke then during a fairly run campaign. Does it? (I don't know) But if it doesn't then the whole "listen to the will of the people" mantra that prospective governors are shouting is a sham. And so too is this election.
Why am I hearing news about Schwarzenegger's possible groping problems and nothing about his collusion with Big Energy to stop the government from forcing Enron and others from paying back illicit monies that they made off with during the energy crisis. You can read the story
here. And read the internal memos
that prove it here. (You will need Adobe Acrobat to do so)
Governor for the people? What a joke.
I suppose if the people are foolish enough to vote for him, they will get the government that they deserve. One directed by the interests of Big Energy.