OK, little bit a problem. I've got stories that are being written and edited on both windows and macs, and I NEED to have a file format that will go across platforms without being fubared. Using something other than plain text makes PageMaker 7 start adding styles automatically at times (at least with M$ word files it does). Plain text is giving me HUGE headaches because of different text encodings. What file format can i use that M$ Word will open by default, but I can edit on a mac without Office (or do I need M$ office?) I thought these cross-platform headaches would be over with, but ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!. Also, appleworks 6 saving as plain text didn't really save as plain text. I've GOT to have a good solution to this, because I've got an eMac that won't be able to be used unless I solve this problem. Making a winblows machine open a text file with M$ word by default doesn't work because of something weird with the roaming profiles here at my school. I HATE working with winblows.
Current Mood: aggravated, frustrated, pissed, stressed