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"There's only so much you can do in a 30-second ad"
So to do as much as you can, lie.... [more]

But the cat's already out of the bag
Commenting on Tyler Cowen's post about the virtues of retailing, Don Boudreaux notes: Tyler goes on to ask why no government has identified retailing as a strategic industry. Good question. But let's not ask it too loudly, lest some politician... [more]

I'm not that Chip Taylor
You can find out about that Chip Taylor here... [more]

Municipal enterprises and hidden taxes News summarizes an article in the Seattle Times: Electricity customers should receive refunds totaling about $25 million because of an illegal tax imposed by the city, a King County Superior Court judge ruled, citing a state Supreme Court decision... [more]

Effects of local tax structure, pt 2
In the comments to an earlier post on the effects of local reliance on sales tax, Allen Glosson notes that cities that rely more on sales tax are more likely to engage in eminent domain abuse. Good point. Although taking... [more]

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Recently posted in Research Notes:
Industrial Incentives and Interlocal Competition: Fisher and Peters (1998)
Fisher and Peters (1998) are interested in two issues: 1) Measuring the benefits to firms of state and local economic development incentives, and 2) Examining the spatial pattern of economic development incentives, i.e. do poor locations use incentives more intensively?... [more]

Reese and Fasenfest (1996): Local E.D. Policy over Time
Reese and Fasenfest (1996) investigate the following questions: 1) Has the use of economic development incentives increased over time? 2) Are cities becoming more uniform in the techniques they use? 3) Have local government changed to more entrepreneurial techniques? They... [more]

Flammang (1979): Economic Growth vs. Economic Development
... growth and development are different processes[;] they are complimentary in the long run but competitive in the short run[;] the distinction is one which ought to be recognized if people really mean to communicate with each other. Flammang... [more]

Summary of Peters and Fisher (2004)
Peters and Fisher (2004) ask if economic development incentives are a cost-effective strategy for achieving economic growth. They break the question down into one with three parts: 1. Do business incentives actually cause states or localities to grow more rapidly... [more]

Philadelphia FRB on Peters and Fisher (2004)
In Cascade, a community development publication of the Philly Fed, Marvin Smith summarizes a recent article by Alan Peters and Peter Fisher.... [more]

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