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Online Home Page
The purpose of this site is to help you, the members and prospective
members of Delta Mu Delta, stay better in touch with your national honor
society in business administration.
Delta Mu Delta was founded as a national organization in 1913. In 1963,
the Society was admitted to membership in the
Association of College Honor Societies
Please take the time to see what this site has to offer. It is a
combination of much of the written materials the Society provides members,
and some additional information available only here.
Important Note:
The 2004 Delta Mu Delta Triennial Meeting is scheduled for October 15-17, 2004
at the Fort Worth Radisson Plaza Hotel, Fort Worth Texas. Please mark the
date and begin making your plans now for what promises to be an historic
Triennial Meeting for the honor Society. Look in this space for more
information as it becomes available.
This web site is a work in progress. As the first step in on-line
communication between the Society and members, we hope to improve both its
look and content as we go along. Your suggestions and comments are greatly
appreciated. Just drop us a line via E-mail, snail mail or fax to offer your
suggestions. We would love to hear from you.
Delta Mu Delta Motto
The Greek letters in the Society's name stand for
Dia Mathessos Dynamis, signifying
Delta Mu Delta's motto: Through Knowledge,
Power - the power to manage creatively for social and economic
Becoming a member of Delta Mu Delta is an honor indicative of earnest,
intelligent purpose and rewarding achievement. This should be the goal of
every person pursuing a degree in business administration where Delta Mu
Delta membership is possible. The standards of Delta Mu Delta are high. Although
many may not gain the Key, they should remember that the hard work done will
bring its own reward.
For More Information
If you would like more information about Delta Mu Delta's programs,
please contact the Delta Mu Delta faculty adviser at your school, or contact:
Delta Mu Delta Honor Society
2 Salt Creek Lane LL6
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Phone: 630/321-9522
Fax: 630/214-6080
Delta Mu Delta and the Delta Mu Delta Key are registered
Unauthorized use is prohibited.