The Virtual Studio began simply as a way for writers to submit their short stories to our short fiction magazine, Zoetrope: All-Story.
In early 1998 we set up a website where anyone could submit a short story to us online, but that required writers to review five stories by others for each submision. An enthusiastic community of writers sprang up around the site almost immediately; the new workshop format was so successful that we quickly added other websites to accept novellas and screenplays.
In June of 2000 we launched the Zoetrope Virtual Studio, which brought together the communities of these disparate sites into a single creative community, and added many new workshops. We now have workshops devoted to fiction writers, screenwriters, poets, songwriters, photographers, storyboard artists, and many others.
The Virtual Studio is a submission destination and collaboration tool for filmmakersa community where artists can meet, polish their craft, and perhaps get their stories published their screenplays produced, their music heard by a wide audience.
The Virtual Studio also contains powerful collaboration and production tools for producers.
Continue on the tour to learn more about the site, then join us inside! Membership is free.
If you have a question about the Virtual Studio that you would like answered before joining, please contact us.
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