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Little  Thoughts

Personal essays, prose and poetry on love, life and the whole  damn thing--from one woman who's found her rhythm-- 

Sunday, April 4, 2004.  Copyright©2004.  All rights reserved.

NO SUNDAY POST.  Well, the thing is that I am shifting focus for a bit to a new freelance website I am building. And so, I am neglecting this baby for a bit.  Just need to gage my focus on one thing at a time.  I am doing articles for the new site and so, I will be back by the end of April once the freelance site is launched. Thanks for dropping by.  Gale

Here is an old post to ponder.

Foot prints and sand castles              November 8, 2003

We make several connections throughout our lives--each with a different level of emotion attached.  Some of these relationships touch us to the very core of our soul and never cease to let up on our emotions.  And as the years come between us, we look back upon these friendships, occasionally, when we look up from our busy lives, and wonder where have all the years gone, and did his cardboard dreams blow over in the wind? 

I used to know an East Indian  girl named Nadine and we became fast friends for all of five months before I moved away...I think that we were on our way to being best friends...we promised to write, but somehow never got around to it...I have never forgotten her, and I often wonder about the woman that she has become or the places she has been in her life. Tanya was South African with the most wonderful accent and the whitest blonde hair and neither of us knew what apartheid was as we were too busy giggling over Paul Lopez.  It wasn't until years later that I realized that most of South Africa wasn't as open-minded as her family.

At fifteen, there was Gita who was from Pakistan and struggling with the western ways and its collision with the values of her very strict father. I admired her efforts of not being forced into those little boxes that religion and culture try to put us into. I know in my heart that she did not end up in an arranged marriage because her independent spirit just would not allow itself to be contained...I think I remember these early friendships because we were little women on the verge of becoming real women. 

Who ever said that men and women can't be friends? Larry Caruana left footprints (no finger prints as we were not lovers) behind. He possessed a brilliant mind and we would have these deep exchanges  about  our world and our creative endeavors.  He was beautiful specimen with long limbs, long black hair and sensual sculptor's hands and a genius mind.  I read his book, "Scream of Consciousness" from cover to cover about eight times. He went home to Malta in the Mediterranean to join a monastery and forge the art that was inside of him.  Instead, he ended up trivializing the quest for his own truth  with a string of disastrous love affairs that he wanted so badly to look like love. 

He and I shared this spiraling journey through 40- paged letters back and forth. With him, I could talk about the intangibles--he got the subtleness and ethereal quality of  life, though he was messed up about the here and now, and the place he could carve out for himself in this world. We were never lovers because of limitations on his part. His idea of love did not look like me. For him, love was an idea. That friendship had a limited shelf life--and I knew that before it began because I was willing to take him only part of the way on his journey.  We had to meet to learn from each other.

The people I learned the most from are the ones I consider to be kindred spirits. In my adult life,  I have found  a few kindred spirits along the way...namely my bohemian hippie flower-child kindred spirit Birgitta,  Sharon, my forever friend and my like-minded where love is concerned friend Myra.  Birgitta and I met at three in the morning in a crowd of about 300 people at one of those after hours booze-can...Birgitta is one of those people who is entirely her own person with a style all of her own.  She trapezes around the world with back pack in tow and feels comfortable in any backyard.  I admire her adventurous soul...we share a lot of things of the soul including the man in the moon.

It is strange  to think about, but with all the people I have met in my life, I have never had a best friend in a woman.  The friend that comes closest to that is Sharon, who is Jamaican. She is ,also, the friend that I have known the longest and the one with whom I share the least sensibilities.  We don't talk about the soulful things because she isn't wired that way. We talk about the things life throws at us and we have to deal with...domestic, finances--well, she mostly deals and I just listen and give my best advice which she takes and thanks me for listening. She is possibly my best friend, though I have not labeled it as such. Though, so very different, we will remain friends forever. 

This nostalgic feeling about the people who have left their footprints in my life started this summer as I was approaching forty. Just the other day, I was thinking about the times when Myra and I stayed up all night with a bottle(s) of wine talking about all the little absurdities of life, or the love that befell or betrayed our hearts--mostly her heart.  She thought I was wise or some misguided notion like that. We were both looking for that "boom" where love is concerned.   She found hers and I found mine. This past August, I went to Myra's wedding and the tears fell as I remembered the shenanigans over the past 16 years we have known each other.  

It felt as if I, somehow, had a hand in delivering her safely to adulthood into the waiting arms of her husband.  I felt as if I had given away a child. Funny, that I should feel this way, but she was the one with all the drama.  Oh, the stories I could tell.  At the wedding, I got the strangest feeling.  I was crying for all the hilarious times gone by and my life was flashing before my eyes in slow-motion and it occurred to me that we have all been delivered to our respective places in life, and though we have moved on and things will never be the same, my friendships have been colorful and purposeful. 

Over the years, we didn't just pass time together--we were building sand castles--and although washed away by the tide of life, the footprints in the sand will forever remain.  comments

All writing on this site is the sole property of dgalep, and may not be  copied without the author's permission. Copyright©2004.

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"I am not afraid--I was born to do this."--Joan of Arc

That Day

Angela,s Journey

Skin deep

My mother, myself

It is never too late

Who is that

Love makes your
No resolutions
Owning  my face
Sitting on my hands
My precious lake
Foot prints & sand...
There is no angst 
Forty-fab or foe
morning constitutio
universal Purge
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painted women

ðShe could never be one of his painted women.  They weren't anybody she recognized.  They weren't the kind of real women she knew.  There was nothing to hold onto--it was the blobs of dried  paint that held them together with screams of fuchsia swirled in to resemble their  souls. She is more than that. She is fuchsia through and through.ð

ð"--and there you are, shining brightly on my darkened road"

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Founded: 07/09/03.
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