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Tomorrow: School Choice around the World
A number of countries in Europe and elsewhere have voucher-style educational systems, but many of those systems have not produced the robust, dynamic educational marketplace that American choice supporters envision. Tomorrow, a Cato conference will seek to draw out critical lessons from school choice policies around the world.

The Day After Tomorrow: The Day after Tomorrow
Tornadoes hit Los Angeles while a new Ice Age freezes New York City and bowling-ball-size hailstones bomb Tokyo. Is this scenario possible? Producers of the film admit they made the movie partly to raise consciousness about the environment, but Patrick J. Michaels, Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies charges that the premise of the movie is flawed. "The movie is pretty much devoid of basic atmospheric science," said Michaels.

Patrick Michaels on The Day After Tomorrow in USA Today.
Patrick Michaels on global warming in the Washington Post
Get the facts on global warming in the book, The Satanic Gases.
Read more from Cato on global warming.

Relax Your Body, Exercise Your mind
Do you remember the excitement of reading Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Thomas Jefferson, or F. A. Hayek for the first time? Rekindle that spark at Cato University's 2004 Summer Seminar. Exercise your mind with lectures from leading scholars and professors while you relax your body with the amenities of San Diego's Rancho Bernardo Inn. Become the person that friends and colleagues look to for insight about liberty. Don't miss out on this unforgettable summer experience, register now.

HeadlinesCato in the News
(Please note: some links require a free registration.)

Patrick Michaels on The Day After Tomorrow in USA Today.
Steve H. Hanke on Argentina's monetary policy in Forbes.
William G. Shipman on Social Security in Investor's Business Daily.
Jerry Taylor & Peter Van Doren on oil prices on NRO.
Praise for Hernando de Soto in The Orange County Register.

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May 25, 2004
Bush and Kerry: Comparing Their Economic Platforms
12:00 pm
Cato Policy Forum

Featuring Gary Hufbauer, Reginald Jones Senior Fellow, Institute for International Economics; Dan Griswold, Associate Director, Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute; and Chris Edwards, Director of Fiscal Policy Studies, Cato Institute.

May 27, 2004
Looking Worldwide: What Americans Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries
8:00 am

Featuring David Salisbury, Director, Center for Educational Freedom, Cato Institute; Charles Glenn, Professor of Education, Administration, Training, and Policy Studies, Boston University; and James Tooley, Professor of Education Policy, University of Newcastle, England


Social Security and Its Discontents
Milton Friedman, June O'Neill, and other leading experts examine the fatal problems of Social Security and offer concrete proposals for reform. This authoritative collection is part of Cato's Project on Social Security Choice.

Educational Freedom in Urban America
Educational Freedom in Urban America discusses the expansion of school choice opportunities for children struggling in failing schools. This volume is essential reading for anyone concerned with the condition of our inner-city schools and the racial and social inequities that still exist in American education.

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May 26, 2004

Officials Expected to Detail New Terror Threat

Daily Commentary

The Big One

by William G. Shipman

Daily Dispatch

Bush Attempts to Reassure Americans, Congress on Iraq

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Disaster Flick Full of Fiction

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Judge OKs $280 Billion Federal Tobacco Suit

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Cato University 2004 Summer Seminar