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.From the wires

Britain opens national stem cell bank

Economist named India's prime minister

Typos found in the Bible

Bush expedites Iraqi leader selections

Protester throws powder at Tony Blair

Al-Qaida-linked group discussed Olympics

General orders review of Afghan jails

New wine labels give carb info

Kerry faults Bush for high gas prices

U.S. reportedly kills 40 Iraqis at wedding party

Blair, Zapatero condemn Israel offensive

Giuliani: N.Y. never warned about attack

Official pledges probe on abuse in Iraq

Mass. marriage debate shifts to nonresidents

CBS adds 5 new series with familiar stars

Executives criticize the tech industry

Indian party elects Singh as P.M.

Israeli forces kill 10 protesters in Gaza

Sivits to serve jail time for Iraqi abuse

Sivits pleads guilty in Iraq abuse trial

.More wires

Mohamed Maddy, who was beaten and abused by his American captors during his eight months of captivity after 9/11.
  Wednesday, May 19, 2004

[In News & Politics]
The prison-abuse scandal at home
The stories sound familiar: Muslim prisoners beaten and sexually humiliated by American guards. But it happened in Brooklyn, not Baghdad
By Michelle Goldberg


Table Talk
The vilification of Arab-Americans


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War Room '04
Historians finish the sentence: "Bush's presidency is the worst failure since ..." Kerry, Dean make nice. Longtime Jewish Democrats look to Bush. Plus: Kerry fights for air time

King Kaufman's Sports Daily
A warm farewell to the Miami Heat passes the time during the Nets-Pistons ice age. Plus: It's hot, it's sexy, it hurts! And: Randy Johnson's perfect game



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Right Hook Steyn slams Bush for torture apology, Hagelin blames abuses on American porn culture; Savage calls for U.S. to kill "thousands" of Iraqi prisoners and drop an H-bomb on an Arab capital. Plus: Heartland hard-liners dub same-sex marriage licenses "death certificates"
By Mark Follman

.Arts & Entertainment

The Fix New York Times culture man says he's stupider, Fallon leaves "SNL," and Paula Abdul sues over a botched manicure

"Shrek 2" Yes, it's for the kids, but this animated sequel may be one of the most mature movies about adult relationships ever made
By Stephanie Zacharek

Wednesday Morning Download Don't waste a dollar on the current crop of buzzy singles (Cullum, Krall, Morrissey, I'm talking about you). Here are five free downloads worth your time
By Thomas Bartlett

.Technology & Business

The gas guzzlers who just can't quit American consumers won't change their SUV-driving ways until there's a major fuel shortage or a global warming catastrophe, according to the new book "The End of Oil." And by then it may be too late
By Katharine Mieszkowski


New Hampshire Is for Lovers "I'm here representing the young people of this country!" Victoria Passionately shrieked at the president. Then her dream of exposing him was smothered in a rich, enveloping sea of humiliation
By Dave Eggers

Bestsellers Michael Connelly's "The Narrows" makes a splash at No. 1, James Patterson is back with "The Lake House," and Dan Brown's "Digital Fortress" is just hanging on by a pinkie -- all on this week's list, courtesy of Powell's


Since you asked ... My girlfriend seems to like dessert more than she likes making love with me!
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The K Chronicles The new era of responsibility -- I'm diggin' it!
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Scott Rosenberg Hersh's bombshell: Another round in the war between the CIA and the Bush administration
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How high does it go? The more we find out about what happened at Abu Ghraib, the less it looks like a case of renegade soldiers.
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