A while back I was stopped outside my sleepy little neighborhood train station for being a suspected terrorist. It's strange how some activities, such as unlocking your bike, seem suspicious, but a stranger lurking outside the barbwired fence of the train-yard, snapping photos for fifteen minutes didn't even raise an eyebrow.
I've been running around like a cockatiel who just got their toe slammed in the cage door (I imagine it's similar to a chicken with it's head cut off). On top of a fast approaching programming deadline, getting my visa and housing arangements in order for Sweden, and getting ready to move out of here, I am faced with the paralizing idea of having my photos in real-life flesh-and-blood prints on display. What should be as simple as burning a CD, and taking it to the corner camera shop to get the photos printed, has taken hours of my time. When the CD gets burned right, the photos are too large and the prints are terrible quality. When I figure out the right size to make the photos so they fit on the paper, the images can't be read from the CD. When they can be read, the "one hour developing" takes over-night... Then I thought the photos looked a little small, so I decided to go bigger, which took another couple hours to figure out frame sizes and print sizes (because every place I call gives a different answer- I thought these things were standardized).
Anyway, it looks like I am going with the small prints since they fit best at the exhibition space, so that saves me some time, and I found a place (far away) that made prints I was satisfied with. I thought I had found a shop closer to home that I could try, but after dropping the CD off, and asking him to make sure that the CD is readable, he walked down the street to the place with the terrible quality prints from the other day!
Anyway, now I just have to find a theme, and some pictures that fit that theme.
It's interesting how I am so much more stressed out about this than I am about presenting photos on my site, despite the fact that probably more people see the photos on my site than will see them live. What's more, a poorly presented photo on the site is more permanent than the exhibition, which will only run for a week or so. Maybe I should start stressing out about the site too... clean up the design, only post photos that I think are "my best"...
Photo Exhibition Details (lifted from asbCreative)
Date - 6th June ~
Location - Antena Cafe, 2-14-2 Shimokitazawa JOW Building 4F
Map - http://www.sundown.jp/
Time - 5pm to 10pm
Thanks to people who sent me their ideas of what I should put in the photo exhibit. It's really interesting to see what other people thought was the best. In many cases, they were photos that I almost didn't even put on the site because I didn't particularly care for them, such as this. Likewise, some of the photos that I thought were my best didn't even get mentioned by anyone.
I still haven't decided all the photos I will show. I guess it depends on how good the prints look. I had a real scare when I went to the local print shop and had some of my photos printed in small size, just to see how they look. They were total crap. I know the Lumix only has 2 megapixles, but I thought that at least that small size should look ok. I began to worry if I would even have anything to show, but a trip to Yodobashi camera today gave me some comfort. I made some even larger prints of a few and they looked much better. I guess I shouldn't expect much from the local shop where I had to go in back, take control of the mouse, and actually show the guy how to resize the photo so it would all fit on the paper.