_______ ISSUE PUBLISHED Tuesday, Apr 27, 2004 _______ The Yale Daily News has published its last issue of the school year. Check back for extra stories and updates over the summer.
A nautically dressed professional student determines how much she owes Yale at a rally Monday on Beinecke Plaza. A separate rally by unions and other groups seeking a better relationship with the University followed that assembly.
ONLINE EXTRA _ May 31, 2004 Hill '05 dies in car crash BY JOSH LOTSTEIN Josh Hill, a senior and a member of the Yale men's basketball team, was killed in a car accident May 27 in Estelle Manor Township, N.J., near Atlantic City. A memorial service was held today in Sanford, Del. The cause of the accident is still...
ONLINE EXTRA _ May 24, 2004 University holds 303rd commencement BY TOM SULLIVAN As Yale said farewell to more than 1,300 undergraduates and Yale College Dean Richard Brodhead May 23 and 24, the University also welcomed U.S President George W. Bush '68 and First Lady Laura Bush to New Haven. Class Day on Sunday featured a...
ONLINE EXTRA _ May 21, 2004 Levin calls for visa reform BY AMY KAPLAN Yale University President Richard Levin outlined his new efforts to combat the current problems with the United States' visa-granting system for international students who wish to study in America in an e-mail he sent to the Yale community Monday.
ONLINE EXTRA _ May 6, 2004 Fliers name harassers of Lo BY WILL SULLIVAN Fliers were posted around campus Wednesday night containing the names and pictures of the students who allegedly entered the suite of Katherine Lo '05 last spring and left a threatening note on her door. Four different fliers named four sophomores...
ONLINE EXTRA _ May 6, 2004 Bush '68 will not attend graduation BY JUSTIN ASH President George W. Bush '68 and first lady Laura Bush do not plan to attend either of their daughters' college graduation ceremonies this May, the White House announced Thursday. Barbara Bush '04 and her twin sister Jenna Bush are both set to...
ONLINE EXTRA _ Apr 30, 2004 Alpern named dean of School of Medicine BY PAULA BRADY This morning, Yale President Richard Levin named Robert Alpern, dean of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, the new dean of the Yale School of Medicine. Alpern, one of approximately six final candidates considered for the...
TOP NEWS Delving into the complex tenure system BY PHILIP RUCKER For some junior professors, coming to Yale is a Faustian bargain. The scholarly resources are boundless, academic heavyweights fill the faculty offices, and the students are among the world's best. But the downsides, many professors say, are the...