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103 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in bane. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 0ver_exposure - .Cat.
- 3shadesofgrey - Healey
- ___ohsnap - emily
- _enigmatique - 91883
- _hogwartsrpg - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- aaronj - Aaron
- acsralphie - Jamie
- adam_strauss - ............
- adrien1720 - a d r i e n
- afallenempire - that her father gave to her
- afarskyburning - Chris
- aineylay44 - Lainey
- akilledpixie - sexy pixie bitch
- alhooter - Al
- alkalinerinnie - You're like a broken clock, always the wrong time
- alkalinezero - Jesse
- allmylamerglory - A Chapter of Accidents
- allofmyprophets - got my twin glock 40's.
- allstarme343 - Cheryl
- allsummerinaday - i'm a stranger here myself
- allycat14 - Ally
- alwaystenfttall - Cody
- ambivalentfool - Negro please
- amclees - ladies, don't squint, I really do look this good
- amystanks - *amy*
- andysaloser - Andy
- angelfack - Adam
- anne_arbour - Where Are You Arienette....
- annieno5 - AnnieNo5
- anochur - Adi-cha
- anodynefaerie - deuce
- anotherface - Andrew
- antiflaggrrrl - *~gill~*
- asiansgoweeee - Asians Go Weeee
- atarisguitarkid - -=Jonathan=-
- atbest - Lyn Duh
- babychoco777 - Princess Corali!!
- bankrobberscjpp - just make it count
- beaarthur - jocie
- beanknoobie - adelaide
- beastofexmoor - Torment in Tension
- beautyinshadows - Run like Hell
- beautyxdecays - dylan for sheez.
- benallen - benallen
- benfoldsburton - benfoldsburton
- beyondsorrow - Beyond Sorrow
- bhcdiecast - [identity crisis]
- bigdaddysampson - Big Daddy Sampson
- bigleon - Pete
- bitterlysoft - call it what you want.
- blahzilla - the music of the falling snow
- bledlikeacurse - +beneath this web,i long for you+
- blind2bluskies - eddie
- bloodyknuckles - Jade
- blown__speakers - goose
- bondagemonkey - xfallenembracex
- borntorun - Jordan
- braindamage - dwarf invasion
- breath_expired - a chasing after the wind
- breebree - hold your breath and wait awhile
- britboss2k - Brittany Dow
- broken - Sometimes I think my heart forgets to beat.
- brokenpromise - Sheila
- brookekeel - Melanie
- burnedbones - marianne
- businesscore - katy
- cactus420 - Johnny
- caliisdead - once it hits your lips
- capnmachete - assenav
- captainsoup - Steve
- carnage - Colin
- cas_one - cas
- chaosempress - Queen Sofy
- chaoticimpulse - i am john's wasted life
- cherishlife - blast beats and death growls
- cherubinred - aaron kenneth
- childofpunk76 - xWillx
- clearfootprints - Morning Star
- comingapart - x Fuck Your Face x
- creepygal - ♥ s a r s ♥
- crickett150 - xsarahx
- cristeena - Cristina
- cunk - Joel Sexton
- cutenesskills - Erin
- cuttlas - frank
- cwboy220 - Erik
- cycloplegia - evan
- dammoday - Craig
- danikat - \\ I'm not writing my goodbyes //
- danthrax - Danthrax
- darlingxanne - anne elizabeth
- darthmullet - I may be from '97, but I'm not about '97
- dartsthruhearts - emily ;]
- dayslikeknivesx - katie
- deathxftwxmetal - billy
- decayofman - tyrannosaurus
- deceasedbeauty - miss rys
- deeba - Billy
- defiant - dropXXXdead
- dilutedxemotion - overexposed and afraid
- divacore - jocie
- dkonanapkin - stayin in the mix like the letter I
- dontisuck - my blood runs cold.
- downonmelissa - Melissa
- dr_meatus - Dick
- dranyk - Jay
- dreastar5 - Andrea
- drumpsycho - Neil
- dustinxcredible - Dustin Manning
- dzamion - MiNuS-
- eastofyou - Rowan
- elleira - arielle
- emmers527 - that's whhhhack.
- emoclanc - Fallen From Grace
- emoninja - bee with wheels
- emoxgirl51 - Xthis heart never diesX
- endofsanity - Converging Seperation
- escalatingemo - my new name is DontYouRemember
- evacuateheaven - your emotions make you a monster
- eviliar - EviLiar
- ezra816 - ariel
- fadingechos__ - I Hide My Face
- faeriemagick - stare at my sky
- fallenskye4 - keri
- fallingcycle - Grant
- fe_elme_up - stacy chaos
- feller_bastard - Feller.Old Schoolin' it up.
- ffrei59571 - Frankie
- ffsmooch - Sean Moochamillion
- fictionalbreath - Matt
- fifnerf119 - Josh
- flexyourhead - Russell
- forevercantwait - wanna get on it?
- foreverxbroken - words are just words...without heart
- freikykitty - bullet for every enemy
- fuckin_hogan - Gregg Hogan
- fuckoffbitch - i never stopped believing in you and me..
- garybankrobber - X.x.X Black Gary X.x.X
- geek_rocker - City of Autumn stars
- get_this_or_die - hopeless_romantic
- gethed - jaaaaeeeeeeee
- getupgirl - melisska!♡
- giftedacrobat - i'll be on my fucking knees
- girlstarr - ♥rattle rattle thunder clatter boom boom boom♥
- give - xJEFFx
- gizzy409 - Gizzy
- glitterlover69 - you're so last summer.
- glitznglam - confessions of a choirgirl
- gogetaids - ryan
- good_riddance - Dan
- greenfloor - xxKillYourselfxxxxxxxxxxxxOn
- greenmunkie - The GREAT fuzzy one
- grrbabygrr - ~*maureen*~
- hankshaw - Hankshaw
- happyfetus - Jenny Poop
- hatexcore - hatexcore
- heartstrusorrow - your nightmare, or angel
- helditallinside - kristina
- hemorepunkthanm - } five and a half foot full of asian fury {
- highermoon - Ryan
- holdenc - Chucky Ha Ha
- holychica - Dana
- i_hate_cfc - .screaming gets you nothing.
- iamjain - .jain the pain.
- ice_baby_11 - Jessica
- ifyouletme - ali
- igo2shows - Kelly
- ihatepeople - i ain't no god damn son of a bitch
- ilovetroysgoat - susan
- imaboy - shawn
- impervious - Sarah
- inebriatesoul - InebriateSoul
- inmyownright - Alina
- inpieces - the josh rock machine
- intheslightest - Hold your breath 'til i say when.
- iownyourass - Andy
- ispyemo - ispyemo
- iwalkonwater - Jared
- iwilt - fuckshitup
- jackiexxx - Jackie
- jaimexruin - jaimeson
- jar_head - jaredly
- jasonfields - Jason Fields
- jaythepowerlung - Jay
- jcbassist - i really wish i hadn't named my LJ jcbassist
- jealousgal - miki
- jeffisboring - Jeff
- jeffizmetal - [J][e][f][f]
- jennystar - ♥ hold your breathe ♥
- jimityjilikers - Yasir
- jmdazed - chaos
- joeshamo - Forget my name, Forget my face
- johnny12 - johnny
- johnxxxpoverty - John Poverty
- joncarmark - Jon Carmark
- jonniehardcore - Tormented Soul
- jonnyrebel - Daniel the Tiger
- joshb - Josh Baxley
- julianatheory - send it back to you
- justmoe - dig me out
- kaiser69 - kaiser
- katierotten - Katie Rotten
- kdsxe - Kevin
- kevcam - Teenage Death Boy
- kickodoylerules - tony
- killjoy6 - davina
- kitchennoise - i've got to learn how to breath at 3,300 feet
- kkatz313 - sarah trenyce
- krisperry - Kris
- kristaxlove - whisper scream YELL
- kyotoriko - i'm too cool to put an emo phrase here
- laststarisee - kelly
- layflat2dry - heather
- layla2geeky - i am so bright-eyed about it.
- lbccitylights - Mike
- leezer - Leigh
- leftsedate - punk's're next.
- leftyjlad - jenny d
- lessthanblink - Berit
- lessthanpez - 21st Century Digital Boy
- lilangelisded13 - lilangelisded138
- lionel_hutz - Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die?
- lisschik - Its all gone
- little_monster - if your going to die, die with a smile
- littlebigbob - bobbycore
- livesirenn - b a n g o r a n g
- llafireinsidell - Shut Your Mouth
- lolliriot - X CARLY X
- lonerlu - T-bone
- lordhumungus - Nate Pomeroy
- lostin - Billy.
- loudsteve - I am steve, who the hell are you
- loveasarson - TJ
- lovelyheartache - Barry
- lovetodeath - Rachandt
- luffly - Bettie Brass
- luxme - Jillian
- m1sledy0uth - Ian Curtis
- macxaxholic - SyLViA
- madaseel - street_fighting_boi
- madmonkey - <--- mr. sassy mcsassypants
- mammacass - Cassie
- mandakate - Amanda
- mariamariaa - LoveMetal
- mattschraf - Choking on Air
- mattsg0d - SKILLZ
- maxipad - the hollowed out chest of a horse
- medotcom - amanda
- memories_choke - Erica
- metalheadchris - riot kid
- methadonekitten - sheena
- midget_massacre - Lets shoot guns and beat up girls
- midtownskye - bad star falling
- mikey2o2 - Zefram Cochran
- mikeyd10 - Mikey D
- mikeypikey - mikeyblahpikey
- mingerkate - Kate
- missmischief - Brittany
- mizark - Moochie Norris
- mje - Melissa
- mmmmmm - joshua
- monkeesuicide - zombimonkee
- moophish - bdashrad
- mopnkthnyamamaa - beth dumptruck
- morgasm - x mogotron x
- mrdevious - Max Devious
- mxpx1214 - emily
- myates - Mike.y.
- myheartablaze - X Brian-core X
- myxheartxthrobs - +kickstart my heart
- neo5690 - Sam Sweet
- nerveagent - paul
- neverdieafi - Rachael Heathen
- nfg_ponker - kriz
- nicolem - Nicole
- nightmarexx - Ashley May
- nikkilovesgoats - Nikki "Snack Pack"
- notlikeyoucare - Mr Body Massage Machine
- notmoo - count me out
- notxreadyxyet - Satana McVixen
- nparco - Nick Parco
- nuclearbear - Nukes
- oddawastate - .xRyanx.
- okdkid - Justin
- onefalsemove - Positively Positive Jay
- onehottjenn - J E N N
- oneortwofeet - -joseph-
- ordinaryboy - Daniel
- overture - Lindsey Crosby
- paper_thin_ - paper_thin_
- paulyscreamer - ipaulbot
- pearced - Meredith
- phatdragon - The Voice of Free Arcadia
- phoenix21 - Jordan Luff
- phunpunx - Speak with integrity
- pimpngo - anthony anthrax
- pixidrizzl - Heather Lisbon
- pladorifick - Jamie
- plaidisrad - erin
- pookumspie - Erin
- poppunkkid83 - clean conscience
- price_of_life - Stephen
- projectmatt - matt
- protexblue - HopeSpringsEternal
- prsean - Sean the Puerto Rican
- pseudospork - filtered water and pictures of you
- pundik - vacant
- punkboy410 - xxxtourmentedsoulxxx
- punkrawkjaymee - Jaymee
- punkwalk - i write the wrong.
- punkypoo - coolerthanyou
- purplebubblez - Amanda
- pyroshorty - Aaron
- queefknot - She lives in this town where I know this kid
- r0ckbritelite - xLily-Corex
- rachaelfallen - with open arms and broken elbows
- radioscam - Your Worst Mistake
- rasberry_swirl - |♥[.blood.splattered.bride.]♥|
- redsweater - meme
- regalbegal - Gustavius
- regulate - Danielle
- ricaboo - Felicia
- ridemyspiral - Zach
- ringthealarm - the language of disaster.
- ripewithdecay - Randy
- rise_above - Sami
- risesinvain - the tide is high, fuck fuck the police
- robbiee - No wings to speak of
- rockiegirl - Julie
- rocknrollgrrl - Libby
- rybombdizzle - Ryan Scott
- sacrificethe0ry - My Unsaid Everything
- saraphinepixie - Blue
- scrletbegonia28 - strange girl
- sendmyregards - sendmyregards
- sgumi3rdcapsh - Shinsengumi 3rd Captain Saitou Hajime
- sh1vers - i am your hug slut
- shadya - shAdy A
- she_cant_let_go - jen
- shelefthertears - Vanity starts with a gun.
- shi_seiki - Thrash You To The Floor
- shivelycore - Merge For The Kill
- sickandtwisted - Andrew McBride
- sickgirl4prez - Allyson Marie Cushman..
- silentemodeath - i hope i never wake up again.
- sillygoose1234 - Monica
- skapunker - Joe
- skatanic241 - ..why does my heart always beat before yours does?
- skatanic_dork13 - eff ya
- skyboy - Barry
- skywithoutstars - Unconscious and bleeding profusely
- slipknotguy102 - Paul Carcass
- sloppyblake - hey. this is blake
- smack_maggot - Meghan
- smileinjection - all now in dying days
- somethingimnot - Melissa
- somethingto4get - jessy
- sometimeshello - sometimes hello
- souldoubt - Andr00
- spacecowboyno9 - She said I taste like cigarettes and untold lies
- spindesigner - satyagraha
- spookysnail - like a blunt object to the forehead
- staindkix - Rei
- stapled2thewall -
- starpinkvans - Mel
- starsfadetogrey - Dean
- starsxfalling - ♥ * fuck your hearts * ♥
- starvinginfant - fucking destroyer
- staying_alive - Davey Merch
- straightthuggin - hop in, hop in
- studio8hchick - You write such pretty words but lifes no storybook
- stupidmoron - my bloody clown shoes
- suaavepete - intractable
- suckpump - The Original Luzah
- sugarbaby2032 - Lindsey
- sugarfaerie7 - Natty Bumppo
- superkatey - nigga b
- supernothing55 - sarah
- suppagirl - Feel Me
- system_ini - Chris
- t_bird - King of the Rain
- tabisgood - candyxcoatedxsuicide
- takemyhand - s c r
- tarynhipp - that girl taryn
- teflon - this is my fucking war
- terrax - Shut Your Face
- thashowboy - Justin
- thecrazyjoey - Nobodys Somebody
- thegumfairy - SmallsThePirate
- thelasttear - Sheena
- themikebennett - mikebennett
- theringworm - Vlad the Impaler
- therustedhalo - PJ
- theshotgunside - travis
- thesparkler - lindsAy
- tigegirl - Tamara
- timegrabsme - holly hox
- tituba - tituba
- tlmagoo3 - Tamara
- tomeighty - his infernal majesty
- tonytripoli - toe-knee
- tooie - skully
- toolfanatic1 - You can't tell me what to do
- trickpa - patrick.
- trinity_deja_vu - Katty e.f.
- trulyfuct - BRian haRTSELL
- twospokenwords - my name is josh
- twstdillusion - *bite down...tell me how this concrete tastes*
- uglierthanyou - bloody, broken and hidden away ♥
- undermindthis - Desiree
- unitypw17 - Unity
- unsaid518 - eric
- unseenfacets - auralee
- untaughtsilence - tara nico kline
- untitled182 - Open Roads and Broken Hearts
- upsidedownshoe - Dan
- utterpunk - Give Up
- vengecore - Johnny Vegas
- viciouswhore - my stereo has mono...
- violent_danse - Laura
- vivalarock04 - Ally-son
- voodooiscool - Johnny Neurotic
- vvvnoregretsvvv - < kris >
- waboosh - Phil
- wakefromdreams - denver
- wamejame - Wame Jame
- washu - voodoo shu
- whitenoise - +bex+
- whiterabbit666 - dumbass
- whydyourunaway - Scott
- wiltedjoycry - ouroboros
- wishingyouwell - Shawn
- wishmewell - Shatty Fatmas (aka. KiTTy)
- without_wings - over it
- words_in_vain - yours truely
- xalone4everx - The first of the gang to die.
- xarchfiendx - Carpe Pun!
- xboulderhxcx - x x aka da thumb
- xbrittx - Britt
- xbrycebonesx - Bryce X Bones
- xcarolx - Carol
- xclearskiesx - I'VE GOT TO STAY FREE
- xcolbyx - sick and tired
- xcowboycodyx - Cody Mango
- xcowcorekillax - XFarmerDaveX
- xcxaxsxtxlxexsx - Nicole
- xdonotworryx - don't worry about it
- xelxscorchox - xelxscorchox
- xemberx - As the Ruin Falls
- xemilybx - emilypatience
- xemochickx - forever got shorter
- xfaithxinxwhatx - xfaithxinxwhatx
- xgregedgex - Greg Edge
- xhaditallx - Mikey
- xhotrodcircuitx - Let me rip out the throat of your still warm body.
- xhxcpatx - +Pat+
- ximmuneheartx - nicole
- xjedix - Tonight, we dance...
- xjessx - XJESSX
- xjoeydx - Joe
- xjustinx - Justin
- xkeepitalivex - xkid gruesomex
- xkellybellyx - xkellybellyx
- xkillyouslowx - Morgan
- xlaidtorestx - I want to lash out, but I bite my lip...
- xlame - wage slave
- xlipstickvoguex - Jack
- xlorinx - A Girl Who's Too Sad To Give A Fuck
- xlozerchicx - waiting forever
- xnicholex - nichole
- xnosferyanx - xFUCKxYOUx
- xnotavictimx - XJezykaX
- xorganax - Emily-Jean
- xpariahx - travis
- xpeanutx - Bang the drum slowly
- xpitymex - XpiratecoreX
- xprttyinpunkx - Marcie
- xpunkmonkeyx - Sparks to Midnight
- xredflagx - vmess
- xsarax - x S A R A x
- xskaboyx - Benny
- xsneakerx -
- xstargazerx - katie caffrey
- xstartxtodayx - xELLIxTODAYx
- xswingkidx - manhandler brad
- xtallbastardx - murder has its sexual side
- xtimexpassesx - bobby
- xtodayisinmyway - XLisaX
- xtruckerx - Short pants make me kranky
- xwallflowerx - erin
- xwhatiamx - Steve
- xxhangnailxx - meghan
- xxlamecore - XXX
- xxlavenderxx - Pretty baby, un petite ingenue
- xxstarryeyedxx - i should have known that you were a killer.
- xxxbrandyxxx - no reason to regret
- yesterdaysdream - Marie
- youletmedown - xMattx
- zackarcher - The Marlboro Man Is A Douche Bag
- zerotolerance2u - Justin