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Wed Jun 02, 2004
Peaceful nuclear program? Er, ah....contradiction?
CNN is running an article suggesting that something is fishy about Iran's claims about its nuclear program being for peaceful purposes.
I'm confused. When was the last time that a country has EVER pursued a nuclear program that was for strictly peaceful purposes? If you can get the bomb, you do. Being a member of the nuke club has its privileges. I love how these international officials have to view everything with rose colored glasses.
To that end, IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei said earlier Tuesday, "The jury is out on whether the program has been dedicated exclusively for peaceful purposes or if it has some military dimension."
No, really Mohamed. I'm sure it is being dedicated for exclusively peaceful purposes. Iran would have NO interest whatsoever in getting nukes. Dumb ass. We'll go ahead an assign this putz the fuckstick quote of the week award....just for being....well, a fuckstick.
Joining into the Outside the Beltway traffic jam!!!
Mon May 31, 2004
Perfunctory Traffic Whore Stunt
Slowly but surely I notice more of you coming. Are you reading? Showing your friends the horrible color scheme and design? What? Tell me! Leave a comment! Interact goddamnit!! Show me some love! BlogRoll me! Anything! You fucking lurkers are driving me insane I tell you!!!!!!!!!
Sun May 30, 2004
PSPad is the tits!
Just found a great text editor called PSPad. I've used everything from Notepad to VI to TextPad in my life. This puppy is simply the tits. It does EVERYTHING - perfect for blog maintainence. It has a built-in FTP feature that allows you to work directly on your server. You can create a project that maps to your blog source and then work locally on it, remotely on it, or both. It has highlighting, code/syntax recognition, spell name it. Did I mention it is FREE? Check it out...well worth the 3 minutes to download and install it.
Sat May 29, 2004
Pictoral Documentation of Drunkness
Yes, I know...everyone has been waiting to see the post-mortem pics from last weekend's going away bash...we'll wait no longer. I present for your viewing pleasure....drunk people.
Let's begin with me....the drunk host already grabbing his crotch...
Me getting ready to join the quarters game....bad move....
Chrissy showing off her excellent quarters form...
Jeff - hey mom, look what I learned at West Point
Wonder what Kirk's looking at?
Busted! Get it? BUST-ed?
I'm drunk, playing quarters and don't know where my panties are.....
Drunk crowd...getting rowdy at this point.
Justin: "What's the deal with the glass?"
Someone in this picture is going to puke. Care to guess?
Here's my friend Jeff goosing my mom. Motherfucker!
Mom and Dad...I think mom is working on a real drinking problem. Was rather embarassing when she pulled her top off and screamed "Ever seen a pair of tits like this boys?????". Come on mom, settle down.
And here's Nala - "If one more fucking person pukes on me....bad things are gonna happen..."
Reggie Rivers. Journalist. Dumb Fuckstick.
In an article on the Denver Post entitled Keep our Slaves Safe, purported journalist Reggie Rivers proves he's an out of control liberal wingbat. First he suggests that the members of our military are slaves, because they have no choice in whether they are deployed into combat.
Our military is one of the last bastions of slavery in the United States. At the moment, our slaves are stuck in a combat zone, getting killed and maimed, and there's nothing they can do about it except hunker down and pray.
Yes, our slaves signed up of their own free will, but most of them were as misled about their job as the rest of us were about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
And I don't think "slave" is too strong a word to describe someone who is not permitted to quit his job no matter how dangerous it becomes or how much he hates it. For most of us, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and guaranteed that we have the right to withhold our labor. It doesn't protect soldiers.
Uhm, Reggie - these people are SOLDIERS - they get paid to execute the military whims of our government. That's their job. Not to interpret whether the policy is right or wrong, but to execute the policy.
They just want to go home, but they can't. And domestically, we continue to trot out the tired mantra that supporting the troops means supporting the war.
If we truly care about our young slaves, we should do everything we can to get them out of harm's way.
What the fuck does this guy think the purpose of the military is for? Its not Club Med - people will and do get killed not only during combat, but during normal training. I can't find anything that makes sense in Mr. River's bullshit drivel. And for this sir, you get my Bullshit quote of the week. Nice work fuckstick!
HAT TIP: Balidlocks
Fri May 28, 2004
Thunder Run
I just finished reading a fantastic book called Thunder Run by David Zucchino. It covers the operations of Spartan Brigade, the 2nd Brigade of the Third Infantry Division (Mech). The media made the initial phase of combat seem easy - almost boring. This book covers the push into Baghdad, including the airport mission. Quite frankly, it reminded me of Black Hawk Down - some of the battles where ferocious. Zucchino did an amazing job capturing the feel of the battles; the desparation, split second decisions. Anyhow - this one is a great read - well worth the cover price.
Linking into the OTB Traffic Jam
Thu May 27, 2004
Apparently I'm a drug abuser in the workplace now
One month on the job and people are already starting to fuck with me! Excellent - my kind of people. I've never been known for keeping an orderly desk. It's usually stacked with coke cans, empty cigarette boxes, etc. When I came into work this morning, the fellas added a couple pill bottles to the mix and presented me with the following picture...
It made my day. I love folks with a warped sense of humor. The new job is already feeling like home. Now I must plot my retaliatory move.....
Wed May 26, 2004
Bad James. BAD!
I've been falling behind this week on updating the blog. Been kinda - scratch that - really fucking - crazy. The party Saturday night was excellent. Started at 7pm and the last drunk sole parted at 3:00 am. We killed 2 1/2 cases of beer and 13 bottles of liquor. Excellent. I do have lots of pics to post, but am on the road right now, so they'll have to wait.
Flew out to Hartford, CT Sunday night for a project that is very high profile for my company right now. What should have been a simple flight from Hartford to BWI to Jacksonville turned into a circus last night. Baltimore had some seriously bad ass thunderstorms that basically shut the airport down. I was only supposed to have an hour layover and be in JAX by 1030 - but ended up parking my ass in the airport for 5 hours and finally made it to JAX around 2:00am last night. Uhg....the joys of travel. Flying back to DC on Friday and then will be moving on the 8th of June....woohooo....can't wait. I have the final builders walk through on my new house tomorrow morning - hope it all goes well. My home inspector didn't find anything huge, so all should be well.
I am planning on writing my own blog software - it will be very modular, based upon MS .NET and use pretty much anything for a backend - right now I'm wiring it up for MySQL, since that seems to be what most of the hosting providers use. I plan on writing a rather extensive API set that can be added to simple ASP.NET pages. I'll write some custom user controls as well to act as layout managers, but anticipate the user interface to be primarily driven using XML and CSS. HTML tables suck.....bad. If anyone is interested in being an alpha/beta tester, please let me know. I will also be writing about the blog as it is being developed. Any feature ideas that anyone has will certainly be considered, but not promised! I'd like to get the basic framework spooled up cover the next month or two. That's all for now. Cheers!
Fri May 21, 2004
Throwing a party in Virginia and DUMB fucking state regulations
So, I'm getting ready to move down to Florida right. Decide to throw a farwell party for me and my closest bunch of friends - about 40-50 of 'em. In Virginia, you can only buy hard liquor at the ABC Store. Couple days back, I drove to my friendly ABC store and stocked up on some hootch for my party - apparently a lot of it. Enough to trigger a really stupid state regulation that we will get into momentarily.
First, the shopping list:
Gentleman Jack
Johnnie Walker Black Label
Seagrams 7
Seagrams VO Gold
Glenmarangin Single Malt Scotch
Grey Goose L'Orange Vodka
Skyy Citrus Vodka
Stoli Rasberry Vodka
Three Olives Vodka
Absolute Vodka
Jose Cuervo 1800 Tequila
Capt. Morgan's Private Reserve Spiced Rum
Bacardi Rum
Tanqueray Gin
Sour Apple Schnapps
Watermelon Schnapps
Next thing I know, I'm being asked for all this personal info, where I live, etc. They tell me I need a transportation permit for the hootch. Turns out, there is actually a law on the books regarding the purchase of alcohol:
Transporting Alcoholic Beverages
Section 4.72.1 of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act prohibits the transportation of more than three gallons of distilled spirits purchased from a state government store, provided, however, that not more than one gallon thereof shall be in containers containing less than one fifth of a gallon. If any part of alcoholic beverages being transported is contained in metric size packages the three gallon limitation shall be construed to be twelve liters, and not more than four liters thereof shall be in packages smaller than three-fourths of a liter. The transportation of distilled spirits in excess of the legal limits without a transportation permit is a misdemeanor. Persons convicted of violating the transportation act may be fined up to one thousand dollars and or confinement in jail up to twelve months and the loss of the vehicle used. The sales receipt will serve as the transportation permit and must accompany the alcoholic beverages to the final destination. The transportation of distilled spirits in excess of the legal limits is a privilege and not a right.
Huh? What the fuck does that mean? Not sure the point behind this very important law, but damn, I feel so much safer knowing its there and being enforced. Dumbasses!
I assure you, there will be compromising pictures being posted after the party. Nothing like friends puking on your dog.....
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Today's Raping of English
Biatch: variant of bitch - Can be used to refer to a male or a female, a friend or an enemy. eg: "What the hell are you doing, biatch?"
Recent Comments
ibejo: Saving those for blackmail.... ...
Boyd: Sure am glad you didn't post any of those pictures of me walking around without my shorts on. ...
Boyd: "They just want to go home..." Do they, now? I wonder exactly how many of our servicemembers in and around Iraq Mr. Wise and Intelligent Rivers has spoken with to come ...
Boyd: So when do you start rehab? ...
Boyd: Thankfully, by the time it got to where photos shouldn't have been taken, everyone had forgotten about the camera. Especially that time with James, Jeff and Nala. Truly ugly. Heh. ...
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