Amnesty International Report 2004
Huge challenges confronted the international human rights movement in 2003. The UN faced a crisis of legitimacy and credibility because of the US-led war on Iraq and the organization's inability to hold states to account for gross human rights violations. International human rights standards continued to be flouted in the name of the "war on terror", resulting in thousands of women and men suffering unlawful detention, unfair trial and torture – often solely because of their ethnic or religious background. Around the world, more than a billion people's lives were ruined by extreme poverty and social injustice while governments continued to spend freely on arms. This Amnesty International Report reflects those challenges. It documents the human rights situation in 155 countries and territories in 2003, and summarizes regional trends. It reports on areas of work being prioritized and developed by Amnesty International -- such as violence against women; economic, social and cultural rights; and justice for refugees and migrants – and celebrates the achievements of activists in these and other areas. In a dangerous and divided world, it is more important than ever that the global human rights movement remains strong, relevant and vibrant. Through its members and allies, Amnesty International remains committed to revitalizing the vision of human rights as a powerful tool for achieving justice for all. |
Why human rights matter A message from Irene Khan, AI's Secretary General Overview of the human rights situation in 2003 Video (real player required) Report 2004 updates: Selected events from January to April 2004 Information for journalists For the latest information for journalists visit news.amnesty |