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22 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in macross plus. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
391 matches:
___misogyny - lizzybug♥
_malhavoc_ - _malhavoc_
_maxi_ - Maxine
_returning - _returning
acefrehley - AceFrehley
adarkerpromise - adarkerpromise
aeon - the bitch was all bloody and her name was mary
aimeekitty - Aimee
ainosenshi - Reverend Glass and the Sunshine Band
aleseides - Dangio Aleseides
ammo - Allison L
ampsych - Gunslinger Johnny BlaQ
anachronic - Jeremy
andariel - Andariel a.k.a. Princess Turkey
andtheafterglow - this one's gonna bruise.
angelinamoon - Angelina
anime_bri - ǺПґмנּ¯ьЯ†
anime_kitten - Katie Beisner
aramazia_kin - aramazia_kin
arrune_ryu - arrune_ryu
arsenic_lullaby - "Kuro"
ash333 - Ash
asuka_langley - Terminated
atpaw - Atpaw
aurelienmange - Devin
averageone - ~A.v.e.r.a.g.e.O.n.e~
avoided_island - An Island That's Avoided...Duh!
ayashii - Sasha
ayavalentine - dollhead -x-
badwitchproject - badwitchproject
basaranekki - Basara Nekki, The Lead singer of Firebomber
ben_0000 - ben_0000
berserkershinji - (Kelso) Horror Guy
bewareofbitch - Little Red Ridin Hood
beyondrealm - Ģĭĺĺļįąʼn §ęĭŋ ŶĩŋĜ Ħā
bizarrecookie - ~adore me~ (クリス)
blackbolt129 - blackbolt129
bleakoptimism - Bleak Optimism
blind_templar - The Blind Templar
blooddrnker - Kazuo Kiriyama
boltoikari - boltoikari
bosantibe - bos
brambleapestar - Ragnar Bey
brandisimo - Brandis
c_starkiller - ☆Starkiller
caid_altalen - Caid
capcom - Virtually Cappycom
captianmurphy - No need for a name, I don't exist anymore.
celestialblues - Kanji-Sama
charitychild - texas
cheesecake - Sir Perceval
cheesegrater - a figment of your imagination
chef_gouki - Demon Cake Master
chelve - chelve
cherrygraphics - Cherry
chibibob - ~ Schala's Punching Bag ~
chocojoshy - chocojoshy
cillian_shaped - Jamie
citizen_dildo - Citizen Dildo
codexatlanticus - codexatlanticus
crash_pow - holy calamity, scream insanity
crimsnsacrifice - Meesha
crimsonjibrille - Ara
cybergeist - CyberGeist
damnedhatter - Marquis De Slack
danimal_cracker - danimal_cracker
darcenciel - Ogawa Tetsuya
darealalucard - Willie
darkknight9 - All glory is fleeting...
darkmistrob - Robert Larsson
darknovaangel - Yvette MacKenzie
darksheer - Van
deadangels - DeadAngels
deadfeather - General Stavinheart : V
death_angelrune - Kinoko
dendrobium - Optimus T
digidogheadlock - the net that is vast and infinite....
dimo_supremo - Dmitri
dirtyknobs - Dirty Knobs
disraeligears - Disraeli
dissonance_ - Luke & Cody
dizzyintherain - Li
donwaughesq - Major Don Esq
doumoto_hikaru - Doumoto Hikaru
dragonofheaven - DragonofHeaven
drax007 - drax007
drazilrevol - drazilrevol
dreadfull - ...†Ðreadfully Ðespized†...
dreamerdown - Scotter
dreamersofgaia - WhiteStar WolfPuppy
dreamingsamurai - dreamingsamurai
drenchedinme - lather, rinse, repeat.
dressednaked - Kat
drowninginhope - I Wake, I Try, With Paper Wings I Fly
drugstorecowboy - Drugstore Cowboy
e_richard - Taley
eckoh - 許詔恩
electricit - ピカチュパンク
elfenix - El Fenix
endoffaith - .:‡DaViD‡:.
engrish_spy - The Engrish Spy
epona_fiona - Julia Vionna Epona
erikwilson - Erik Wilson
escaevaotaku - StrangerKDC
escaflowne_777 - mike
ethebubbeth - ethebubbeth
everdrew - everdrew
experiment_01 - experiment_01
eyesblindedby - Eyes Blinded By
fallenangelfish - fallenangelfish
fever_tea - fever_tea
fluddy - Fluddy
flux - Erika
fnm - Mack
footeworks - footeworks
fox_reed - Foxxie
french_silk - Heidi Wallace
freshjive - Ryan
frozenunderzero - Like a knife in your heart.
fuyuhiko - fuyuhiko
galacticphantom - K'
gambitt - Nekoshounen Jeff
gawaga - Adam
genetickun - genetickun
ghost_001 - ghost_001
gizagiza - Hunger Artist.
glowing_dreamz - Cherry
gonadsandstrife - Shiki
goodcheese - kellyfur
gothicnomad - DJ Azrael
gravesongs14 - Lindsey
greatsatobeast - The Great Sato Beast
gregconley - The Great Filament
grey_archangel - Murder He Plagiarized
gundammit - Meriadoc Smash!
gustlerkid11 - Gabriel
handsaway - Sean
happosai - happosai
harleyquinn786 - Muslim Superhero
harroldsheep - Harrold the Flying Sheep
haruka_san - Jacqueline McPhee
haze - Haze
hedgesmfg - Stephen E. Moellering
hex_phreak - hex_phreak
hidoshi - Hidoshi
hollow_01 - hollow_01
hovis - Gary Barlow
icarusnine - icarusnine
ice_fox82 - Ice Fox
ichiko - <3 Lizzar <3
ieatbees - brandon sucks
ihsw - Adrian
ilgonline - Andybot 3000
ilwarden - Jeremy
imasu - Imasu
inuyasha32 - Jenny
isafantasy - Cookie
jai_ - Jai
jedijenchan - Jenchan (Jen)
jelymo - ObsidianBlade
jhun - Mr. Last Resort
joe4sale - Joe
justice777 - Just a Jesus Freak
kachujitu - Kaiser Nucleic Acid
kajico - kajico
kaleido_lynx - Valkyrie Pilot Megami
kaoru_chan - 有村 竜太郎
karatecactus - Karate Cactus
karl_moebius - This is a clever name, you may laugh now.
keltic_shade - Keltic Shade
kenji_ikari - Kenji Ikari
kenzier - The Last Girl On This Little Planet
kilane - Sam
kimberlyonline - KadelSatNut
kitski19 - Kitty <--really, its what people call me
kizumono - u n v i r t u o u s g i r l
kmb - kmb
kokoryta - Kokoryta
korova99 - Carol
kozi - közi
krafdhepkat - Andytron
krissytina777 - Kristina
kyos_pants - Piggy-Sama
l3arelylegal - Louisa Whiting
lancer2g - Wiprud
laz - Super Hi-Tech Lazumo X
leia_avenrose - Leia
leilia - Lady Lark
letters2macross - withering flower
librarylady24 - Teesa
lichtlied - lichtlied
lifeformzero - Zero
lifeisodd - Magus
liinyaari - Alexandria Kanasova
llh_zagadka - llh_zagadka
lokiangel - Angel
lokisquared - Loki
lonemantis - Lone Mantis of the Apocalypse!!!
lord_sephiroth - Christian
lordaki - Lord Aki
lost1605 - Lost
lotuzmahal - -= gregz AZN girl xD =-
lovefribble - I love Fribble
luckymisfortune - dEjAMES
lunchbot1 - LunchBot1
macross - Terry Bogard
macrossplus - Lord of Reetopia
macrossrl - Jaime
magical_lesbian - Aia
magnetic_rose - magnetic_rose
mands_angelfox - Miranda Eileen Virgo Aka Mands
marsdragon - MarsDragon
masterlightman - Rob Baden
max_sterling - Max
mc_soy - MC Soy
mechamitzy - mitz will eat itself
mektroid - 「斑鳩」
memory_b4_tears - Heather Gillespie
metalballz - C'est la vie
michiru_umi - Michiru Umi
mighty_otaking - Paul "OtaKing" Johnson
mirai - Mirai Sometimes
miss_devil - Cute lil Piggy
missraederle - she-Rah!
misterkarate - Kevin "KEN"
mistymia0 - ~galy~
miyuofthewired - I am the girl anachronism
moonkisses - Jessi-chan
mosey_pussycat - Mosey
mrsetzersluvtoy - The 'Lil Fuzzy Dumplin
msshockiebox - S h o c k T a r t
murpux - murpux
myrkak - Myrkak
nac - Duncan
naknak - Nak
nanashi_kaze - nanashi_kaze
nasforatu22 - nasforatu22
navelring - Gettin screwed while everyone else is getting laid
neflhim - Geoff
nekkibasara - Nekki Basara
neobitch - Neobitch
neoma - Neoma
neomix - -=|[neomix]|=-
ninjaboy - NinjaBoy, by default
nmkac - nmkac
nooneloved - nel
oceanweaver - oceanweaver
officerheeroyuy - First Officer Heero Hunter!!
onebluedragon - I'm Blue (I'm In Need of a Guy)
onsentamago - Jay Moss
oreyon - Omedyii
overlordu - Casey
ozzyopolis - Das Evil One
pandora_ilona - pandora_ilona
panthern - Panthern
parasbshah - Paras Shah
parasite159 - Location is subjective to the awareness of "home"
patbrad - Pat Brad
pault226 - Paul Trow
petitpois - Deiadrete
phulluhvit - Needy, the Human lint-ball
piccolho - Amanda
piedinplastic - Plastic Somebody
pinspants - Octobers Sales
pistachio_torte - Mazoku Fruitcake
pokemauler - Brian
prey - [a mess of wires and neurotransmitters]
prismatic_view - Views of Life Within the Prism
psylockevong808 - ~ CKV ~
punk_miaka - Liz
purklesuu - Ellinore
quevvan - Quevvan
r_ayanami - Ayanami
raalynth - Zor
rageboxalice - Wicked Wonderland
rainbownomi - ☆ ナオミ ☆
rando - idoru
raven_hex - raven_hex
razthebunny - Terr
remylebeau - Remy LeBeau
reverendglass - Jack Ether
rifty - Pete
rion_yamazaki - Rion
riskygamble - Laughing Target
ruadh - Kay
ruiroentgen - ruiroentgen
ruperth - Принц Руперт
rurihoshino18 - MikA
ryouji_kaji - Jo Morin
ryoukai - Fuujin Ai
sadiablue - sadiablue
salvanis - Nicotine Nocturne teh GOTH!!1
sang_et_roses - アシュリ
saruna - Neoma
scoobysnaax - Disillusioned
scratchme - Eric - the reason you never come online anymore...
secretagentempy - Suzie
seijishinjin - Chris
seloy - Seloy
serephim - One of Great Order
serian - Tsukino Serian
serpentinefire_ - Yvette MacKenzie
shanny_shanchan - shanny_shanchan
shaobaji - Kenn
shatteredsponge - shatteredsponge
shikashi - R4Z0RBL4DE K1SS
shiku - Shiku
shironeko_chan - meow meow
shirotanukig - shirotanukig
shockietart - - The Infamous Renie -
signas - Zero_X
sinergi - sinergi
skia - skia
skullcowboy - organic angel
slagas - Scott Lagas
smartblue - A Superintelligent Shade of Blue
snowbird42 - snowbird
soulpatch - JCFan
sovereign - cosmonaut kevin
spacepirateempy - spacepirateempy
spikespeigel - Spike Speigel
squid_vicious - Jim E Lee
starrzchylde - StarrzChylde
stormy_kun - skull necklace
strigoitemplar - strigoitemplar
strybksyntax - Bobby
stucco - Kevin
stygien - Stygien
summerhorse - Rachel
sungoo - Sun
supakhai - Tony
supremia - supremia
sweetestshampoo - Kitty
sword3k - Ben
syn_dieu - Syn Dieu
tableogre - Boots
tainteddonuts - Inkatoo Reetop
taintedmint - Tainted Mint
tankgurlsid - Keiko aka フランシス
tas_ - echo
tasha_neko - i n s a n i t y r u l e s
team_tim - Tim Flanagan
teamtim - Tim Flanagan
teapotgirl - Hog Hug
thanee - Thanee
the_hobbity_one - Fruitcake
thebagbunny - Kristian
thechildecho - thechildecho
thegreyghost - Ghøsty
thesnyder - That guy. No, the other guy.
thezerosystem - Kristen
tian_sayz - tian_sayz
tintinalle - *sparkle*
tirwen - Tirwen
tivrusky - tivrusky
tjara - Matthildur
toad1413 - Nick
transitiveaxis - transitiveaxis
tremblane - Tremblane
trickster_brat - Marilyn
trinitydub - end theme
trunks0027 - Self-Destructive Pattern
twistedchic - Korin
ulicqel_droma - Ulic Qel-Droma
unicron_0827 - David "EVA" Dubois
unpeudebleu - Idol Talk
urbancowboy - Midnight Cowboy
vidboi12 - Jonathan
viovis - Viovis Acropolis King of Cardboard
von_bek - the Steve
vyshakitty - Kitty Kat
walkonthexmoon - that girl
westonwyse - WestonWyse
whereboysfear - The Boy Too Indecisive For A Nickname
whymealways - whymealways
widgetkitty - WidgetKitty
wingedseraphime - wingedseraphime
wingzer0 - Zer0
without_a_word - Let's party like it's 1984
wunderworks - wunderworks
x6x420x9x - Ms. Jo
x_a - I've just got to wait for the paint to dry...
xarenhypr - Xaren Hypr
xombi - shiryou
xxtil_we_diexx - Tom
yumeko - Ceridwen
zatsuyo - Bastet
zeis_montero - Zeis Montero
zentraedi_shep - zentraedi_shep
zo_so - Smells Like Teen Spirit