User: | booshgal33 (845915) |
 |
Name: | Joey |
Website: | Icons by Joey |
Location: | National Park, New Jersey, United States |
Birthdate: | 1984-05-18 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | SavySparrow (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
MSN Username: | |
Bio: |
»the girl My name is Joey and I'm a 20 year old college student, currently attending Rowan University, and living in Southern New Jersey. I'm generally a happy person, and I get along best with people who are happy most of the time. I heart livejournal and spend a lot of time around the site, usually updating my journal for the hundredth time that day.
I am obsessed with being obsessed and I like it that way. Think it's childish and immature? Well good for you. I find it entertaining, and I meet a ton of great people this way. My biggest obsessions are Johnny Depp, hockey, Billy Boyd and all aspects of the Lord of the Rings fandom.
I've been really obsessed with hockey for about 9 years now. From October through May it is my reason for living. My favorite team is the Philadelphia Flyers and I worship them. My favorite player is Brian Boucher, or Boosh as he's also known, who used to play for the Flyers, but was traded a few years back. I also love Keith Primeau, Kim Johnsson, and Sami Kapanen.
Now onto Johnny Depp. I've always liked him, but it wasn't until I saw Pirates of the Caribbean that my love for him has exploded into something to be rivaled. I've seen all but 3 of his movies, and it is my main quest in life to see the rest. What is it that has me so obsessed? Maybe it's his eyes, or lips, or hair, or his style. But more likely it's his talent for acting and his approach to life. No one can deny his talent. In fact, if you can go through the day without hearing a Johnny Depp reference, you must live under a rock. And more-over, I challenge you to find someone who understands life better than he does.
Billy Boyd has invaded my life and I love every second of it. The accent is to die for and he is the first green eyed beauty I've fallen for. He has the voice of an angel and the guy has a time machine for sobbing out loud! Could he get any cooler? Hahaha.
I've fallen head first into the Lord of the Rings fandom as well. I've enjoyed the movies since they came out, but recently, with the help of my lj friends, I've become more obsessed. My favorite characters are Gandalf, Legolas and Pippin.
I spend far too much time reading fan fiction. I read mostly slash but I also enjoy the rare Johnny/Vanessa stories. But, more importantly, on to the slash! Monaboyd is my OTP and it will forever be that way. But I'm not an insane crazed Tinkilt fan. Billijah is one of my other favourites my other OTP. Domlijah, Orlijah, Viggorli, and Dombillijah are pretty damn wonderful as well. Actually, I'll read anything once so long as it doesn't involve Sean Astin sex.
And finally, I worship all that is Robert Rodriguez. He's under-rated and it upsets me, but then again that makes me special for liking him. He's amazing. He's so enthusiastic about every little detail he puts into his movies that I find myself even more obsessive over movies now. He's brilliant and I love that he always works within his family of directors, producers and actors. And I also love that he writes everything himself. The script, the music, everything. And he produces, edits, and does everything else as well.
Want to be friends? I add everyone who adds me. However, only those I feel I have a lot of common interests with will be put on my 'Best Friends' list and they are the only people I keep up to date with. Sorry, but I don't have the time to read through pages and pages of entries. The reason I add everyone who adds me is because my journal is partly Friends Only. The posts that are FO are that way simply so my real life friends and family don't snoop around too much. Must of the content of those entries is of interest to LJers and I don't mind sharing it with all of you.
Fear me!
»contact info email aim savysparrow - let me know if you add me neopets howiesgrl_24 website my icons my fan fic archive robert rodriguez fanlisting arizona dream fanlisting
»other journals
humiliatedgrape - friends only - icon journal
weatheredsoul - stories/fan fics
squire_billy - roleplaying journal
lotrpschallenge - owner/mod/judge
deppcon - owner/maintainer
philly_flyers - owner/maintainer
johnnyluvsme - first mate/mod
moody_girls - mood theme maker
i_request - maintainer
»awards Click here to see the awards I have won. You must be added as a friend over at humiliatedgrape.
»claims johnny's tortise-shell glasses - claim_theirs johnny's hands - claim_theirs "arizona dream" - claim_theirs william blake's poetry - claim_theirs johnny's "3" tattoo - tattoo_claims johnny's 3 boxes tattoo - claim_johnny rafael's bandana from "the brave" - claim_johnny cesar from "the man who cried" - claim_johnny sam from "benny and joon" - character_claim what's eating gilbert grape - movie_claims johnny's scuffed boots - claim_clothes johnny's brown suede jacket - claim_clothes rafael from "the brave" - johnnyluvsme william 'bill' blake from "dead man" - johnnyluvsme johnny with his camera pic - claim_deppic johnny hush pic - claim_deppic johnny lily-rose bracelet pic - claim_deppic billy's kilts - claim_clothes the sniper from "sniper470" - character_claim brian boucher - hockey_claims keith primeau - hockey_claims sami kapanen - hockey_claims
»links - Help save our trees

Memories: | 159 entries |
Interests: | 150: 21 grams, a knights tale, aj mclean, alexis bledel, all i want, animal planet, antonio banderas, aragorn, arizona dream, art history, backstreet boys, benny and joon, billijah, billy boyd, blow, bon jovi, boosh, brian boucher, brian littrell, captain jack sparrow, charmed, chocolat, chris odonnell, cry-baby, dawsons creek, dead man, desi arnaz, dominic monaghan, domlijah, don juan demarco, donnie brasco, dumbledore, ed wood, edward scissorhands, elijah wood, fear and loathing, final fantasy vii, flyers, franz ferdinand, from hell, gandalf, gilmore girls, goalies, goo goo dolls, greek art, harry potter, heath ledger, hermione granger, hobbits, hockey, holly marie combs, howie dorough, huffamoose, hugh jackman, hunter s thompson, i love lucy, ian mckellen, ice hockey, icons, jack sparrow, jeff corwin, john cusack, johnny depp, johnny rzeznik, julia roberts, julia stiles, juliette binoche, juliette lewis, katie holmes, keira knightly, keith haring, keith primeau, kevin richardson, kill bill, kilts, kim johnsson, labyrinth, lauren graham, lord of the rings, lost in la mancha, lotr, lotrips, lucille ball, making icons, mandy moore, marc anthony, matchbox twenty, matt damon, minnie driver, monaboyd, nature, neopets, nick carter, nick of time, nicky carter, nyc, orlando bloom, paul bettany, philadelphia, philadelphia flyers, phoenix coyotes, piet mondrian, piper, pirates of the caribbean, platoon, potc, private resort, queer as folk, quentin tarantino, richie sambora, river phoenix, robert rodriguez, rockstar!billy, romance, ron weasley, salvador dali, sami kapanen, sandra bullock, scarlett johansson, scotland, scott foley, sharpies, slash, slash fic, sleepy hollow, stand by me, steve frangadakis, steve irwin, sting, strawberries, the astronauts wife, the brave, the clash, the cure, the discovery channel, the man who cried, the ninth gate, the proclaimers, the ramones, the young dubliners, third eye blind, tim burton, trees, u2, vanessa paradis, viggo mortensen, web design, whats eating gilbert grape, writing on my hands, x-men. [Modify yours] |
Friends: |  | 192: | 9jessie19, 9jessie39, ___wakeupmaggie, __fadedphotos, __frozen, __oblivious__, __transparent, _cass_, _elijah_love, _fadedhope, _slowly_dying, abstruse_soul, acroamatica, adulterated, aleex, alicebateman, allat_once, almost_lindsey, alyses_movies, androcentric, angryxjohnnie, angstyromantic, aquila0212, arderei, artemis_black, arwenstarlight, ashuhleey, aspirez, auriculation, aurorarzeznik, bctrip2004, beizy, belle_truth, big_distraction, billyanddomsluv, bohemian_fairy, brokencliche, brookiebaby, brookuems, buckle_berry, buffyholic, captainkay, chibirhm, chicklet846, chrissy_replies, cloudlessclimes, corpset, cottncandygloss, crimsonoleander, crystalxdreams, deleerium, dementedina, deppified, desire_billy, diamond_turner, dickies_icebox, dirtybeautiful, dirtyreflection, downeybrat, elendis, emilyco04, erinrose, fadedluthien, flanneryflyer, flyergirl, folksong, gcharlotte123, geekalicious___, give_up_forever, gnomicons, graceless_icons, hang_nail, high_fidelity, hikethekilt, hippie_chick, hockeychrissy, hockeygurl97, humiliatedgrape, i_cracked, i_hate_asshats, iconalias, iconcoction, iconic_goodness, iconspell, ignited, imhannah, insanegolfur, iscaris, iwant2believe, jenrachelle, k_leale, kaceyjane, karabearblu, kellyisthebest, last_silvite, lauriesnape, lennonlove67, liasantana, lifebeckons, likeneveris, lilcougar, lily_blossoms, linake, littleasianpixi, livingactor, lost_mechanic, lovesjaydog, luthiel, ma_cheri, maltkate22, mariaorange, matildabj, mcee, mctaggart_pegg, megamegs, mellytone, mesmerise, mesmeriseicons, mmm_windex, mooabu, moondrunk, mycrystalball, mynameisirony, myturpentine, nicolejacks, nuregwen, obsessivewhore, owlgrey, paintedkirin, pas_ici, patsie, penguingal, pennydrop, permetaform, pippinmctaggart, poetic_assault, ponderosa121, preciousguilt, prissywitch, queen_geek, rinichanraar, rubber_necker, sadida_7, saintpatrick, sans_espoir, sarkastic, satansdauter69, scotchhobbit, seductivefrog, seyruun_thief, shadowmyst, shelosthername, silentnumbsmoke, silverjedi331, silverthoughts, sirenicons, slyzucchinio, soliss, sophisticate_, soulsmistaken, spellingwitch, suede_scripture, surreal, syndarysicons, t_love, talesinbloom, teh_indy, theasura, thehangedwoman, tideclimber, transposed_, trash_puppet, trigger_the_gun, tubbycass, twilighttodusk, twinklinstar12, unrealworld_2, varietyshow, vivifygrrl, weaselle, weasleyangel, weatheredsoul, wendy_ish, whspatron, wyndwalker, x_papercut, xrakhx, xrobinx, youcanfly07, zo_what, zoeycleybourne, zooey |  | 67: | 100x100_brushes, _ichallenge, _rodriguez, air_icons, aliasguys_daily, au_paradis, billijah, billy_adultfans, billyboyd_daily, blend_it, bloomwood_, boyd_daily, castaways, cuddleporn, daisyboyd, depp_fanart, depp_watch, deppcon, dom_media, dombillijah, dominic_daily, dorli, elijah_daily, fandomfilmgeeks, fellow_shippers, four_lobsters, glasweigans, hp_hush, hpicontest, hushling, i_request, iconema, iconfection, iconfuse_, image_direct, johnnyluvsme, lordharrypirate, lotr3, lotr_awards, lotr_daily, lotr_fic_recs, lotr_hush, lotr_ontv, lotrboys_daily, lotrpschallenge, medieval_realm, monaboyd, moody_girls, nalta, orlilly, philly_flyers, pimpicons, pixel_gypsy, potcrps, sadakosicons, self_porn, shoebox_project, smut_barons, stylization, talesodeleerium, thaction_, thefirefly, thousandships, track32, viggo_elijah, viggodom, viggorli |  | 10: | calnhobbes, espn_nhl, explodingdogrss, foxtrot_feed, garfield_comic, homestar_rss, nonsquitor_feed, pennyarcaderss, sinfestfeed, theonering_net |
Friend of: | 161: 9jessie19, ___wakeupmaggie, __frozen, __oblivious__, __transparent, _cass_, _elijah_love, _fadedhope, _slowly_dying, abstruse_soul, acroamatica, adulterated, aleex, alicebateman, allat_once, almost_lindsey, androcentric, angryxjohnnie, angstyromantic, aquila0212, arderei, artemis_black, arwenstarlight, ashuhleey, aspirez, aurorarzeznik, belle_truth, billyanddomsluv, brookiebaby, brookuems, buckle_berry, buffyholic, captainkay, chibirhm, chicklet846, cloudlessclimes, corpset, cottncandygloss, crimsonoleander, crystalxdreams, deleerium, dementedina, deppified, diamond_turner, dickies_icebox, dirtybeautiful, dirtyreflection, downeybrat, elendis, emilyco04, erinrose, fadedluthien, flanneryflyer, flyergirl, folksong, gcharlotte123, geekalicious___, give_up_forever, gnomicons, graceless_icons, hang_nail, hikethekilt, hippie_chick, humiliatedgrape, i_cracked, i_hate_asshats, iconspell, ignited, imhannah, insanegolfur, iwant2believe, jenrachelle, k_leale, karabearblu, kellyisthebest, last_silvite, lauriesnape, lennonlove67, levelx27, liasantana, lifebeckons, likeneveris, lilcougar, lily_blossoms, linake, livingactor, lost_mechanic, lovesjaydog, luthiel, ma_cheri, maltkate22, mariaorange, matildabj, mctaggart_pegg, megamegs, mellytone, mesmerise, mmm_windex, mooabu, moondrunk, mycrystalball, mynameisirony, myturpentine, nicolejacks, obsessivewhore, owlgrey, paintedkirin, pas_ici, penguingal, pennydrop, permetaform, pippinmctaggart, poetic_assault, preciousguilt, prissywitch, queen_geek, rinichanraar, rubber_necker, sadida_7, saintpatrick, sarkastic, satansdauter69, scotchhobbit, seductivefrog, shadowmyst, shelosthername, silentnumbsmoke, silverjedi331, sirenicons, slyzucchinio, soliss, soulsmistaken, suede_scripture, surreal, syndarysicons, t_love, talesinbloom, theasura, thehangedwoman, tideclimber, transposed_, trash_puppet, trigger_the_gun, tubbycass, twilighttodusk, twinklinstar12, unrealworld_2, varietyshow, vivifygrrl, weaselle, ... |
Member of: | 68: 100x100_brushes, _ichallenge, _rodriguez, aliasguys_daily, au_paradis, billijah, billy_adultfans, billyboyd_daily, blend_it, bloomwood_, boyd_daily, castaways, character_claim, cherrystyle, claim_clothes, claim_deppic, claim_johnny, claim_theirs, cuddleporn, daisyboyd, depp_watch, deppcon, dom_media, dombillijah, dominic_daily, dorli, elijah_daily, fandomfilmgeeks, fellow_shippers, hockey_claims, hp_hush, hpicontest, hushling, i_request, iconema, iconfection, iconfuse_, image_direct, jacksparrowfans, jdepplayouts, johhnydepp, johnny_depp, johnnyfanfic, johnnyluvsme, lordharrypirate, lotr3, lotr_fic_recs, lotr_hush, lotr_ontv, lotrboys_daily, lotrpschallenge, monaboyd, moody_girls, movie_claims, orlilly, paidmembers, philly_flyers, pimpicons, potcrps, smut_barons, stylization, tattoo_claims, thaction_, thefirefly, thousandships, viggo_elijah, viggodom, viggorli |
Account type: | Paid Account |