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[31 Jan 2004|10:39pm]
[ music | Vanessa Paradis - L'eau à la bouche (Zénith 2001) ]

Small friends cut. Sorry. It had to be done. List too flipping long.

and if I added you *coughTARAcough* add me back. be yotch. :)

If you want to bitch, go ahead. Nothing personal. If you reeeeally want to stay then say so.

1 ont écouté mon coeur.| Écoute ma voix; écoute ma prière.

FAIRE ATTENTION! [04 Oct 2003|09:44pm]
[ music | Madonna - Burning Up ]

I love new friends but my friends list is getting too long for my comfort right now. If you reeeeally want to be friends then feel free to add moi and leave a comment saying so. :)

40 ont écouté mon coeur.| Écoute ma voix; écoute ma prière.

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