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Fuck this. [07 Jun 2004|07:46am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | None, my head hurts too bad. Maybe I need more coffee. ]

Fuck my mother. She said she'd do my laundry yesterday, and now I have no clothes. Because I fucking put them in the wash. So even if I wait until 8 for a pair of jeans to get out of the dryer, I won't even have a fucking sweatshirt done. This is fucking ridiculus. The one day I woke up on time. 7 15, bitches. God. This sucks.

Make a wish

Splash! [06 Jun 2004|10:44pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | Wasted and Ready --Ben Kweller ]

Kay, I've got hella homework, so I'll be brief.. I think. Today I woke up at like, 9 30 or something, watched tv, moved around most all the furniture in my room (though there's still much work to be done), and then my mom, Chris (Bolter), and I drove down to Davis to go to Kristen's LaX banquet. Got Starbucks afterwards, then drove home. So now I'm on a caffiene high, and ready to do all my homework and study for finals. w00t!

Make a wish

Life in General [06 Jun 2004|11:06am]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Bloody Mary --The Living End ]

So I think a lot of crap's been going on that I haven't really been able to talk about in here. And I think I still can't. Um.. So.. Well, things are just a bit awkward, cause of all this Chris shit, and everyone else's stuff going on, and it's all just.. _-_ I'm in the middle of moving my furniture around right now, but I'm on my computer and talking to people. So whatever.

1 Wish // Make a wish

Convo with Jessica (whom I could take to the mattresses) [05 Jun 2004|07:19pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Boys of Summer --Ataris ]

Go Flames!!! says:
is it like in Tree branch, or michelle branch?
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
er. tree. ::looks away::
Go Flames!!! says:
Go Flames!!! says:
Go Flames!!! says:
whatcha lookin at??
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Go Flames!!! says:
whats that supposed to mean?
Go Flames!!! says:
Go Flames!!! says:
you trying to start something with me?!
Go Flames!!! says:
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Go Flames!!! says:
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Go Flames!!! says:
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Go Flames!!! says:
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Go Flames!!! says:
Since everyone else put the dubbed by 6th grader names on here.. Branch says:
Go Flames!!! says:

3 Wishes // Make a wish

The How and Why [05 Jun 2004|04:02pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Satisfy my Soul ]

I tried redoing my lj to some extent, and now.. I just don't give a flying fuck anymore. I'll fix it later.

2 Wishes // Make a wish

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice [05 Jun 2004|03:21pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | No Woman No Cry --Bob Marley ]

Right. Situation all gone. Chris and I broke up.

So today.. I woke up around 9 30, which really sucked cause I was on the phone till 3 45 or something, and that's not cool, man. I want sleep. >.< So then I watched White Oleander, and the unedited version of American Pie, and made collages. ^^;;

Make a wish

w0rd [04 Jun 2004|10:38pm]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | There's a Doctor I've Found --The Who ]

Okay, so today was good.. But I'm not really gonna explain it. Cause I saw Harry Potter. Meaning I saw Tom Felton, and that was just heaven on earth. We got to the threatre like, 45 minutes early, so the people gave us free stuff. XD That was awesome. The whole movie was awesome, even if it wasn't all that true to the book. Oh, and there were these sixth graders sitting behind us.. They were hella cool. Seriously, they were like... us. But not. Lol. Seriously. They were awesome. And yeah. I know one of their brothers. I think. Cause he's on varsity lax. As is my broja. And yeah. When we're seniors, they'll be freshman. And that'll be awesome. Cause yeah.

So what else.. um.. Lexi. My situation hasn't been cleared up yet.. but I think Ima clear it all up soon.. I think.

1 Wish // Make a wish

Blar [03 Jun 2004|09:12pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Sugar Sugar --The Archies ]

Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me? )
Let's see.. today. My alarm clock is oficially broken. Once more, it did not go off. =[ So I'm stealing my sister's from her room. I was late for Spanish. And today was the day we had to write the composition for our final, too.. I think I did okay. I think. >.< They did the first of the senior pranks today. Played Fuck Her Gently and some other stuff over the PA. Everyone was saying it sucked, but little do they know... they go on tomorrow and Monday. So yeah. English was reading Medea. I think we finish it tomorrow. Lunch was... I dunno what we did in lunch. Not that much. IES was finishing Brandon-Teena, and discussing it somewhat. Photo was geometry homework, and watching Ben do really badly at spit, lol. Apparently Yvet's now upset with me, because it hurts her when I ignore her. WELL I BLOODY WELL IGNORE HER BECAUSE SHE TALKS SHIT ABOUT ME. Fuck her. Um.. Chad was pissed off about everyone being all "Happy Birthday" when it wasn't his birthday, we said Joseph had SARS because he drank the nasty water from the drinking fountain, and Ayo and Gaby were somewhat calm. Yvet was a bitch today.

Then I did homework stuff and was on the phone and now on the comp. And I have a dilemma which I can hardly talk to anyone about. So far it's only Lexi who knows. Yeah.

3 Wishes // Make a wish

Bloop [02 Jun 2004|09:19pm]
[ mood | calm/cold ]
[ music | Hey Mama --Black Eyed Peas ]

So today.. My alarm clock didn't go off, and so I didn't get in the shower till around 7 40, but yet I was the second person waiting outside the Spanish room. So yeah. Woah. Geometry was normal, nothing eventful. English was.. reading Medea, and a test I didn't find out about till two minutes before the bell when I was talking to Melinda. But I was like, the fourth person to finish, so I think that means I did okay. Lunch.. walked the other way, so I saw Chris, and walked with him, then Kel left early and Pam was at drama. And so Jessica and I played cards and sang Banana Phone. Oh, and Jessica messed up Chris' mini disk player? XD There was some guy lying on the street outside the post office.. Collin was saying he like, crashed on his motorcycle or something? Meep. IES was watching more of the movie about Brendon Teena. Oh, was early for IES, too. Got there before Collin even. Woah. Heard somewhat about Chad from Melinda. Meep. Conplicado. Cause apparently he liked her, and now saw her kiss her boyfriend who was his friend? Oi. Photo was uneventful geometry homework. Then in PE, heard from Chad about how Melinda was telling him he should like me instead. _-_ Thanks a lot, Melinda. Okay, that sounded mean. No worries, she's still on my good side. ::huggle:: And yeah. PE.. walked, jump rope, Yvet was in a shitty mood, Chad shocked me which I still have to get back at him for. Mark my words, his ass is shocked. Meep, I'm pretty sure he likes Yvet after talking to him in PE. ^^ I knew it. And so.. after school I had to go help with the CAS frosh multimedia thing. Then there was that. Went till 9, and I froze my ass off walking back to the car, because by nine it was cold and windy and I was wearing a skirt. >.< But now I'm home. And if I have any homework, I don't know about it and don't wanna remember. So I won't. ^_^;;

1 Wish // Make a wish

Todayness. [01 Jun 2004|10:36pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | All Right now --Free ]

I think my doggy has a fever. Cause her foreheads all hot and she's spazzing out. Though my mommy says she's not sick, and is probably spazzy because the back door's been open all day while we weren't home. And yeah.

So today I was late for Spanish, and Geometry was.. BLARGLE. He ran out of the bloody review sheet worth hella points because people *lost* them. Well I didn't get one in the first place. >.< But I borrowed Sarah's, so it's all good. English.. reading Medea aloud, but all Melinda and I do is stand up there. ^^;; Lunch was.. Everyone wanted me to buy them food, so each person got a dollar which they could combine with someone elses, or buy a soda with. So yeah. IES was this movie about this transgender person. Photo was matting my print for the Frosh Multimedia Festival tomo. PE was walking, because Ms. Brown said it was too hot to run. ^^ And then I got home, changed, and went to CAS graduation early, because my mom's.. well, my mom. The lady who's name is on every list. So I did my geometry homework *there.* Strenuous. Three hour ceremony.

I've been pigging out today. Damn. I bet you I weigh hella more now, lol. Whatevers. At the moment.. Don't give a flying fuck. ^^;; I still gotta do my write-up for photo though. >.<

2 Wishes // Make a wish

I feel like watching White Oleander. And it's sitting right here on my desk. [31 May 2004|10:33pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | All Falls Down --Kayne West ]

It's been a while since I've updated.. Well, a while in Michelle lj-updating time. ^^;; So yeah. Sunday was pretty uneventful. I talked to Chris on the phone for 7 hours, and had to switch phones three times. _-_;; Then today, I made muffins, only we were out of eggs, so I had to bribe Lance into driving me, with Sour Patch Kids and a Sobe. Meep. ^^;; Oh wells. Then I met Chris on Shattuck, and we pretty much did nothing all day. Then I got picked up by my brother around 9 30. My mom was all talking about how she thought I'd be back sooner, what with there being school tomo and all, but I told her it was dead week this week, then sidetracked her somewhat. Yet another CAS graduation for me to go to tomorrow. So yeah. Gotta be there at 4 to help with all the random crap there is to do. I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow. >.< Oh well. That's just too bloody bad. XP

8 Wishes // Make a wish

Burn in hell. [29 May 2004|10:35pm]
[ mood | shitty ]
[ music | None. I'm about to go hide in my bed. ]

So I saw Shrek 2, and.. yeah. Got home, had Lean Cuisine for dinner cause it's hella good, and the only food in the house, talked to Greg on the phone, watched tv, talked to Chris, watched tv, and am now on my computer. How eventful my day was.

Now I'm gonna explain what I was saying about food you eat at 10 30 at night turning into fat, because Pam and Kel got pissed as hell when I said it. When you eat late at night, your body has less time to burn the calories and such before you go to bed. And when you go to bed, what your body hasn't used up turns into fat. And that's not even bullshit, it's fact. So fuck off, because you didn't understand shit of what I was saying, and you bitches have no right to ridicule me for it. In any sense, I'm not too keen on speaking to either of you anytime soon, because you've fucking ruined the only good day I've had in a long ass time by not even listening to what I was saying and jumping to conclusions. So now I feel like shit again, and thanks a lot for that. I highly doubt I'll be hanging out with you guys tomorrow now, I'll just stay home and correct Greg's reviews and talk to people who don't make me feel like shit whenever I bloody well open my mouth.

1 Wish // Make a wish

Wait... retook it. Thank gods. [29 May 2004|05:14pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Boys of Summer --Ataris ]

My *actual* HP guy )

So today.. I was on the phone with Chris, and then Kel and Pam too, until I fell asleep at around 2 am or something.. then I went shopping with Andrea, and got new shoes.. ^^ And the style.. is my name. Yeah, take that, biotch. I got Vans, Shelbys to be specific. XD So yeah. And now I'm at home while everyone else in the *world* has gone to see Eternal Sunshine again. Well, cept for Katie. Cause I'm talking to her.

5 Wishes // Make a wish

Quizzles [29 May 2004|10:07am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Devil's Haircut --Beck ]

Quizzes from Pam )

2 Wishes // Make a wish

A much needed mental health day, I suppose. [28 May 2004|03:05pm]
[ mood | content/crappy ]
[ music | You Make Me Completely Miserable --LIT ]

Meh. I'm bored and my head hurts. I stayed home sick today. Watched Kill Bill, The Princess Diaries, and the first half of Kiss the Dragon before I fell asleep.. meep. So now I'm bored again. But my mom and sisters will be home soon, so.. yeah. Turns out I might be bonding with Andrea tonight. Gonna see Shrek 2. And that might be the only way my mom lets me out of the house. So yeah. Will see. Okay, so... I did call Chris last night. Only I didn't say what I was going to, after my talk con the Lauren, who's birthday was yesterday ::spazzes::, and so... We're back together. Meep. Mind you, I'm still scared as hell because I'm a non-committal bitch, but.. oh well. Will see.

3 Wishes // Make a wish

Heh.. now I dunno. [27 May 2004|11:05pm]
I have no idea what to do now. And this is why. )
2 Wishes // Make a wish

From Lexi's lj who got it from Jamie's [27 May 2004|08:41pm]
[ mood | =/ ]
[ music | Boxcar Racer ]

I adopted a cute lil' Scotty fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

2 Wishes // Make a wish

I'm sick. Well actually, it's the normal stuff plus anxiety. [27 May 2004|06:49pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | my head hurts too much for music ]

Well, today was.. Damn, I feel like shit. Because yeah. But I won't delve into lunch stuff right away.

So Spanish was good, we starting watching this movie, and we're gonna finish it tomorrow, if I go to school which I doubt I will. Geometry was a group test. Meep. Mr. Fritz never tells us beforehand about these things anymore. English was making masks for when we read Medea aloud. Lunch.. well alright. I was highly considering not meeting them so I wouldn't have to face Chris. So I figured I'd go, and if when I got there I was too scared to face things, I'd turn around and take the long way to the library. But no. Because he's right there when I get up to Shattuck. So much for being able to back out of it. So yeah. He was saying he cares about me, but.. that's the exact reason I won't go out with him. Because I do care, but I'm only gonna fuck him up in the head. Which I eventually told him. So then, when we get back to school after standing outside the gaming place because I refused to go with him anywhere, he hugged me. And there was something said along the lines of "i care about you and I love you" or something. Which honestly, scares the hell out of me. First I was like, immoble, but then I walked away. Quickly. Once I could. So after that I felt like shit. I spent IES trying not to cry, and having my stomach hurt worse than usual due to anxiety. And yeah. I tried calling my mom with Melinda's phone after 4th, but no such luck. So in Photo, I played Rummy with Ben and Lindsay, because I probably would've passed out if I'd gone in the darkroom. And then in PE.. he wasn't there first off, making me feel really bad. Oh yeah, I saw him between 4th and 5th. He didn't see me though. But anyway, I ended up walking with the normal people.. only Gaby wanted to walk around the track the other way. So we did. She's talking to me again, mind you. And Collin was far too amused by playing kick the can. Oi, Abdur's taken to hanging around him now. I wish him the best of luck with that.

I feel really sick though. Partially anxiety, partially normal stomach, and now because I ate, something I never do, and my stomach can't handle it. I went to sleep right when I got home, and woke up at 6 20 or something. Talked to Kel and Liz on the phone, andI didn't go to the Berkeley High Film Festival because I feel like shit. Lovely, huh? It's part of my bloody video final, and one of my teachers is checking off names at the door, and I'm not going. Fucking gorgeous.

4 Wishes // Make a wish

Three way calling.. maybe it's not so great [26 May 2004|08:30pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Harder to Breathe --Maroon 5 ]

New high score for me in Tetris )

So I was playing Tetris the whole time I was listening in on the phone and somewhat im-ing people. See, Pam called me. And I realized Chris hadn't been on all day. So Kel was gonna call him. Only I wanted to talk to him. But I know I'm probably like, the last person he'd ever want to talk to. So I added Kel. And Kel added Liz. And Liz added Chris. So mainly, I had my phone muted and was listening in. Because I wanted to know how he was. Only problem.. I was the one connecting everyone. So I couldn't hang up. Kel started referring to me as marker.. And.. yeah. But that's not what bugged me, it's.. here )

So I'm just depressed as hell now.. yeah. I'll go hang myself from a tree.

2 Wishes // Make a wish

Today. Could've sucked. And maybe it did. [26 May 2004|04:26pm]
[ mood | yucky ]
[ music | Sounds of the Library: Volume 3 ]

I'm at the library till 4 15 since Lance has lab today.. Meep. So yeah. I'd go over things, and I might, but.. my head feels a bit icky, and my stomach is being.. well, my stomach. Chris says it'd be happy if I fed it, but I'm not so sure. Heh. He's probably right. Because it would be. But I don't like eating. I'm such a hypocrite. I was talking to Melinda today, who like, doesn't eat lunch aside from a little bag of carrots, and I was telling her that's not good, and how she should eat more and such.. But she eats more than I do. So I mean, clearly I know it's not good, yet.. I'm like this anyway.

So today.. Spanish was boring. So was Geometry. I finished my classwork and homework in the first 1/2 hour of class, and the sub didn't know what else to do, so.. yeah. I went to sleep. Wasn't gonna, but then I started thinking about everything, and.. I couldn't take it. And went to sleep. Somewhat. More of a meditation. That Lauren would do well on her English final. ^^;; English was taking notes on Greek Plays.. Jesus. When're we gonna stop *talking* about Medea and actually read it? Lunch could've potentially been very awkward. If not for Jessica, and making plans to bus drive and cow tip. That helped.. yeah. IES was boring, I got there early (before Collin even), and everyone had to say the opposite of what they were.. Meaning, if you're straight, you say "I'm (name) and I'm gay" and if you're gay you say "I'm (name) and I'm straight." So yeah. A lot of people said they were gay. Photo.. turned in Zeens today. Thank god, the project is completely and utterly over. ^^ Then PE was walking with Ayo and Yvet and Gaby who's now mad at me.. I dunno.

1 Wish // Make a wish

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