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(welcome to paradise)

[28 Nov 2004|08:55pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Hitchin' A Ride - Green Day ]

*hopes for a snow day tomorrow* *crosses fingers*

(2 | welcome to paradise)

[28 Nov 2004|05:57pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Nice Guys Finish Last -- Green Day ]

It's SNOWING!!!!!! *yay*

(2 | welcome to paradise)

[25 Nov 2004|05:37pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | none right now ]

thank you Katie for the info:

JANUARY 27TH, 2005
DOORS= 7:00
SHOW= 7:30


(4 | welcome to paradise)

[25 Nov 2004|12:50pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Hitchin' A Ride live (from jenbly) - Green Day ]

I _______ Natalie.
Natalie is ________.
Natalie thinks a lot about _______.
When I think of Natalie I think of ________.
I want Natalie to ________ me.
If I were alone in a room with Natalie , I would _______.
I think Natalie should _____.
Natalie needs ______.
I want to ____________ Natalie.
If I could describe Natalie in a word: _______.
Natalie will never ______.
Natalie can ______ my _______.
I hope Natalie never _____.
I _____ Natalie because _______.
Natalie should change _____.
Natalie is going to be a ______ when she grows up.
______ is going to marry Natalie.

(welcome to paradise)

[25 Nov 2004|09:58am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | I Just Wanna Live - Good Charlotte ]


(2 | welcome to paradise)

[23 Nov 2004|01:43pm]
[ mood | okay ]

(6 | welcome to paradise)

[22 Nov 2004|11:09am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | She's An Extraordinary Girl - Green Day ]

a story I made up... told by using pictures.. )

(welcome to paradise)

[21 Nov 2004|10:56pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva) - Green Day ]

Sometimes I wonder if I bug people cuz I update this damn thing so much, and it's almost always about music... *shrug* oh well.. those of you who know me really well know how much I love my music...

I dunno if anybody cares but...

somebody posted this on a billie joe community I'm on.. )

(1 | welcome to paradise)

[20 Nov 2004|08:18pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Hitchin' A Ride - Green Day ]

See that quote down there? That one right underneath this here basically pointless post? Well.. I love it and it fucking rocks so YAY! \m/ lol

(welcome to paradise)

[20 Nov 2004|08:13pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Walking Contradiction - Green Day ]

Quote of the Day:

"It's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done." - Tre Cool


(welcome to paradise)

[20 Nov 2004|07:35pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Brain Stew - Green Day ]

I'm bored.. sooo...

it's quiz time! )

(1 | welcome to paradise)

[19 Nov 2004|11:02pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Give Me Novacaine again ]

Quote of the Day:

"Green day is like sex, when were good, were really good, when were bad . . . were still pretty damn good." - Mike Dirnt

I thought these were good too....

"Yeah fuck me! I wish all of you could fuck me!" - Billie Joe

"What? You can heckle me if you want, it's okay I won't understand!" (at a foreign concert) - Billie Joe again

(1 | welcome to paradise)

[19 Nov 2004|08:25pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Give Me Novacaine - Green Day ]

Take away the sensation inside
Bitter sweet migraine in my head
Its like a throbbing tooth ache of the mind
I can't take this feeling anymore

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing
So give me Novacaine

Out of body and out of mind
Kiss the demons out of my dreams
I get the funny feeling, that’s alright
Jimmy says it's better than here,
I’ll tell you why

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

Oh Novacaine

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me Jimmy I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

I love this song!! :-)

(2 | welcome to paradise)

[17 Nov 2004|08:59pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Longview - Green Day ]

Well.. I decided to change my layout.. again I know, but this time, I really really like it! ^.^ Casey (Leah and others who went to BECS in 7th grade know her)told me she has a friend who knows that guy, Bryan, from the Green Day show who got to keep Billie's guitar!! How cool is that?! waay cool! haha

.. I had a funny dream last night.. but what's new there? lol I guess I'll tell you anyway... I was in L.A. in my dream (Launguage Arts class, not the place in Cali) and my teacher, Mr. Kugler, doesn't like us to eat anything or drink anything, but water in that class... soo he was in the middle of a lesson and I was sitting there, eating this huge bag of Doritos, and I got in trouble.. Mrs. Van De Pol, she also helps "team teach" the class, well, she yelled at me for eating in class. So I got all pissed at her and ran out the door.. well, Billie Joe was out in the hall, I guess he was just hanging out or something, but I went up to him and told him how stupid Mrs. Van De Pol had just been to me.. so then he agreed that that was really stupid and was all like: "Well, I know she was stupid, but it's ok, cuz we can go to Mc Donalds for lunch!!" haha it was soo funny... not in the dream, of course, but later when I thought about it...

soo anyway... I need a good quote of the day, but I don't have one yet.. so now I gotta find one.. lol ok I'm gonna go so ttyl!

(1 | welcome to paradise)

[15 Nov 2004|07:43pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day ]

sooo... who else saw the MTV2 Boulevard of Broken Dreams making the video special thingy? Cuz I did and it rocked! Even Lexie thought so! ^.^ Billie looked soo cute in it! ^.^ I can't wait for them to come out with Holiday as the next single, cuz I loove that song and I really want to see how they made that video cuz they said it's gonna tie together with BOBD.... yeah... Today was cool.. I found out AT LEAST 5 people from school (that I know) were all at the GD show Friday! I know tons of people were there tho cuz I told my science teacher I went and she was all jealous and said people had been talking about it all day!!

In other news: Annie and Sam (the random girls from the show) wrote back to my emails! *yay* :-D

well.. I better go.. ttyl...

Quote of the Day *from the BOBD video shoot on MTV2 that I talked about, Mike was talking about the buzzard in the video*
"I've seen buzzworthy videos.. but buzzardworthy videos? Daaamn..." - Mike Dirnt

(6 | welcome to paradise)

[14 Nov 2004|09:23pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Waiting - Green Day ]

what's behind the cut? )

(welcome to paradise)

[13 Nov 2004|08:56pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Hitchin' A Ride - Green Day ]

Quote of the Day *from me talking to Lexie!*
Natnanduh: I showed my friend that pic of green day, the one where you said they look sad so then I was like: Billie looks hot but sad... like emo or something! lol
Sailor Sky 42: lol!
Sailor Sky 42: emoness
Natnanduh: OMG! that's AWESOME DUDE! I like that word!

(welcome to paradise)

[13 Nov 2004|08:08pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Good Riddance - Green Day ]

see! I knew I forgot something about the show...

during random parts of Green Day's set, fireworks went off from behind Tre and they scared me n dad lol we both jumped a lil bit... and then another time they had fire coming up from behind Tre, even from where my seats were you could feel how hot it was... I dunno how he does that.. stays calm during all that.. O.o lol

(2 | welcome to paradise)

[13 Nov 2004|12:16am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Minority - Green Day ]

OH MY FUCKING GOD............ I JUST SAW GREEN DAY IN CONCERT!!!!! ONE OF THE BEST CONCERTS I HAVE EVVVVERRR SEEN!!!! It was AMAZING!!! You will never see another concert like it, let me tell you that right now.. I was just blown away.. man, it was great!! It was really awesome because the crowd sang EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SONG.. and I mean, we nailed them all lol When Billie Joe sang, we sang right along with him.. all it took was a wave of his hands in the air to motion us to stop singing or STOP and the room fell silent.. and when we screamed, we screamed LOUD.. I doubt I'll be doing much talking tomorrow.. lol It was sooooooooo amazing, like, I can't even really tell you how totally awesome it was, because it was one of those things you just HAVE to see for yourself for it to really sink in..

But about the set list: I honestly cannot remember EVERY song they played, but they played for a hella long time, and the set rocked! \m/ They played some great songs from American Idiot (obviously, you knew that was coming) but they also played a lot more old songs than I'd expected them to.. I was sooooo happy cuz they played: Jesus Of Suburbia, Holiday, Minority, When I Come Around, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, and Good Riddance.. some of my fave Green Day songs EVER, along with many others, of course.

some guy got to KEEP Billie's GUITAR.. read the following for more info on that:

Natnanduh: he got this kid to come up and play guitar while he sang and he was like : you? yeah you! you play guitar? for how long? 6 years? ok... how old are you? 18? you ever got laid before? no?! well... you are gettin laid tonight!! Look at this guy! he's sexy! lol it was funny
Natnanduh: then he kissed him
Natnanduh: :-P
bfschick372: lol!! omg!!!
bfschick372: wow!!!!!!
Natnanduh: and then he was like... Bryan! that's your name? give it up for Bryan everybody *everybody goes BRYAN over and over and cheers* and he says * about the guitar, BILLIES GUITAR, mind you* you can keep it, cuz you were so good... but you gotta stage dive for it.. so he did! :-P Natnanduh: that guy got HIS GUITAR
bfschick372: omg!!! =-O
Natnanduh: I know!!!
bfschick372: DAMN!!!

...yeah... that's exactly what I was thinking.. sooo no offense to New Found Glory or Sugarcult, but Green Day was soooo much better, it's like not even funny.. I met some girls sitting behind me who were there to see Green Day too... and we bonded like instantly hehe so we are now known to each other as "the random girls from the Green Day show" and I am gonna email them tomorrow.. so Sam, Annie (I hope that's right!!), if you read this, I WILL EMAIL YOU, and you guys FUCKIN ROCK!!! \m/ :-D I have a feeling I'm forgetting something... ohh yeah! these 2 girls sitting by me n dad got in this huge cat fight, for who knows WHAT reason, but some guys by us had to try to break it up.. lol and Jordan, Leah, Lexie, or whoever else I showed that "certain" funny pic of Billie Joe to, yes, if you were wondering he DID do that at the show, and before he did that he said I'm feeling nasty! and then he was like, parents, this was the WRONG show to bring the kids to.. LOL! Then he said SOMEBODY FUCK ME!! and we all went nuts! lol I still think I am forgetting SOMETHING, but ah well.. I can always add it in tomorrow when I remember... goodnight and ttyl

"... it's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.. I hope you had the time of your life..."

(1 | welcome to paradise)

[11 Nov 2004|09:16pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Letterbomb - Green Day ]

Quote of the Day:
"It's my fucking life and you know what nobody invited there's the door...see ya!" - Billie Joe Armstrong

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