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[13 Feb 2004|04:18pm]
You think that we connect
that the chemistry's correct
your words walk right through my ears
presuming I like what I hear
and now I'm stuck in the
the web you're spinning
you've got me for you prey

sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spiderwebs
so leave a message
and I'll call you back
a likely story, but leave a message
and I'll call you back

you're intruding on what's mine
and you're taking up my time
don't have the courage inside me
to tell you please let me be

communication, a telephonic invasion
I'm planning my escape...

sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spiderwebs
so leave a message
and I'll call you back
a likely story, but leave a message
and I'll call you back

and it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
no matter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls

now it's gone to deep (now, it's gone too deep)
you wake me in my sleep (wake me in my sleep)
my dreams become nightmares (dreams become nightmares)
'cause you're ringing in my ears

sorry I'm not home right now
I'm walking into spiderwebs
so leave a message
and I'll call you back
a likely story, but leave a message
and I'll call you back

and it's all your fault
I screen my phone calls
no matter-matter-matter-matter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls

oooh, the spiderwebs
leave a message and I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs
so, leave a message and I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs
it's all your fault, no mattter who calls
I gotta screen my phone calls
it's all your fault, it's all your fault
no matter who calls, no matter who calls

I'm walking into spiderwebs so,
leave a message and I'll call you back
I'm walking into spiderwebs so,
leave a message and I'll call you back
(5 lips like a loaded gun choo choo train)

[01 Feb 2004|10:44pm]
ps happy birthday lauren<3333
( choo choo train)

<3. [12 Jan 2004|04:53pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Brand New----->Play Crack the Sky ]

Am I correct, to defend the fist that holds this pen
it's ink that lines the pen, the page, the paper
I live, I learn
you will always take what I have earned
and so aid my end, well I believe I’m winning
our friends speak out in our defense
they tend deaf ears for two months rent
we burn the gallows they ripped
and cut the nooses they tied for our necks
you constantly make it impossible
to make conversation in comatose but audible
and I liked it the farther I get out
we passed it off, but it’s all on us
but common conversation, it took everything I got
I liked it the farther I get out
once said, always said, I will hold the past over your head
I speak my mind whenever I feel slighted
I am hell-bent on extracting all of my revenge
take heart, sweetheart, or I will take it from you
I slipped the seal back to the key
it seemed to do the work for free
we prey as wolves among the sheep
And slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep
you constantly make it impossible
to make conversation in comatose but audible
and I liked it the farther I get out
we passed it off, but it’s all on us
but common conversation, it took everything I got
I liked it the farther I get out

(1 lips like a loaded gun choo choo train)

[02 Jan 2004|11:46pm]
Lauren's pic that she can't post...haha )
( choo choo train)

Ok so I'm bored. [10 Dec 2003|10:34pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Billy Talent----->Voices of Violence ]

I'll eat your heart so you feel my pain. )

(2 lips like a loaded gun choo choo train)

[20 Oct 2003|08:56pm]

Yeah, It's been friends only for awhile. Just thought I'd make a banner 'cause I love gizmo. Comment, add me, yadda yadda yadda you know the drill.
(2 lips like a loaded gun choo choo train)

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