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[28 Feb 2004|11:06am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Secret by Madonna ]

I really don't want to go to my gram's tonight. Ever since I was a baby, I used to spend Saturday night with my gram because we're really close and I know she gets lonely sometimes. The thing is, I really don't have anywhere to sleep there anymore. Ever since I got a really awful, terrible phone call in the middle of the night while sleeping there a while ago, I couldn't sleep in that bed any longer. I've tried and tried, but I just can't sleep in that bed. And there's no other place for me to sleep. I feel bad not spending some time at my gram's house, and I know I'm older now and have got tons of things going on - and it's much easier for me to sleep home - but I know she misses me. I don't know what to do.

On a lighter now, I am crazy about Dom. Like you didn't know that by now. I can't seem to thing of anything else. It's crazy dude. He is teh sex.

Oscars Sunday. YAY! Let's see, ROTK will get best picture, Johnny Depp will get best actor, Peter Jackson for director, and Sean Astin for - oops, I forgot, he wasn't nominated. :P to them. Sean rocks. Johnny better win damn it. One can only hope.

Well I'm off. I have to get ready for the movies.


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[24 Feb 2004|07:50pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Rape Me by Nirvana ]

I love Dom. I love Mardi Gras. Drinks all around. And pictures too, so here are some AMAZING links that are worth checking out:

In response to how Dom smells, she says, "Okay, if I knew more names, I would tell you what it was closest to...but since I don't (and I used to work at Victoria's Secret with perfume) I'll just describe it as best I can.
It's heavy without being overwhelming...perhaps a cedar or other woody undertone? Possibly a light floral note at the top. Not roses or something like that (peony...that comes to mind and I have no idea why). And it's only a hint at the end. It's mostly woody. This is harder to do than I thought. lol I can smell it in my head, but it's hard to explain. I think what I said afterwards was "he smells like pure sex" and seriously, that's the best way to say it. I'm about to go hit the Department stores and sniff things until I find it. *g*
Hope that helps a bit. XD"

I'd say that helps quite a bit! I love men's cologne... god, I can't wait to smell this guy for myself.

Mardi Gras is a wonderful thing. Now, I really can't blame Dom for wanting to go to Mardi Gras rather than the SAGs. Here's something on Orpheus just because it happens to be one of my favorite myths, and I was thrilled Dom had Orpheus out of them all:

Orpheus - Greek mythology, celebrated Thracian musician. He was the son of Calliope by Apollo or, according to another legend, by Oeagrus, a king of Thrace. Supposedly, the music of his lyre was so beautiful that when he played, wild beasts were soothed, trees danced, and rivers stood still. Orpheus married the nymph Eurydice. When Aristaeus tried to violate her, she fled, was bitten by a snake, and died. Orpheus descended to Hades searching for her. He was granted the chance to regain Eurydice if he could refrain from looking at her until he had led her back to sunlight. Orpheus could not resist, and Eurydice vanished forever. Grieving inconsolably, he became a recluse and wandered for many years. According to some legends, he became a devoted follower of Dionysus and introduced that god's cult in many places, but the women of Thrace, offended by his inattention, tore him to pieces. Another legend says that Orpheus taught the Thracian men to worship the sun (Apollo) above all other gods; in revenge Dionysus caused the wives of the Thracian men to murder their husbands and tear Orpheus to pieces. It was said that his head was thrown into the river Hebrus and floated, still singing, into the sea to the island of Lesbos, where an oracle of Orpheus was established. He was celebrated in the Orphic Mysteries. (From: Yahoo! Education)

A most beautiful story! Brings back memories...


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[22 Feb 2004|03:16pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd ]

Here I am, sitting at my desk decked out in my Mardi Gras beads. :) The TV guides are particularly good this week with LOTR on one of them and Johnny on the other. What's better than that?!

We've got SAGs tonight. Yay! I love reading about Sean and his preciousssss award that he wants so much. I'm actually sort of nervous... I just wish they'd win. We all know they deserve it.

I was supposed to go to my gram's house today, but I didn't. The ceiling to the room my parents are redoing needed to be sanded, so I did that yesterday, which just created more things for me to do today. The room's almost finished being painted. However, the blue of the wall is somewhat different from the speckled carpet, but I think it looks fine. Some of the blue specks in the rug are the some color as the wall at least. I love the room already. The plastic chair mats that go underneath the rug curled up over night. :P I had to flatten them this morning, so just for the hell of it I stood on the pronged side barefoot to feel what it's like. Left an imprint sort of like on Ichabod's hands in Sleepy Hollow, but it's gone now. Maybe I'll do it again when I'm alone. Fun fun, I just know it's going to be a blast putting the carpet down. :P


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[20 Feb 2004|03:15pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Hey, Jude by The Beatles ]

Not much interesting is happening this week - been rather quiet. I really should write some more in my stories, and I've got to draw too. I've been making so many graphics on the computer that I haven't been drawing the old fashioned way too much recently.

It was a fun morning. I went through some of my tapes, and I got to see a lot of shows I had forgotten I'd taped. Stuff from when Pirates of the Caribbean came out, when ROTK came out - all sorts of things. I didn't realize I had so much.

When looking for pictures to use for graphics, take caution. I came across Vig naked. Greatness... :D

Love, Amare

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[18 Feb 2004|03:37pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Return of the King soundtrack ]

Finally I've picked up the new Vanity Fair from the store. Orlando looks beautiful, of course. ::swoon:: And good god, Johnny looks amazing. It's wonderful to see some of his art! I also got a Lord of the Rings magazine so that makes me happy. My mouth still hurts from the dentist appointment I had this morning, but I'll live. I had one of the newer hygienists - not one whom I'm familiar with. Meh.

Last night I ended up watching Don Juan DeMarco. I defy anyone to watch that and than not want to get it on with Johnny afterwards. I know I sure did.

Holly, I'm listening to the ROTK soundtrack, and my mother's here. She asked me to turn it to The Steward Of Gondor. ;)


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[16 Feb 2004|08:21pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Okie From Muskogee ]

As you can tell, I've redone my livejournal. I like the banner. Satisfied with it. I did not do much of anything today. I went shopping earlier, and I got Don Juan DeMarco on tape. I had taped it from the TV, but the quality isn't so good and I missed like an hour, so now I have got the whole film. I love that one. Johnny looks sexy. Plus, it's a really nice movie overall. I was looking on the box and it read, "Two time Academy Award-winner Marlon Brando, Academy Award-winner Faye Dunaway, and Johnny Depp..." I couldn't help but think how lovely that would be to have that Academy Award-winner title in front of Johnny's name too.

I also got a Dire Straits tribute and mixed CD. And clothes. When Dom was on Craig Kilborn, he had on the CUTEST shoes! Today, I saw some shoes like his while I was at the store... so I got those. They're very nice and were at a good price. Wonder where Dom got his.


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[15 Feb 2004|08:47pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | The Beatles ]

Paint Shop Pro 8 is like a whole new world for me. I just got it Friday, and it is tons of fun. Be prepared for my livejournal to look a hell of a lot better soon, or I hope so anyway.

title or description

That's my current ezboard av. My first av ever actually. PSP is currently installed on the laptop. However, I use my own computer A LOT more than I use the laptop, and it's much easier if I had PSP on my computer. The thing is, my D drive was busted up until yesterday when I took my computer apart, and when I put it back together (luckily it still works! Thank god!) the D drive was there. I was SO happy, but when I tried to install PSP, it said I needed an updated version of fucking Internet Explorer. I'm thankful I didn't smash my computer like I wanted to. Fix one problem, get another. Eh well. Holly's being my hero and helping me use PSP. :D

I got a new screen name for AIM. It's wishful amare. Go ahead and IM me if you'd like. I won't bite... unless you're Orlando or Dom. ::wink::


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[09 Feb 2004|09:53pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | "All The Tired Horses" by Bob Dylan ]

Not feeling very well today. Tired. Bored out of my freaking mind, but the thing is, I have so much to do. I want to shag Dom. Yeah, I really do.


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[07 Feb 2004|09:17pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | "Life Is A Lemon and I Want My Money Back" by Meatloaf ]

Oh sweet results! I copied the question from Holly. :D Polygamy.

Magic Eight Ball by KellyC
Your Question
The AnswerDefinitely.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Magic Eight Ball by KellyC
Your Question
The AnswerIt is certain.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Magic Eight Ball by KellyC
Your Question
The AnswerYes, next Wednesday at noon.
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Be a Legolas Caddy! by villainslair
New caddy name:"Freaky Elf Mistress"
# of arrows given to Legolas:55
# of orcs he takes down with them:51
He repays you by:Taking you with him to The Grey Havens
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

Your Lord of the Rings Wedding by taikou
When you get married:January 9, 2049
Who you marry:Legolas
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!


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[07 Feb 2004|05:40pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | "We Are the Champions" by Queen ]

So I watched Eight Legged Freaks this morning... NEVER again. I had to watch Pirates of the Caribbean afterwards to clear my mind of that other movie. Most enjoyable.

My wall space is rapidly diminishing. I got another Orlando poster... the "Orlando Dreamy" one. I framed it too, so it's ready to go up, though I don't know where. That boy is just too damn beautiful. Being the utter geek I am, I had to get some LOTR Valentine's Day cards. Very metallic... I like lots.

I was painting some shelves today, and it's gotten me in the mood to paint a portrait or something. I think I'd be terrible at it, but what the hell, why not give it a try in the least. Perhaps this summer.


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None [06 Feb 2004|10:27am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Dirty Dancing Songs ]

Just watched The Goonies. It's a fun movie... and Sean's in it. I watched it with my mother, and she kept saying to me: "Look at you, all smitten with him even as a little kid." Haha. Thanks mom. Okay, maybe I was beaming every single time he was on the screen. I couldn't help it.

Oh my gosh, on CSI last night, they mentioned absinthe! I was definitely intrigued by that. They even showed a little close-up of the sugar cube. It was a weird episode about vampires in part, but I liked it.

Check this out. Who knew homing pigeons were so smart? They've got better navigation skills then I do apparently.

The story in this link means a lot to me. It's so touching. I'm really proud of the fact something like that was started, and I hope it's a success.

I'm snowed in (again). I just hope we don't lose power.


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life is a lemon [04 Feb 2004|04:50pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Return of the King soundtrack ]

Am sick and tired of hearing about Janet Jackson's little clothing malfunction. If Richard Hatch can get bare ass naked on Survivor, then why's Janet getting so much heat from this?

In other news, Senator Lieberman ended his presidential bid. I personally would not want him as president, but that would have been cool to have been able to say I've been trick-or-treating at the president's house in the years past.

I'm still amazed from seeing DOM on Craig Kilborn. What a sexy beast. I wonder why he's got his left middle-finger painted black. (Since then, I've painted my nail black too just for Dom.) :D There's nothing I enjoy more than hearing him say how he'd shrug off whether or not those rumors of him and Elijah are/were true. MMMMMMMM. He knows how to keep a girl's fantasy alive.


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Just another manic Monday... wish it were Sunday... [02 Feb 2004|04:46pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Into the West by Annie Lennox ]

Goodness! I've just watched the Troy TV spot online, and MY GOD! Speaking of which, Orlando looks quite like the Greek god, now doesn't he? Screencaps can be found here. May can't come soon enough! I watched Dirty Dancing today... love that movie! It's going to be a long week... and tis only Monday.

Love, Amare
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Sunday night... how exciting [01 Feb 2004|07:27pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | None... watching the superbowl ]

What a cool weekend. It's mostly because I saw Return of the King Saturday night so that always makes me happy. And after that I got to "live the movie" whilst playing Fellowship of the Ring on PS2. It's HARD. I cannot get past the Nazgul in the Shire.

Another family party today. This one was TONS of fun. Mike was there, and he always makes things interesting. He's insane though. We tend to play fight a lot. We played against each other with the kiddies on the foosball table. It's such a GREAT game! This weekend I got six bookmarks (Gandalf; Frodo and Sam; Treebeard; Balrog; Gollum; and Wormtongue) and they all came with pendants. I also got a ROTK calendar and Dirty Dancing on DVD. Everyone was astonished at how many times I saw ROTK, and my aunt asked me if I'd like to make it eight times instead of seven, so she's going to call me later this week to set something up to see the movie. Yay! My other aunt (one of my least favorite relatives) said hobbits were nasty... hello?! Of course I just blurted out, "Hobbits are HOT!" I couldn't resist, mate. :D

Ahhh the Superbowl. GO PATRIOTS! I'd be from New England, so of course I want them to win. And they just scored! Troy is sponsoring the Superbowl in part, but I think I missed the TV spot. I was helping to carry a twenty foot long rug up a winding staircase... not fun. But good lord, I nearly spit out my water when I saw that first Bud Lite commercial. Tis the only time of year people actually want to see commercials.

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Top of the Morning to You [31 Jan 2004|10:44am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Hootie & the Blowfish ]

Having a pretty quiet morning, cleaning the house mostly. And am bored. I guess it looks like Orlando will be doing Elizabethtown. It starts filming later this spring, or so I've read. What can I say... I'm glad he'll be on the silver screen again, but the boy needs time off (and I personally think he could be in better movies... I need more info about this one!!). Last night I got a teddy bear and named him Buddy. Well, I'm home alone so I'll be singing and dancing around the house for the rest of the morning in case you'd like to know. :D

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A great film!! [30 Jan 2004|09:51pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx ]

I’ve just seen the movie Paradise... goodness! I can’t get over how much I enjoyed it. It was such a sweet, endearing, touching film. Elijah was CUTE! I tried not to perve over a ten year old but those scenes where he was nearly naked... I’m just kidding!! He was little--a little hobbit. Well, now I know what our future kiddies will look like. Haha. I can’t get over what a talented actor he was at such a young age. Even at ten he had such emotive control over those baby blues. And Thora Birch was good too. Billie was a cool little character. Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson were also VERY good. I LOVED the relationship between their characters and Elijah’s. I totally recommend this one.

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See what being bored does... [30 Jan 2004|12:24pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Return of the King soundtrack ]

Well look at what I’ve done. My livejournal’s red and pink and very feminine. Call it a tribute to Valentine’s Day, that is, if it lasts till then. My mood icon looks very much like a Squishy! (Holly...!!) I can't decide between the yellow or red.

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The weekend...!! [30 Jan 2004|10:20am]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | Amityville by Eminem ]

Fridays rock. It's like I've got the whole weekend ahead of me... I love it. Hopefully I can finish the story I'm writing about Elijah AND Dom. It's not too shabby (or should that be shaggy?!), but I'm working on it.
Good news...!! It may be getting warmer next week. Maybe I can wear something other than hoodies or sweaters then, like my new London shirt (not so new any longer I guess) that I still haven't worn yet. Let's hope.

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An Interview [29 Jan 2004|04:38pm]
[ mood | famous ]
[ music | Return of the King soundtrack ]

I'm headed towards fame and fortune, or so I'm told. Just thought I'd post my interview from the orlando message board here. It was a great deal of fun! Thanks to Mellie.

MellieM42: Welcome to another in the series of the “Bring Back the Board Interviews”. And we are here with board member Miss Amare/Amare Bloom. Hi hon, how you doing?

Amare: Fine, thank you.

MellieM42: Good to hear! Your first question is: How and when did you come to the Orlando Board?

Amare: It was just a few months ago actually, so I'm more of a newbie than not. I've been a fan of LOTR since I saw FOTR in theaters, and of Orlando also. I guess I was bored and stumbled upon the message board one day when searching the net.

MellieM42: So was this your first message board experience? or had you been on others?

Amare: I've been going to Johnny Depp Zone for a while, but that's quite different being it's not ezboard.

MellieM42: Do you have a fave part of the board where you always check first or like to hang out?

Amare: It's all good for different reasons. I do like the LOTR forum though.

MellieM42: So do I. :-) So, your screen name, you recently made a change didn't you? Why did you pick it? and why did you change it?

Amare: Oh I had some password problems with the older one... eek! I just wanted Amare, (I'm Amare on Johnny Depp Zone, and it's my email address too so I'm pretty used to it) but Amare was taken so I stuck Bloom on the end just on a whim.

MellieM42: LOL Fair enough. ::shakes fist at EZ board::

Amare: LOL

MellieM42: So, as a Depp fan, I take it that you are also a POTC fan? Any secret desires to be a pirate??

Amare: Haha, sure why not? Pirates are cool. I think I'd rather be a pirate in POTC than one from history though. And yeah, I'm a POTC fan.

MellieM42: Would you be a lover pirate or a fighter pirate? The idea of swashbuckling seems cool.

Amare: I'd be a lover of a fighter pirate. ;-)

MellieM42: Oooh, GOOOOD answer

Amare: LOL, best of both worlds I guess.

MellieM42: What is your favourite on-screen Orlando moment? And even more thought provoking, which is your LEAST??

Amare: Oh boy. Um... I rather like the oliphaunt scene in ROTK and that little look he gives after he jumps off the beast. You know that look... just like "I'm such a badass elf dude" look. I like that one. My least would be in Black Hawk Down when he falls out of the helicopter. Heartbreaking.

MellieM42: My, my, you are so kind to him. So should I guess that you aren't one of the people who feels that he can't act very well?

Amare: Yes, I try to be kind to the boy. His acting, well there's room for improvement. There are tons of worse actors out there. He's got the whole body language down for the most part. I'm looking forward to him getting better.

MellieM42: He can't be ANY worse than Josh Hartnett! Have you SEEN 40 Days and 40 Nights??

Amare: OMG! I was going to mention him and Ashton, but I figured I wouldn't in case there were any fans on the board. Yes I have seen that movie... well, does the first twenty minutes count? ::wink::

MellieM42: Dear Lord, I should have left then too; it was a TRAIN WRECK! :-P Moving right along!!

Amare: Yes...

MellieM42: Are there any skills that you have learned from tv?

Amare: Lol... how about patience?

MellieM42: that is more of a GIFT!! I should know; I have NONE! :-P

Amare: Haha... that's true it's more of a gift. I guess TV's not much use for teaching any skills then.

MellieM42: Unless you watch the Discovery Channel I suppose.
Okay, we should probably wrap this up soon…do you have your top seven songs that define your live ready??
MellieM42: :p
MellieM42: life even
Amare: I can try.
MellieM42: one would hope that you are alive
MellieM42: seeing as I am chatting with you

Amare: One can only hope ;-)

Amare: I'm so indecisive so no wonder it's a challenge to choose songs that would be definitive of me. But here goes.

MellieM42: Lay it on me, baby! Sorry, sometimes, in the afternoon, the sugar makes me say wacky things.

Amare: "Into the West" by Annie Lennox because it's incredibly bittersweet. It's beautiful and it clearly has a happy ending-but it's one of the saddest songs I've ever heard. It's just heartbreaking, but in a delightful way. Most importantly, it's from LOTR and since LOTR has played such an important role in my life, it needs some representation.

Amare: Being wacky is not a problem. Welcome to my life. ;D

Amare: "Time" by Hootie & The Blowfish because time amazes me. It's kind of punishing in a way, and it's always inescapable. Everything is defined by time.
"Hungry Eyes" by Eric Carmen. Eyes are beautiful, you know, the whole 'window to the soul' thing. That's a big part of my life.

MellieM42: DIRTY DANCING!! A key song from my youth!

Amare: I LOVE that movie!

Amare: "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls. They lyrics are just me. All of them.
"I'll Be" by Edwin McCain because I don't know what I want to be, maybe we all can find out in the lyrics. "Stan" by Eminem. It's an angry song disguised by a sweet one.

MellieM42: that is a great way of characterizing it
have you ever seen any of these guys live?
Sorry interrupting you. Please continue

Amare: No problem. I was supposed to go to see the Goo Goo Dolls and Eminem but the people I was going with were not very reliable. =P to them.

Amare: Last one. "My Immortal" by Evanescence. Everyone's got wounds and scars, and I'm no different. Every day I've got to watch someone I love live with wounds of his own that won't heal, and for a long time (still, even) it's unbearable. That song just personifies it in a way.

MellieM42: That is a great list of songs Amare.

Amare: Thanks. I love music.

MellieM42: Me too! Okay well, as we wrap this up, I just want to see if you have any last words or any shout out to peeps that you would like to give?

Amare: I hope everyone has gotten to know me a little better. The board it great, and I don't plan on leaving any time soon. I guess if anyone else has questions or something, ask away. :-)

MellieM42: In the words of Orlando, AWESOME!

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Home again... home again... [29 Jan 2004|12:36pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | The Doors Greatest Hits ]

Curiosity is, of course, getting the best of me, and I’d just love to know what Elijah did for his birthday yesterday! …porn and chocolate perhaps??

Today’s Thursday. Meaning, tomorrow’s Friday. Thank god. I’ve got to watch movies, you know, and that’s not necessarily the easiest thing to do in the midst of a very long, drawn-out week. Return of the King would be best to see (as if I haven’t stated that in yesterday’s entry, I think) but I’ve also got Paradise on tape and … dum, dum, dum, dum… ::Sands Theme:: Once Upon A Time In Mexico DVD to watch. Am looking forward to both, but may be difficult to see two films as I’ve got a party to go to on Sunday, or rather host as the case may be. I think I’m off to get some lunch now. Not much exciting happening today.

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