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November 14, 2003

Iraqi Issues

Posted by Ezra Klein

I am, for the first time, very, very worried about what's going on in Iraq. Before I was upset -- after all, a guerrilla war is a terrible thing and streams of dead soldiers are heart breaking, but, I had expected some sort of counter-insurgency and so was caught unsurprised. My beef with Bush was that he hadn't prepared Americans for what was coming next, not that something different should have come.

But now the political arm of the White House appears to be taking over. We're speeding up their elections and reducing our troops -- and they don't even have a Constitution. In essence, we are running away from Iraq. This is the worst possible thing to do. The only way we could fulfill Bush's rhetoric about Iraq and make it a real imminent threat is to show that if you just kill enough Americans over a period of time, we will concede defeat. There is no action we could take short of invading Saudi Arabia that would give the terrorists as much hope and motivation as to show that their low-grade, conventional weapons based insurgency had defeated the might US Army.

And if it works to get us Iraq, expect to see a lot more terrorist attacks the world over -- for if America shows it isn't strong, American will never again be safe.

11:55 AM

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The only thing I know to be absolutely true about Iraq is that we never should have started the war there when we did or how we did. After that, all bets are off. I have a feeling that Operation Iron Hammer is a huge tactical error. I have a feeling that if Bush ends this war the way he started it - only caring about how it would effect him politically - then that would only make the problem of international terrorism worse. But I don't know for sure. It may be that the best thing in the long run would be for us to get out of Iraq and let them sort it out on their own. It's possible that whatever comes out of that nightmare would have a de facto stamp of legitimacy that nothing we organized ever could. I don't see us doing that though because the first thing any Iraqi govt would do would nationalize the oil industry, right? So I think we're going to stick around until something favorable to us can be propped up and that'll be at least another year. It seems to me that we're going to try to hold Iraq together with scotch tape and hope (and some iron hammers) until after '04 - then there will be the draft and an escalation of the conflict throughout the region. Or not.

Posted by: Get HR2239 Passed Now at November 14, 2003 02:55 PM

I remember year after year after year of Vietnam, of Nixon/Kissinger mumbling about "Peace with Honor" and, finally, after 50,000 or so Americans were killed, we just got the fuck out of there before anyone else got his ass shot off.

Will it make us look like shit when Bush is forced to do the same thing in Iraq? Yup, but then, we already smell pretty stinky.

We've all but given Afghanistan back to the warlords, but no press is watching, so if a tree falls in a forest...?

Really, hold up your hand if you think this administration is capable of creating a military strategy that will bring Iraq "under control" within a year? How about three years? Ten?

And every year we stay, North Korea becomes more of a danger.

And every year we stay, more 20-something American soldiers die for no reason, and 100 times that number of innocent Iraqi citizens die for no reason, creating 1,000 more American-hating Iraqis.

At what point do you cut your losses? And what exactly is the alternative?

Posted by: UncleBob at November 14, 2003 04:21 PM

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