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Creating a crack in the Desktop

Cool effects in DesktopX

By _Martin_
Posted Wednesday, June 09, 2004 on martin
Discussion: Objects & Widgets

Yesterday I was pointed to a SysMetrix skin that created a cool looking crack in the desktop and was asked if this was possible. Needless to say I said yes and then worked out how to do it.

Anyway, it turned out to be fairly easy using some of the standard effects available in most graphics packages. For the purpose of this I'm using Fireworks.

Here's how to do it.

1) Create a new image with a transparent background and then draw a random shape on it.

2) Clone this object so you have two of them directly over each other. The top object will be the "hole" and one the "space underneath".

3) Select the "hole" and apply an "Inset Emboss". Apply settings to get it to the depth you want and hide the source object.

4) Select the "space" and apply an "Inner Shadow". Apply settings to get it to the depth you want.

5) Export this image as a PNG and place it directly on your desktop you have an instant hole in your wallpaper.

Download the source PNG here: Link

Download the final object here: Link

Of course, you can make the base any color you want. For flexibility you can export the two layers separates and the use DesktopX's colorization options to tint the "underneath" dynamically.

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The vile left

What does it say about your philosphy when it attracts these guys?

By Draginol
Posted Wednesday, June 09, 2004 on Right Wing Techie
Discussion: Current Events

Luckily, most vile people on this earth don't pick up on an ideology. And of those that do, few of them are well spoken enough to gather any attention.  Unfortunately, that still leaves us with a number of vile human beings that manage to get their despicable world views broadcast to the world. And most of these vile creatures tend to be from the far left.

I don't pretend to know why most of them are left wingers. Maybe it's because there are simply fewer nasty creatures on the right that are capable of putting thoughts and ideas together in a coherent form to earn any attention. Or maybe it's because the media, already sympathetic to the left, tends to be more willing to distribute nastiness that comes from left wingers and sewage from the right.

The fact is that while there are a few right wing ideologues that manage to get out there a lot (Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh to name two), there is no right wing equivalent to Michael Moore, Al Franken, or Ted Rall.  Feel free to disagree with me and name someone on the right that is remotely as nasty and hateful as any of three who get anywhere near the kind of coverage they do. The Christian Coalition can be pretty ideological but they get no where near the attention that kooky Hollywood celebrities get.  Jerry Falwell will occasionally say something nuts but over and over movie stars and singers such as Barbara Streisand, the Dixie Chicks, Susan Sarandon, etc. manage to get air time with their half-baked ideas and hatemongering.

The vile left can be summed up best by one of its own members, Ted Rall whose belief is simply that he and his kind are more enlightened than the rest of us and therefore he has a duty to try to educate us knuckle-draggers. His mission, like those of his peers, is to let others know that they're not alone. For they are convinced that their number are legion and if they can get the word out, they can change the course of this nation to follow a more enlightened course.

They seem to believe:

  • They are intellectually superior to everyone else
  • They are personally enlightened
  • The average American is "sheep"
  • Their cause is righteous and therefore any distortions to the facts are acceptable because they serve a higher purpose
  • People who are patriotic or religious are saps, mindless, fools.
  • You can't trust corporations but you can trust big government (as long as they're in charge anyway)
  • The will of the "masses" doesn't matter. They know better and so any means necessary should be used to pursue their agenda.
  • They see the courts and public media as more effective outlets to exercise their will than the ballot box.
  • Conservatives aren't just incorrect, they're evil.
  • Liberalism isn't just correct, it's more civilized, more humane.

They're more common than you may think. They're the smug guy in a political debate on-line who, instead of debating the issue will take time out to correct a misspelling or grammar error -- believing that in itself demonstrates their superiority. Or the guy who will selectively use "facts" in a debate to push their agenda believing a) it's okay to mislead because they're trying to lead us on the proper path and b) we're all too ignorant to realize that we're being fed BS.

But what bugs me isn't that they exist. Every news group or forum always has a few of these guys. What bugs me is that some of them manage to get so much attention. How does a guy like Michael Moore manage to get so much coverage when his material is so blatantly fabricated or misleading? No scandal over Bowling for Columbine where he misrepresented everything from the basic thesis (why gun violence in the US is so high) to little things like implying he got a gun at a bank. And yet people are ready to believe what's in Fahrenheit 9/11? No wonder he probably thinks people are sheep. Except maybe it's not all people who are sheep, maybe just his customers...

Al Franken is the same kind of thing. I saw him on Tim Russert spouting off left wing talking points as if he really believes that BS. Same sort of thing though, because he's better than us, smarter and us and dog gone it, people like him, he feels a license to crap on all those who don't share his ideology. I mean really, what kind of guy is so full of hate that he names his show to antagonize someone else (The O'Franken Factor, very classy)? As Palpatine put it, "Let the hate flow through you.."

Ted Rall of course is on record thinking that people like Pat Tillman are saps and idiots. He wrote this stuff after he was killed in combat btw. So I guess it's no surprise that he wrote this week his belief that if there is a hell, Reagan is there.

And again, I ask you, are there right wing versions of these guys who are remotely as well known?  Most people who are left of center are good decent people just like most people on the right are. A nut like Ann Coulter doesn't mean right wingers are a bunch of extremists. But on the other hand, Ann Coulter isn't wildly popular.  Meanwhile, Michael Moore, Al Franken, and Ted Rall have large followings. It should make one wonder of the intellectual and moral character of your ideology when guys like these are increasingly being seen as the face of the left.

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Take down your flag, we don't like it..

The death of freedom to fly the American Flag..

By ShadowWar
Posted Wednesday, June 09, 2004 on One Americans it or not..
Discussion: Politics

This is the story of Richard Oulton, an American, a veteran, and a victim of the Ameircan Communist..the Leftys.

Richard Oulton put up a flag pole in his yard, and flew the American Flag and a purple heart flag. For those of you armchair libs, thats a medal you get for being wounded in time of war. Mr. Oulton was awared that medal while he was a member of the "Walking Dead Marines", the 1st BN, 9th Marine Regiment in Vietnam. His unit started out with 800 marines and lost 605 during the war. This unit suffered the highest casulty rate of any unit in the war. He has every right to be proud, and fly those flags, he earned it with his own blood.

In Richmond, Va., Richard Oulton's homeowner's association demanded his flagpole come down. But he said no way.

"To take it down now would be a total dishonor and an insult to everyone that has ever stood for the flag. If that flag comes down now, the next place it will fly will be over my coffin," Oulton said.

He's been raising the flag ever since he was a medic in Vietnam and flew the stars and stripes over his bunker. "I'm just trying to express my patriotism, my love for my country," he said.

Oulton is an attorney. When he moved into the Florida community he says he checked to see if there were any restrictions on flying the flag.

"There was no reference to flags or flagpoles anyplace," Oulton said.

So he put up a big flagpole next to the big home he built, on three lots. His neighbors say they don't object.

They say it's nice, it matches the house, and say it's an asset to the community.
(DID you get that, the neighbors had NO PROBLEM with the pole or the Flags, in fact they liked it!!))

Objection to Flagpole

But the homeowner's association board said the flagpole's too big.

"We had no idea someone would erect a flagpole that large when the guidelines were written," said Birdie Knuckols, former member of the association board.

Since the association guidelines did not mention flagpoles — the board instead ruled it was an unapproved structure. Later they adopted rules allowing flagpoles — but only small ones, no larger than 6 feet — and required them to be attached to the house.

"It's not an issue of patriotism. All we are asking Mr. Oulton to do is show his patriotism within the guidelines that everyone else in the community is willing to live by," Knuckols said.

Planned communities can set these rules because they're private, and many homeowners love the rules because they like the way the regulations make their communities look nice and uniform. They say this raises property values.

But sometimes the people on the boards of the homeowners' associations are very controlling. And the law is on their side. So, in 1999 the board took its complaint about Oulton's flagpole to court, and won. While he appealed, he was allowed to keep the flagpole up.

Oulton said, "I don't understand what the problem is. It's a property right that I have to fly this flag. It's a free speech right that I have to fly this flag."

He dedicated the flagpole to the Marine unit he served with in Vietnam, a unit dubbed the walking dead because three-quarters of its members were killed.

"I had a lot of guys die in my arms and once I put that plaque out there and said this flag will always fly because I owe it to my boys, my walking dead Marines … I owe it to my boys," Oulton said.

But it won't fly anymore. He took it down in March. All that remains is a hole in the ground, a broken plaque and mementos left by visiting veterans.

Oulton lost his case in local court, and then higher courts rejected his appeals. The presiding judge told Oulton, "You agreed not to erect a structure without prior approval. That's it. No more, no less. You violated that agreement." After a four-year battle, Oulton has lost his flag, and $150,000 to the association in legal fees.

Is this not a perfect example of the way in which the freaks, and deviants in this country take away our freedoms one at a time? Is this not a crime! Think about it, the neighbors LIKED the pole and flags, but some idiot with to much time on his hands and to little brain decided that he didn't like it, can this truely have been an American who felt that way? Does this not make your blood boil that they would go so far as to force him to remove them?? I can tell you where I would have told them to put the flag pole. Then they would have had to come take it down by force.

Another small part of American Freedom and the right to express your love of this Country died that day.
The like shows you pictures of this case and a little more in-depth info. I mistakingly said the ACLU was involved inthis case, they were not to my knowledge (now I know this) but this is just the type of thing thye would do. But this was just done by local idiots and leftys.. They must have had troubled childhoods and blame the USA for all the welfare checks they are forced to get.

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The Michigan Left

By Kristin Hatcher
Posted Wednesday, June 09, 2004 on Vampires in Nebraska
Discussion: Misc

Ok, so I went to our storage unit today to drop off the last load of boxes. Making a left turn in Michigan is almost more annoying than trying to make a left in Downtown LA during rush hour. "They" - whoever they are - have decided in their little pointy heads that they can't just allow anyone to make a left turn when they want to. To make a left turn you are often forced to go down to the next stoplight and make a u-turn and come back. Obviously that is so much more efficient and better for traffic than just allowing people to make a left whenever the fancy strikes them. For example, say when someone wants to get on the freeway. It would be silly to just allow them to get on the freeway, so they force you to take your time about getting onto that on-ramp, just on the off chance you'll come to your senses and stay home instead. Ah yes, a very efficient plan.

Then of course instead of getting onto the 275 south like I was supposed to I got on the the M14 and didn't even realize it at first. I mean, nothing looked familiar, but then again nothing out here does look familiar to me. It's all just kind of generally green. I managed to get myself turned around though and back home and thus I am writing this blog. Otherwise I may have ended up on the mean streets of Toledo, or wherever that road leads, and may never have made it back.

Having said all of that, Michigan is one of the greenest states I have ever seen. Southern California is fairly brown, all things considered. It is a desert after all. It's quite lovely here. It might even rain today. I do like rain. At the moment.

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OK, that's kinda nerdy. How Nerdy are you?

guess I just read the right stuff

By IanTyger
Posted Tuesday, June 08, 2004 on Silvercat's Lair
Discussion: Life Journals

61.904761904761905% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
50%-69% - Dangerously make that dangeresque.

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Some Top Skins/Icons of 2004 so far

Judges face agony in the GUI Olympics...

By Brad Wardell
Posted Tuesday, June 08, 2004 on frogboy
Discussion: OS Customization

There's so much grreat stuff in this year's GUI Olympics. And much of it is a lot better than a screenshot or casual use can determine. I've been reading on-line as people root for the skin they think is "the best". But how do you define what is "the best"?  Many users are casually using these things (if at all) and making their determinations simply.  So I sat down with some (not all, just some) of my favorites and wanted to bring to people's attention much of the work involved on some of these along with other issues judges may look at.  BTW, I was about half way done taking screenshots when I discovered that I had WindowBlinds skinning only theme aware controls which, for some reason, turns off progress bar skinning. My apologies to those skin authors who made great progress bars whose screenshots are showing the default ones.

This is FlyOS visual style with PirateOS for the icons.. The first thing about icons that many casual users tend to ignore is the number of icons in an icon package.  Someone loads up mega-cool looking icon package that only has 50 icons in it and it may seem to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. But as you use them, you start noticing that some icons aren't changed. I noticed this when running one of the best looking icon packages -- my .WMV files had the generic icon. Other common file formats didn't have custom icons.  Do these things matter? They do to me. How the judges of the GUI Olympics will consider these things I don't know (for the record, I'm not an official judge for the contest).

Anyway, getting back to the skins at hand. FlyOS is one I like because it's really usable. It's usable on many different levels. It has very good MDI buttons which manner a lot to me because I'm always dealing with child windows in my programs. It's bright and crisp and easily colorizeable which also makes a difference.   FlyOS also has a really nice set of toolbar icons and progress animations.  Again, some great skins were submitted that didn't replace the toolbar icons and progress animations. How much should that matter? I can't say. It would matter some to me if I were voting for "Best overall" because it is a matter of completeness.

With regards to the Pirate OS icons, it has 103 icons in there each with lots of different sizes.

Look at all the extra icons in here.

More here too.  When you open up your folders on your hard drive and you see that .PSD files get their own slick consistent icon you can really appreciate the effort that went into this.  It also supports both Windows XP and non XP platforms.


This is Mini-OS. It shares the toolbar icons and progress animations from FlyOS which is fine because it goes nicely here. This is a really really clean skin and it uses a couple of unique WindowBlinds features such as the one pixel borders and having a indention that is just where the title bar text is. As much as I like the look of one pixel borders, it does make resizing sometimes a bit tougher on apps that don't have a status bar. But if you're looking for a minimalistic skin this is one to seriously consider. I like it a lot.

This is FM by Gabriel. Gabriel has emerged as one of the power houses in the skinning community in the past year. He's moving close to reaching his zenith as a skinner in my view as his skins keep getting better an dbetter.  This skin has very good toolbar icons and a nice progress animation. The skin is both attractive and minimalistic.  I would probably prefer to have slightly more contrast in my skins but that's purely a matter of taste as many skins are garish and hard on the eyes. This skin is very easy on the eyes and very functional. Look at some of the subtleties in this skin closely -- look at the mouse over on the Start menu. Many skin authors tend to want to really make it obvious they skinned the mouse over. But Gabriel's subtle use of that feature helps give this skin a level of class that few others can compete with.


This is G-Pod (also by Gabriel) with the Flooter icons by DanilloOc. I really like both of these. G-pod has the best progress animation I've seen ever. The skin is very colorize able as well and I usually run it with green or blue tinting to it. It also has a fun use of sound in it where the buttons will say "Minimize" and such when you press them.

Flooter has 129 icons. Again I want to stress this: 129 ICONS! DanilloOc also took the time to tweak the icons at different resolutions.  Hopefully some of you can appreciate the level of effort involved here. So when the judging comes out and you think some icon package should have won, ask yourself this: 1) How many icons were in the icon package (i.e. how complete was it)  2) How many formats are included and 3) Did they tweak them at different resolutions or did they just scale from some huge image?

One of the things that frustrated me a bit was some people discounting the level of effort involved in making skins and icons.  129 icons means 128 different images that had to be imagined, put together as part of an overall theme, drawn, and then put together for different formats. Most of this work goes unappreciated. But I want those icon artists to know that the GUI Olympics judges do appreciate the level of effort being put in. I know that many of these icon packages have been talked about a great deal at Stardock and there's a lot of sadness that many of them won't get the kudos they deserve (there's talk about having Stardock "bonus prizes" to go to designers who we felt didn't get enough from their hard work).

Anyway, enough blubbering on Flooter. It's really well done. Probably the only thing going against it is that it's a bit monochrome but that's a matter of taste and DanilloOc uses color extremely well when he does.

This is Erik Holmer's Kewk visual style. It's quite complete with multiple styles for the Start menu. A very popular skin for those who like minimalist skins in particular.

This is Sektor. It is also by DanilloOc who made those fantastic icons. It's one of the best skins in many ways but has many things going against it as well. First, it's a dark skin which are harder to make than the lighter ones, especially in terms of usability because Windows developers tend to assume they're dealing with light colors. Secondly, the title bar, while animated with a pump (very cool) has its buttons pretty close together relative to their size.  And yet with those minor foibles this skin has the best use of sound in the contest. Most WindowBlinds skins don't make use of sound which is a real pity because sound can add a little extra class to a skin. Of course, poorly used, sound can be obnoxious. In this case it adds fun and doesn't get annoying.

The screenshot though doesn't do it justice. This skin has the best Start menu in the contest IMO. Outstanding use of animation doesn't slow it down but instead reminds people why they're using WindowBlinds in the first place. It's just so well done. Also, the progress animation is amongst the best in the contest.  Very well animated and fits in extremely well into the overall theme.

The icons, D3A, were done by Milosz Wlazlo, a heavy favorite because of the very high quality of the icons. These icons are so good that it's hard to deny their inevitable high standing in the contest.  On the other hand, there's only 71 of them.

D3A is quality all the way through but with  some of the competition having nearly twice as many it may be a close call. I have to say these icons are amongst my favorites (which is why I'm talking about it at all).  BTW, the skin in this screenshot is Boxxi's Vector 4 which was really a creative design that I liked a lot. A lot of the really innovative skins this year came from Boxxi but the creative event was extremely competitive this year which kept his outstanding skins from placing in the top 3 (and yet Boxxi's probably gathered the most overall points from judges from all his high value entries).


This is B0se's Opulence. A fan favorite and definitely a very clean skin. Probably one of the most usable skins in the contest. It doesn't have toolbar icons or progress animations which put it at a significant disadvantage in the "best overall" area. But its clean design, high quality, and good design put it up near the top.

Not in the contest but Judge's Milk, designed by Max Rudberg and ported to Windows by Kol and D'Blade shares a lot in common with Opulence. Opulence is clearly an original work and has done very well in the contest. For those who like this style of skin, Milk is one that you may like also.


This is Essorant's Pixel 8 skin. Doing an informal poll around the office, this is probably the most used skin in the contest. This screenshot doesn't really do it justice. It's an incredibly usable skin with good use of color and contrast that makes it more usable at multiple resolutions than Luna. It has a clean progress animation and very nice toolbar icons. It's really got everything going for it.


This is B0se's other entry in the GUI Olympics. VectorCell has been, in many respects, the star of the show. It won the best pseudo-OS skin and narrowly lost the best usable skin (it doesn't have a system menu icon on the title bar). B0se has won 3 medals already with 2 entries, an impressive feat.  I'd venture that this skin would be a sure thing for one of the top 3 spots in the overall category if it had progress animations and toolbar icons. Even without those things, it's magnificent design, good use of color, high usability, and originality put it in the running still.  In fact, this particular visual style is likely causing quite a stir with judges.  How much do progress animations and toolbar icons matter overall? Each judge will weigh things based on their own opinion. It is hard to ignore the effort involved in creating toolbar icons and progress animations too. No matter what happens, there will likely be riot no matter who wins. Next to Pixel 8, this is the skin I see most often used in the office. It is also, btw, the most popular skin in the GUI Olympics in download count.


Storm from Treetog is a good example of Pixtudio design in visual styles. Bold design, high usability, very good polish. It makes use of some animation. Has some sound in it. It also excels in areas that do matter but few users can appreciate.  One of the things that Treetog skins tend to do is not have "glitches". Lots of great skins look and run great but will have some bug or other in there that causes flakey behavior on some app. When someone says "WindowBlinds is buggy" what they should really be saying is "WindowBlinds running <skin N> is buggy" because it's usually some minor glitch in the skin that can wreak havoc with some obscure app. After all, when the format allows you to move the buttons anywhere, have borders any size you want, have title bars any size you want, if some parameter isn't set right problems can ensue.  The GUI Olympics skins have prompted Stardock to put a host of error checking features into SkinStudio 4.3 (to be released next week) to help notify the skinner of any potential issues.

Now, on the icon size, Mindless Puppet's insanely named icons are easily the most original in the contest. And the effort put into them is not obvious until you look closer.  Look at the screenshot closely.  Look at how the icons are different for different resolutions.  The 72x72 icon is not scaled down to 48x48 but instead is a differently drawn icon. And at 16x16 a different icon is used. That's attention to detail and quality that Mindless Puppet is renowned for.  And with over 103 total icons (not 98) pretty much everything is covered.

There are other icon design contests on the net but if you look at them, most of those icons only have a dozen or two icons in them. Try drawing one icon sometime. Now imagine doing 100 of those! For the GUI Olympics over 3000 icons.  For example, on one of our favorite contests, PixelPalooza, the typical icon set has only 10 to 30 icons compared to the 100+ you regularly see here.

MikeB's Airlock has two styles. One style won the most creative contest with the BeOS style title bar that appeared on the BOTTOM of the window.  This is the more conventional style shown here. This skin has all the major features going for it. Very clean, good progress animations, good toolbar icons. If I were to make any suggestions to this it would be in the area of color choices. I like my whites to be white. Anything that makes my actual windows not perfectly white can be distracting. On my computer, I've tweaked this skin to have slightly different colors. I'm not a big fan of this shade of blue. But it's overall outstanding design puts it in the running.

Rokey's The Last Order, are a front runner to win one of the top spots in the overall best icons. But the judges face a similar a challenge even here.  A casual user loads up these outstanding icons and can say "These are the best icons out there, it's no contest". They are so well done after all. And they are outstanding. But there's only 66 of them and they are all large images (very high quality ones mind you) rescaled and XP-only. Makes things for the judge.  The sheer quality of Rokey's icons will create a riot if it doesn't come in 1st (let alone the top 3). On the other hand, what do you say to the icon designer who created a brilliant set of icons in which there's over 100 of them, they support every version of Windows, and the author created by hand different icons for different resolutions?

Rokey's incredible The Last Order is a favorite amongst both artists and users alike. On the other hand, it only supports Windows XP and all images are high resolution images rescaled down. How do you vote? Wouldn't want to be a judge on that one! Talk about a tough call.


And then there's Treetog's Antares. It's an animation extravaganza. Incredible animation. Good use of sound. Multiple styles included so that those with lower end hardware can scale how much animation is in there. And on top of it all, it's a power user skin that's also immensely usable.

The icons, by vf, are the Megaton icons.  144 icons. That's over twice as many as are in The Last Order and these icons are of outstanding quality as well. Look at the attention to detail.  He also has individual icons for file formats like .BootSkin in there.

TIFF and JPEG get their own icons. No generic media icons. When you've got 144 icons, you're covering a lot of formats. And they're not done generically, they're done with attentionn to detail on every one.  It has only one major thing going against them which is also its greatest strength - they're black. Dark icons tend to be less popular than the traditional light colored icons most people use.  But again, make yourself the judge, how do choose between an icon package of this quality, with 144 icons in them that are all individually set up? One other downside is that they're Windows XP only. 

So here is a handful of some of my favorite skins and themes I've seen that are also favorites of other people based on what I've read on-line. This is by no means comprehensive but just writing this up has taken 4+ hours today so I'll have to stop here.

But you can see the challenge for the judges. How much do you weigh these different aspects? What hopefully comes across is that the judges do look a lot closer at these things than most users realize. And for the designers out there, we want you to know how much we appreciate the level of effort that you guys have put into this.  And we want you to know that we look at that. We understand what is involved and look for those things in the skins and themes.  Does that skin work on Windows ME? Does that icon package include icons for Adobe Acrobat files? Does the icon include separate images for 16x17 icons or was it a high resolution image rescaled down? Do the icons support Windows 2000? How understandable are they? How close are the title bar buttons together? Does the skin make it hard to resize? How well does the skin work at 1600x1200? What about 800x600? And so on.

More to come. Soon we'll have the user choice awards. And if I have time, I'll include some other favorites. And we want to thank everyone who has participated. Hopefully everyone will remember to keep in mind that while they may feel that their skin of choice should have one 1st instead of 3rd, that with over 150 entries, most designers didn't win any medals at all and every skin and icon package in the contest took a great deal of work (weeks and weeks of work). We thank everyone for participating and helping make our community a better place.


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Review: John Stossel, Give me a break

Provacative book makes takes a hard look at what's what

By Draginol
Posted Monday, June 07, 2004 on Right Wing Techie
Discussion: Non-Fiction

Recently finished John Stossel's Give Me A Break. John Stossel is co-anchor of ABC's 20/20. It's his segments I have traditionally enjoyed the most because he's always struck me as being fair. He goes after companies, organizations, and even the government if they fit a fairly simple criteria: Are they ripping off Americans?

Stossel has been under fire recently which is something that took him a bit by surprise. He started out as being the guy who exposed all those seedy big corporations. The polluters, the scam artists, the fat cat CEOs. And by doing so won fame and praise from his peers in the media. He's won so many Emmy awards that he needs a couple shelves to hold them all.

But then something happened. He expanded to expose the pet causes of the left as well. He pointed out fraud in Medicaid. He started pointing out the dishonesty in some left wing groups. He showed corruption in the government. And suddenly he was branded a traitor and has suffered great abuse from the very same people who were once singing his praises.

One of the big themes in his book that really got me thinking was lawyers. His book exposes how both the left and the right (but mostly the left) use the courts to bypass the will of the people. Through lawsuits small groups and wield tremendous power. While a law requires a majority of legislatures to pass, a new legal decision only requires one sympathetic judge or jury. Fail once? Try try again until you get the judge who will  give you what you want.

He also points out how these events end up harming the people they're trying to protect. Big lawsuits over iffy claims of discrimination by the disabled or minorities has led to higher unemployment rates in those groups as companies become more wary about bringing in a huge potential liability.

But for me, the real meat comes into play when he shows how the media pushes stories that have little factual basis.  Take global warming, for example. Environmentalists have cynically been pushing that we're about to destroy the world due to higher temperatures caused by CO2.  But are we? In fact for most of the past 10,000 years the earth was warmer than it is today. The world wasn't destroyed then. And if it could be 3 or 4 degrees warmer say in the year 5000bc when there was no industry, how do we know that mankind is affecting the climate?

Where Stossel really stirred things up was a program on 20/20 that essentially showed the whole "Organic food" craze as nonsense. Essentially it boils down to this -- the trace amount of pesticides on non-organic food are likely to be less harmful than the massive amounts of extra bacteria that "organic food" has. Organic food is certainly no more healthy than any other kind of food. He includes interviews with organic food advocates that demonstrate that they too know it's no more healthy. It's a scam.

Stossel's take on poverty is particularly harsh. Stossel, the journalist who has made his career sticking up for the little guy has very little nice to say about government programs that are supposed to help the poor. Rather than helping the poor, Stossel argues that government programs help perpetuate it. 

For example, in 1959 the poverty rate was 22.4%.  By 1970 it was down to 12.6% just as the "war on poverty" programs were starting up.. But at 1985, when mean Mr. Reagan finally got through some of the elimination of "programs for the poor" the poverty rate had actually increased to14%. In other words, the  "war on poverty" had managed to reverse the historical trend in the United States of decreasing poverty. Poverty remained about the same until the mid 90s when welfare reform was passed. By 2000, poverty had declined to an all time low of only 11.3%.  Imagine where we might be today if we hadn't lost a generation or two of people to welfare?

Probably the most controversial part of the book (which is saying a lot right?) is the argument over what constitutes "doing good".  Do good intentions trump good results?  He compared Mother Theresa to Michael Milken.  Mother Theresa was the model of humility and devotion to the poor.  Michael Milken, by contrast, is the poster child of greed who gave us the term "Junk bonds".  But who did more good? Milken's junk bonds were what financed the creation of CNN, MCI, and hundreds of other high profile companies who have created millions of jobs and created trillions in wealth. Without junk bonds, Mattel would be out of business along with Revlon.  We're not even talking about the millions Milken gave to charities and education grants. Mother Theresa, while noble in intentions, actually accomplished far less in terms of helping people.

Regardless of whether you're left or right, Give Me A Break is a provocative, thoughtful read. Highly recommended.

Bonus Rating: Interesting   Insightful  

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Sometimes there aren't two sides

Well who am i to say...?

By Draginol
Posted Monday, June 07, 2004 on Right Wing Techie
Discussion: Philosophy

One of the things that always bugs me is when people say things like "the truth is somewhere in the middle" between two parties.  I hear that kind of moral equivalence argument all the time. But where the heck does it come from because while technically true, in spirit it is not.

In my experience, when two parties disagree about some issue and have different versions of events, odds are that one of the parties accountings of events will be predominantly true and the other party's predominantly false. I talked to a lawyer friend of mine about this the other  day who has concluded the same thing.  In fact, as often as not, disputes arise precisely because one person is lying and the other person is telling the truth.

This got me thinking about falling outs between friends like the one I wrote in my friendship article. The events I described there aren't open to interpretation, those are the facts. Interpretation comes into play when deciding whether one party had a legitimate reason for feeling wronged or not. 

More recently, our company was involved in a lawsuit. I posted the facts as we saw them publicly which were pretty damning to our opponents. I did that because we believe in a very simple philosophy: If you practice your business honorably then you can operate transparently and the facts, when known, will always be to your advantage. But sure enough, a few people still said "Well, that's Stardock's side, I'm sure their opponents have a different take on things." My argument was that no, there wasn' t a different set of facts. There was only one set of facts.  If the case hadn't been settled, I would have been more than hapy to publicly post the complete transcripts (other than the parts our opponents consider confidential) from both sides from discovery along with affidavits from both sides.

This is doubly true when you bring things up onto the macro-scale. There is a tendency in politics to try moral equivalent arguments. It's as if it has become politically incorrect to take a stand on beliefs that are based on cultural roots rather than literal facts.  For instance, if party A believes that it is wrong for party B to kill their children and eat them as food in the service of their sun god, I'm willing to go out on a limb here and say that party B is in the wrong. Yet these days there seem to be many people ready to jump up and say "Well, who are we to say..."

Great evil can be done because good people don't act. Similarly, great harm can be done if we take the easy route and assume that both parties in a given dispute are in the wrong.

Sometimes, there really aren't two sides to any story.

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Guide To Springfield - The Simpson's

By mikimouse
Posted Monday, June 07, 2004 on Mouse's House
Discussion: Humor

I got a good kick out of this link. But it's something we all will appreciate. And we're all familiar with the places so enjoy!

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Knowing Who I Want to Be and Getting There

By JillUser
Posted Monday, June 07, 2004 on More than just Mommy
Discussion: Misc

I don't know if many people struggle with this, but it is an ongoing thing for me.  I know who I want to be, inside and out.  I recognize both my strengths and weaknesses.  One of my greatest weakenesses however is self discipline.

I know that to be the person I want to be on the outside, I need to exercise.  Why do I have so much trouble just doing it?!  On mornings that I get up before everyone else and use the treadmill and eliptical machines or go for a walk, I feel so much better.  Why can't I just get my ass out of bed like that every morning?!

If I just jump out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off, I'm good to go.  Unfortunately, my hubby sleeps by the alarm and either hits the snooze or turns it off entirely.  I then think of every excuse in the book as to why I should get 15 more minutes of sleep.  Once the day gets rolling along, it is 10PM and I never did exercise.

As far as making changes to the inner me, I feel I have a little less work to do.  I have some spiritual searching to do and I would like to broaden my knowledge base.  I need to make more time for reading.  My husband always reads in bed.  Once I finally get to bed, I am out like a light.

I think I might be too content with myself in general.  I have to remind myself that I am truly unhappy with the way I look because I generally feel good and feel good about myself as a person.  I need a kick in the butt about getting rid of the flab and getting into shape.  I just don't know why I have such a hard time with that.

I also wish I were a more organized person.  I too often put stuff aside for quick clean up and don't ever do any serious organizing.  I always feel I don't have the time.  There are obviously plenty of people who make the time.  Why am I not one of those people?

I used to think I just put everyone else before myself and that is why I never seemed to get the stuff done that I felt needed to get done.  I do still drop stuff for my husband and kids.  Weekends are mostly eaten up with spending time with friends and/or family.

We didn't take a vacation last Summer and are taking a couple of weeks this time around.  Maybe I can steal some alone time to organize my thoughts and work out a schedule for getting things organized.  Wish me luck!

Bonus Rating: Interesting   Insightful  

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