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Right-Thinking from the Left Coast
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Thoughts on Reagan
Maybe it's because I lost my father recently, but I have been quite upset by Reagan's passing today. He was a larger-then-life figure, and a personal hero not only to me but to countless other people. He was our last truly great president. He was the first president I really remember, and during my teenage years he exemplified everything that I currently love about America. I think that's one of the reasons that this has affected me so deeply—Reagan was America, and with his death it's as if a little piece of America died with him. He wouldn't agree with that sentiment, of course; he understood that the American experiment is bigger than any one man. But it's fair to say that the world is a drastically different and far better place because of Reagan's influence, wisdom, ideas, and steely resolve in the face of right and wrong.

One of the best books I have ever read about Reagan is How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life by Peter Robinson. It is a firsthand account of Reagan as a man and an idealist. One of the book's most touching stories, which I think speaks volumes of the type of man Reagan was, took place a few years ago. Reagan was deeply afflicted with Alzheimer's, and one of his Secret Service guards moved him into a room to be by the fire. Reagan was unable to speak or communicate, but to show his gratitude he grabbed the agent's hand and kissed it. While I read this book months ago and was very touched by this incident, I think the reason I find this story so personal is my father, a week or two before he lost his life, did something very similar with one of his nurses when she moved him into the hallway so he could look out the window.

Great men die, and life goes on. The best that we can do is honor them and remember them, and never fail to tell the world the way that they changed our lives for the better. They live on in us.

Update: Joe Gandelman has a great essay on Reagan over at Dean's World.

A Dark Day
Dan Rather just came on the TV and announced that Reagan has died. More details as they emerge.

Update: You know, I cannot think of a single person, apart from maybe my father, who shaped my view of the world more than Ronald Reagan. This is a devastating loss.

Update 2: During the restrospective on CBS Dan Rather referred to the Strategic Defense Initiative as "Star Wars." I wonder if Dan realizes that the people who christened the program with that monicker were the left-wing opponents of the program in the major media, who wanted to belittle the idea.

Observing Mikey
My latest Moore fisking is up over at MOOREWATCH.

Debt of Honor
I sincerely hope that sixty years from now this is not the attitude we get from the people of Iraq.
Fewer than 50 percent of French people think France has a moral debt to the United States 60 years after the Allied D-Day landings, according to an opinion poll published on Saturday.

The poll of 1,000 people on May 25 and 26 showed 48 percent of respondents thought France, which was liberated by U.S. and other Allied forces during World War Two, had a moral debt to the United States. Fifty percent thought it did not.

The poll was published by Le Parisien newspaper hours before U.S. President George W. Bush was due to arrive in France for the anniversary of the D-Day landings on June 6, 1944. It also showed growing French criticism of the United States.

Forty-four percent of people polled were critical of the United States, up from 36 percent in a similar poll in March 2003 and compared to 34 percent in October 2000.

A further 29 percent of respondents said they were worried by the United States in the poll published on Saturday.

There are two ways of looking at this. The first, which you will hear from denizens of the left, is that this is proof that what we are doing is wrong. If France, one of our oldest allies feels this way about us, then we need to atone for that and recognize that they were right and we were wrong. The second view, one which I subscribe to, is that this is evidence that we really should care too much what France thinks of us one way or the other. If that nation can be so utterly, morally bankrupt that over half of them don't feel a sense of debt over the monumental cost in blood and treasure spent by the British and the Americans to liberate their cowardly asses, then there's really no point in us dealing with them at all in the future.

I've been to France and loved it. But I'll most likely never go again. Much like America's attitudes have soured the French on us, so has their attitude caused me to despise the French people.

America and France are one of the oldest alliances in the world, going all the way to the Marquis de Lafayette in the Revolutionary War. Indeed, that debt was so strongly felt that when American doughboys landed in France during WWI Lt. Col. Charles Stanton went to the Marquis' tomb and stated to jubilant applause, "Nous voilà, Lafayette!" — Lafayette, we are here! An amazing contrast with today where, barely sixty years later, half of the French don't feel any sort of obligation towards their liberators.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. Our debt is paid in full.

So I just ran out to go to the drug store to pick up a few things, and I noticed that there was a Pizza Hut to go right across the street, so I ran over and ordered a medium pizza, and told them I'd run to the store, then come back to pick it up. I ran into the drug store and the aisle I ran down was the card aisle. I glanced over and there were about a million different cards for Father's Day, which is coming up soon.

Man, I felt like I'd been punched in the guts. Father's Day is going to suck. And then July 2 is what would have been my Dad's 64th birthday. That's going to suck too.

So, anyway, I got my stuff and went back to Pizza Hut. They told me it was going to be a few minutes, so I stood there waiting. The gal who had taken my order was this tiny little Mexican, and she looked eerily familiar. As I stood there I just knew that I had seen her before somewhere. It was driving me crazy. Had I met her when I lived in LA six years ago? Did we live in the same apartment complex? Did she date a friend of mine? Then, like a bolt of lightning it hit me!

Gollum. From Lord of the Rings. This little gal looks exactly like Gollum. She didn't have the wispy chemotherapy hairstyle, and her skin wasn't translucent, but apart from that she was a dead ringer. It was uncanny. When she handed me my pizza I half expected her to pull it in close and start calling it her precious.


One for the Guys
These pics are definitely not safe for work, so be warned. But this this girl is hot hot hot! And she has quite possible the most perfectly-shaped girl-parts I've ever seen.

USS Malaise
Our bubblehead ex-president is getting a sub named after him.
The third and final Seawolf-class submarine, the USS Jimmy Carter, will be christened June 5.

The ceremony is conducted by Electric Boat, and kicks off the process for delivering the submarine to the Navy later this year.

"The christening of the ship is a shipyard affair," said Navy spokesman Lt. Phil Rosi. "We participate, certainly, but they have the lead on it."

The Navy's first ceremony for the Jimmy Carter, the commissioning, will take place sometime after the ship is delivered to the Navy.

The submarine was supposed to be finished in 2001, but the Navy decided to modify it in 1999 to add a section that adds 100 feet to its length. That space will create enough room for dozens of special forces and their equipment.

How ironic that this very vessel will be participating in military operations that Jimmy Carter would not only never have authorized as president, but would not approve of under current circumstances. What a shame that such an awesome ship of war is being named after such a bleeding heart, dictator-loving, economy-destroying, UN-worshipping, pacifist douchebag.
Roslyn Carter is the sponsor of the ship, and will break a bottle of champagne against its hull to formally name it during the ceremony.

It is named for her husband, the 39th president of the United States, a 1947 graduate of the Naval Academy and a submariner.

I wonder if he'll show up for the commissioning, and if so, what kind of comments he'll have regarding its future missions? I'd be wiling to bet he skips the event and avoids the whole affair altogether. He'll probably be too busy building houses somewhere, or kissing Fidel Castro's ass.

Jimmy Carter. Now there's a name that will strike fear in the hearts of America's enemies!

The Green Side
Want to know what's going on in Iraq? Skip the major media, and ignore Michael Moore. Ask a Marine.

USA = Hitler
President Bush was welcomed in Italy in a typical Dignified European fashion. (Translation via Babelfish.)
Numerous demonstrators tried to disturb Bush's attendance in Rome, which took place under sharpest safety precautions. Concerned about excessive protest, Italy had stationed approximately 10,000 policemen at train stations and Metro stations as well as at places in the capital. In several places of Rome, burning trash cans and cardboard blocked traffic and demonstrators wrote slogans against the US president on house walls. In the afternoon at least on protester was counted for each policeman. A group of demonstrators carried a flag of the USA, which was painted with a swastika. The message: Bushs politics resembles that of the Hitler regime. A special affront, since Bush also came to Italy, in order to think of the release of Italy from fascism 60 years ago.

I hope that you can appreciate the delicious irony of left-wing protesters comparing the United States to Nazi Germany, using tactics that would have made Hitler's Brownshirts proud. Protesting is one thing, this is another entirely, and as virtually every left-wing protest in recent years has shown, violence is the hallmark of left-leaning minds.

Hauling Fatass
And the fatassification of America charges on.
A private emergency medical service plans to begin using an ambulance designed specifically to carry people who weigh 350 pounds or more.

When Jerry Key of American Medical Response began his career more than 30 years ago, he rarely dealt with patients weighing more than 500 pounds, he said.

These days, it is not unusual for the company to transport two or three patients a month who weigh up to 800 pounds, said Key, AMR's vice president of operations.

Not only is it difficult, it can be dangerous to use a standard stretcher for severely obese patients, he said. Their weight can easily shift, causing the stretcher to tip over and injure patients or staff, he said.

Obese patients are often carried to the ambulance on a large tarp and loaded in without being secured inside the vehicle.

"Think of taking a person who is really large, putting them on a tarp and dragging them onto the floor of an ambulance and now driving down the road. How safe is that?" Key said. "There's no dignity in that at all."

Perhaps if the rest of society didn't best over backwards to accommodate the lifestyle of people who choose to balloon up to 800 lb. these types of ambulances wouldn't be necessary.

Cut and Run
With all the controversy that surrounded Mikey's "creative editing" in BFC it looks like it's going to be harder for him to pull off those types of stunts this time. The victims of those techniques are going to be a lot more pro-active in defending themselves, like this guy.
Rep. Mark Kennedy has unhappy memories of his filmed encounter with leftist moviemaker Michael Moore, an encounter featured Thursday in a trailer for the upcoming U.S. release of the film "Fahrenheit 9/11."

"I was walking back to my office after casting a vote, and all of a sudden some oversized guy puts a mike in my face and a camera in my face," said the Minnesota Republican. "He starts asking if I can help him recruit more people from families of members of Congress to participate in the war on terror."

Kennedy said he told Moore that he has two nephews in the military, one who has just been deployed in the Army National Guard.

But to Kennedy's annoyance, his response to Moore was cut from the trailer (and from the film, according to a spokeswoman for the movie).

"The interesting thing is that they used my image, but not my words," Kennedy said. "It's representative of the fact that Michael Moore doesn't always give the whole story, and he's a master of the misleading."

A spokeswoman for the film, which has found a U.S. distributor after the Walt Disney Co. refused to release it, said she had no comment.

A transcript released by the film's producers shows Moore telling Kennedy that "there is only one member [of Congress] who has a kid over there in Iraq." He asks Kennedy to help him pass out literature encouraging others "to get their kids to enlist in the Army and go over to Iraq."

Kennedy replies, "I'd be happy to. Especially those who voted for the war. [As Kennedy did.] I have a nephew on his way to Afghanistan."

To which Moore replies: "I appreciate it."

What? You mean Mikey would use editing tricks to distort his interviews so as to make his political opposites as bad as possible? I'm shocked, I tell you... SHOCKED!

Hey Hey Hey
Because of the move to LA and everything else going on in my life I didn't get an opportunity to blog on Bill Cosby's recent comments at an NAACP dinner. Fortunately others did, and Matt Rosenberg has a great column in today's NRO giving a blogospheric roundup. Be sure and check it out.

The Shaft
Much like Rodney Dangerfield, I just don't get no respect. Or recognition, it seems.

Allow me to stipulate at the onset, gentle reader, that I did not come up with the term "Left Coast." That was around a long, long time before I ever thought of writing this blog, something I started doing in September of 2002. Its name, from day one, was Right-Thinking from the Left Coast, just like it is now. Then, late last year, a new conservative talk show was launched in the Bay Area. Its name? Right-Thinking from the Left Coast. And the kicker is that the name on his site has been trademarked.

Now, I don't for a second think that the host, Brian Sussman, got the name of his show from this blog. "Right-Thinking" and "Left Coast" are common enough terms, and it doesn't take a genius to pop the two of them together. (Hell, I did it.) But the fact remains that there are tons of people in his audience, and if he ever goes national his radio show is going to get the gold mine, and I'll get the shaft.

Then on May 20 of this year I wrote a post called Blood Money, which I also mirrored over on MOOREWATCH. The gist of the post was that Steven Spielberg refused to be paid for his work on Schindler's List because he considered it "blood money," whereas Michael Moore has never had any compunction about doing likewise. In addition, my MOOREWATCH co-creator Jim had put up a post on May 19 about a project called Release the Movie, which called for Mikey to release Fahrenheit 911 for free over the internet.

On May 24 I received an email from an alert viewer named Luke, who wrote:
On "Fox and Friends" this morning they were discussing Michael Moore's new film FAHRENHEIT 9/11. While talking with James Hirsen (author of: Tales from the Left Coast), mentioned that a source (*hint*) reminded him that Steven Spielberg was not paid for Schindler's List. James Hirsen continued, affirming that Mr. Spielberg refused to accept pay, saying that it would be "blood money". Mr. Hirsen then drew the conclusion that payment from F9/11 was also "blood money". He then called on Moore to release FAHRENHEIT 9/11 for free over the internet. I doubt this was a coincidence. He was practically reading from the posts "Blood Money" and "Release the movie" on the site.

I had no idea that I was one of James Hirsen's sources. A plug for the site would have been nice. Now, to be fair, maybe one of his assistants told him about the blood money thing after reading it on our site. Maybe it was a total coincidence, and he made both points a couple of days after we posted them. Who knows.

Then today, a reader named "anwfn" alerted me to this column over at National Review Online. It's by blogger Cathy Siepp, and it covered a blogger convention that was held last weekend here in Los Angeles. (The ironic thing is that if I hadn't been moving last weekend I would have gone to this conference.) At any rate, take a look at the title of Cathy's column and the logo that goes with it.


Now, compare that image with mine.

Again, like before, did she intentionally copy my name and design? Of course not, it's a coincidence. But these weird coincidences keep happening more and more. Limbaugh likes to claim that he's on the cutting edge of societal evolution, but I really think it's me. The problem is that nobody knows it. :)

The Professionals
Showing what brutal fascists they are, US troops opened fire on a group of protesters today in Iraq, prompting calls from peace groups for the UN to take over operations there. Oh wait, I messed that up.
U.N. troops fired on rampaging protesters in Congo's capital Thursday, killing at least two, as the surprise capture of an eastern city by renegade commanders sparked the most violent protests here since the outbreak of the country's 1998-2002 war.

Crowds turned on President Joseph Kabila's weak government and Congo's 10,800-member U.N. force for failing to stop the fall of Bukavu, surging into the streets by the tens of thousands to attack U.N. installations.

There are almost 11,000 UN troops in the Congo, yet a country as vitally important on the world stage as Iraq gets dick in the way of UN support. How typical.
In New York, U.N. Undersecretary-General for Peacekeeping Jean-Marie Guehenno blamed the violence on unreasonable expectations among Congolese about the U.N. peacekeepers' ability to control militants.

"There's an expectation that MONUC (the U.N. mission) with its limited resources could do everything," Guehenno said. "I think it's likely we will need more troops."

Ah, I see. So when the UN needs more troops it is simply an adjustment based upon a changing situation, but when the US needs more troops for Iraq it is a sign that the effort there is turning into Vietnam. And when the UN has a problem controlling militants, well, that's just an unreasonable expectation on the part of the locals, but when the US has trouble controlling Iraqi militants that are trained and financed by some of the most wealthy terror-supporting nations in the world, that's just proof that Bush is Hitler.
"They entered, and there were very many of them," Toure said. He said U.N. forces fired in self-defense, adding: "We regret this deeply because our mission was to establish peace in the country but we were left with no choice."

Of course you had a choice! You could have done what the US is being called upon to do, and turned the whole situation over to the UN!


Jim and I are well on our way to meeting our goal of $3,000 for a bullet proof iron clad server for the next year. I mentioned the other day that we might host an invitation-only game server, and there was quite a bit of interest. Jim checked with the guy who we're renting the server from, and he mtneioned that we could probably host three or four different game servers at the same time.

Soooo, I'm going to take a moment and act like a complete whore and beg for some cash. Like I said in the past, this is a once a year thing Jim and I are going to do. If you like this site and MOOREWATCH, why not kick in a few bucks to help us out? And if you like playing first person shooters, anyone making a donation will go on the guaranteed invite list to get in. And we're not talking about a lot of money here. $5 will get you in the door.

So come on, shower us in filthy lucre! Then come on in and frag our conservative asses!

Click here to donate.

An Abomination
Free speech: it's just for liberals.
A San Diego high school student suspended for wearing a T-shirt condemning homosexuality has sued the Poway Unified School District on grounds it violated his civil rights.

The federal suit said sophomore Tyler Chase Harper, 16, was suspended for expressing his "sincerely held religious beliefs," according to The San Diego Union-Tribune. ...

According to the suit, on April 21 Harper wore a hand-lettered T-shirt with the words, "I Will Not Accept What God Has Condemned" on the front "Homosexuality is Shameful" on the back, according to the Union-Tribune.

When Harper wore a similar shirt the next day, a teacher told him he was violating the school dress code and must remove the shirt or go to the office.

The suit contends the school's assistant principal said the shirt violated the code because it had homemade printing and was inflammatory and that Harper was suspended after refusing to remove it, the newspaper reported.

Okay, fair enough, the kid violated the dress code. But what prompted him to wear the shirt in the first place?
Harper wore the T-shirt during and after the April 21 "Day of Silence," a national event held on high school and college campuses to protest discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students, the newspaper reported.

Yes, my friends, he wore it as a protest against a school-sanctioned event that directly went against his religious beliefs. Now, can you imagine the uproar if the school had been holding a pro-war event and a student who war an anti-war shirt was suspended from school? The MoveOn folks would be railing about the crushing of dissent and portraying Bush as Hitler. But a guy happens to disagree with the gay lifestyle, and there's nary a peep from the free speech crowd.

Why is a school promoting this type of event anyway? A student can't use a classroom to hold a prayer group, but the school can promote a pro-gay event? Once again the liberals wipe their ass with the Constitution in the name of "social justice."

Bowling for Stockholm
And the latest example of uniquely-American school violence comes to you from Sweden.
Two teenagers detained by police last month amid allegations they planned a Columbine-style massacre at their high school were charged with conspiracy to commit murder, court officials said in Stockholm.

The teenagers, 16-year-old Jacob Roya and 17-year-old Niklas Ekberg, were detained by police in Malmo, 382 miles southwest of the capital, Stockholm, when their classmates and teachers claimed the pair planned to bring a gun to Slottsstaden School and kill several students and teachers and then blow it up.

In court documents outlining the conspiracy charges, prosecutors said the two teens allegedly planned to emulate the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in which two student gunmen killed 12 students and a teacher before killing themselves.

Astonishing, isn't it? I wasn't aware that Lockheed Martin had a missile factory in Malmo. I had no idea that the National Rifle Association held rallies in Sweden. And in a country with universal health care, a cradle-to-grave socialist welfare system, and virtually no guns, how do you explain this? Could it be that, just like the original Columbine killers, these students are nothing more than a couple of depressed homicidal psychopaths who want to end their lives in infamy?

Of course not. That doesn't make for a scathing indictment of conservatives, does it? I mean, why look for the actual causes to an incident when you can prostitute the memories of the victims to advance your personal leftist agenda?

Better Late than Never
The incompetent bastard is finally leaving.
CIA Director George Tenet (search) submitted his letter of resignation Thursday, President Bush announced.

Bush said he met with Tenet on Wednesday night in the White House. Tenet said he was resigning for personal reasons.

I would have fired him on September 12, but that's just me. So, who to replace him? I've said it before and I'll say it again. There is only one man in America who deserves to be running the CIA right now, and that is Rudy Giuliani. You want to strike fear in the hearts of jihadis everywhere? Put old Rudy up their asses.

Once again, California shows why businesses are leaving the state in droves.
California's Senate voted Thursday to support a bill to limit a new e-mail service by Google Inc. over concerns it could threaten the privacy of users.

California's state Senate approved the first-of-its-kind bill by a vote of 24-8 to restrict how Mountain View, California-based Google's upcoming free "Gmail" service could work once it is available in wide distribution.

The No. 1 Web search company's Gmail service, which will be supported by advertising and free for users when it launches for the public, is currently in beta testing.

Google had intended the service to scan e-mail for key words and concepts and use them to place targeted advertisements in personal messages.

The bill by Democratic state Sen. Liz Figueroa would require Gmail to work only in real-time and would bar the service from producing records.

The bill also would bar Gmail form collecting personal information from e-mails and giving any information to third parties.

Figueroa's bill now goes to California's Assembly.

How about, ya know, letting consumers decide whether or not they want Google collecting information on them. If I was Google I'd pack my shit and move to Nevada, and make sure that everyone know it was Liz Figueroa and the Democratic Party that prompted it. The Gmail service is, from what I have heard, awesome, and it's going to be free. So if Google wants to collect information on me based on keywords, I honestly couldn't give a crap. But thanks to the intrusive government policies of California liberals I may not get the chance. Hopefully the Governator will veto this piece of crap.

Justice Served
This blog has had a longtime commenter and contributor who goes by the handle RWO. He hasn't been around much lately, because he'd assumed a new identity: Juror #6.
A jury recommended Wednesday the death penalty for a man responsible for one of the most brutal child murders in San Diego history, 10News reported.

The same day closing arguments concluded in the sentencing phase retrial of Scott Erskine, a man who sexually assaulted and murdered two South Bay boys in 1993, a jury decided he deserves the death penalty.

Erskine, (pictured, right), 41, was convicted last October of two counts of first-degree murder and special circumstance allegations for the deaths of 13-year-old Charlie Keever and 9-year-old Jonathan Sellers.

Two months later, jurors deadlocked 11-1 for the death penalty and a new trial penalty phase was ordered.

Judge Kenneth So, who will consider the jury's recommendation, will determine a sentencing date Friday.

The mother of Jonathan Sellers, Melina Sellers, expressed gratitude for the jury's decision.

"The jury knew. There is no excuse for what he did. And, I thank God he got the death penaly because anything less than death would not have been justice. Thank God justice was done today," said Sellers.

The jury collectively decided not to talk to the press, but RWO has offered to hang out here tonight and discuss the case in a RTLC exclusive. Leave your questions in the comments section.

And allow me to be the first to congratulate the jury on an excellent decision. I remember hearing about this case when the first jury deadlocked. Erskine is one evil bastard, and deserves everything he gets.

Rather Liberal
I'm watching 60 Minutes right now, and Dan Rather is doing a story about Camilo Mejia, the gutless bastard who went AWOL from his unit when it was on active duty in Iraq. Being the pillar of journalism that he is known to be, Rather pointed out how Mejia is not an American citizen, and that his family is from Nicaragua. What he somehow managed to miss (gasp!) is that Mejia's family were Marxist revolutionaries in their homeland.

But hey, why actually report the whole story when cherry-picking the facts makes the criminal look much more legitimate?

Mikey and Howie
To those of you out there who still suffer from the delusion that the media in this country is anything but liberal, I'd like to point you to Andrew Sullivan's comments from this morning on a column in the Guardian by former New York Times editor Howell Raines. There was one comment by Raines that simply struck me dumb.
Two and a quarter centuries into its history as a nation, America has the most unfair tax system ever and the greatest gap ever between rich and poor. Even a real populist, however, would have trouble taking on these issues frontally. As Al From of the Democratic Leadership Council noted, Americans aren't antagonistic toward the rules that protect the rich because they think that in the great crap-shoot of economic life in America, they might wind up rich themselves. It's a mass delusion, of course, but one that has worked ever since Ronald Reagan got Republicans to start flaunting their wealth instead of apologising for it. Kerry has to understand that when a cure is impossible, the doctor must enter the world of the deluded.

What does this mean in terms of campaign message? It means that he must appeal to the same emotions that attract voters to Republicans - ie greed and the desire to fix the crap-shoot in their favour. That means that instead of talking about "fixing" social security, you talk about building a retirement system that makes middle-class voters believe they will be semi-rich someday.

Remember, my friends, this guy was the head mofo over at the New York Times. Now let's compare these comments with some published by Michael Moore in his most recent book, Dude, Where's My Country? Take a look at these quotes and see if you can discern one iota of difference between the messages of Raines and Moore.
So, here's my question: after fleecing the American public and destroying the American dream for most working people, how is it that, instead of being drawn and quartered and hung at dawn at the city gates, the rich got a big wet kiss from Congress in the form of a record tax break, and no one says a word? How can that be?

I think it's because we're still addicted to the Horatio Alger fantasy drug. Despite all the damage and all the evidence to the contrary, the average American still wants to hang on to this belief that maybe, just maybe, he or she (mostly he) just might make it big after all. So don't attack the rich man, because one day that rich man may be me!

Listen, friends, you have to face the truth: you are never going to be rich. The chance of that happening is about one in a million. Not only are you never going to be rich, but you are going to have to live the rest of your life busting your butt just to pay the cable bill and the music and art classes for your kid at the public school where they used to be free.

And it is only going to get worse. Forget about a pension, forget about social security, forget about your kids taking care of you when you get old because they are barely going to have the money to take care of themselves.

Here's another example.
In the US, we are afraid to sock it to them. We hate to put our CEOs in prison when they break the law. We are more than happy to cut their taxes even as ours go up! We don't want to do anything that could harm us on that day we end up millionaires. It's so believable because we have seen it come true. In every community there's at least one person prancing around as the rags-to-riches poster child, conveying the not-so-subtle message: "SEE! I MADE IT! YOU CAN, TOO!!"

So, what does it say about the state of the media in this country when the editor in chief of the New York Times, the Old Gray Lady, the Newspaper of Record, spouts off with the same socialist idiocy as Michael Moore?

What liberal media? There you go. As Sullivan rightly points out, "Can you imagine being a conservative of any kind and having to work for someone who could write a column like that one? Raines' sheer contempt for opposing views is gob-smacking. And can you imagine anyone writing a column like that deciding to edit the New York Times as objectively as possible?"


For those who may be interested, these are topics I have previously covered in great detail. In The Brother-In-Law Responds I take on Mikey's arguments for convincing your greedy conservative brother in law that being a leftist will actually make him money. Economics in Action is a follow-up to this post, proving one of my central arguments correct. And in The Creation of Wealth I destroy Moore's and Raines' argument that people in this country will never be rich.

(Note: Special thanks to all the readers who responded to my bleg and came up with the links above!)

Mikey Bleg
Hi guys. I'm at work right now, so I don't have time to spend Googling and find this myself, which is why I am turning to you, the greatest collective of information on the internet. I'm looking for a quote by Michael Moore for a post I'm going to write tonight, and I thought I had this over at MOOREWATCH but I couldn't find it there. (That's not to say it's definitely not there, just that I couldn't find it.) At any rate, El Gordo Grande once said (or wrote) something along these lines.

"The Republican Party has been quite successful in convincing people that it is in their best interests to support policies that benefit the rich. Why? Because they have concinved a whole generation of Americans that they can all be rich."

I think it might have been in "Dude Where's My Country?" in the chapter called "Horatio Alger Must Die." Here's part of that chapter.
I think it's because we're still addicted to the Horatio Alger fantasy drug. Despite all the damage and all the evidence to the contrary, the average American still wants to hang on to this belief that maybe, just maybe, he or she (mostly he) just might make it big after all. So don't attack the rich man, because one day that rich man may be me!

Listen, friends, you have to face the truth: you are never going to be rich. The chance of that happening is about one in a million.

Not only are you never going to be rich, but you are going to have to live the rest of your life busting your butt just to pay the cable bill and the music and art classes for your kid at the public school where they used to be free." ("Horatio Alger Must Die," Dude, Where's My Country)

Anyone have the exact quote? You guys will absolutely make my day if you can come up with it.

Gone With the Wind
Here's another translation of the Ray Bradbury comments from this morning.
“Michael Moore is a stupid son of a bitch. He stole my title and changed the numbers and never asked for my permission.”

Bradbury explains that he tried to get in contact with the director. Moore was “busy” and promised to get back to him that same afternoon…but he never did.

“He is a dreadful man. A dreadful man.”

Bradbury sees Moore’s appropriation of Fahrenheit as a simple case of theft: “I could write a novel tomorrow called Gone with the Wind, couldn’t I? But I’m not going to do it because that would be dishonest. Let’s just say that Michael Moore is dishonest and that I want to have nothing to do with him. That pretty well does it.”

Obviously Ray Bradbury is part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy™.

Ho Chi Kerry
Here we see John Kerry's Vietnamese legacy, and it's got nothing to do with medals.
In the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (formerly known as the "War Crimes Museum") in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), a photograph of John Kerry hangs in a room dedicated to the anti-war activists who helped the Vietnamese Communists win the Vietnam War. The photograph shows Senator Kerry being greeted by the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Comrade Do Muoi.

Jeffrey M. Epstein of Vietnam Vets for the Truth acquired the photograph over the Memorial Day weekend as America was commemorating its military heroes. Epstein's organization, Vietnam Vets for the Truth, had issued a general request last week for photographs documenting Kerry's activities on behalf of the enemy. Bob Shirley, a Vietnam Swift Boat veteran (, sent the photograph to Epstein in response to that call. Shirley recently joined over 200 other Swift Boat veterans in signing an open letter questioning Kerry's fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief.

Jeff Epstein explains the importance of the photograph:

"This photograph's unquestionable significance lies in its placement in the American protestors' section of the War Crimes Museum in Saigon. The Vietnamese communists clearly recognize John Kerry's contributions to their victory. This find can be compared to the discovery of a painting of Neville Chamberlain hanging in a place of honor in Hitler's Eagle's Nest in 1945."

Go visit the site and check out the picture. How humiliating it will be for America if this scumbag is actually elected president.

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Al: The dollar coins seem to be locked on the pattern 'influential females of America'. The half-dollar ...

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Renegade: [i]I believe America should honor him with the issuance of a new dollar coin. Ronald ...

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DaCopper(Of the Frozen Tundra!): Meanas? how about means. DUH! ...

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