Winds of Change.NET: Liberty. Discovery. Humanity. Victory.

June 05, 2004

Good News Saturdays 2004

Joe Katzman

As many of you know, Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath. In that spirit, our Saturday posts to this blog have always been "good news". We share wisdom from groups like the Sufis, Hasidim and Zen Masters, highlight the acts of good and decent people, laugh at humourous events, and point to amazing discoveries that could benefit humanity.

The day is a choice - the idea is important. Personally, I think bloggers and readers could all use more breaks like this from the (often negative) news of the week. Good News Saturdays began back in 2002, and my Muslim, Christian, and non-religious colleagues have all graciously agreed to respect and work within this Winds of Change.NET tradition. So, welcome to Winds of Change.NET... and Shabbat Shalom.

Blackfive's D-Day 60th Anniversary Blogburst Salute

Joe Katzman

Blackfive has a large compilation of posts from various bloggers about all aspects of D-Day, including 2 posts right here that cover Allied deceptions before D-Day and the Canadians at Juno Beach. Lots of fascinating stuff, from first-person accounts to in-depth reports to special equipment and operations to alternative histories had D-Day failed.

Like Blackfive's D-Day 60th Anniversary Blogburst Salute, this post will remain near the top of our pages until June 7th.

June 04, 2004

Tenet's Resignation

Joe Katzman

I assume that many of our readers are wondering about this. Why Tenet? Why now? My answer: beats me. It's so out of left field that his stated reason re: his family may in fact be true. A Washington Post reporter who has spoken with Tenet's close friends seemed to lend to credence to that view on TV last night.

Instapundit draws a blogosphere parallel that resonates with me, and also has a full set of coverage offering various points of view. I certainly hope that the dark scenario isn't what's really going on here.

Hayes' book: Iraq & al-Qaeda

Dan Darling

Yesterday both myself and fellow Winds of Change correspondent Robi Sen got the pleasure of attending an AEI conference on The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein Has Endangered America. The panel consisted of former CIA director James Woolsey, CNN terrorism expert Peter Bergen, former senior intelligence officer Judith Yaphe, Weekly Standard writer Stephen Hayes, and was moderated by AEI scholar Michael Ledeen.

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Winds of Discovery: 2004-06-04


Welcome! This is the 1st edition of "Winds of Discovery", a monthly report by Glenn Halpern of HipperCritical that will take you on a wild ride across the spectrum of science and discovery.

Topics this week include: Sperm storage record broken; UK advances on embryonic stem cell research; Leroy Hood's latest venture; Search continues for Alzheimer's Disease cure; Nanotech turnaround?; The first nanochips; Metal rubber; Venus crosses the sun; Size of the universe; Birth of the sun; Space elevators; Lomborg thinks like Hitler?; Maunder minimum; Running out of oil?; Ban on trans-fats; Monsanto wins patent case; Dinosaurs fried within hours; Must we love cicadas?; Hippo sweat.

If YOU have a link suggestion send it to discovery, here Regular topics include:

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Jean Chretien In Iran

Joe Katzman

Stephen Hachemi had an open letter in the National Post yesterday to Canada's recently-departed Prime Minister Jean Chrtien. Hat tip to Blog Iran for this one:

"Like many Canadians, I recently learned of your coming visit to Iran as a representative of a Calgary-based oil company. It is reported that the purpose of your trip is to conclude a deal with the Iranian government on behalf of this firm.

I write to congratulate you.

Your failure to ensure justice was served in the case of my mother, Zahra Kazemi -- who was murdered by the Iranian regime while you were prime minister -- has apparently paid off: You are now most welcome in Tehran."

Appallingly typical is the best way to describe this. Somehow, the usual blather from Canada and Europe about morality and human rights seems to get lost when Iran is involved. I wonder why that is? Here's the whole letter.

Jews & Liberalism: A Fracturing Consensus?

Joe Katzman

For most of my readers, news about a Canadian election doesn't rate very highly. There is one interesting phenomenon afoot, however, which may serve as a bellwether for trends in the USA. Traditionally Jewish support for lib-left parties has been rock solid at very hgh levels, a phenomenon that has seemed completely divorced from trends that created defection in other groups. At the recent Victor Davis Hanson speech in Toronto, however, I was surprised by the number of Jews I talked to who were turning away from these parties in a visceral way. The willingness of other Jews to give conservative political parties and ideas a serious hearing was also somewhat new.

Now Ted Belman of Israpundit goes and gives me a great anecdotal example to point to, highlighting this new point of view and also giving us a window into the intra-community struggles it's touching off. I should note that for various reasons, this kind of fracture would mean more in the USA - and it will be interesting to see what happens in the coming U.S. elections.

UPDATE: If you are interested in analysis of the Canadian elections, Collin May of Innocents Abroad and national columnist Andrew Coyne of are excellent choices.

June 03, 2004

D-Day: The Canadians at Juno

Joe Katzman

Juno Beach MapThis post is part of Blackfive's D-Day 60th Anniversary Blogburst Salute. Citizen Smash also points out that June 3rd is the 62nd Anniversary of the decisive Battle of Midway in the Pacific Theater.

June 6, 1944. The Americans had Utah and Omaha. The British had Gold and Sword. But Juno Beach, an 8 km stretch of coast backed by small seaside villages, was an all-Canadian assignment. They performed brilliantly, driving deeper into France than any of the other landings - and engaging the 21st Panzer Division before it could crush the American beachhead at Omaha.

This is the story of one of the Canadians at Juno: Jim Wilkins, B Company, The Queen's Own Rifles:

"...Oh yes we're going to get some help from a squadron of the 1st Hussars tank regiment. They're going to land before us and take out the pillboxes and machinegun nests – it didn't happen.The 45 boats start in – at about 1500 yards we can see the wall in back of the beach. It looks to be maybe 8 feet high. We are told to stand up. 

Beside us was a ship that fires L.C.R. rockets. The forward deck is cleared and pointing up are maybe a dozen tubes or mortars at a 45 degree angle. All of a sudden they fire a salvo – great clouds of smoke and flame engulf the boat. Ten minutes later they fire again. You can follow the rockets by eye as they curve upward. We watched one salvo go high over the beach just as a Spitfire came along. He flew right into it and blew up. That pilot never had a chance and was probably the first casualty on Juno Beach. Overhead we can hear the roar of large shells from battleships, cruisers and destroyers. Beside us is a boat with pom poms (anti-aircraft) guns shooting away at church steeples and other high buildings which had observers who where spotting for the German ground troops.

Soon we are only 500 yards from the beach and are ordered to get down...

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Hope Street: Open Source Policy Development

Joe Katzman

A little while ago, Armed Liberal noticed a group called Hope Street. As he put it:

"They support what they call the 'opportunity economy', in which market incentives are created and market barriers lowered to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate. I definitely like the sound of that. The details, however, need a bit of work."

Then he went on to offer an in-depth critique of their housing policy proposals. Guess it left an impression:

"The Hope Street Group, a non-partisan policy think tank founded and operated by young business leaders from the private sector, today launched Hope Street Blog, a new weblog that will serve as both a discussion forum and a mechanism for the development of innovative policy proposals. The new blog is being implemented as part of the Hope Street Group’s open source participation model for policy development."

Speaking for myself, I'm encouraged to see blogs begin to play a role in this kind of serious policy discussion and formulation. First Dan Darling's entree into a Washington think tank, via blogging. Now a think tank's entree the other way, into blogging. Pay close attention, folks. There's much more to this medium than just media.

Special Analysis: The Al-Khobar Attack 2004

Dan Darling

I'm still getting settled into DC, and apologize for not having had time to publish my usual Winds of War coverage. It should hopefully resume shortly. In the meantime, allow me to console you all with a little look back at last weekend's events at the Oasis luxury compound in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

It ain't pretty.

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D-Day: Allied Deceptions

Guest Author

by J.K.L. This post is part of Blackfive's D-Day 60th Anniversary Blogburst Salute. Citizen Smash also points out that June 3rd is the 62nd Anniversary of the decisive Battle of Midway in the Pacific Theater.

The mental image that I have of D-Day comes from old newsreels and from movies. Chaos. Chaos and frail human bodies, burdened with heavy packs, slogging through the tide, across the beach, through a storm of bullets. Brave men fighting and, all too often, dying.

But the aspect I find most fascinating is the extent of the campaigns of disinformation and deception. They were truly audacious. Imagine preparing to land more than 1,000,000 men on 50 miles of beach. There will be more than 2,700 ships, 2,500 landing craft and 700 warships. Preparations for an assault on this scale couldn’t be hidden or kept totally secret, so what could be done protect the identity of the actual target and confuse the enemy?

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June 02, 2004

Spirit of America: Get Ready!

Joe Katzman

When Marc "Armed Liberal" Danziger came out as Spirit of America's new COO here at Winds of Change.NET, he spoke of big plans ahead. More on those in a few days.

Citizen (Lt.) Smash has a fine roundup of reactions and early efforts across the blogosphere. Meanwhile, famed techblogger Joi Ito calls SoA an "excellent example of the use of technology and grass roots organization." Hey, Joi, trust me - you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Marc isn't kidding when he talks about an army of volunteers for this non-partisan cause - be one of them. From Howard Dean campaign staffer Britt Blaser (fine set of SoA links) to Roger L. Simon (we love the graphics) to the invaluable Michele Catalano (we love her), this campaign is begining to roll right across the spectrum.

Some gave all. Now YOU can give some. If you're a blogger, email ltsmash, over If you just want to sign up, head over here and subscribe via the button in the upper left corner.

Lessons from the Eurofighter Flop

Joe Katzman

Instapundit pointed to an article about the Eurofighter program yesterday. Almost 20 years in the making, beset by politics, and facing cost overruns and performance issues, the next-generation fighter jet looks like a poster-child ad for the hopelessness of the EU joint approach in the defense industry.

The news that Britian will look to sell almost half its fleet abroad before the first planes are even delivered, and will take delivery of the most needed variant (ground attack) last, is just another nail in the coffin.

It's a sad end, no doubt. But look closer. The Eurofighter was beset by the European disease - but it's also heir to a larger trend that has significant implications for the U.S. defense industry.

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Robi's S. Asia Briefing: 2004-06-02

Robi Sen

Winds of Change.NET Regional Briefings run on Tuesdays & Wednesdays, and sometimes Fridays too. This Regional Briefing focuses on South Asia, courtesy of Robi Sen and Nitin Pai of The Acorn


  • Karachi is starting to seem like Baghdad with four major bombings in less than two weeks, assassinations, and major riots. The US recently put out warnings, saying there would most likely be more attacks and it seems like Al Queda is behind the bombings trying to create instability in Karachi it can exploit. No matter who is to blame Karachi is a powder keg that needs very little to ignite.

Other Topics Today Include: Saudi bombings send ripples through Asia; India post-election: democracy abhors inequity; Pakistan's assassination plots; Pakistan's chickens come home to roost; Nuclear proliferation reports; India & Israel: shifting alliances; Bangladesh - Islamic extremism and internal woes.

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Iran: A Plea for Western 'Soft Power'

Joe Katzman

Blog Iran passes on this impassioned plea from Ramin Parham:

"In my article, I related the story of Tannaz, an Iranian student, and asked the question the West is facing: Between Jannati, Secretary of the Guardian Council of the Iranian theocracy, and Tannaz, which one will you choose? A few years ago in Serbia, between Milosevic on one hand and the Serbian students and Zoran Djindjic on the other, a united West chose the students and their leaders. Today, the entire Balkan region has been stabilized and democratic nations are being built. Tomorrow, in Iran, which way will the West go? Will we all harvest the seeds of democracy or the grapes of wrath and resentment of a disillusioned youth? That is the question.

For Reggie, Charlie, and Tannaz to celebrate Democracy Day in a freedom parade in Tehran, we do not need bullets. Rather, to witness the Iranian D-Day we need the West's immense information-projection power....

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June 01, 2004

Jeff Jarvis on Spirit of America

Joe Katzman

"Think of it as open source nation building," he says. Something like that - I personally prefer Dr. Martin Luther King's "Everyone is great because everyone can serve," but you get the idea.

Jeff's entire post is a very worthwhile read, and explains how his efforts, and those of many other bloggers, have made Spirit of America.NET what it is today. Still, this is just the first step. We all have much more we can do. More on that tomorrow.

And lest we forget the British, have a look over at leftist blogger Harry's Place and his "Do Something" category.