Friday, May 24, 2002
|link| Posted
3:21:17 PM
by Brian Linse
Moving Day
After paying off several highly placed government officials, I have secured a new DOMAIN. I'll be in the process of moving to www.aintnobaddude.com, so things may be a bit tweaked for awhile. If you have been kind enough to link to me on your site, please update the link when you get a chance. Hopefully things will be back to *normal* soon. Thanks! WWW.AINTNOBADDUDE.COM
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
|link| Posted
9:08:29 PM
by Brian Linse
Man Without a Clue
I had long ago stopped bothering with Robert Musil's Man Without Qualities blog, but he seems to have gotten up Barlow's sleeve over his desire to blame Bill Clinton for September 11th. Barlow hammered him pretty good and managed to elicit a dreadfully long response that left me annoyed at the minutes of my life that were wasted reading it. In a lesson on how to be concise, Tony A over at Quasi delivers a nice little smackdown for us to read while we await Mr. Barlow's rebuttal.
I don't normally like to completely discount a blogger, but I read a lot of conservoblogs, and Musil is just dreadful. The blog equivalent of a party hack.
|link| Posted
2:28:49 PM
by Brian Linse
Tapped has a rare example of California Republican candidate for Governor Bill Simon actually making sense. But I don't think Bill's new friend George will like what he said...
Friday, May 17, 2002
|link| Posted
7:57:08 PM
by Brian Linse
No Charge / No Chance
Josh Marshall has some free advice for the Bush White House...
Might they take this advice?
No chance.
|link| Posted
6:23:16 PM
by Brian Linse
George of the Bungle
Charles Dodgson has a harsh summary of GWB's dubious achievements. Lot's of good stuff so go read it. This is just a taste:
The bottom line, as the Bull Moose has noted, is a presidency that serves its own stated agenda --- fiscal restraint, welfare reform, free trade, keeping government out of the market --- far less than Bill Clinton's did. And, fans of fiscal restraint, note that Clinton's point man on cost reductions, a guy with eight years experience in the nuts and bolts of restructuring government programs to improve efficiency and reduce waste, was running for President --- and instead, you voted for Bush. Congratulations. Hey wait a minute! I didn't vote for the guy! Not that I was that thrilled about who I did vote for...
|link| Posted
1:57:12 AM
by Brian Linse
Protected Speech?
Eugene Volokh has a post that disagrees with the 9th Circuit decision that the infamous Nuremberg Files website is not protected speech. InstantMan says it's a close call, but is inclinded to agree with Volokh. I blogged this case back in December and at the time I felt that it was not protected speech. I linked an article in FindLaw's Writ that I found rather persuasive, even though I am usually a First Amendment hard liner. Upon re-reading it and comparing it to Eugene's post I'd have to say I still come down on the "not protected" side of this one. I think the professors are stuck in a bit of professorial formalism. Or maybe it's just my current sensitivity to hate speech in light of SFSU and other bits of nastiness that have been cropping up lately.
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
|link| Posted
5:44:59 PM
by Brian Linse
Bad Boy Blaga Blair
I was very fortunate last night to meet the infamous Tim Blair before he returned today to "his Island". Not surprisingly, he's quite a reasonable fellow, with no signs of foaming around the mouth or other indications of rabid arch-conservatism. After some time, I had to ask him why he is regarded by so many in the Australian press as such a hard case. He offered that it was just a measure of how far out the gang down under has gotten.
It occurred to me that it was also a measure of how little sense of humor they must have down there. This guy is freakin' hysterical!
So what's up with this whole Left-Right "wing" labeling thing these days? Seems to me that it's become rather useless, unless the the use in mind is to smear someone who is actually reasoned and thoughtful with the stain of the fringe element of their political affiliation. The Pim Fortuyn horror has been a Euro example of this, as major media both here and abroad have sought to marginalize his importance by labeling him as "Far Right Wing" or some such nonsense.
Welch and Layne were in attendance last night as well, and while they are both definitively "Liberal" in the Democratic/Republican sense, they don't have much in common with the "Left" that keeps getting bashed in places like AndrewSullivan.com, and NRO's The Corner. Chomsky and his (fringe) "Left" are to Welch and Layne as Pat Buchanan and his (fringe) "Right" are to Sullivan and Jonah Goldberg.
What's been missing from my team, however, is a vigorous defense of our liberal democratic place in the political spectrum. Welch and Layne hinted that they were thinking about an essay along these lines, so I'll be annoying them regularly until they throw down. But I'd also love to hear what others in the B'sphere have to say.
Monday, May 13, 2002
|link| Posted
1:48:40 PM
by Brian Linse
Scientology Finally Pays Judgement
Yourish.com has a post about the Scientologists finally having to pay a judgement against them from a suit filed by a former member. L.Ron's boys cut a check for over 8 Million rather than face an inquiry into their corporate structure that would have followed from continued appeals. Check out Operation Clambake for a full report and background.
|link| Posted
9:49:17 AM
by Brian Linse
Jarvis Blog Plan Announced
Jeff Jarvis has posted his new idea for the future of Blogs. Sounds like a great idea to me!
Saturday, May 11, 2002
|link| Posted
1:18:09 PM
by Brian Linse
CNN on blogs
I saw a quick little piece on blogs on CNN today. A transcript is available on their website. Not much depth in the report, but Josh Quittner from Business 2.0 seems to get it, and even stood up to a few smug questions from the CNN prick. Best part? A full screen shot of the marvelous Rabbit Blog.
|link| Posted
5:45:09 AM
by Brian Linse
Natalie Gets To The Point
Natalie Solent has a great comparison of Palestinian and Israeli rhetoric. It's the obvious differences like these that continue to leave me puzzled as to how ANY westerner, who's cultures are all derived from Judeo-Christian values, can support the Palestinian leadership and their culture of hatred and terror. Applying Occam's Razor, it seems clear to me that the answer can only be anti-semitism.
Friday, May 10, 2002
|link| Posted
1:11:07 PM
by Brian Linse
Bad Bad Sulli
Tapped has a rejoinder to Andrew Sullivan's swipe at Geoffrey Nunberg that is right on target. I've been going easy on Sulli lately because I fiqured this Fortuyn assassination was a little close to home for him, but he has been getting back to making sweeping generalizations about "the left" and usually not bothering to distinguish between the socialist/communist Euro-Left and good old home grown bleeding hearts like me. He clearly doesn't see the irony of bitching about the use of the term "right wing".
Yo Sulli. Two words, babe: Pot. Kettle.
Wednesday, May 08, 2002
|link| Posted
10:53:35 AM
by Brian Linse
Ladies and Gentlemen, Tony Pierce and Dawn !
No, it's not the "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" thing, it's the Rev. Tony Pierce interviewed by Dawn Olsen over at Up Yours.
|link| Posted
12:51:44 AM
by Brian Linse
Hasta la vista, Yasser...
Here is an excerpt from Prime Minister Sharon's statement before returning to Israel:
Those who call for millions of "martyrs" are guilty. Those who constantly incite are guilty. Those who fund terrorism are guilty. Those who launch terrorism are guilty. Guilty.
To anyone who tries to blackmail Israel into making concessions — either big or small — through the weapon of terror and intimidation, or tries to blackmail the state of Israel through sowing fear, I say today: Israel will not surrender to blackmail. He who rises up to kill us, we will pre-empt it and kill him first. Ba-bye Yasser. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya...
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
|link| Posted
10:05:26 PM
by Brian Linse
Shameful Incompetence
Billy the Quick says that President Bush has blood on his hands after today's suicide bombing in Israel. I agree completely, but would add that Colin Powell needs a bar of soap and a scrub brush too. Unless the president starts putting together a morally coherent and consistently strong policy in support of Israel's right to defend herself, I think he will suffer politically much more than he seems to realize. His continued legitimizing of Arafat is a losing proposition that will eventually prove him to be the fool that I've always thought he was.
|link| Posted
4:06:59 PM
by Brian Linse
Report from Holland
This from Adam Curry's Blog:
A silent march is taking place in Rotterdam, Fortuyn's hometown, where his party swept the local elections just weeks ago. TV is doing what it does best at this moment, showing live, unedited video. Tens of thousands are participating in this silent protest against increased violence in the Netherlands. All races, religions and beliefs are as one now. Most are ashamed of the perception the world now has of their country.
|link| Posted
11:02:12 AM
by Brian Linse
This is hard to do...
In today's world, it takes a lot to appear surreal. If this report is true, however, and Pim Fortuyn's killer was some crazed Animal Rights activist, I'd say I'm finally ready to expect anything. I've long considered PETA extremists to be terrorists in their own silly way. Unlike murdering Pro-Life psychos, however, they had never struck me as dangerous. I'm torn here, because on the one hand, I'd like for the assassin not to be a Muslim so as not to inspire further violence and hatred amongst the Dutch. But on the other hand, for Fortuyn to have died at the hands of a feeble minded Bunny-Saver is just so...fucking silly!
I'm gonna go have a hamburger, buy something made out of leather, and try to rack up some road kills while I'm at it.
[link via InstaPundit]
|link| Posted
10:15:36 AM
by Brian Linse
PETA Putz's
The wack jobs at PETA (as well as a few other nutty folks) get a well deserved stab from Ken Layne's "Pencil of Death" in his latest FoxNews column.
|link| Posted
8:21:26 AM
by Brian Linse
Fortuyn Files
More interesting background on Pim Fortuyn from Dave Kopel. In an article published May 5th before Fortuyn's assassination, Kopel writes regarding an AP article:
The AP article concludes that Fortuyn "also wants to weaken the constitutional guarantee against discrimination." Fortuyn is thus portrayed as a bigot, while the AP provides no explanation of what law Fortuyn wants to repeal, or why he favors repeal.
The answer is he wants to repeal Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution, which states "Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race, or sex, or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted." This article applies not just to the government, but also to individuals. Fortuyn wants the article repealed so that people can openly and legally discuss issues like the refusal of the large number of Muslim illegal aliens in Holland to learn Dutch, and the fact that in Holland (as in much of Western Europe), rising violent crime rates are closely tied to gangs of Arab immigrant youths, who receive large welfare benefits. In other words, Fortuyn is proposing that free speech protection in Holland be expanded to the levels of the American First Amendment. [via The Volokh Bros.]
|link| Posted
8:05:02 AM
by Brian Linse
Dirt On Arafat
Ben Sheriff at Layman's Logic has links to documents that the IDF has found in various places such as Arafat's compound.
[via LGF]
|link| Posted
3:56:40 AM
by Brian Linse
Fortuyn Martyrdom
Andrew Sullivan has had several good posts following the assassination of Pym Fortuyn. In his latest, he also links to this article in The Times by Michael Gove, and adds the following:
Fortuyn was not a threat to liberalism. His assassination is. What Fortuyn dared to say is that Islam itself, when converted into a political agenda, is a direct threat to the values and tolerance that are the signal achievements of the West. This is not racism; it is a cultural fact. Islam deserves respect as a great religion, but its attitudes toward women, toward homosexuals, toward the freedoms and privacy and social experimentation that are one of the guiding triumphs of Western culture, is a danger to liberal democracy and a free society. Fortuyn was brave enough to say this. One way to respect his legacy and defy the violence that felled him is to follow his example and keep stating what we know to be true. It is unfortunate that a politician like Fortuyn counted as amongst his supporters actual hard right racist nationalists, but it it would be a shame if the truths of his message, and the realities of his popularity are dismissed by Dutch and EU leaders because of it.
Sunday, May 05, 2002
|link| Posted
5:57:56 AM
by Brian Linse
Pooh Pooh !
Whoever this is, can there be any doubt that there is a sick genius at work?
[via: Welch]
UPDATE: It seems that this new blog is from the same evil creator of A. Beam. Hmmm. I have a theory...
|link| Posted
5:33:25 AM
by Brian Linse
Let's Go To London
The Sunday Times has two pieces in the Comments section that caught my eye. The first is a great article by Andrew Sullivan called America Knows Who It's Friends Are. Some interesting statistics on support for Israel, and a nice little warning for our Frog brothers and sisters who are casting their votes once again today. The second piece is a very informative profile of the now Fisked-To-Within-An-Inch-Of-His-Life Francis Fukuyama. Some good background for those, like myself, who had never heard of this guy until a few days ago.
Saturday, May 04, 2002
|link| Posted
2:02:23 AM
by Brian Linse
Just a reminder...
...of why I AM a liberal. In a post that could have been addressed to me personally, Matthew Yglesias reminds and reassures me of just why I'm a liberal. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've been uncomfortable with the frequency of my agreements with articles in places like NRO. But Matthew cites a piece in the National Review that is critical of the recent Supreme Court decision on virtual child pornography. The piece is, naturally, against the decision for all the wrong reasons. Once again, it is a case of ideology and dogma clouding reasonable thinking, and probably a little bit of preaching to the choir. Here's a bit of Yglesias' take:
Thinking the Supreme Court was wrong to rule that the freedom of speech requires the striking down of a law that would have prohibited "Traffic" and "Romeo and Juliet" is bad enough, but saying that they would have been making the right decision if only they'd struck it down on federalism grounds means that the good people of NR have entered the strange twilight world of self-parody.
Well said, Matthew. And thanks for the kind words of welcome. Now I gotta go change my shirt again because of this damn bleeding heart of mine...
Friday, May 03, 2002
|link| Posted
1:09:20 PM
by Brian Linse
Go See Ted
I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that Glenn Reynolds wasn't exactly robust in his criticism of Wayne LaPierre, and that he seemed to be comparing gun control advocates to Nazis instead of ObL. Ted Barlow is also not satisfied with Glenn's responses to the reports of anti-gay statements made at the same NRA convention where LaPierre stuck his jack-boot in his mouth. In a second post, Ted writes:
Glenn Reynolds made this observation about whether Israel's critics were anti-Semitic:
"Sure, you can criticize Israel without being antisemitic. But when you criticize Israel for things you ignore in others, it raises certain doubts."
With that in mind, I'm uncomfortable with the angle that Reynolds is continuing to take regarding the story about anti-gay rhetoric at the NRA convention. He hasn't criticized it, because he's simply refused to believe it. He hasn't called anyone a liar, exactly, but I find his unswerving faith in the goodness and tolerance of NRA members, and his corresponding distrust in the trustworthiness of a reporter for a gay publication, weird.
I'm afraid I have to agree with Ted here. Glenn's reluctance to unequivocally criticize the NRA and LaPierre on these issues is disappointing. It is also a good example of how extreme views on any topic tend to close one off to reason. Glenn is clearly a strong supporter of gay rights, and his clarity on the moral issues of terrorism and anti-semitism are rivaled by few others. But when the issue is gun control, he gets a little cloudy.
The NRA clearly cannot be composed entirely of extremists, but most of their more vocal supporters do tend to come off this way and it is a disservice to their cause. As Electrolite suggested in a post a few days ago that started my thread on this issue, the NRA has done more to prevent rational discourse on gun control than any other group involved in the debate.
UPDATE: Glenn has been out actually reporting on the gay-bashing issue. How can this guy post as much as he does and do first hand reporting? Amazing! Anyway, go see his post here and here for the latest.
|link| Posted
12:09:15 AM
by Brian Linse
I'm Invited...
...by Scott Rubush to join the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" and come out of the closet as the Conservative I truly am. Nothing would make BadDude Dad happier Scott, but I don't think I'm ready just yet.
The invite comes as a result of my twice citing the NRO's Victor Davis Hanson "The Vicster" and agreeing with him whilst under the mistaken impression that he was a conservative Republican. Scott has the 411 over at his site, which I do visit on a daily basis, indicating that my new buddy is, in fact, a Democrat. "All the more reason to love the guy", sez I, as I breathe a heavy sigh of relief and plan on a better night's sleep tonight...
Thursday, May 02, 2002
|link| Posted
7:59:40 AM
by Brian Linse
By Popular Demand
Brother de Havilland at Samizdata has put in a request for pictures of Laura Fraser from my Den of Lions Shoot in Budapest. Unfortunately, Perry, the only one I seem to have handy is this one:
Oh how difficult it was to have Laura sitting in my lap smoking a Cuban cigar. How did I manage? BWAH HAHAHAH!!! Eat your heart out, Perry. (Libertarians do have hearts, don't they?)
|link| Posted
7:09:33 AM
by Brian Linse
Natalie's Back !
Natalie Solent's keyboard problems are fixed, and she is having at it again. And as proof of how much the BadDude loves her, I present this pic from my trip to London and the UK Blogger bash.
Eat your heart out, Dawson.
|link| Posted
6:28:13 AM
by Brian Linse
Yeah, This Is What I'm Talking About...
I don't know how I missed this yesterday, but The American Prospect is reporting that Grand Pooh-Bah of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, told the assembled believers in Reno that Andrew McKelvey and his group, Americans for Gun Safety, were like bin Laden and the al-Qaeda:
In fact, Andrew McKelvey's network kind of operates and sounds a lot like Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda. A billionaire with an extremist political agenda, subverting honest diplomacy, using personal wealth to train and deploy activists, looking for vulnerabilities to attack, fomenting fear for political gain, funding an ongoing campaign to hijack your freedom and take a box-cutter to the Constitution. That's political terrorism, and it's a far greater threat to your freedom than any foreign force.
I won't even bother with my obvious response to this delusional asshole, but I will say that because LaPierre is so highly respected within the Pro-Gun lobby it is incumbent upon others in the organization to speak out against this statement. Will Glenn Reynolds have something to say? Team Samizdata? Come on, kids... Or hey, how about the NRA supporter who currently sits in the White House? Jane Galt has spoken, and so has Eugene Volokh, both of whom I thank for the links and for being rational people.
Oh, and let's see if anyone can criticize this stupidity without the "but" that points out that the group he was talking about has some stupid ideas of their own. They do, of course, but that does not excuse the statement.
The post at TAP is a little hard to find (you gotta scroll down a bit) so here is a link to video of the event.
Assholes like LaPierre are the reason me and my guns will never join the NRA.
UPDATE: Andrew Sullivan nominates Wayne LaPierre for a Derbyshire Award. I guess I love Sulli again today...
MO' UPDATE: InstaPundit has indeed come out against LaPierre's statement, but unfortunately Glenn's more "apt comparison" is of gun control advocates to Nazis. He could have linked to the Main Page of the Jewish Pro-Gun site, but he chose this page to link to. I'm not sure I see how that is any less silly, Glenn. He also links to a Gay Pro-Gun site that is much more reasonable. And you gotta love their slogan: "Pick on someone your own caliber".
PLUS: Timothy Noah also wonders in Slate if any nationally prominent Repubs will disavow LaPierre's ravings. Since these kinds of statements are somewhat typical of NRA rhetoric, I doubt any will step up.
Friday Update: New post on this thread here.
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
|link| Posted
5:00:08 PM
by Brian Linse
Right On Target
Patrick Nielsen Hayden has some concise thoughts on gun control from a rational liberal point of view, and a disturbing report of gay-bashing at a recent NRA convention. One statement that I couldn't agree more with:
It's hard to imagine an organization that's done more over the years to damage rational discussion of guns than the NRA.
Bullseye, Brother Hayden!
|link| Posted
3:12:14 PM
by Brian Linse
...To Laugh Or To Cry?
The Evil Sgt. Stryker led me to one of those "Which are you?" tests. I normally am not suckered in to those unless Perry de Havilland is applying peer pressure, but the "What Blogging Archetype Are You" lured me in. According to the test, I am:
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20040524004203im_/http:/=2fwww.gazm.org/ptest/andrewsullivan.jpg) You are an Andrew Sullivan.
You are not afraid to share your political views with everyone in candid and clear ways.
You may also be making some money... one day. Take the What Blogging Archetype Are You test at GAZM.orgHuh? Me? Sulli? My ultimate love/hate blog? How can this be? Sulli is bombastic, opinionated, annoying.... Ok, nevermind. Congrats to Sarge on his 100,000th hit!