greymatter: weblog/journal software

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Creative Commons License

What is Greymatter?

Greymatter is the original opensource weblogging and journal software. With fully-integrated comments, searching, file uploading and image handling, completely customisable output through dozens of templates and variables, multiple author support, and many other features—while having perhaps the simplest installation process and easiest-to-use interface of any program offering this level of functionality—Greymatter permanently raised the bar for weblogging and journaling, and it remains the program of choice for tens of thousands of people around the world.

Just how opensource is it?

It's about as free and opensource as you'll get! Almost all other weblog/journal programs and services either have various restrictions on what you can do with them, or they require payment for you to remove the restrictions or unlock their full functionality. As for Greymatter: Other than selling the code (in original or modified form) or removing the copyright notice, you are hereby free to do whatever you wish with Greymatter and its code for any purpose, including modifying it or (freely) redistributing it in any way—in fact, it's encouraged. (Donations are still appreciated, of course!)

Greymatter is now licensed under a Creative Commons License. (This license and the above text hereby supersede the copyright and license information included in the manual and the Greymatter files.)

Where can I download it?

New version! Thanks to the great efforts from the folks at the Greymatter Forums, a new version 1.3 is available for download featuring numerous fixes and improvements.

What about support?

Feel free to stop by the Greymatter discussion forum for all your Greymatter-related comments or concerns. (Note: PLEASE do *not* e-mail me with support questions, and be advised that all such e-mails to me WILL NOT be answered—I apologise, but I just don't have the time, energy, or [to be honest] the will to continue personally offering technical support for a product that I stopped working on [for very good reasons] two years ago; Greymatter long ago "left the nest" as far as I'm concerned, and is provided solely as-is for the public to do whatever it wants with it.)

How much does it cost? And how can I give something back?

Absolutely nothing; Greymatter is a completely free program—with no hidden advertising, icon-display requirements, or any other strings attached—and it always will be. Any donations, however, would be most dearly appreciated, if you'd like to send me some money through PayPal or get me something from my wishlist. A donation is certainly not required, but it would make me very happy; I've put an immense amount of work into this program, and this really helps me feel like the program's existence (and unconditionally free and opensource availability) is appreciated. Plus, a donation—$10 minimum on Paypal, or anything on my wishlist—will get you added to the Donator Site List, and have your link seen by hundreds of people a day.* (Sponsored Links are also now available; see the donation page for more info.)

* Please note that I reserve the right not to list sites containing material I consider to be inappropriate (pornographic sites, "hate speech" sites, etc).

But I want more!

Of course you do! Check out the mod collection to add more functionality and other enhancements to Greymatter.

Where can I find out more info about Greymatter?

Read the full list of features or any of the other information materials available (including the online manual).

Thank you for your interest and support!

Noah Grey Photography

Powered By Greymatter

Copyright ©2000-2001 Noah Grey. All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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