December 23, 2003

Damn You, Cream-Filled Left

Why is the left so full of angry, reactionary, dishonest people? And why are they calling themselves GOPUSA, a conservative organization?

Those sneaky Democrats...

Posted by Jesse Taylor at December 23, 2003 09:13 AM | TrackBack

What does it tell us about the state of our major media outlets when Howard Kurtz, identified in this story as a media analyst for CNN and the Washington Post, says "One could argue that the so-called liberal media do the same thing, but the right, which sees itself as shut out of the mainstream media, has become awfully skilled at taking what might seem like a minor matter and blowing it up into the issue of the day?"

Do you really suppose that Kurtz, presumably a reasonably sophisticated man, believes that the rights sees itself as shut out of mainstream media? He has got to know better.

Posted by: steve at December 23, 2003 09:39 AM

Note the mushy quote from Howie. Classic.

Posted by: Jim Madison's Dog at December 23, 2003 10:22 AM

Yikes. Liberal American bloggers get it bad enough from freeper lynch mobs, but I had no idea they'd waste energy attacking the Peaceable Kingdom. Unless it's all about maintaining a permanent sense of revolutionary crisis, a la Robert Mugabe.

I almost became one of those subversive foreigners! I was considering giving a donation to the Howard Dean campaign as a Christmas gift to family in the US, but decided on something else even better. Otherwise, I'd be in the papers right now in the same articles as Katrina Leung, and pestering my guard at some anonymous naval brig.

P.S: Merry Christmas everyone!

Posted by: Harrow at December 23, 2003 11:57 AM

I saw Alan Colmes on C-SPAN recently.

He seemed to me, and I think of myself as someone who can tell, as someone who actually believes that Fox is fair and balanced!

I swear, he sounded sincere.

Did the average American know where the political center was before? Do they understand any of the principles of any of the main factions outside their own?


Posted by: Josh SN at December 24, 2003 04:05 PM
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