January 27, 2004


The Corner is officially behind Joe Lieberman.

Joementum: bringing back the Democratic wing of the Republican Party.

I would like one argument from a Democratic Lieberman supporter that he would actually be a good candidate for the Democratic Party, and not just for the group of pro-war, socially moderate/liberal Democrats who've decided to distance themselves from the rest of the party in a fit of moral pique.

I'd also like a Flash animation of Joe Lieberman dancing to Hey, Ya with a cartoon sherriff's hat on his head. I don't know why. I just think it would be funny.

Posted by Jesse Taylor at January 27, 2004 12:17 PM | TrackBack


Posted by: jesse at January 27, 2004 12:20 PM

Seems fine.

Posted by: Ezra at January 27, 2004 12:24 PM

Welcome back, guys! Been missin' you.

Posted by: ndsbsdfdkf at January 27, 2004 12:30 PM

Joe has run the MOST inept campaign in a long time...it seems to be cenetered around, "hey, I'm Joe". Awful.

Posted by: daudder at January 27, 2004 01:42 PM

Joementum: Taking back the TNR (the new republican) wing of the Likud party.

Posted by: nofundy at January 27, 2004 02:27 PM

Joe's claim seems to be that if he becomes the Democratic candidate, Democrats will all vote for him to oust Bush, and some measurable percentage of Republicans will as well due to how incompetently Bush has run the country. I've seen claims that a Lieberman nomination would "certainly" bring up a third-party ultra-left candidate, but I'm not sure I buy that.

Sorry this doesn't meet the test, because I'm not a Lieberman supporter - I just understand the argument. Not sure I buy it, tho. He thinks it makes him a good candidate for the Democratic Party because he can get elected, and that's better for the party than a more liberal nominee who he thinks can't get elected.

Posted by: Matt at January 27, 2004 03:19 PM

Hee! That Flash idea cracks me up.

Posted by: Zen at January 27, 2004 05:37 PM

Joementum.com is for SALE! If you love Joe Liberman, hate Joe Liberman or just happened to be named Joe and you'd like to make a self-shrine get in contact with me!

aim: sociallysleepy
ICQ# 39463357

Posted by: James at January 30, 2004 08:00 PM
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