March 11, 2004

Who Will Think Of The *Children*???

The Dynamic Duke of Dickdom has a new children's book due out this fall, The O'Reilly Factor for Kids: A Survival Guide For American Youth.

Every so often we here at Pandagon get review copies of books, and I've managed to get my hands on a very early draft of O'Reilly's book. Below are O'Reilly's Ten Kidmandments, straight from the horse's mouth:

10. Honor your father. Unless it's Jesse Jackson, in which case you should look all around the house whenever he's not around, find anything that has the letters "IRS" or looks like a check (picture below), and send it to my publisher.

9. Don't play the violent videogames or listen to MTV. Instead, expand your minds: read Laura Ingraham's Shut Up And Sing, Ann Coulter's Treason, Sean Hannity's This Book Is About Me, Sean Hannity, Who This Book Is About. There are people out to get you. Everywhere. They could be your neighbors. They could, they *are* your teachers. Look towards folks like me, because we aren't motivated by the desire to ruin kids' minds like all that crap.

8. The Factor was the first show, the first journalistic outlet, to ever catch Pikachu. Not NBC. Not ABC, not Dan Rather. Us. And we caught him 4 separate times, more than anyone else.

7. Don't ever take anything from Hillary Clinton unless you have it on tape and her mask is off. Otherwise, you can't prove that she corrupted you.

6. Stay away from drugs. If you need a hit of something, get it from your church or a respected figure like me or other conservative radio hosts. And make sure that hit is of the best drug of all time, self-respect, and respect for your country. Get high on that.

5. If you're African-American, nobody but you is responsible for your plight. I don't care what your little socialistic teachers or parents say to you, nobody owes you anything because you're black. Don't listen to the rappers and the so-called "civil rights leaders" about that, because they're wrong. Nobody in the black community is going to tell you anything you need to know about being black. But I will.

4. Always be honest about who you are and where you came from, just like we do in the No Spin Zone.

3. Create your own No Spin Zone. Don't take anyone's word about anything if you're sure about your own opinion. You think anyone knows better than you? When I was a kid, I didn't trust my teachers, or what they said - you don't got nothin' but the brain on your own head, your fists, and your feet. That's all I had, and look where I am.

2. Believe in God. Barring that, believe in George W. Bush, because he's a godly man with nice teeth and strong calves.

1. Whatever you do, don't take bad advice just because someone seems to be have the trappings of authority, or because other people believe in them. Think for yourself. When you get older read my other books, The No Spin Zone, The O'Reilly Factor, and Who's Looking Out For You. Millions have benefitted from them, and so will you, trust me - you'll see how to be independent-minded, just the way I am.

Seems like great stuff, eh?

Posted by Jesse Taylor at March 11, 2004 09:06 PM | TrackBack

Ahahahahahahahah!!! You had me going there, Jesse. I could almost believe #10 but #9, nooooo. Nice work. I think that your parody schtick is the. Best. Stuff. Ever.

More of this, please.

Posted by: PigInZen at March 11, 2004 09:16 PM

"The Dynamic Duke of Dickdom"

Priceless, simply priceless.

Posted by: mark at March 11, 2004 09:35 PM

Don't forget that children need to know that it is appropriate to scream at, threaten, and in some cases silence those who are disagreeing with them. Yay for Hitler Youth!

Posted by: JerseyExport at March 11, 2004 09:50 PM

Hilarious. Thanks for looking out for me.

Posted by: Scott C. at March 11, 2004 11:01 PM

Wow, that was brilliant. True parody...My heart skipped a beat when I read #5, hoping there wasn't a publisher stupid enough to let this fly. Thankfully, I was right.

Unfortunately, the real book will probably be similar in tone if not content.

Posted by: Ricardo at March 11, 2004 11:58 PM

Pftttt....tea splatters on monitor......

straight from the horse's mouth

This is pretty obvious....but shouldn't that be "horse's ass"?

Posted by: flory at March 12, 2004 02:23 AM

Rule #11: If some short dopey-looking idiot calls someone else a big fat idiot, lambaste them on television by informing that liberal idiot that you would never have to stoop to the level of petty name-calling, then for good measure tell them to "shut up, idiot!"

Posted by: dc at March 12, 2004 08:42 AM

Damn funny.

dc, you forgot O'Reilly's pathetic fantasy of going back to Wild West Times so he could kill Franken in a shoot out. Gotta love the maturity of the mbf's political discourse. Someone catches you in a lie? Kill them.

How much of O'Reilly's political philosophy, anyway, is informed by Westworld, do you think?

Posted by: Karl at March 12, 2004 09:49 AM

Luvvvved the This Book Is About Me, Sean Hannity bit.

Posted by: FlipYrWhig at March 12, 2004 10:30 AM
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