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I just wanted to say that I am very disappointed with my grade. 500 is a lot, and I tried my hardest to reach it. I came short, but I spent more hours blogging than did studying for other classes. I thought that I was going to get a really good grade, infact I thought most of the class was going to get a good grade. I guess I was wrong…or maybe it’s just me…

I had to write this because I wanted to be heard!!

i love that even now with class having been over for a week, i can still procrastinate by coming to this site and have new posts to read, some less than an hour old :)

apparently some of us are going to miss the ole class blog (me included)...


Sup. I just wanted to say hi, and tell you I’ve been going through blog withdrawl since I don’t look @ this site 20 times a day anymore. The good news is, I now have a G-mail account, and I can give out an invitation to someone else. Because most people in this class would appreciate the gesture more than any of my friends or family, I’m giving you first crack at it. Does anyone want me to invite them to use G-mail? If not, that’s okay, but just in case I wanted to throw that out there. Hope finals are going great for you all…thanks for a fun semester!


I don’t know if anyone will be back here, but Blogger redesigned.

check it out

Amy, Charmaine, Susan and Matthew – think we sparked something? The UW wants to redesign their site.


Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.


You guys are free to keep posting as long as this site exists, and just so you know the stuff you guys entered here will probably always exist somewhere (via backups etc).

I mean you collectively typed an approximately 2,000 page long paper this semester… I can’t see throwing that away.

(I figured one word processed page weighs in at about 5kb, and all of the text you guys typed this semester weighed in at about 9,947kb — so it was really 1989 pages, but close enough right?)

I won’t be giving out more points this semester, everything’s a zero from now on. Not because it’s worthless, but because I said I’d be done grading on Thursday and I just can’t “punish” people who decided never to look at this site again after that day. I’d leave them blank, but there’s a small OCD part of my brain that cannot rest until every single post has been tallied… <sigh>.

You guys are more than welcome to continue any sort of discussion you like here. I’ll be around as well.

summer reading

any suggestions?

stress relief

this link was on my site all semester, and i hope you all clicked on it .. if not, here’s another chance .. makes me smile every time :) let me see that thong

If anyone is still checking this please HELP

All of a sudden in the past like 3 days my computer has been really slow at openning things. Not like internet slow, but like my screen saver will be on and I will hit the mouse and it will take a few minutes to register and for the screen to come up. Also when I hit the start button at the bottom it takes a minute or two before it pops up.
I called DoIt and they told me to download spybot and adaware which I did, but it is not any better. The computer is only 4 months old and I had not changed or downloaded or added anything to it right before it started being slow….Any advice?

General Feeling

I enjoyed this class so much this semester and actually learned more in this class than any other I have taken here as far as learning “new stuff” goes. I found some of the topics in this class really facinating. The way in which material we learned was applied to our everyday lives almost immediately was tremendous for me. Even though my number of posts was well well below the class average, I still feel like I participated a lot, props to you guys that were above the average…wow! If you guys could post some of your overall feelings towards the class that would be cool, and I also want to use some of your quotes in an article I am writing on weblogs for my final reporting assignment.

Don’t be evil?

I’m not sure I understand googles policy for advertisements. They advertise this site but wouldn’t some people find it offensive (evil)?


Nick, I keep forgetting to ask this… should we put a statement on our blogs regarding copyright? ie, like Jason has? Does this help readers understand that the material presented are ideas and thoughts of the author?


Here’s my wiki presentation. :)

Last goodbyes

Sorry i had to run out of class early today, but i had a final and needed some last minute time to review. I kind of ran out in haste but i really wanted to say goodbye to all of you and say that i had a lot of fun getting to know you all this semester.
On a brighter note, i dont know why we never did this before, but how would you all like to meet up one night next week for a drink somewhere on state street? I feel like we all know eachoter and we should have done this a long time ago, but why not?

Ali’s presentation

M online forum
“Blogs are huge”
Wired article
Dave Winer’s approval
Megnut is critical
Mike Chambers – Flash
Mike Downey – Flash evanglist
Bob Tartar’s director blog
Matt Brown
John Dowdell – News for MX devs
Sean Corfield – an architect’s view
Jeremy Allaire
Christian Cantrell server community manager
Brandon Purcell
Nigel Pegg – component dev
Kevin Lynch – chief software architect
Ben Forta – very personal
Waldo Smeets
Macromedia XML News – blog aggegator
Fullasagood: related aggregator
flog flash news – aggregator
Mena’s Corner
Team Macromedia


are we going to self-evaluate our goals? or how is that going to be figured out?


I promise mine will not run long

today’s presentations

good luck today, everyone! i just wanted to say that i do not care about the order for today, but mine can be smushed if we’re pressed for time. also, i am scheduled to meet with someone at 1:00 so i can’t really stay late … sorry! (but hopefully that won’t be an issue)

trail journal

A good friend of mine is leaving tomorrow to hike the PCT… Matt, I thought you especially might be interested in his trail journal.


Blawgs, the name assigned to legal blogs, are Web pages for attorneys who post diary-like entries, commenting on everything from legal decisions to news events related to the legal field – or not. The blogs also link to other blogs, allowing for more viewpoints. Most blogs allow viewers to e-mail their own comments or responses, which are sometimes posted.

yeah, i definitely have issues with the name

Keeping my blog…

I will be home for part of the summer but always here for a bit. I definitely wanted to keep my blog next year, so in order to keep the address I will need to continue paying typepad. I think that’s worth it. But do you guys think I will lose a lot of credibility if I do not post for some long periods of time over the summer?

More on broadband

Broadband use continues to rise.

Susan -

will you be in class on R? If so, would it be possible to get the copies of the 532 project files from you if you still have them?

google goes scholarly

google teams up with universities to begin testing a scholarly search engine to be used by researchers.


I just want to say to everyone else that presented today in class that you all did a very good job. I was really unsure about what to expect from everyone elses presentation. Not that i thought that they would be bad. What i mean is that i had nothing to compare my presentation to while i was making it. I think that those of you who are going on Thursday had a great advantage today of seeing what everybody else did and i think your reports will be better becasue of it, see you thursday.

media matters has this site welcome to the blogosphere i very much enjoyed looking through it (and i am using it for my presentation)

typepad message

In an effort to combat malicious comment posting by scripts, I’ve enabled a feature that requires a weblog commenter to wait a short amount of time before being able to post again. Please try to post your comment again in a short while. Thanks for your patience.

a warning/protective measure against spammers … thought it was kinda interesting …

My link added

My link was added to the links page at I didnt even send them a link, I think they just found me and put it up.

computer viruses

Sorry I missed class today everyone – I had to deal with the w32.sasser.b.worm. This is a level 4 security alert (5 being the highest) Luckily we weren’t infected – just needed some patches and updates from MS.

I highly recommend that those with computers with MS Op systems (98, NT, 2K, XP) make sure that your virus definitions are up to date AND that you have all of the latest updates.

gol-dang Wiscmail

has anyone else been having problems attaching files in wiscmail? in the last 24 hours or so, it hasn’t worked for me

hmm …

so my computer is a huge piece of crap ... now i am debating about buying a replacement to get through the next year of college. If i want a cheap machine (as opposed to quality — something to type a paper and check email), would you guys ever trust buying something from dell auction ??


are we ever going to be filling out evals for this class?

Best Blogs

While searching for information on travel blogs for my presentation I came across something you all may find interesting. It is a list of the best blogs as ranked by Forbes magazine. All of the blogs are listed by category so check it out and see what you think!

search engines

we’ve talked about google SO MUCH this semester without really talking about the other search engines. Google uses PageRank, but how does everyone else do it?

Extra Credit

On the view your grades link there it says that there is an extra credit assignment? Did I miss something?

Help me study for Journalism?

Does anyone know in plain english what a transistor and the intergrated circuit are?


Ok, while we are talking about investments (with google seeling shares), I thought I’d share. Have you guys ever heard of Blog Shares? I’m not exactly sure how this works. It’s a “fantasy blog share market.” Ok, I don’t understand how this works…

random question…

...about how URLs work: i noticed that on some sites (for example: bitch magazine), no matter what page you go to, the url doesn’t change (i.e., no matter what i click on on the bitch site, the url still reads: how does that work? is it done to prevent “deep-linking”?

“the revolution will not be blogged”

besides having a clever title, i wasn’t very impressed with this article, but i’m curious what you alll think…

a little amusement

“Don’t Blog: Headlines from the Future” slideshow

google archives?

does anyone remember how Nick/John got to the google archives? ie. to look at a page on such and such date?

Survey Says

Survey on why we read online journals via Loobylu.


Apparently, Apple has a weblog program called iBlog. I have never heard of this before, and I used to even have one of those dotmac accounts. Was this one of the features? I have a feeling the program wasn’t successful, and was kind of abandoned. Either way, I am not sure I understand what it does.


I’m not sure if this will post, but the site is all messed up for me, anyone else?

Blogs everywhere

While doing research for another class project, I was reading a feature story from Rolling Stone Magazine, and automatically noticed that links to “feed your blog or newsreader” and “Put RS on your site.” I guess I’m just not sure how reading features from this magazine relates feeding your blog?

When a google (or some other engine) search shows up on my referrers list, does that mean that a person came to my site through that search? or that the search engine came to my site?

whats a bug ??

how many google machines?

aww … my first time linking from slashdot … how many machines does google really use?

spending $250 million on hardware, this article guesses that Google is managing between 45,000 and 80,000 servers

umm, yeah, thats a lot.

voting electronically

cali bans e-vote machines

part of me feels like voting electronically is inevitable … but would there be hacker concerns that would go along with this?


so i was on (ha, looking for posting ideas) and i noticed this message: Post a comment, HTML is turned on use [em] for emphasis [strong] for strong text, and [a href=”http://”] [/a] for links.

** note: [ ] in place of the normal little dealies so not to mess up the entire site …

does this mean these html codes don’t always work?? (cuz they are really the only ones i’ve learned this semester and i feel cool knowing how to use them … )

presentations and powerpoint

nick (probably the most popular person on this blog right now with presentations and all). i have a powerpoint presentation, how do you want me to get that to you? i can post it to my site, or can i bring in on my thumbdrive? what do you prefer?

which day?

nick – which day did I sign up for? I sure hope it was R…


Someone linked to my website by translating it to french….this is pretty cool.

Chasing Daisy

On a different thread I posted about Chasing Daisy and the blog addiction song. See comments…

Mifflin Block Party

have fun and be safe today, kids :)

Change presentation date

I was wondering if I could change my presentation date from Thursday to Tuesday? Does anyone want to switch?

google answers

Have we seen this google service yet? “More than 500 carefully screened Researchers are ready to answer your question for as little as $2.50 — usually within 24 hours.” Google racks in dough this way too (not just advertising).

Seeing the other side…

I always said how the purpose of my blog is really not about the comments. I said that “comments” would function more like quick questions if I left out info or quick feedback about the events that I wrote about. As I started to include a little more personal experience/insight, I have begun to see a new light (and I found it cool). Here is what happened when I discussed my own experience crossing the picket line. The comments made by the TA helped to clarify the issues for me and other readers. It just made me realize how blogs are important so I decided to share.

CB Radio

One of my friends was telling me about the CB radio that his grandfather had in his car. People used to have small communities of other CB users that they would tune into and talk in on their ways to work (mostly in the 50’s-70’s). Most people never met the other CB radio users, but would talk to them on a daily basis while in their cars. I thought this was interesting in relation to the identity issues we talk so much about in class.


Dave Winer connects napster and blogs ??

Unidentified Bloggers

Howard Stern says he’ll blog under a secret identity... AdRants asks will bloggers out him?

It’s official

“Google on Thursday announced it is planning to sell at least $2.7bn of its shares to the public through an unusual public auction”.

politics …

just wondering (even though politics is a sensitive issue for a lot of people) but usually political patterns form in different careers … (for example, my mom is a teacher and a democrat) ... even though blogging is not necessarily a career, do you guys think bloggers tend to lean one way or another? (and yes, i know there’s a HUGE variety of political opinions out there, as with anything) but what do you guys think? any lean whatsoever?

one of those days …

the dullest blog in the world (via dooce) ... some days, i think my blog could challenge it …

i’m a sad case

how pathetic that i was so bored today that i thought it would be fun to use this site’s search engine to look up random stuff … lets see how many times we used BLOG in posts?? ... only eight more days of class … only eight more days of class …


I found this interesting site called

You can register your blogs and record which blogs inspired their creation

New Chat Program

Have any Mac users used this new chat program? it looks pretty cool.


the semester summed up ... i feel cool reading this and already knowing everything on it :)

Blog Search Engine

While I was doing my research for this class, I came across a blog search engine. I tried it, but my blog didn’t show up. Other blogs besides tripod has shown up, I think you have to register your blog or something. But I just thought the whole “blog search engine” was interesting.

Cafe Blog?

Apparently, the U.S. is behind in the blogging scene. Tehran has a blog cafe. I don’t think we’ve gotten past our internet cafes yet. What do you guys think of this?

Hot linking

I was looking for background patterns or pictures that I can use on my blog. Anyhow, I came across this site that had free patterns, but said that we shouldn’t directly link to them for the patterns, and download them first. They say it’s illegal to direct link. That’s weird, if they have FREE patterns for others to use, then why can’t we direct link?

Marriage of TV and blogs

I actually came across this article, Marriage of TV and blogs while doing research for my project. It was a link from one of my Macromedia boys’ site. I think you might enjoy it. I did.

The Memespread Project tracks memes (did we talk about these?) as they spread through the web. Kottke, as usual, has some interesting commentary.

Blogs for Dummies

Weblogs for Dummies
Easy blogs


mozie compares pages rendering in Mozilla and Internet Explorer … are pages usually different in explorer and mozilla? why is that?


what exactly is linux? just a different operating system? and why does this article say the future is linux television?

Blog O’Matters

Cape Cod Times’s online editor, responsible for the news content on the Web site, updates the site in a blog format! these people are catching on! :)

ICQ groups?

Bloggers Unite? I stumbled across this site, that is kind of like that tangled web community we have discussed and also about revealing identity. I haven’t seen anything quite like this one. There is a place to add the person, message the person, or PAGE the person. Check out all those features on the side. Must admit, I’m kind of weary to click the links and I don’t understand whether or not you need to register.

blogging in the prime time

on Law & Order: SVU tonight, the main story was based on a “suicide” blog called…

As much as we all promote weblogs and blogging, there is a part of me that gets sad that so many of them pop up when I do my searches. In all honesty, I think I like showing people that I have a weblog and explaining to them what it actually is. It makes me feel like I am unique and on top of things. I feel like pretty soon it will become a whole lot harder to find my blog among all the others. It will get lower and lower on the google rankings…Maybe, I enjoy the lack of blog knowledge. Is that unfair?


Charmaine… Nick… anyone. What did you install again to get your thumbnail photo gallery? I searched everywhere, but can’t remember… Help, please!

“Gender genie”

I would like to hope that the gender genie is not that scientific. In class we saw it determine the wrong gender for Meg. Mine was even more inaccurate…
It does link us to articles that say it is based upon real research/findings. Just goes to show you that the identity debate is a lot more complex to figure out than we thought. I always assume a bloggers gender by reading their posts…

“Google Sucks or Google likes me”

Hmmm… read this post and thought you guys would like (or dislike) it. I do see his point that his weblog comes up before Microsoft for sps development.

sorry i missed class, everyone…

i was out with a migraine. will see you all for our presentations next week.


The English wax nostalgic for Dungeons &Dragons, courtesy the BBC.

D&D used to be owned by now defunct TSR out of Lake Geneva Wisconsin you know… though now it’s owned by Wizards of the Coast in Seattle.

Also this story was linked off of as of this AM — implying at least that bloggers are really into this sort of thing. :)

editor blogs

since bloggers are a form of editors, i found it interesting that newspaper editors have their own sub-group of blogs … here’s a few i found … prints the chaff or a capital idea or j-log or test copy editors

news design

newspaper design blog ... i am mainly linking to this site because i like the site’s design … but i also think the content is pretty interesting … if you click the links to the left you can see the front pages of different newspapers … which one do you guys prefer just based on aesthetics?

internet inflation again?

are we in a mini-bubble?

I’ve created a blogaholic

Today, I was talking to my friend, asked him what he was doing and he told me he was looking at which “RSS feed” to download. (I told him to use sharpreader b/c he didn’t want to pay) But then, I laughed. I remember telling him what a blog was at the beginning of this class and he was like making fun of me for having one Now, the kid is “addicted to them” and says he has been reading them a lot. Just thought that was classic- he is already needing an RSS

sorry to bring up points again …

since we have less than 2 weeks left of class (and the class average is still 140 points shy of 500), i was just wondering if the blog will be up during finals week or will it end when the rest of class stuff ends?

local blogs

LiveJournal for UW and here’s one that started as the screenname “UWMadisonParties” and became UW Madison Parties Website (ok, so maybe not a blog …) what do you guys think of these?

games/virtual worlds

thought this was an interesting article in regards to our discussion about the reality of online worlds/lives. it talks about a freelance journalist who was hired to cover what happens in one of them...
i don’t know what you all think, but to me, it’s a strange, strange world we live (or don’t live) in…
(article found via jd’s new media musings)

safari and wiscmail…

Hey, does anyone know why I can never access my wiscmail account using safari? (I have an Apple) It’s frustrating…but this never used to be a problem.

good article

If anyone happens to see this weeks issue of people magazine there is a great article in there that you should check out. The article is call Spam I Am i think. It is all about a professional spammer and how he tracks users and makes his money. I tried to find a link for the article but you have to be a subscriber to People to access their website. If anyone is a subscriber could you put a link in the thread that would be cool. If not i’ll keep trying to find it.

Thoughts on quoting vs. linking…

Does quoting equal theft?


Is Amanda Doerty — aka the ‘Hot Abercrombie Chick’ — real or phony? The debate rages, you tell me.

How does this play into our previous discussion of identity online?

Google goin’ public.

We’ve talked about it numerous times, but look what the NY Times has to say about Google going public. Sooner than we thought??


Ok, this is a whole lot more difficult than I thought…see comments


Haha, I came across this Quiz: Are you a blogaholic?, and I knew I had to post it… let’s see how we all rank!

Typepad & Photos

So as most of you have probably seen, I like to put a lot of pics up on my blog. Typepad seems to have changed their upload file function and I can now only put up thumbnails (which i can deal with). The problem is that they don’t seem to “fit” in the post and runs into the one below it. Check my blog to see what I mean. Any ideas how to clean this up?

I have a question about something that was mentioned in class. Why is it that people who use as a host seem to have less of a credibility than a person that has MT or TypePad? I mean that if the holder claims to know a lot about HTML and blogging, why would she/he have less credibility than one who held a MT or TP?

Huge sites, but fun to look at

These are some really artsy sites I came across this afternoon while putting off doing my homework. Some of them are really neat — most all have HUGE images to load, but are still pretty. I esp. liked Andrew Skwish and Michael Wertz. Check them out if you need to procrastinate.

Class and/or Strike on Tuesday

I responded in a previous thread with how I intend to run Tuesday’s class with regard to the strike.

Alcohol and Drug Survey

I got this survey in my email but found it pretty hard to answer most of the questions without making everyone on campus sound like an alcoholic. What do you think?

Google Holiday?

Ok, I think I must be out of the loop here. Is today a Holiday (i don’t know about)? I went to google, and here was today’s design. Fishing? I don’t get it

class next tuesday?

nick – i got an email today from Patrice Whitman, Dean of Student Affairs for Justice basically saying don’t go to class next T and W cuz of the TA strike. we’re still having class right?

To prevent boredom…

Ok, I am doing my presentation on Macromedia and their weblogs. I need some help… when I gather info, even I start to get bored. How can I make my topic more exciting for you guys? What would you want to know about?

It’s official now…

Nick, (everyone too, but esp. Nick)check out item 5 in dooce’s latest post. I think she address an interesting “debate” we’ve had over the course of the semester.

**actually, it’s the “second” 5. Heather made a typo. :)

That’s a lot of people

Pew Study Shows 55 Percent Of All Adult Internet Users Are Broadband-Enabled.

help support

typepad knowledge base i thought typepad’s help system had a good setup … more like a discussion forum than a blog or FAQ … and it wasn’t too intimidating (i posted to ask about changing fonts, so we’ll see how long it takes to get an answer …)

breakfast club this thursday

i’ll be around this thursday about noonish for anyone interested in chilling old skool style in the breakfast club of aj. hope to see ya there.

Help me invent the SOAR blog

I need some opinions, so think back to your freshman year…
When you first got to campus, what were you most concerned about? If you had a forum such as a blog to use when you got to campus, would you use it more informatively or socially?

A group at the recent Bloggercon event proposed something they call the Citizen’s Media Association. In discussion over this proposal, they refered to

weblogs, or more broadly, media created by individual citizens…

which I thought was a great way to really get at the definition of a blog.

World’s Oldest Blog?

I found a site that claims that The Diary of Samuel Pepys is the oldest blog, dating back to 1661. Does this make any sense to you guys or is someone just messing with the date?

typepad font

is there a way to change font in typepad? kinda like italics tags but maybe to change the font type or color?

This guy’s blogging rules

Ok, now what do you all think about this guys Rules for Blogging? Try to avoid the bloody needle on the side…ick


Tim O’Reilly on Gmail and the privacy debate — thoughts?

corporate blogs

I can’t remember but is someone doing a presentation on corp. blogs? I found this recruiting one for Microsoft that might be helpful. It ties in with what we were talking about today.

Are bloggers elitists?

This article talks about the future of weblogs, and talks about the upcoming BloggerCon this weekend @ Harvard. The most interesting thing, at least to me, about the article, is one of the author’s views about Bloggers, saying some are “elitists” as they think they are better than those who have no clue about the weblog phenomenon. Kind of a “we are in the cool clique” mentality. Interesting. What do you guys think?

responding to comments

Do you guys think that when someone comments on your blog with little things (like “thanks,” or “That was a good event, I went.”) you need to respond. I feel like I am responsible for acknowledging my commenters. However, isn’t responding to that type of comment just pointless? I always debate whether to respond (with something like, “no problem”) Any thoughts?

MT question…

for those of you using MT, could someone show me how to post an image? i basically want to have an image followed by some short text, but i’m not sure of the best way to do that. thx!

blogging pastors?

on world magazine blog they had a column for blogging pastors (for example: Pastor Paul McCain) ... i don’t know how i feel about that. Since it only has pastors and not any other religious division, does it make sense that i feel like the rest of the site is partially biased? (even though they were probably just trying to give this one group an outlet)

Typepad question

The times of my posts and commentson my personal weblog are off. Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried to figure it out today, but it hasn’t worked so far, even when I think I fixed the problem. It might have something to do with time zones, but I’m not sure.


If you look at your referrer log, it is crazy what people are searching that takes them to your site. I like to read them just to laugh!

Content Ads

Ad Rants questions the ethics of content ads. Anyone want to add a comment to their post?

Site Down

I don’t understand why the site always goes down. Is is a different reason everytime or is it the same problem?

oh what a tangled web we weave …

so i was reading random blogs and doing the blogroll linking thing, and i noticed that many bloggers are married to bloggers (and usually the sites have similar traffic) why do you think this is? cuz i think it’s kinda goofy … bloggers are attracted to bloggers? (see comments for examples)

this is not english

What does it mean in google when it shows the title of the website or weblog on a search result and ays “Diese Seite übersetzen” next to the site?

Life is good..

I finally got my TiVo last night. Life is definitely good. Thanks for the inspiration Nick. I don’t know how I could live w/o it before.


Have any of you seen this blogrolling page?

10 rules for corp blogs and wikis

there are 10 rules for corp blogs/wikis that are pretty common sense, but spelled out here on a marketing education site. one of the keys, trust your employees and encourage them to blog. but, what if you fire them for what they blog? seems to be a mixed message.

all ties into what to blog and what to keep to yourself.

weblog events archive

wanna know what was the hott weblog topic day poparchives what people are talking about, kinda like a blogdex would. check out the archive.

amazon meets google

oh geez, i know i’m going to be torn (a bit). as an junkie, i’m not sure what i’ll do with amazon’s new a9 search engine

i need to check it out more, but it’s lookin’ cool to me

xHTML / css ?

Fellow coders – is there an easy way to change this table file with lots of yucky code to a xhtml/css file? any suggestions?

MT Question

I know you guys told me once or twice already, but if I have my”links” php include set up and a remaindered template ready to go and it works (as far as placement) where do I put the text and link info? In the title and excerpt lines of the entry?

class today

did we cover anything in class today that i need to worry about for next time?


For the last two mornings while brushing my teeth I’ve heard NPR’s Morning Edition do pieces on search engines and Google. Everyone is jumping on the Google bandwagon now…

How to get spammed?

Some of you asked how spammers get your email address. Well, here is a fine example how they get it.

More Project question

Have a question about our project and the post about project is no longer here so I’m posting it again.

class average

just wondering guys, but have you noticed how our posting momentum has decreased? at the beginning of the semester, i would miss 2 days and be 30 behind the average. Now, i will miss 4 days and the class average has changed by 5 or so points. why do you think that is? we have the technical stuff out of the way? we’re losing interest? nothing to talk about?

Debate over ‘The Sims’

I heard about the Alphaville Herald blog today while watching the news. Apparently, there is a debate over censopship in the popular computer game “The Sims”. This article is pretty interesting and does present a debate over an important issue.

Blog research

Wow- this student researcher had over 500 people complete his survey in 1 day by posting it on Dave Barry’s blog. Maybe we, as blog researchers should take note!

Loobylu and Dooce

Amy and Kim, did you see that Loobylu and Dooce teamed up to create an article/story for Fray? I had read most of the Making Leta account on Dooce’s website already, but didn’t get that the chick from Loobylu illustrated until I went back to her site. I love her work.

blogs and higher ed

the wsj had an article yesterday Post and publish: Weblogs are creating a whole new campus culture

the article is really broad and focused on across north america, with a slight touch on marquette and madison. no mention of any local bloggers i know, but who knows, there are a lot of bloggers out there


I know that there was a post earlier where someone was talking about web design books and stuff. I was searching for info on rss because i still can�t figure out how to syndicate my site (yeah i know its kind of late, insert insult here) but anyways i found these free tutorials that seem really cool.

Interesting E-mail

See Comments….I guess people do search our site!

Is your post successful? claimed that most bloggers determine the success or failure of a post based on both their comments boxes and their inboxes. I am not sure what they mean by inboxes but I have to admit that I sometimes determine the success of my post based on comments too. How do people in this class determine the success of their post or do you not determine it at all?


Hey all… I got an email saying:
“Quota Notice – WiscMail account is 80% or more of capacity.”
I have no clue how to fix this or get rid of old, saved emails. Can anyone help me out here? Do other email systems have similar quotas? This is annoying!

Start ‘em young

Playmobil’s Security Check-In Set is now available! I think this is actually pretty funny. There are some other strange toys on this website, mentioned in this Metafilter thread.

Yet Another Google post

I just had to post this article, as the author proposes a theory that Google is going to get involved in instant messaging. Google IM…why not?
I found it on Kottke’s site.


So how’s everybody doing reading their RSS feeds?


I mentioned this as a comment in an earlier thread, but I decided it was important enough to be discussed as its own post. It has to do with whether or not I should include my weblog on my identity site for 530.
See comments for more info.

Digital Pictures

Just looking for some insight…I was wondering if people with digital cameras are printing there pictures and if so where do you take them to get good prints?

I got spammed…I think

I got a spam in a comments section today...I think. except they mispelled nice.

Is this something you should erase? The thread is from February…

wierd occurance

So i just checked my blog and i got this wierd comment. It sadi exactlly “By Guest Columnist

I hope you have a great last semester here at the UW. I have 1 more year to go myself (graduate school).
You sound like a swell guy, and maybe I’ll bump into you at the Terrace.
Gal Guest

# posted by Matt @ 3:52 AM” I did not type that and i am very confused about how this quest post is possible. Has anyone ever seen this before? How the hell is that possible?

blog research

because i’m a research nerd and have a desire to research things…i found an article at iMedia Connection titled blogging is booming which recaps a lot of reserach done on blogs. good info…enjoy! i know i will.

yay, more google questions

i’ve noticed on my stats/referrers page, that i get a lot of google hits, but not usually ( or or etc) but since it’s the same internet, why do the results differ? how has google adjusted their program for this? (sorry if this is a dumb question)

typepad questions

2 questions for typepad users: how do i change the size of the font on my posts? and 2. if i wanted to have an ongoing list on a sidebar (much like is there a way to do that with typepad? (in case you’re wondering, my list would be “why Gateway computers are the devil” – sometimes you just gotta vent)

bloggin and journalism person

i forget who’s doing that topic, but Blogging’s Power to change Journalism may help you.

Work for Kinja?

Well, it looks like Kinja is looking for a system administrator…. I read about this on Megnut. I thought it was an interesting post, but I’m not sure I even understand the job description. You guys feel like applying? Umm…don’t think I’d be good for the job.

I’m Shutting Up About Google

Because Rich Skrenta and Jason Kottke say it best.

different link design

Check out the links on this GLMT site – kinda cool but yet weird. what do ya’ll think?

Can you see me?

Having troubles with my blog this afternoon – I keep getting the cannot be found page, but typepad is still working. Will someone see if they can get to Meghers?

sites from class: rss


Share your OPML

what is OPML

Fatal Error Message

I don’t think it is my internet becuase everything else is normal, but the weblog is very slow this afternoon. I am browsing through and I keep getting this message when I click on things. “Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in F:htdocs375oc_functions.php on line 93” What does that mean and why does that keep happenning?


I am just curious how many visitors or hits you guys have total and are averaging per day. Right now, I have about 1100 total visits and averaging like 30 per day, though in the last 2 weeks, I have been averaging over 100 hits per day for some reason. Are these numbers similar to everyone else?

blogs versus business

we’ve discussed posting thoughts on the company you work for on your own blog, but we noticed it gets people in trouble.

see comments…


why does it say no results if you try to go through the archives to look at old posts?

Oh boy

Todd Dominey thinks that “weblog” is a silly distinction for a site, and I think he might be right.

Learning Web Design

I am really anxious to learn web design, so I thought I would by a book on html (xhtml). I was at Borders and an employee directed me to the section. Umm…yeah… I basically sat there staring at a number of shelves, not knowing where to begin. There are tons and I was completely lost. I figured it would be best to ask you guys first for suggestions. I am tempting to by the one “for dummies” but I think there are more helpful ones. Any ideas? I know NOTHING about this stuff (computer terrms, etc.) other than we learn in this class. Thanks


I remember when was a fairly popular search engine in the middle to late 1990’s. Once Yahoo and Google begin to gain popularity, I seldom visited these other search engines anymore. I recently went back to hotbot, and saw that they have a feature where you can choose which engines results you would like to view for your search, with a choice of google, hotbot, or ask jeeves. It also looks like they have “cleaned” up the site significantly.


I have always been very skeptical of these programs that claim to “clear all your internet history” or “eliminate all advertisments” from your hard drive. These programs are promoted usually though pop-up internet ads, and I think that this method lessens their credibility as useful and effective products.
Does anyone know of any examples of these programs actually adding spyware to a hard drive?
Also, what about examples of internet and computer security firms (i.e. compaines that make software to prevent hackers) leaving a “backdoor” so insiders could hack into the same thing they are hired to protect? I know this is kind of holly-woodish, but has this ever happened?

BH Message Board

Okay- this might be better put under the Audrey thread, but I think I’ll bring it up here… the Badger Herald comment section has some really great posts about the case. I thought it might be an interesting way to incorporate the difference in message boards and blogs…


I saw this commercial on TV last night for spyware. I think that it has something to do with protecting your personal information (at least that is how the commerical made it seem). But I don’t understand what it really does, or how it works?

isearch toolbar

i don’t know if any of you have encountered this problem, but i restart my computer and there is a new toolbar on my browser. It completely sucks and basically is shutting down most of my browseability. I uninstalled the components that i never actually manually installed, to no dice(i read it may be a wormy adware bug). My computer is having a heart attack


When one links to something and that sight changes, if you then click on the link would you link to what you originally wanted to link to, or the new thing?


i hadn’t been to altavista since high school (to translate my french homework) but since the last time i checked, it has a new very google-like design

Where to start with blogs?

We’ve talked in this class about how to get “into” blogs, specifically where to find some blogs to read.

A new service called Kinja, by Meg Hourihan and Nick Denton (weblog superstars), aims to do that.

The New York Times has an article on Kinja’s launch today.


google email ... more projects from google … possible april fools joke or possibly a good idea?

sports blog

For my presentation i am considering talking about the emergence of sports blogs. Besides class stuff the number one thing i search on the we is sports. On some of my favorite sites over the past couple of weeks i have started to see more and more blog links on each page. I think that these are a good tool that really add to the sites because instead of waiting for the news on your favorite player or a transaction you can discuss it with others who are following the story.


i was just looking at the syllabus and realized that the link is still for topic 5. have we gotten completely away from that? is it now just up to us to direct the converstation? i think that maybe if everyone is so worried about points we could start posting about those again. I know that i have been posting way less because i dont really have anything on topic to post about.

Writing Technique

John, what was that writing technique you were talking about after class yesterday? I forget both the acronym and what it stands for.


Is TongueWag similar to something like Typepad?

case study

Trent Lott and weblogs another job lost due to the blogosphere …


i was researching blogs (ok, looking at the syllabus) for my paper and even though we’ve covered so many terms with examples, i feel like we never touched on videoblogs or audioblogs. anyone have examples?

Siezed car

I went to today to check my e-mail and there is a little side story I thought was really bizzare. Win a Porsche! AOL seized it from a spammer.

If you haven’t heard…

They found Audrey alive and well!

bragging moment

i am an inspiration! (ok, and this class may have had something to do with it) my friend Ben started a weblog since he spent too much time on mine. kinda cool, huh?

continuous pop-up

does anyone else have a popup for a search toolbar show every time their computer starts up? and it asks you to their terms of service. Help! i want to get rid of it!

Interesting read on blog writers

I found this little diddy on blog writers and thought I’d share it with you. {I came across it from} Enjoy.

Are you kidding me?

One day after I wished out loud for a graphical history “tree,” Trailblazer gets slashdotted.


adult free search

i had this sitting in my feed for a while until i could check it out, but kanoodle allows you to search for products and services based on who’s paid to be in the list based on the key words they specify…check it out

oh, and i like their logo.

interactive news map

via John Battelle’s Searchblog, this interactive news map is so cool! you can narrow by topic/country/ and probably other stuff. it denotes how many related articles there are too…kinda like blogosphere trends

Google overload

Wow.. I have MTV on and younger generations are asking John Kerry what they think are important questions to ask him. This girl just asked him: “Senator Kerry, have you ever googled yourself?” Just thought this was funny — everyone keeps talking about google lately

book review

anyone familiar with the book institutionalization of usability: a step-by-step guide, by eric shaffer? not sure if it’s good or not, but it looks interesting. anyone read it or know about shaffer?


The site has gone crazy on me!! All the words are all over eachother. Is this happening for anyone else??????


Ok, I am pretty sure this wasn’t linked to yet on our site (which surprises me). We all know how we feel about google, but What does google think about you?. This is fun, but can’t we just do the same thing on a regular google search? This site is powered by google.

Removing sites from Google

I found this article, Google vs. Evil in which they talk about removing sites from its database.

In March, lawyers representing the Church of Scientology requested that Google stop linking to a Norwegian anti-Scientology site called Operation Clambake. The church claimed the site,, displayed copyrighted Scientology content and that by providing links to the information, Google was in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Much to the dismay of many First Amendment fans, Google caved, removing the offending pages from its index.

Does this sort of thing happen often?

Pay for traffic

Pay to get people to come to your site

I’m not sure how this actually works but they “guaranteed delivery or receive your money back.”

Obscure Google Features from the NY Times

p.s. this is written by the dorky guy from CBS Sunday!

p.p.s. If you are interested in tech-bubble stuff, Dot.con is a great book.


Sorry, this is off-topic and a shameless plug, but I have to do it.

The annual UW Humorology Show is this weekend at the Memorial Union Theater! Saturday night tickets are already sold out, but there are still some available for Thursday night and Friday night!

I so highly recommend that you check out the link. This will be my 3rd year in the show and every year it gets better and better. I promise that if you go, you will enjoy it so much, definitly see some people you know or recognize on stage, and be supporting a great chairity as well!

NYT Fact Checkers

The NYT has begun fact checking it’s reporters against blogs.

google at its best

because it’s fun to elgooG

don’t forget to enter your search backwards!

Personalized Google

Will customized search take off?

State of the Media

The State of the Media 2004 site is all about journalism and the conditions we find ourselves in as media producers (and we’re all now media producers). I haven’t dug too deep yet, but it certainly looks interesting.

Blogging in China

The Chinese are cracking down on access their public has to blogs — scary.


So, it seems google has added a new link to their site called froogle. How recent is this? This is how google defines it: froo·gle (fru’gal) n. Smart shopping through Google. I am betting this will do pretty well coming from google. Maybe you amazon fans will be making a switch?

FCC 330

my latest FCC 330 assign is to write a paper on social trends, and i chose to write about weblogs. (I’ve probably learned enough so far in this class to write 3 pages, ya think?) but i need your help! see comments for more …

This page works

So, what happend? Why haven’t I been able to get onto this site (or any other of the sites on this server) since Friday? I never realized how many times I checked this until I COULDN’T!! Anywho, hope you all had a good weekend, and didn’t miss the riveting discussions too much :).


Nick and John, so I can get into the organize interface just fine, but I’m getting these errors on my install page. See comments.

more on weblogs in mainstream media…

okay, perhaps we’ve already said all we have to say about this topic, but i came across this article on the use of the internet in politics... it mentions weblogs, so i thought it might be useful if anyone was using this for their project. anyhow, my other reason for posting this was that i found it a funny example of “what we don’t want on news sites” after nick and john’s survey today… i’ve never seen a pop-up as obnoxious as this one (it compleletly covers the text of the story you’re trying to read), and everything around the story is moving and flashing… ugh. awful.

The ending of blogs

I found an interesting article that talks about the ending of blogs. You might even consider the author anti-blog.
Co-opting the Future

Extra Credit Reminder

Come fill out a survey for half an hour today at 11AM — get ten extra blog points!

Breakfast Club

I’m coming over today at 11. I have to use Photoshop but I also have some questions about hosting and mutiple websites. Anyone else coming?

Knitting Blogs

I spent a lot of time looking at knitting blogs yesterday and have been having great sucess corresponding (while through email) with some of the site owners. Pretty cool, I thought. Maybe I have found my community where I truly feel comfortable making comments. I’ve also noticed that there are tons of comments (mostly feel-good types) on each thread. Kinda interesting though.

More about regulation…

I had an interesting comment on my blog this morning in response to a post about ProAna websites. (Okay, I admit, it’s from my mom)

A few months ago I was watching one of those law shows on TV and one of the story lines revolved around this topic. It went something like this:

A young girl (about 13) ends up in the hospital from Anorexia, her parents discover she had been communicating with a ProAna web site where she was being encouraged to continue her unhealty life style, her parents attempt to sue the web master of the site (also an anorexic, female), thier daughter ends up dying, and the ProAna web master feels bad and considers closing down her site.

Is there any kind of regulation going on where material can be regulated if it harms someone? Could the parents have won if this was a real life case?

Blogger’s Digest

I was reading some things by John Hiler to narrow the focus of my project idea. I came across this old article on How weblogs are becoming the new Reader’s Digest”. It is pretty interesting and covers many issues we have talked about like filtering contect, use of links, copyright, and legal issues (suing). I must say that if anyone needs any topic ideas, they should serf around on Microcontent News.

wiscmail changes?

When I went to go read my wiscmail today, I was directed the the Computing at UW Madison website. I’m not really sure why or how this happened, so I think there must be new updates or news about the service. Do any of you know about this? See comments…

Identity Systems

Okay, maybe this is too big of an idea for a discussion thread here on the weblog, but I thought I’d throw it out there. Those of you without project ideas yet (get them in soon!) this might be a good one: what’s all this hubub about different companies’ “identity systems?”

There’s one from SixApart called TypeKey, one from Google called Orkut (which is social networking in disguise), and probably a bunch more. Mark Pilgrim even thinks FOAF might work instead.

What are the stakes in this game and why should we care?

Google Issues Revisited

Dan Gilmore cites Howard Rheingold (whoops) David Weinberger on some issues surrounding the search results Google returns for the word “Jew” — and wonders if the system isn’t being “gamed” somehow. There’s a small discussion over there as well worth checking out — lots of issues we talked about yesterday are wrapped up in this one.


Since we’ve been talking about it a fair amount lately… Why do we get spammed? (and I don’t mean the obvious) Is spam successful? I don’t see how it could be successful, but then again, if it didn’t work then why does it still exist?


have we ever compared feedster to google?

Jason Kent

I just wanted to mention that Jason, who dropped this class early in the semester has had some great posts on his site... way to go, Jason, putting such effort into your blog even with no alterior motives!

differences in rss feeds?

why it is that some feeds give you the entire post in sharpreader but others only give you the first couple lines? is that a setting in the blog itself or in your feed reader?

Can anyone catch Google?

Talk about a surprise in my mailbox… This is the story is this week’s Newsweek. Enjoy.

What is too much again?

I forget but if your average daily transfer is 1.52 mg, is that a lot? I’m afraid it is, isn’t it. Hmm.

Today in Class

Just was wondering if I could get an update about class today…

Speaking of domain names

When I created my subdomain for my family weblog, I guess I forgot to put the www in front of Regardless, it gets me there with both. How is that? In the past it always mattered if you used the www or just the http, I though. So now with Josh’s weblog I’m making, should I put the www or not?

knitting blog

charmaine and amy… i found this Lobbylu blog on knitting that you might be interested in. it’s kind of cool.

the death of chat rooms

at the risk of opening myself up to intense peer ridicule(i’ve already covered the personal), under extreme boredom, i was in a yahoo chat room for the first time this weekend in years. Let me tell you, there are virtually no humans, just porn bots hawking webcam girls and annoying smut. Has this contributed to decline in use at all? when do blogs become completely inundated with porno ads?

Suing Google for Libel?

This guy is suing Google for libel, saying when he “Googles” his name, misleading information about his business shows up. If he is successful in this suit, how would it change Google as we know it now?


This site claims to offer an effective alternative to bloging? Has anyone ever heard of it or fin this to be justified because i am kind of wary about it.

Interesting view on google’s teen years.


i do not usually make posts on this blog i typically make comments about everybody else’s posts. Does that make me a bad participant or is more of a role that i play. I guess what i am asking is does it matter how you participate as long as yoy are participating?


Can anyone think of a reason why my sharpreader suddenly won’t open? I can’t figure it out… I suppose I’ll just download it again, but I had tons of great sites stored in there. If you have any suggestions, thanks.

break out the new endings!

it’s been reported that new domain names have been applied for. ten new endings are being requested, including: “.asia,” “.cat,” “.jobs,” “.mail,” “.post,” “.tel,” “.travel,” “.mobi,” and “.xxx.”

opinionated blogger…

Well, I was reading this guys weblog about weblogs and know that he is criticizing a lot of class issues. Who is this guy? Do you know anything about him? (I think you might hate him)

Big Ten weblog…

I came across this weblog about Sports in the Big Ten and thought you guys might like it.The creators work for the Detroit News. What I really like though is that there is a description of “what is a weblog?” on the side as well as pictures and info about the authors. Do you guys think that is a good idea? I feel like that would be something very beneficial to have on blogs… unless of course your personal description isn’t widely accepted.

Project postings?

Well, I’m not sure if I missed it in class, but if we have our project idea, should we be posting it up on the weblog? I think I know the area I’d like to explore, but I haven’t seen anyone post their plans yet. Maybe, we are supposed to email our idea to Nick?

Scoble’s Rules

The rules for writing a corporate weblog, according to Scoble. In my opinion these are the rules for writing any weblog.


I’ll be conducting a little informal / non-research survey on Thursday during our regular classtime. I’m not going to say what its about to avoid skewing the results, only that it’ll take about half an hour to complete and there are a ten extra credit blog points involved for those of you who can spare me a few minutes. Thanks.

My friend was a spammer!

I was talking to a friend from high school the other day and she told me how back then, her boss used to pay her a ton of money just to sit at the computer and spam people on weblogs just to get to their companies sites. She also had to go onto ebay and keep outbidding people higher and higher to sell their products and create fake competition (I belive this was a forklift sales type of business). Arent these things like illegal?? I dont understand the whole concept. How are they related???


the typepad homepage advertised “moblogging” in the article on mobile annoucements although i don’t know too much about it, i think it sounds perfect for those of us who only get ideas when we’re away from our computers.


Check out Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban’s weblog. It’s not only amazing that he has one, look at his last post.


Everyone seems to be talking about SXSW...I visited the site and am still kind of confused about why it is so cool. Anyone care to share their opinion on it?


Did anyone notice how google changed its design? I’m not going to lie, I think I prefer the old google design. Why did they do that?

advertising a blog

i’ve been watching tv (sadly) a lot this spring break, and a vh1 commercial caught my attention because the specifically advertised to come check out their blog … remember talking about cross marketing? see comments for more …

Read the bottom of this post, where Chris talks about all the recent hoopala concerning attribution. What do you think of his tounge-in-cheek attribution for this post?

Project presentation dates?

Nick, so when would we be presenting? The last week of class on T&R?

follow-up on attribution discussion

i came across this diagram of info transfer on the web (that i found on the media burn blog). anyhow, thought it was interesting in regard to our class discussion about when to site the source of your links.

This article says “blawgs” waaay to much.

This article talks about lawyers and blogs. I guess there are some lawyers giving out free “advice” on their weblogs. It’s kind of a cool concept, but I’m wondering the legality of it, and also if other professionals might take this route? i.e. a mechanic starts a “how to fix your carborator” blog…

pay per click (PPC)

according to the kelsey group

- SME [small to medium enterprises] pay-per-click advertisers currently allocate on average 23% of their ad budget to PPC
- 54% of SME pay-per-click advertisers expect to increase their PPC activities next year
- 56% of SME pay-per-click advertisers believe in its potential and agree that it will be an important advertising method for their company in the future
- 73% of SME advertisers who are interested in PPC expect to implement it within the next year

so, companies are spending money on getting you to their site. the study also indicates that “Any interpretation of survey results should be seen as directional and not reflective of the current behavior of the U.S. small-business population as a whole.” Which is interesting to hear. what do you think? directional or reflective of current trends?


This was something brought up on an earlier discussion, but I think the topic is worthy of its own post.

Do you think “spam” in blogs (false people who post and link to an advertisment website) will envade the blogospehere and essentially null the usefullness and enjoyment of weblogging?

Certainly, spam has curtailed peoples’s enthusiasm for e-mail, as junk mail has become hard to filter, and the volume always seems to be increacing.

Weblog spam certainly has the same potential to essentially destroy the blogospehere, but perhaps spam-stopping technology is easier to employ in this area.

Blog with music…

Hey, I thought this was cool. It’s a blog with music. I mentioned before that I ran into one, but couldn’t find the URL again. Anyhow, this one is more uniqe, I think the organizer is singing, rather than playing a copyrighted song. It’s something different. (you’ll have to click enter….after unfolding all the squares)

Mac Weblog

I’m sorry that I am posting a lot at once. I wrote some things down this week to post about and left my notebook at work (I found it today). Anyway, I discovered A weblog that I like about Mac troubleshooting It also has some cool design features like tabs, good categories, and search options. Mac users, let me know what you think.

commentable posts

On my weblog I really don’t get too many comments. However, I made my blog mainly for a reference. I thought of comments as just an extra, if people felt like giving their opinions or input about the events, activities, etc. that I post about. Today, I got a small comment saying “Nice blog, I found you from the typepad home page.” That was all, but I must admit that made me happy. I am starting to regret not posting more “commentable posts.” Do you guys think I should post more conversational type topics (relating to the UW) or just stick to my original plan?


Have you guys ever heard of the search engine called MyWay. I think it’s interesting that the layout and features are so similar to yahoo. They take the advertising angle of “no pop-ups,” but does yahoo even use pop-ups? Does anyone know anything about this engine? I’m wondering who operates it (some branch of yahoo? competitor?)

Timely Blogging

I’ve noticed that a lot of blogs seem to have at least one thing in common with journalistic pieces — timeliness. Lots of people who post do so about news articles/topics (at least some of the time). Do you find weblogs that have more “timely” information to be more interesting?


see comments…it’s lengthy

Page Views and Posts

graph of the 375 weblog usageYou guys asked about how many page views this site gets and I told you I’d look into it. I haven’t got any referrer information yet, but I did make this graph (PDF) plotting page views and posts to the site. It paints a very interesting picture of your Web usage indeed.

Look closely at the graph, it has a double y-axis with page views on the left and posts on the right — no, you don’t post more than you view.

(The graph would have been posted as an image, but I’m afraid I don’t have any worthwhile image editing software on this machine, so for now it’s a PDF.)


Some sites have policies trying to prevent you from linking to certain of their pages . Absurd?

Have a great break!

I just wanted to say that I am signing off now for the next 12 days! Have a great spring break everyone!!


One of my goals of the semester is to drive more traffic to my site by commenting on other weblogs. Today I became extremely paranoid because I commented on someone’s weblog that was, well, EXTREMELY conservative. It freaked me out because I don’t know if I want him coming to my site. Commenting is tough because by doing it you can link your site to someone else’s, even if you don’t agree with what they’re saying. Ugh. I now fully understand how, like the “real world”, you can be judged in the “blog world” by the company you keep.

Website down?

Tonight when I was at the library, I couldn’t get to this site. I think it may have just been the wirelesswiscworld. Just wondering if anyone else had problems with it tonight?

Misspellings and domain names

We briefly mentioned this in class today, but I find it interesting how there are actual websites (usually advertisement-ridden search engines) that use the domain name of misspelled/mistyped, but popular websites. I actually visited metafiler yesterday and found a discussion on this topic. When you forget to type the “dot” in www.metafilter, you are led to quite an interesting website.


After looking at different referral stats and trends of when people look at a blog today it had me thinking about our class blog. Is there any way we can view when people (like the class) look at the blog the most? Times? Days?

Safari Tabs

Hey how did you open new windows in safari with tabs under the address bar rather than an entire new window? Someone told me in class but I kinda sorta forgot.

archive limit

as we were discussing archiving today, i’m not sure we touched upon something i was interested in. Let’s say i would never post again on my blog starting tommorrow. will it still exist for people to browse 10 years down the road? What is policy of servers on archiving. i created a page in 98’ and the thing seems long gone.

Robots and Spiders

I found this site that helped me to understand what robots and spiders are a little more clearly.

Digital Democracy

CBS Sunday morning still has the Digital Democracy links up. I also found some of David Pogue’s latest columnist work.

Terrorism and Weblogs?

In this time of global conflict and threats of terror and people becomming less and less trust worthy of others, more and more people are sharing their personal lives online in the form of weblogs for a potentially vast audience.

We have heard so much about the loss of freedoms, the fear, the threats, the lack of trust, the changing times, the post 9/11 Era…....

Does anyone have thoughts as to whether or not these events and feelings could actually be a catalyst for the weblog movement? Do people feel the need to share their thoughts with others now more than other periods of history? Or are people simply making use of a new technology? But why so many, so quickly? A link perhaps?

1 goal met

i’m pleased to say that my blog has been both yahooed and googled. this meets one of my goals. now, to get the people there. they are visiting, just need them engaged and active.

Need Computer Help?

My computer has not worked for over a year now and i have not gotten it fixed because technitians frankly are too expensive. A few friends of mine realized that many UW students face this same problem and they decided to do something about it. They are really good with computers and can fix any problem you have and they charge about half the price of anyone else in the area. If you are interested the name of their company is BadgerPC


Blogskins has some good ideas for blog designs- click a skin, and hit preview to check them out. They’re not all done with great coding, but they might spark ideas.

email as comments

Well, it’s really late and there is no post for me to comment so I’m going to start a new one. I ran into a blog that actually uses out look express as a way for people to enter in comments. This to me was a very unique idea but does anyone noticed any positives or negatives about this unique style. The site is I Like Shiny Things

Term Paper Update

So I received an e-mail from my instructor for a class in which I wanted to write my term paper on weblogs. The assignment supposedly had to be a paper on something related to mass communication between 1940-1990. So he said that he sees blogging as a more recent phenomenon, and is correct. But I said that the weblog was an evolution of the “personal website” concept that gained momentum in the early 1990’s. I also told in him in a reply e-mail that UW offers one of the only courses on weblogging in the entire nation and that if the difference is only a few years, I hope it would not make too much of a difference and maybe he should give me the benefit of the doubt and let me write the paper!

Posting Video Clips

One of my friends sent me an awesome video clip of him launching a giant cliff on skis in Whistler, British Colombia, Canada. I would love to somehow upload this onto my weblog, which is run by typepad. I could not find a way to do this though. Hmm. Does anyone know if this possible without having the upload the clip onto another website and link to it?


Is it okay for over spring break to put or blogs on a Hiatus?

Digital Democracy

Today on CBS Sunday morning they had a neat piece on digital democracy and “blogs” as they called them. An interesting take on weblogs from mainstream media. I taped it and could bring it into class on Tuesday if anyone wants to watch it. It’s like 5 minutes. Let me know.

Sorry, I’m doing that Coates-filter thing again…

But he has an interesting old (last February) piece about links sidebars (frequently update lists of links with little commentary). Fascinating from a historical perspective is this:

It seems that it would be relatively rare for any individual to follow these lists with the same interest and joie de vivre with which they might follow the ‘main’ site.

These days, people (myself included) read link logs as religiously as the site’s main posts.


Inspired by recent events…

When is it appropriate, or necessary, to attribute something?

If you post a link on your site, should you tell people where you found that link? If you write a post that was inspired by someone else’s writing, should you attribute or link that? Is it wrong for popular blogs to “steal” links from lesser-known blogs — for example, what if Kottke linked to information about UW’s science writer in residence after reading Susan’s post here?

There are million more questions about this — let’s ask them, and answer them.

p.s. Sorry if I’m repeating stuff we’ve already talked about.

The middle guy gets the shaft

Does anyone ever notice that many times the comments in the middle seem to get skipped over? I must admit, sometimes I overlook the middle comments or I will see that someone has just repeated something that some “middle commenter” already said. In a way, this is similar to the concept Molly posted about on her personal weblog.

Oh man…

Ok, you guys will probably all laugh at me right now, but I am confused! What is the difference between a “K” and a “KB”? WHich one of these takes up the most space? Also, where does an “MB” fit in? ahhh, I just can’t seem to learn this computer lingo…


From Wired: “The most-read webloggers aren’t necessarily the ones with the most original ideas, say researchers at Hewlett-Packard Labs. Using newly developed techniques for graphing the flow of information between blogs, the researchers have discovered that authors of popular blog sites regularly borrow topics from lesser-known bloggers — and they often do so without attribution.”

Update2 /7/04: Lots of activity on this one since it was published.

From Anil Dash: “For lots of college kids, away messages act as blogs. Buddygopher tracks over 200,000 of them.”

Blogs can be impressive…

I think that a benefit of many people not knowing what a blog is can be a good thing. When I try to explain to people that I have a weblog, they have no idea what I’m talking about. This makes them wan’t to check the blog out even more. I have told a few friends that had never heard of blogging and they always bring it up to me how they are so impressed that I run the site, It’s funny that they don’t know how really easyh it is to do. I know it is not the same thing (the easyh part) for you Moveable Type people, but I think using typepad really is a breeze. I start telling people that they could easily do it too, but they get discouraged and tell me they can’t. Does anyone else find that people unfamiliar with blogs like to boost your ego about having one?

icons in the URL bar?

This might be more of a design question but how do coders get the cool little icon to appear in the URL bar?

Great Use for Blogs

I am going to Europe this summer shortly after I graduate and I bumped intoa friend at the bar last night and we came up with a great idea. We are going to start a blog for ourselves and everyone else that we konw that will be traveling Europe this summer. This way we can keep track of eachother and tell others about our experiences good and bad. We thought that it would be more useful than mass emails because it will be short and to the point. Also we can help eachother find out if we want to go somewhere or not. I just thought I’d share b/c I thought it was a great idea.


If my computer is on for too long (too long being like 4 hours), my DSL connection cuts out and my internet doesn’t work. I end up having to restart my computer, and then it works perfectly. Does anyone know why this occurs, first of all, and does anyone else have this problem? Does it have something to do with the cable line, or what?

Users Staying Out of the Blog

Interesting new findings from The Pew Internet and American Life Project.

out of town, wish me luck

i’m off to do grad assistantship interviews tomorrow and won’t be back nor online till sunday night. wish me luck. happy blogging!

Yahoo! to Allow Pay-For-Rank

Slashdot’s got the story and discussion. Should search engines allow companies to pay for higher rank results?

Breast Cancer

sorry to have to do this to you guys … but my family is big in supporting breast cancer charities … Breast Cancer Site . if you could click on the pick square saying “fund free mammograms” that would be wonderful!

Blogging for A Term Paper

I am taking Journalism 560 – History of Mass Communication. Fot the class term paper, I proposed to do my “research” and paper on weblogs – their history, uses, potential, and trends. I think this is a pretty unique idea and I am actually looking forward to doing it…..

science writer in residence

as a follow-up to our class discussion a couple of weeks ago about the history of computers, i thought i’d mention that mitch waldrop, author of the dream machine: jcr licklider and the revolution that made computing personal, is the science writer in residence at madison this spring. he will be on campus 3/22-3/26, and will speak publicly on tuesday the 23rd. just thought some of you might be interested.

R Breakfast Club?

Are we on for tomorrow? I think that I can make it now. Food?

Internet Social Networks

The Onion’s take on the online social networking appeal

sensitivity training

i don’t think this has been mentioned before, but are people becoming too sensitive. on the heels of Conan O’briens canandian comments, Quebecian’s were in a poofy uproar. So the question remains, are Canadians inherently uptight?

Text Size…

I noticed that everyone’s blogs have small text….but mine has BIG text....I like mine big, however is there a preference to readers? Would readers prefer to read small or larger text? I put mine large so that it would be easier for the reader to read…kind of like the margins thingie, keep it small so that it’s easier to read.

New E-Mail Virus

Do not open any e-mails that look like they are from UW officials saying either your e-mail account has been shut down or your account has been sending viruses to others. This is a hoax and the attatchment contains a virus called “Beagle”. I called DoIt before I opened the file, and sure enough, the first thing the message said was “a new virus is going around da da da, so be careful. The message said to update Norton if you have it and it will take care of it.

Quoting things you mostly remember

If you heard someone say something (for this example say on TV) but you don�t remember the exact words, you sort of remember most of it. You want to quote the person in your blog, can you still do it even if one or two words are misplace/added, assuming that the misplace/added words won�t change the context of the message. See comment for example.

Social Networking + Google = Eurekster

Ahh…good old Google. They seem to be getting involved with all things blog related. First Blogger, now Euekster. Here is a quote from the article that explains Google’s new service (hopefully I’m not the last to know about this)?

“Take a pinch of Google and a dash of Friendster — and voila — you’ve got the makings of Eurekster, a new Internet search engine that combines traditional search engine technology with online social networking.

Eurekster, which officially launched Wednesday, is an Internet search engine that gets “smarter” with each use. Eurekster users invite friends via e-mail to join the search engine network, and the service learns from each search. Ultimately, it delivers personalized search results and shares popular Web destinations with an extended community of users.”

Weblog Conference

I know that this article about the weblog conference is from last year, but I was wondering if these conferences were common?

Using your comments?

I thought I would make a new post here asking your permission, in case you aren’t reading old threads. Would anyone object to me using your comments about the new Lakefront on Langdon for my personal weblog. I think the new place could make a good post, and your responses could make it better. Let me know if I have your permission. Thanks=)

“Blog Agog”

Article titled Blog Agog. I was at the Newcity Chicago website because I hoping to get an internship there this summer, and I found a link to that article. I thought it was, ummm…interesting…

Here is the beginning…
“Uncle Fun hosts a gathering of this year’s big thing. A gathering of Converse All-Stars down Old-Style sixers and applaud as Mimi Smartypants, the celebrated web blogger, speaks about falling in the shower and breaking her arm while trying to have anal sex…”

I guess the article just proves how blogging is truly getting to be a big phenomenon!

Class summary…

Well, I know have have done this before for other people, so will someone return the favor and fill me in on today’s class? (by the way, I am feeling better now)

Anything Goes?

We’ve been dancing around this in a few threads… what exactly are the right and wrong ways to blog?


Why do some web address use www. and others don’t? Isn’t is all part of the world wide web? So why wouldn’t they all use it?

“Six degrees of communication”

I think that this article about “the six degrees of communication” explains about one of the studies we talked about. I am not sure if this is the exact one, but it seems similar.

rough draft…

here’s a sample of what i’m thinking of for the weblog regarding the lilith computer fair girls (mentioned earlier)... it’s all just filler text right now… what concerns me the most is the title (as discussed at the bottom of this post)... what do you think?

refresh the blog page?

Nick/John: is there a function that we need to set to get our blog pages to refresh automatically or are forced to manually refresh? I had a reader of my site tell me that the content is the same so I told them to refresh and wala, new content. The same thing happened when I checked the site from UW computers – old content. Did I miss something in my MT setup? Anyone else having this problem/concern?

Are we posting today?

Hey guys, I’m online for a couple minutes before we get on the road…are we going to post at noon still?

Blog Herald

The Blog Herald . Advertised as “more blog news, more often” ... on the About page, the author describes it as :”a blog about blogs, a site that gave me a summary of blog happenings, the latest software, interviews with companies, the coders and bloggers alike, the occasional informative blog review and a diversity of opinion of the world of blogging, a Newsweek for Web Logs” ... kinda like our class … a weblog class on weblogs … unfortunate he used a space btwn the words …


Does anyone know of good adware; that is software that removes/blocks advertisments from your computer. One of my laptops has all kind of crap on it, but it seems there are just as many ads for these adware programs as viagra and getting out of debt…fast (thats a lot). So if you have had any experience with these programs, please tell.

Personal Feeling Toward Blogging

There have a lot of posts lately on this site where people have been wondering if they are operating their blogs right. All along I have been saying that each blog should be personal to the author and that you should put into it what you want out of it. I think that
This Guy Gets It Right
on his blog in his summary of what he gets out of his. He also makes some intereting points about linking.

Funny Story

A fun internet tidbit for you. When the Professionial Golf Association wanted to start a website in the 1990s they faced a problem, another PGA had the domain…..the Potato Growers of Alberta! I am looking for an article on this online, but I know this is true, there was some kind of lawsuit because the Potato Growers were not a copyrighted association, but they were in Canada which threw another wrench in the thing, anyways, the PGA tour wound up buying the name. I’ll look for a link.

Fat and Violent kids

Interesting article arguing with facts and figures linking video games to overweignt and violent children, Most of the games mentioned are available on computers.

New Lakefront on Langdon

Just wondering how many of you have checked out the former Lakefront Cafe, which is now a beautifully renovated cafeteria named “Lakefront on Langdon”. It is really a cool looking place but it dosent really fit into the style of the Union as a whole. I dont really care though, it is a true showcase of our campus! I am actually in there right now.

Advice from you all…

I will be writing a personality/profile article on Associate Professor of Political Science Kenneth Goldstein (please click on his name for info). The story would be about him rather than on issues and will be in “Q&A” format. Since I should be asking questions about what the general public wants to know, how perfect it is to have you guys as a resource (yay for blogs). Please see comments…

Not feeling well…

I just wanted to be safe and tell you that I am not feeling well tonight. I hope I will be able to make it to class tomorrow, but if not it would be because I’m sick. Nick, please see comments…

new blogging report

Pew Internet and American Life released a study researching blog use and internet content creation yesterday. yahoo news gives a brief recap of the survey.

the main data says that 44% of internet users have created content and 2% maintain a blog. more details in report.


Do any of you find comments and statements on blogs that you find downright offensive and insulting? How do you deal with it? How do you handle it? Do you make comments or just stew about it. I’m just curious…


Tom Coates shares his thoughts on successful blogging.

The State

If any of you guys went to the State on Friday night and donated some money to the fundraiser going on there I really appriciate it. I was unable to be there, but the group that I am a part of, Men Making A Difference (sexual assault prevention group) raised over 200 dollars which we are using to fund some programs on campus. So thanks to anyone that may have been there and saw them, Also, if any guys in the class are interested in this (we usually meet once every 2 weeks for an hour or so) I can tell you more about it. We are in the process of designing a website, so I will put a link to that when it is finished,

Way Behind

I went to St. Louis this weekend for a leadership conference for my fraternity and all I can say is WOW I am freakin behind. Just a few days away from a computer and It made me realize how fast the “pace” of our class blog moves. Time to get cracking and catch up on some of the posts from this weekend.

converting colors?

Is there an easy way to convert colors? I used sienna (A0522D) on my website but i can’t figure out how to get that color in Indesign (it wants the cmyk values.) Anyone know how?

libel protection

although the article is from June 2003, i thought it was still relevant (regardless of the spaces between “web loggers”) From Wired News, bloggers gain libel protection

it’s finally here

*trumps sound from afar

reality tv is launched and running. and with that, so begins my committment to bringing an online web presence for all reality tv shows. check it out, register, blog, lurk, whatever you wish. but in the end, all i ask is that you enjoy!

computer related?

ok, i don’t know why i find this newsworthy enough to post, but i did find it kind of sad that this practically no name guy is being plastered on the news for buying a bag. Yes, he should’ve been charged, blah blah, but does everyone need to know about it? he really that important? Dell Dude Busted for Pot


I am debating on whether or not I should include text after the title of my site. What do you all think? “College Chaos” seems a bit general for a weblog for UW students. See comments for more…

Random links

I just noticed I’ve been linked to a couple times from MacSurfer’s Headline News (here’s an example... I’m way down on the page).

Any of you found any random links to your sites yet?

i messed up…

sorry nick

is there a way for us to go in and fix these things?

count for the semester:
matt: 0 (not you matt, this is my non-ultra ego)
matthew: 2


nick, you said there’d be a project in the class. do you have any information about this yet? i was hoping to get a jump on it during spring break (since i’m in good ol’ wisconsin.) not sure what the timeline is for it yet. thanks!

Just Curious

This article talks about a woman dairy farmer who posts things on her weblog about her failing marriage. This kind of freaked me out a little, because it almost seems too personal. I feel like some things are sacred, and genuine marital problems (so I’m assuming) are something to keep to yourself? I know that blogs are highly personal, but where do you draw the line? You have to censor some stuff, I know I do.

The Weblog Review

I don’t know if we’ve talked about the Weblog Review site in class, but I stumbled upon it this morning. I guess the site allows you to submit your weblog to be “reviewed” by other people. I don’t really know if I’m a fan of this? On the one hand it could be cool to know what other seemingly random people think, on the other hand if I like my site then who cares….what do you guys think?

Blog Revisions….

Ok I changed some of the content on my weblog. Let me know what you guys think (hey, this is a good way to get you guys to visit it also)

google v yahoo, part II

john battelle’s searchblog had a post comparing google and yahoo results. developed by chris langreiter created a graph program that compares the listing of results between google and yahoo for a given search. try it out.

The Death of Broadcast

Jeff Jarvis on the implications of ClearChannel’s firing of Howard Stern. How does blogging as a medium fit into this?

For all you advertisers:

Just wanted to share this ad agency site with you. The text is just too funny- and so true of so many agencies! It’s soooo the one I interned at!

my site going down

my site will be down this weekend, just so people don’t freak out when they can’t see anything on it. i’m switching to a new server. wish me luck!


For some reason half of the time when i post on my blog it does not show up under current posts. If i click on my archive link then the most recent post shows up? I checked my settings and selected most recent for posting order but still no luck. Any suggestions?


who walked on survivor and who went to the streets on apprentice?

Blog logo

i’ve added a logo to my fatfriendly blog and I wanted to see what everyone thought?

Pop ups

I remember hearing recently that the gov’t was trying to pass legislation to stop pop up adds. Or was that telemarketing? Either way i cant stand them and now they come up with all of these tricky ways where you cant figure out how to close the window w/out linking to something that starts a whole chain reaction.

I need help.

Do you guys think the posts on my blog are too long? Nick says my site can be successful even if I do post long messages, just as long as they are interesting. In all honesty, I don’t really have time to post everyday or even every other day (like some of you) so I feel like when I do post it should be longer. However, do you think my site will get more traffic if I post shorter, more regular posts? I guess what I’m trying to say is that I am conflicted!

Search Results Popup

This just started today but for some reasons whenever I do a search, I get another little popup up with additional search results too. It’s annoying. I remember fixing this problem awhile ago but forgot how I did it.

Resume Upload

Ok guys… my resume is in Photoshop, and I am trying to post it online. How do I save it? Is there a way to save it in a “.doc” format???? I am scared this won’t work. I know jpeg reduces the file size, but can I upload it on a site as a jpeg file. Oh man, am I lost or what?


I originally set the pop-ups on my site at a fixed width of 500 by 317 px. But now I think I need to figure out how to make it so they are more flexible to my images. For example if I wanted a horizontal image. So, my question is, is that something I have to change universally or can I add different dimensions when I put the javascript in my posts.


I found pinktalk via Rodee’s weblog. She’s pretty funny. Her name happens to be Sarah too, but is she your girlfriend Rodee? Not to put you on the spot, I’m just curious.

Linking to a post

I know we talked about this earlier but I couldn’t get it to work. How exactly do you link from the same page to a particular post or section in blogger. Someone mention the site HTML Links. I don’t get how you can direct a link to a particular post on the same page when the post is not define in blooger or doesn’t appear in blooger’s template.

Big $$ in blogs

Wired News shows how the blogsphere transformed one politicians’s $2,000 into $80,000 in 2 weeks.

The future of blogs…

Dave Winer asks about the future of blog tools from a non-tech standpoint. He got a great response. Does anyone in this class have an idea to add?

Play Music in blogs…

Hey I found this site that allows you to play music on your weblogs for free. There’s this weblog that I opened with music…but the music didn’t sound that clear. I lost the URL…anyhow, thought it would be nice to know if anyone wants to play music on their blogs.

This is so cool

I posted something on an NBA Fantasy site and I just realized that they are getting several posts every minutes. Sorry, I can’t link it because you need to have an NBA fantasy team to see the post. See comments for the list of title of their post. Isn’t that just amazing!!

Halo Scan….

Hey all…this is very interesting…but Halo Scan, which is a Comment Hosting Site just reached it’s 100,000 registered members!! That means that they have 1/3 of the whole blog community right? because there’s only 300,000 blogs out there right?

opps…my bad…there’s actually 2.9 million weblogs out there:)hahahah I’m way over my head.

Apple Toolbar

Ok, Mac users, I am having trouble reducing the size of my toolbar or moving it to be vertical (like yours Nick). Am I this stupid? I feel like it should be easy to do, yet I don’t know how! Please help=)

Is this a weblog?

All of my guy friends seem to be obsessed with this site. I refused to look at it until today, because some of it’s content is kind of offensive. However, I finally broke down and read it today. My question is, is eBaumsworld a weblog? I think it might be, but I don’t know for sure? There are TONS of advertisements on it, which leads me to believe it’s not, but then again it is kind of set up like one. Anyone care to share what they think?
P.S. — I do not endorse anything on this site! I’m just curious…

Just wondering what you guys think about this?

This has nothing to do with blogging, but I was just wondering what you all thought about Wisconsin’s top police officer being arrested for driving drunk? She has a huge PR problem on her hands, whew.

Internet sites not reliable?

My TA in my journalism class today told us that there are no internet sites are reliable for history based information. Is this true?

Google Toolbar

i DLed the google toolbar and i like it because it stops the majority of pop-ups. Besides a google search tool and other options, it also came with an orange little button that goes to blogger are these companies related? you think this says something about the popularity of blogging?


this relates to our topics on a few different levels so i thought i would post it on a new entry. posted this article Google censors database .

Are we mean?

At my work place we actually use dream weaver to run out site. CSUMC. I’m not in charge of the site, but it sure doesn’t look like crap to me. It just looks like a regular site.

Is it just me or do people sometimes sound really mean when they type things in here?

This is a touchy subject for web designers. While creating pages with DW is �easier,� the output is generally crap.

» John � General � 2/25 10:56AM

Amen John.

» Nick � General � 2/25 11:14AM

I don’t mean to put John or Nick on the spot, but I heard someone wanted to talk in class about courtesy or proper language use on our class blog. Maybe we should discuss it because I know a few of you thought that some of the other comments were harsh too, even though that was probably not anyone’s intention. I will also repost this comment so we can talk about it in a new post.

Online Newspapers

I know a few of us touched up on this, I couldn’t find it, but I’d like to talk more about it. I think Kim was the one who said that Newspapers might one day go all Internet and no papers. Anyhow, I think that this can be a possibility…look at how fast we’ve transitioned for registering for classes from walking to building to phone dial to internet. And I know that I usually get pay stubs from work (on campus) but now they just post it on our My-UW, no papers. It’s possible that newspapers can do the same.

However, people usually read the newspapers during breakfast, breaks, on the bus, in class…etc. So, having print copies has it’s advantages also.

Grey Tuesday

Seems like people are talking a ton about The Grey Album and rallying support against current copyright laws. It’s an interesting example of the kind of emergent democracy we were talking about in class yesterday.

thurs breakfast club

we on for tomorrow at 11am all?

.org misunderstandings

i was in my other web design class yesterday and our teacher started exploring the typical misunderstandings users have with .orgs. apparently people find them more credible or something, because of the .org ending. (as a researcher, i think that any source needs to be carefully evaulated of course.)

but, to demostrate this misunderstanding, she provided us with the example of

**Fair warning on entering this site. it’s not for easy influenced people or small children.


this is more for coding than blogging but when i look at my stylesheet, it has the font-sizes set at x-small, small, normal, etc. Is this a counterpart for percentages?

interesting (to me, at least)

the latest issue of mother jones arrived in the mail today, and i came across this quote in one of the articles:

“...when an Iraqi blogger issued a general expression of thanks…”
what i find interesting about this is not the fact that the journalist knows what a blogger is (mother jones has their own weblog, afterall), but that there was the assumption, by the journalist and the editors, that the readers do, too — no definition or explanation of the term “blogger” was offered. what do you all think? is that unusual? or am i just thinking too much about these things lately?


I used to have the linking thing down, but now when I try to link to a site this Forbidden deal comes up, WHY?!?


Peanut’s Hey Ya i know that we talked about copyrighting and Craig’s post reminded me of this site i had seen and the complications using Peanuts characters. so, ha, don’t really have too much to add, so you guys can do that … anyway, copyrighting, go.

oh dear

what happened to the layout of this site?

software training for students

i got an email today from uw computing regarding classes that students can take. I always feel like i should sign up and add to my resume while i have the opportunity to take these classes. Anyone have any advice/experience? would these be valuable use of time? would a beginner be able to handle them?

Let’s do it.

I vote for trying to organize an exercise in getting our class website to the top 5 of one of blogosphere indexes. I think we should pick a timeframe in which we’ll all be linking from our own weblogs back to the class site. I also think that we’ve got a pretty cool site here, namely because it’s one of the only classes being taught on weblogs currently. What do you all think?

What are people talking about?

Is linking the best way to keep track of what people are talking about? Deosn’t that exclude people who read but don’t have a blog or don’t want to take the time to link something?

today’s class…

sorry i wasn’t able to be there today. if anyone could fill me in on what i missed, tho, i’d really appreciate it. thx —


My previous post made me think of something, What if I could not find an electronic copy of that article to link to? What if it only existed in the print medium? I would have to either tediously quote the entire thing, or paraphrase it and consequently weaken the authors message. This struck me as a tremendous drawback to weblogs. Everything has its pros and cons though. Fortunately, many major papers and magazines as well as smaller ones frequently put their most recent articles online. Lucky for us!

Hey Ya

This was a fantastic article I read in the Madison Observer and fourtunatly I was able to find an electronic version of it. This author makes some strong and interesting points on Andre 3000 of Outkast’s hit song Hey Ya. This author says most listeners will not pay attention to anything in a song as long as it has a catchy tune, which is contributing to the death of meaningful music in mainstream society. (Notice the part of the article which mentions the casket on the video set and missing lyrics in the liner notes.) It looks like Andre played his audience and makes fun of them for it, in a subtle yet semi-depressed way. Enough paraphrasing, read the article!

Topic 5 Trouble

Hey Nick, I was getting error messages when trying to click on links for your blogoshpere article. Anyone else having trouble?

Parents and computers — uh oh

Haha, my parents really need to take a computer class. They can’t do anything else while they are typing. My mom even stares at the keyboard and only uses her right pointer finger to press keys. The poor woman… They don’t get ANY of the lingo either. When I did this =) for a smiley face, my stepdad told me I couldn’t type. Then, once I got an email back from my mom asking what LOL was….Just thought I’d share!

Battery Life

I killed the battery on my older dell laptop a few years ago by keeping the battery in and continuously keeping it plugged in. I was told that this is bad for the batteries health and eventually just ruined my battery. Now that I have a newer computer, I am wondering if I should keep the battery in while it is plugged in on my desk and fully charged. Does anyone know about this?

Student Blogs

Dan Gilmore points out that J students should blog.


I sent an e-mail to a website called and asked them if they could add me to their weblog page. They listed my blog under their weblogs area very quickly. You can check it out, but I basically made this post to show you that if you market yourself a little, you can increace the visibility of your blog, and in my case, target a specific audience.

Topic 5

From looking at the readings by Hiler it seems as though there is a lot of anamosity between bloggers and journalists. In my opinion journalists report the news (sometimes inflating it for ratings) and bloggers discuss the news. I dont think so much mistrust and defamation is due towards those who report the news from those who interpret it.

Funny error message

So, I was on a posting rampage and got the following error:

Thanks for the ping, however we can only accept one ping every half-hour. It’s cool that you’re updating so often, however, if I may be so bold as to offer some advice — take a break, you’ll enjoy life

Who knew that you could post too much and that they would tell you get a life? :)

MT question

Sorry to those of you that are sick of MT questions… Anyway, where would I put the tag to display the number of posts opposed to number of days for posts? ie where do I put this in the code: (MTEntries lastn=”15”)

TiVo questions

Those of you that use TiVo, do you have the 40 or the 80hr unit? Realistically, how easy is it to fill up an 40hr unit? Also, did you get the lifetime subscription or do you pay monthly? I’m thinking of doing TiVo ( has inspired me with her great comments) but I’m confused on what I should really get. Help?

Cool New Stuff

Hey I just wanted to thank you guys for some of the information regarding macs and PC’s. I bought an apple 12 inch powerbookG4 a few days ago and it is the coolest thing I’ve ever owned. Its small enough to take anywhere without sacrifcing much at all. I got the wireless card and this is my first time using a wireless connection. I’m in the Memorial Union right now eating lunch…. This is really sweet!


Dan Gilmor this AM on anonymity in the blogosphere:

People reading comments on Net discussion boards would be wise to make an assumption. If they aren’t absolutely sure where the posting is coming from, they should question its veracity. Maybe it’s true, but maybe not. Comments can be entertaining, even educational, but caution is essential in evaluating their worth. My suggestion: Post comments, but include a link to your own blog or other kind of Web site. I may not agree with what you say. But if you join the growing cadre of people who stand behind their words, I’ll respect you more.

Good point.

Blog hopping

A problem that i have run into with blogging is moving from page to page. Say i was typing on this blog but then wanted to link to something ont he blog roll. If you post a comment then you cant just hit hte back key to come back b/c then your comment goes away. Is there a faster or better way to do this?

Okay, so I’ve been invited to teach a weblog class at the Lilith Computer Fair for middle school girls that I had mentioned earlier. (yea!) What do you guys think are the most important things that I should be teaching about blogs? How should I approach teaching middle school girls about them? I plan to set up a sub weblog before then that they can all comment on and whatnot… but how can I make them understand that weblogs are more than personal diaries (and is that even possible)?

Topic 5

I think that linking creates a much better basis for converstaion. Rather than just posting thoughts, such as this one, you can steer the conversation is so many different directions and use other people works as solid proof, or to get the conversation flowing

a blogging legacy

here’s an interesting, yet incomplete as of now, article briefly describing the current and possible future impact of dean’s early blog beginnings…Dean Leaves Legacy of Online Campaign

cross marketing

usually companies use print and tv ads to cross-market products. Or, they will use cross-marketing between products (pepsi promotes the movie, the movie promotes pepsi or Gymobree and Cheer ) Do you guys think that blogging should be integrated into the cross-promotional mix?


can viruses be traceable back to their starting point? and whats really the point of starting one? i know we talked about how people like to have credit for their words in a blog, wouldn’t a hacker like to have credit for their famous virus? For instance, here’s an article on MyDoom

Bad Stuff

Unfourtunatly it looks like there is another college whose athletes behave worse then some of those here at UW. Colorado Woes This has been a developing story over the last few days….


I was showing my mom my weblog and she was like “you shouldn’t put things up there everyday, you are giving away too much information about yourself.” She made me kind of scared….do you think that I should be worried??

Web and Weblogs

Now that you guys have a handle on the (brief) history of the Web, tell me a little about where you see weblogs fitting in.

For all of you in 530

I have an example of how helpful that class really is, so take it seriously! You are going to be doing an “Identity Package” at the end of the semester. This includes a resume, letterhead, and business card… (See comments for more)

VERY disturbing!

Ok, this is seriously horrible. This kid went to high school with me and I sat next to him in one of my classes. It is so surprising to me, because I always thought he was such a nice guy (though I didn’t know him well). Maybe I’m a bad judge of character?


I have heard rumors about Arnold Schwarzennager attended the University of Wisconsin. Here is this “fact” in Wisconsin Fun Facts among other fun stuff. Does anyone know these things?

I dont stand with dave

have you heard this whole story about Dave Mader (UW bball player) and his I Stand with Dave Campaign? Apparently he drew a pretty impressive crowd in library mall yesterday. Its a good example of how to use your celebrity to get your message across.

The New American Idol…

William Hung anyone? He is sooo cool:) I can’t believe he’s got a recording contract and he’s going to sing his own written songs!:)hahaha He’s so awesome:)

However do you think this is a big joke to get laughs? I mean, he is a terrible singer…

There are so many Forums and sites dedicated to him!!


Madison is such a cool and fun city but i dont feel that there is enough access to live music. Do any of you know of any good bands that are coming to town in the near future or any that play in town regularly?


Kottke talks here about the badly designed Tivo remote… and quotes the USPTO’s definition of design for granting patents: “A design consists of the visual ornamental characteristics embodied in, or applied to, an article of manufacture.” I thought that was hilarious and reminded me of this bad design site we used last year to show how crucial functionality is to design. (and yes, the irony is that this site is very poorly designed- but it makes a good point).

Digital Camera

I seem to only post about things I’d like to buy and then never get around to buying them, but this time I’m serious. I want a digital camera. Any suggestions, comments or recommendations?

reality, again

blogs are the place for these kind of thoughts. nothing too dramatic tonight, unfortunatly

insight to

my demo site is up and running. check out the aestetics. i’m going to move it to its own server next week!

Acting Debut

So a lot of you probably already know about the huge concerts that the band puts on in the spring… but this year is gonna be huge as it’s the 30th anniversary! If anyone is interested in being an extra or doing production for the Varsity Band Concerts, let me know. (dates: April 15,16, 17) OR if you’d like tickets for one of the shows I can hook you up before we’re sold out…

New bar scene…

Maybe you guys have a good Thursday night place to go. It seems like we always go to the same bar today, but I hate thyat it is getting way too “sceny” and there are so many cliques. Plus, it is packed… any ideas?

Javascript popup

I’m working on getting my photo popup to work, but it’s not working. Nick or John, do you mind giving my code a look?

Linking problems

For those of you who have seen my blog you know that i have links to pictures from my weekend escapades. I have been told by an alarming amount of people that they have checked my blog and the links dont work. I dont get this from everyone but what they have been telling me is that the links work on some cpu’s and not others. Any body know why this could be happening?

When do you blog?

After having a funny conversation with one of our class mates this week, I was curious when everybody does the majority of their blogging. I don mine whenever i have access to a cpu, which is not often, and I hear others do it when they come home from the bars.

iPod mini

This is not fair. I love my iPod and all, don’t get me wrong….but now they make this tiny, more sleek version (and not to mention a variety of colors)? That just makes me mad…Steve Jobs — the man never stops innovating. I really hate when you think something you have is wonderful, then something better comes along. Yes, this happens all the time. Does this frustrate anyone else?

Yay Dooce…

Dooce is fabulous- so entertaining. Nick, I thought you might like her “thinking:” comment.

“TiVo was invented so that you can pause what you’re watching, switch the baby to the other boob, and then resume your show without missing a single second!”


Did you guys see that character on state street today? Go to my weblog and see what I mean

nick… are your dashed links on the blogosphere a dashed border or is there a css code for a dashed underline?


Nick, I was sure you explained how I could collect feeds from random blogs by catagory… didn’t you? I can’t figure out how to do that with Feedster. I did a search, but I can’t figure out how to get that into SharpReader. (I did have to get 1.1 by the way)

Outta town

Like Rodee, I too will out of town this weekend. I’m going to Colorado for a little western skiing (sorry, Craig).

R – MT group

I might be a little late but I’m still coming. Are others coming?

For next week

Do we have an assignment/reading for next class? Did I just space out?

Pop-up vs. Embedded

I was just going to put a picture on my weblog and it asked if I wanted it to be a pop-up or embedded…Does anyone know the difference? I choose embedded…for no particular reason!

Any fans of The DaVinci Code?

I’m reading another novel by Dan Brown, Angels & Demons (which is the prequel to DaVinci I think…). Anyway, it’s set at CERN, which is tied to the start of the internet (or was it the web? agh, I’m getting confused). This connection makes me think of Kevin Bacon (degrees of separation, that is).

Finding other blogs

Someone (I don’t remember who) was asking about how to find other blogs to comment on… well, I ran across Ms. Magazine’s blog, and they have a whole slew of chick bloggers on there. Check it out… if you can find something you’re interested in on one of them, it won’t be so scary to comment.

Suggestions please

For my feature writing class I have to interview and write an article about a person (personality profile/feature). I really need some ideas about who would be a good subject. Is there anyone you guys would want to be reading about, or anyone in particular that is interesting (in the Madison area)? I have to have ideas by tomorrow and I don’t know what to do. It can be anyone really, for example, a Madison Snow Plower…I dunno.


I need help finding good blogs to read. for the whole scoop, see the comments.

Browser Update

I am dealing with a somewhat scary older woman who stills works on Netscape 4… I convinced her to download Mozilla on her Mac, but Netscape is still her default browser. I can’t figure out how to make Mozilla her default on a Mac. Help! She’ll only agree to do it if I do it for her!


When we briefly discussed “where the internet is located” in class the other day and someone mentioned that it exists in like 12 rooms or whatever, even though this is not true, a really random image came into my head.

Where is the internet?

I pictured a door in the basement hallways of the engineering buliding. It is a black door that says “Internet” on it, and when you open it, there is just some little green man, like Yoda, sitting in this really small, dark, room around a glowing orb kinda thing. When you go inside he dosent say anything to you, just looks at you kinda strange with the glow of this orb providing the only light in the room. It is kinda dingy in there also, but the old green little Yoda dosent mind.

I think I need some sleep.

Who Blogs?

I work at the Madison Club, which is a semi-prestigious members only restaurant in downtown madison. The typical member is a local politician or business person. Last night while i was serving a few guest at work who were busy watching the poles I over heard them discussing the bloggosphere! I was totally shocked becasue they were all older men (40’s or so) and i nver would have guessed that they would know what blogging is, or care to discuss it. Just another example of who blogs.

Girls & Computers

I’m volunteering at a computer fair for middle school girls- these are some articles about the group that give some interesting explanations of the amount of technological education that young girls get vs. young boys.

Mt for profit – where’s the line?

Josh really wants me to help him start a weblog about boats (he’s a shipwright/boatbuilder and owns his own shop). If I get him set up with a domain name on my server (I think I can have up to 3) in addition to the site I’m making him, can he have a weblog component that is powered by Movable Type? Or because it would be connected to his business he’d have to buy it?

More hacking

Ok so i decided to do more investigating on my new found interest in Hacking and i found this article. I know that its pretty long and i am always the one who says i dont read long posts and what not, but this essay encompasses a lot of what we talked about in class today.

now I gotta see it

Well I looked up that movie mentioned in class and found a review. Now, I must go watch it soon…

Template Changes

So i was looking at my blog today and i have decided that i am not as big of a fan of my template as i used to be. Would it be a bad move to redesign my site? Do you think that people identifiy with the template and changing it would be confusing or a welcomed change?

Computer gap

Well I know that we have discussed this gap before so I found this to be some more information and projects regarding the issue. Enjoy


I’ve never really understood how hackers are able to get into other peoples computers. After todays class learning about the history of computers and the internet it jsut sparked my curiosity more. What do you guys know about this topic?

MT archive comments

Amy and Kim — all those that wanted to change the comments so that they don’t pop-up. I just discovered that we will have to go into the archive page (whichever one that is) and make the appropriate changes there too. If you click on a month archive, then on a comments, guess what you get? :) Something to figure out on Thursday.

Blogs w/ no comments

I was just wondering…but why would anyone make a weblog that don’t have a place to comment? I know weblogs are used to be heard, but how would you know if others are veiwing your blog if you don’t have a “comment” thing? When I surf blogs…I skip the ones without comments…because I feel like I want to comment but I can’t. And another reason why I comment, is so they can come look at my blog. But I just don’t get it.

Get it with the internet

We talked about how the web emerged because a professor needed to get something off another computer. Now are we able to get things off another computer through the Internet? It seems like we still have to upload something onto the web and then people can just download from it. I guess my question is, are we able to use the Internet as a way of networking from one computer to the other? To make it clearer, if I have a file on �my document� that is on my laptop and I want to get it from my PC, is there a way I can just use the Internet to get it?

feedback on header

i’m exploring a header for my reality tv blog. what do you think of it? i’m just looking for validation, but honest opinions are helpful :) thanks!

The Coffee Pot

I found a website that might be “The Coffee Pot” I am not sure if this is the one we talked about today, but let me know?


just in case anyone was wondering, George’s computer at work was named R.U.D.I. meet the family (and yes, i realize it’s kinda sad that i looked it up)

My cousin’s weblog

So I was just searching today and I came across this weblog. I never knew that this existed. He hasn’t written in awhile and I have no idea what he is talking about, but I still thought that it was cool!

Computer cases

Today Ali asked me about my computer case. It’s from a San Francisco company called Waterfield Designs, which also makes a variety of bags — many designed for carrying computers. Every product is handmade in downtown San Francisco (wow!), and is incredibly high quality. In this case, you truly get what you pay for…

I’m running a little late…

Hi! I’m coming to class but I’ll be a little late…


I would like to see how people feel about the DeJope casino issue. I have discussed this with many other people in the area, and there truly are so many pros yet so many cons to having a full casino within the city limits of Madison. Feel free to speak your mind here, I voted no and I’ll tell you why…....but i’m gonna need some more time. (our class starts soon)


Just reminding everyone to go out and vote today. Even if you are not going to vote democrat, still go to your polling place and vote on the Dejope Casino Referendum. (And vote NO!)

The End

Do bloggers ever run out of things to talk about – especially if they topic-oriented blogs? Or maybe I should ask do they ever run out of new things to post?


Ok, I totally forgot this from 530, but I am sure someone can help me out. I want to send a photoshop file, but I forget what resolution is best… Please help

Wow, you DO know what you’re talking about

Ummm…I just wanted to let ya’ll know that I faced my fears and posted a comment on Kottke’s site today, and amazingly, my referral page is full of people who came to look at my blog from Kottke’s. I finally believe that if you post a comment on a weblog as popular as Kottke’s, someone’s gonna read it…AMAZING?!?

Still Having Trouble

So, we are now like 5 weeks into school and like 3 weeks into our weblogs and I am still having trouble…..see comments


it seems as though a lot of you guys are branching out and I was just curious how you are able to manage your time between blogs. I mean you have our class blog the one we were assigned to start and now you are starting other ones. Do you feel that by controlling so many blogs you may be negecting your other ones?

Name Change

Nick, seeing as i have changed the title and ideas behind my blog could you please change the title on our class blogroll. Thanks

My other blog…

I’ve got another blog up and running right now too…. it’s off of this home page and is the basis for an energy independence project I’m working on- feel free to check it out, and if you’re knowledgable and/or interested in this subject, feel free to participate!


I know that we have had some discussion about this already but seeing as our goals are due tomarrow I thought that maybe we could all share a little bit to help eachother out.

Reasonable trafffic

So, I’m just wondering for you website/weblog pros…what is a reasonable amount of traffic to be striving for, in regards to my weblog? I am thinking of having a goal regarding traffic, and I really don’t know what a ‘good’ amount of traffic is (on a daily, weekly, monthly basis)?

New blog

Well, it’s still a work in progress, but here’s my fatfriendly blog . I’m still working on a variety of different logos for the site so that’s still to come. What do ya’ll think?


so, i’m wondering… if you list your categories as active links on your page, does it take a visitor to all the posts related to that category?

Superbowl Ads

Well, I know we were talking before about the ads for the superbowl Here is a link to watch some memorable ones. Thought you might enjoy them.

AMD or Intel Pentium?

Have anyone experience any differences with AMD or Intel Pentium processors. I have an AMD processor and I always thought that Pentiums were better because computers that come with Pentium tend to be more expensive. However I found post and articles that claim that AMDs are better. Have I�ve been wrong all this time?


I tried to put a site meter on my blog using Site They asked me for all of my info and said that the meter would be added w/out me having to do anything. That doesnt really seem right and the meter did not show up. Does anybody know about this site?

Yahoo vs. Google

Yahoo vs Google.

Yahoo, the old superpower of the search engine world is now going to go head to head with the current superpower of the search engines, Google.

Kind of sounds like Mac vs Pc. I prefer to use Yahoo search engine and have used google maybe once or twice only. I noticed that most of my co-workers who are Mac users tend to be google searchers. I wonder if there is a correlation?

Funny weblog advice…

Some suggestions I got for my weblog…haha (see comments)


Just want to share with everyone that I just had a very special day… check out my engagement ring!


I dont know how but my link for comments is gone on my site. I just realized this and have no idea why could some please reming of the name of a site that helps set this up for blogger. HELP

Instant Messagers

Just out of curiosity how many of you use some type of IM? I feel like it is so similar to blogging in the sense that you can have short conversations that can last over a long time but its more of a closed environment. Just Curious?

Post Length

How do you guys feel about the length of people posts and comments on their blogs? I am the type of person that if it looks to long i am not going to read it, i’ll just move along to the next one. Do you guys keep a mental note of how long you are making things or do you just type until you say everything you want to?

Mac v. PC

It seems to me that everybody who has a Mac swears by it but i feel like far fewer people have them. Question to the mac users what is it that you know that those of us with pcs do not. Or am i way off?

NYT article

here’s an article i found kinda interesting … The Love Detector off-topic to blogs, but computer related, anyway :)

aim robot

apparently similar to smarterchild (was that its name? i forgot), it’s decsribed as a female AIM robot … her name is “ZolaOnAOL” ... you guys ever hear of this one? i haven’t tried it out… but i did a search and a lot of blogs posted their convos with her … one example

Mac Question

I forgot how to “force quit” programs with an Apple and I figured this was the best place to ask. Can someone remind me? (thanks)

random question

i have a random question about the counter code we all added to our sites — is that something that we should be utilizing to get stats about site traffic, or is that just something you (nick) are using to watch our sites? just curious if i missed something about that…

Valentines and other stuff

I am about to go out for the night, wanted to wish everyone a happy valentines day. On another note, I was looking at purchasing a new notebook computer, and have looked into the apple ibook at lot. I noticed some people in the class use macs, I have not in a few years but after looking into them I have become more and more interested. Anyone have any comments or suggestions for me?

We Media

The opening paragraph to We Media:

We are at the beginning of a Golden Age of journalism — but it is not journalism as we have known it. Media futurists have predicted that by 2021, “citizens will produce 50 percent of the news peer-to-peer.” However, mainstream news media have yet to meaningfully adopt or experiment with these new forms.

I love it. What sorts of assumptions do we see in this single paragraph? Are they justified?


Not to start this up again, but I am still having trouble….any advice would help!

Safari Bugs Fixed

Zeldman reports Apple Safari 1.2 bugs have been fixed, because they were blogged letting Dave Hyatt know about them before the official bug reports started rolling in. Interesting, don’t you think?

Online Radio

My friends have these online radios that are supposedly doing well. I have heard that radios are moving to the internet. Is this true? I mean, I don’t understand whether people actually listen to an online station. What do you all think? His site is Red Bar Radio

news from business 2.0

not sure if i’ve shared this earlier why blogs mean business

in the article, john battelle

Blogs will soon become a staple in the information diet of every serious business person, not because it’s cool to read them, but because those who don’t read them will fail. in short, blogs offer an accelerated and efficient approach to acquiring and understanding the kind of information all of us need to make business decisions.

*the link is part of the article, and i can’t scan a good copy of this at work. i’ll bring it in on tues, and will try to get a better scan with full text.

“Bandwidth Limit Exceeded”

Ok, this may be a stupid wuestion but I keep trying to view a friends website and this is the message I get “The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.” What the heck does that mean…in computer illiterate language?


Do you think there is a correlation between how often you post and the amount of traffic you get to your site? I’m just wondering because the days I post I seem to get tons more traffic than days I don’t. Then again, if I post everyday, what do people have to look forward to? (that last sentance was supposed to be sarcastic…) :)

reality tv thursday

wow...i can’t say much more

indenting blocks of quotes

is there a special key or html code for indenting blocks of quotes from either another bloggers post or an article? or is it just the ol’ fashioned tabbytabtab[Tab]


Nick, could please remind me about what constitutes a 0,1 and 2 point post. I seem do be getting a lot of 0s and1s and i just want to know what i can do to change that.

Blogger Revolution

In this article from Wired magazine they talk about trust in weblogs. The second paragraph talks about how many people are begining to not trust newspapers. They say that blogs are more personal and reflect that individuals opinion and after time goes by bloggers earn their readers respect. Wired Magazine


This may be a really stupid question, but whatever. I am using typepad, and I don’t understand why my name is “Permalink” on my weblog. Can’t I just be Ali? How do I change this? n I can’t figure it all out….


I posted this as a comment earlier, but it was buried way at the bottom of the page and I don’t know if anyone saw it. Anyways, this service one of my friends used on his website was awesome, it could tell you virtually anything about a visitor to your site or blog except maybe what they had for breakfast yesterday. Here is the link. Extreme Tracking


Unfortunately I’m being forced to create a flash image for the web (don’t worry- it’s just a small one, not too annoying, it’s just a photo that fades from one image to another) but I really don’t know flash very well. Does anyone else? I need some help.

Emailing links…

Ok, so I know how to post links and all, but does the same procedure apply when you want to put a link on an email? I tried to do all the funky text, but the person said they couldn’t get to the site….hmmm…


I came across this interesting post about design looking strangely familiar to that done with css zengarden...hmmmm. The design world. So all us designers know we “borrow” ideas that we see and like, but what about “shoplifting”?

group blogs

kim, you may enjoy this for your multi-author blog. i just installed b2evolution and am very impressed. it’s very easy to setup, just follow the instructions given in the files. i’ll tell ya more after i’ve played.

Cognitive Overload

Now here’s an article on cognitive overload for you found via Recbecca’s pocket.

Why blog?

I was thinking about our class discussion about why people blog and who they are. I found this article to be pretty interesting and informative. Check it out.

Blog History

Is there a person who is recognized as the inventor of the blog or did it spawn from other sorts of web pages?


I am still trying to figure out my rss feed. In the process i am running into a recurring problem. Sites that say they have templates come up and say XML text cannot be displayed. What is XML and why not?

Thursday Class Time

I apologize, but I’ve got to duck out of my office hours tomorrow. I’ll be around instead at 4PM (though slightly dazed from my stats lecture ending at 3:45). Sorry to everyone to whom I said 11AM.


Seeing as our blog is getting very long and scrolling through the archive is a chore. I was wondering if there is a way to do a search on the blog for an old post that you want ot read?


I was just wondering if there is a way to post videos (MPEG’s) on the weblog? Can you link to videos that don’t have a URL?

Do blogs matter to “normal” people?

That’s what Anil is asking today.

MT Trackback

Perhaps a question for tomorrow, but you know how we were changing some things in preferences yesterday after class, there’s a trackback hoohobber that comes up with new posts. That’s for tracking where people have commented on my site, with link, on their site? So that’s what you meant by adding the comments stuff, Nick?

Kaycee Nicole

Here’s what I found in searching for Kaycee’s weblog.

Paying sites

I was just reading Katie’s post about livejournal demographic and the stat that i found more interesting was about account types. Apparently only 3.8% of bloggers use paying hosts. How much money do you think the people who run and operate these hosting sites make off of bloggers?

Top Internet Trends for 2004

This site says the number of blogs are going to be decreasing in 2004, because, “the blog hype in 2003 will settle into a smaller group of bloggers. Many personal blogs will go out of date for increasingly longer periods of time as many lose interest in keeping them up to date. This is the way personal webpages declined a few years ago. ” Do you agree with that? I mean, I know there are a lot of dead blogs out there, but that is a sweeping generalization…

Getting Sued..

Okay…I didn’t know that you can get sued for content written on a blog. I know there’s freedom of speech, but that doesn’t count for written work? Then that means that we can’t go all out then right? While I was creating my new blog, I started to write a litte about Michael Jackson…I said some harsh things…but then I thought “it’s only a blog, I can’t get sued or get introuble” I guess I was wrong. Do you think what I said about Michael Jackson is too extreme?

Ohh…it hurts!!

I�ve been having a bad toothache and will be getting it check out on Thursday. Whatever it is, I know it will cost a fortune because I don�t have health insurance. During my sophomore year, I had a root canal done, with a crown put in which cost around $2,000. It sucks how we don�t have health insurance for college students because I know a lot of students are just trying to make it by, hoping nothing bad will happen. This lead me to think if any bloggers had use blogs as a way of advocating for rights such as better health care, animal rights, etc?

Teacher anxiety?

I know this may sound stupid, but does anybody feel like talking to teachers about grades creates a lot of anxiety…see comments if you do.

Laughing at other people’s misery?

Ok guys, here is the funny link I promised to post. Now, that I have built it up, I hope you will still find it funny.
poor girl

jokes, etc?

So, I’m wondering.. we all get a barage of jokes forwarded to us and in turn, we forward it to others. If the source is unknown, is it ok to post to our blogs?

Be happy with what you have

So, I have a class that uses the new Learn@UW online course software.

It is so horrible, on so many levels, that I want to hide under my desk.

More details later.

Weblogs and Journalism

Tom Coates finds time to post from eTech on the topic. I’ve run the risk of turning my sites into “Tom Coates filters” because so much of what this guy says is dead on.

This piece is a long one, but it’s got a lot of his opinions on the relationship shared by weblogs and journalism.

Just a thought

Nick, I always want to click on the red “new comments” section of each post when I see that I haven’t read something. It would be cool to click on that and have it take us to the first one we missed (with subsequent posts coming afterwards) so in case we missed in on the recent posts side we could still get to it fast. Did that make any sense?

For all us xhtml dorks.

Nick posted this on his TCD site, but I thought it was worthy of a posting here. Can you catch the error? Look closely.

Checking stats

So, I was checking my stats and I found that people are hitting my site from a direct link on this website. So, for all of us out there w/o any comments, don’t fret cuz people are watching.

Oh, and I got hit by a googlebot and a search from Yahoo. Cool or what?


another movable type question… how can you edit code of the search results page?

Livejournal demographics

I was searching for blog demographics, and I came across this stat for livejournal. Their demographics show twice as many female users as male users. Why do you think that is?


So I’m having trouble keeping track of all the threads I’m interested in and am commenting on here (especially in the archives). Does anyone have tips on how to keep tabs on the threads that I’m interested in?

How long did it take?

Does anyone know how long it took Kottke to become a blogging legend? It just might put things in better perspective for me, because as they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day…”

Dial up?

One of the readings for this week said that 60 percent of bloggers are using a dial-up internet connection. I was surprised by that figure, as I thought most people now had a broadband connection. Especially with the whole wireless internet explosion? Weird.

Too funny

I’m currently building a website for my Collaborative Leadership Class, and I asked my group to send me any photos they thought we should include… and one woman sent me a dancing gif! Just thought some of you would think that’s quite hilarious!


So if the blogosphere is a closed open community, how is it that there are more readers of blogs than people who have blogs?

RSS Hell

I know that i am a little behing but i have spent the last hour trying to figure out how to get an RSS for my blog and i cont firgure it out. I tried sharpreader like Nick suggested but the program wasnt working. Their site led me to others but still i am lost. Is it somethng you download or is it code you type in the template?

Uh-oh Matt

I think you forgot to close your link. Get back to the page where you can edit your post on IE, not Mozilla and close your quotes…believe me, I’ve done this more than a dozen times myself, but only you or Nick can fix it. :)

Hows this

Ok i read all of your comments and suggestions for what to do to my blog. Thank you everybody. nick you made a good point and now i see where you are coming from. As much as i would probably like to fight the issue and tell you about the conversation i had with my poli sci professor i have decided its not worth it.
What i have done instead is make a first attempt at altering the blog. I changed the name and the stated purpose. Also i will shift the discussion more towards life as a graduating senior loves Madison and will miss it alot. More of a last memories and what going on in my life type of thing rather than just the social side.
I hope this clears it all up, one final thing though. If this is ok, is the address an issue as well. Do i need to change that or can it stay? Tell me what you think

IT jobs

This has nothing to do with blogging- but I thought I’d ask…

My boyfriend just graduated with a degree in Business- Management Information Systems… I’m totally pulling for him to move back to Madison if he can find a job here… does anyone have any good insights to companies he could apply?


The reading says that farsi is the #4 language that blogs are typed in. I hope i dont sound stupid for saying this but i’ve never heard of farsi. Who speaks that and where?


I use google usually as my number one go to sight. I had no idea that it was so huge though. The article in the reading about Google was pretty cool. Does this mean that because i use google i will be rich and smart?


I use blogger and cant figure out how to view the stats for my page. You know like how many people are visting and such any help?

Internet troubleshooting

So I’ve been having some internet problems lately… everytime I come to this page or to any of the comments, I get the ‘Cannot find server’ page- but it always works if I refresh the page. Is this just a problem with my connection, or is there something I can do to fix it (since it’s time consuming/annoying)?

You want to be my blog friend?

We talked about how blogs are different from chat rooms, but I was wondering if people also use blogs as a way of meeting or finding someone special (girl/boyfriend, potentially a future spouse) besides just transferring information? And if people do, do they purposely design blogs a certain way to attract certain type of people, do people also go look at others with the intention to find someone too or is that too extreme?

Moving Up

I’m moving this post up from an old thread cause I think it’s a great discussion topic.

My fav. blogger explains how she alienates herself from her family with her blog and also loses her job over blogging… very interesting.

Looonnnggg postssss

Okay, I read from Topic 3 that you should minimize your posts to only important information…or abstract them. Anyhow, I have long posts for my dreams...but I have short posts for my opinions...

I usually don’t like to read long posts (many paragraphs)...but that’s me. Maybe others like long posts…but I was wondering…do Blog Readers like reading long (many paragraphs) or short (acouple sentences to a paragraph) posts?


I don’t know why this did this…but it posted two blank entries, sorry if I confused anybody. Even if I tried deleting my post…my name still shows up.

I am a dork

So when it comes to writing on my blog, I am sort of a perfectionist in the sense that I want my posts to be cool . This means, each time I post, I know its going to take me like an hour. I bet other people, who have blogs that are way cooler than mine, can make a great post in 5 minutes or less. Basically, am I trying too hard? I mean, not every post has to be great, right? This class makes me reflect upon my dorkiness.


I am having a lot of trouble here, so I am hoping you guys can help. This summer, I would really love to (and need to) get an internship in Advertising and/or PR. The resume part I can do, but I have to write cover letters for all of these places. Does anyone know the kind of information a cover letter should entail? What do I need to stress to these companies? I feel like you guys are great resources for this stuff….

UW Rankings

Though I don’t agree with the assessments by the Princeton Review, I think rankings are just fun to note. I posted a link to this year’s rankings of the “best 351 colleges” on my weblog. Let me know your thoughts…

New Computer

So, I’m seriously thinking about buying a new computer with the money from my tax refund. Hey, I’m not going to get a car, might as well get a machine that works, right? I know I can use computers at school, but I’m home a lot and could really use something to do graphics and design on. Any suggestions? And what kinds of specifics would I need? Kim?

SATC and TiVo

Haha…An old Sex and the City show was just on that made me think about you TiVo lovers. It is an example of just how incredible people think the device is. See comments

More Blog Searches

I found this “search engine” so to speak about blogs! It seems kind of cool, if you want to check it out. It can direct you to blogs all over the globe


So I just sent out an email about my blog to a huge list of friends…I’m kinda nervous now. And now I’d relaly like to figure out how to see who’s coming to visit. Any ideas for where to locate this info through phpwebhosting? Or is it through MT?


Going along with the whole habit thing, I was once shown a website that was a “tracking” service/program for another website. all kinds of information from visitors to that website was stored here including but not limited to location, operating system, time of day, etc. The tracking offered on Typepad does not even compare to the service that I was shown previously.

Online Habits

One thing that can be kind of interesting to look at is the time of day at which people post on this blog. If you looked closely enough, you could semi-track someones habits and time of day they usually post. Nothing I particularly care about, but it’s just another thing people can learn about you via blogging

Is less more?

I really intended to keep my weblog simple, without a lot of links and other stuff. Now, I am starting to feel bad seeing many of you have added links. What do you all think?


I think I might have missed something, but were we supposed to have emailed Nick our goals for our web logs yet? I know he said to “think about it,” but when do we put it in writing (type)?

Dead Badger Blog

Well, I thought I would see if there were similar WISCO blogs out there. It seems someone started one for graduates, but it has been almost a year since people I have posted. Plus, it was pretty boring to read all the short comments. I actually like how mine throws out information about the UW. Hopefuly my blog won’t end up like this


For all the xhtml and css geeks in the class, did you hear the latest about W3C’s validator?

looking for bloggers

Man….looking for bloggers are soooooo hard… I went on google, yahoo, and Blogger to look for blogs that I can write on and so they will come to mine. Anyhow, no luck. Honestly…I don’t even know how you’re suppose to find bloggers. I typed in “blogs” “bloggers” “” I’m pooped!! So I tried going on links from John’s and Nick’s …which John’s is on contruction and Nick’s is limited. Any ideas anyone?


Okay…I’ve downloaded sharpreader…but I can’t subscribe anyone’s weblog onto my list….I am sooo lost. After I download a SharpReader…what else do I have to do? I know Nick said to do something else but I forgot…please help.

reality tv thursday

need i say more?


Just curious but what are the advantages of MT? Everybody who is using it seems to have an endless streem of problems with it. Is it that much better that its worth all the hassle? Should i switch? Why did you pick it in the first place?


So is everyone getting used to the idea of having to have 500 posts? THis still strikes me as difficult.

Working on it

So today i sent an email to my former poli sci prof to see what he has to say about me, for lack of a better word, being shutdown. I still think the blog is a good idea and i should be alowed to blog about whatever i want. The blog was supposed to be personal and thatw what i did. Maybe if i just change the name?

Comments, sigh.

Ok, so my cousins have been emailing me to tell me how they like the site and what stories I should put on there. It’s so hard to get them to understand “click on comments”. Maybe ya’ll having the same problem? I guess considering Cadott just got a TYME machine a year or so ago that technology moves slowly “up north”. Sigh.

My So-Called Blog

Here’s a NY Times Article about how the internet and blogging has changed youth (ha, i phrased that really generally .. cmon, Molly, you’re 20 … haha, who talks to themself on a post?? ok ok, anyways, i need to stop drinking coffee at this time of day … wait, no, anyway, the article) – turned them into a “generation of compulsive self-chroniclers”

Also from that article was the statistic: “Ninety percent of those with blogs are between 13 and 29 years old; a full 51 percent are between 13 and 19”

What do you guys think?

Hot Wire Jingle?

I was watching T.V. and heard a similar “dot com” song for Hot Wire. It sounds REALLY similar to Expedia’s. Legally, is this allowed?

typepad color changing

how to change colors in typepad, see comments.

Blogging is ageless

Even former president Jimmy Carter can do it (although I’d bet that he has a bit of help)

type color for links

I’ve been playing around with the design of my blog (yipeee, Matthew helped me find colors!) and I found a template that I really like. My only concern is that links in the text don’t stand out… if you happen to check out my blog let me know if you can tell where the links are.

MT Support

Hey all ye MT folks, are we meeting today? I could swing by the building if anyone else was going to be there. I just need a little bit of help with the comments stuff and a style issue on my page…oh, and also, I’d like to try inserting a picture as a post.


Aaron Schwartz is leading an interesting discussion on anonymity in response to a Slate article. Interesting stuff, and it demonstrates that the “function” blogging serves is more historical than we might first believe this “technological revolution” to be.

Errr, what’s this mean?

What does it mean if my site is multi-layer or ringed? Rodee brought this to my attention – I don’t have a clue what it means!

kim — blog #2

i keep forgetting to mention this when i see you in person, so i figured i’d post it… if you are not familiar with nomy lamm check out her web site (bad site, but she’s an awesome woman) — i’ve seen her speak a few times and tshe’s amazingly hilarious and inspiring and political as all hell (in a good way). anyhow, have fun with her stuff — hope it helps.

Thanks all

Thank you to everybody for your insight to my little problem here. I agree with alot of you on the firts amendment issue raised here. I took a first amendment course last semester and i think that before i make any changes to my blog i am going to contact my former prof and see what he has to say about it. We do have academic freedoms as students and though maybe this is a trivial topic to get in a big fuss about i still do not feel that this is a just request from the school.

Typepad problem

I’m having a hard time getting to the page that allows me to view visitors to my site. I know how to check it and everything, but when I click on the link it doesn’t work. Is anyone else having this problem?

stupid but funny

Check out Pee Mail... it’s kinda fun to send to other people. ps. I don’t expect any points for it :)

Flame Wars and Blogging

For those of you who have never witnessed a flame war before, there’s one raging right now over at Kuro5in that’s pertinant to this class. What can we learn from this sort of behavior on the part of certain members of the Web community?

making a another blog…

Since my blog is about stupid dreams…I was wondering if I can make another one that might be more interesting…and use it as the class credit. Because then I would have alot more traffic if I did an opinion blog rather than a Dream blog. I do have alot to share and say…and I thought that being creative was a pointer…but I was wrong. Journalists don’t want to read about peoples problems…they want to know what’s on their minds!! So can I switch?

blogging reciprocity

As was explained by the semi-pros/pro’s to the amateurs early in class, commenting or linking on another person’s blog truly does bring in others and raise traffic. After making a few stupid posts on movie blogs and linking to another guys, a host of different referring addresses showed up.. and i like it

A bit weehobby

Alright, I thought I should post my weehobby weblog as well as my goals. First goal would be to stop obsessing over the design and work on posting more :) But I’d like to use as a personal site to write about thoughts, design, movies, radio, travelling…basically what I’m interested in. Oh and riding buses. Expect a lot of that. The goals I have for myself aren’t anything too high and mighty but I’d like to do a good a job, and find some focus by the end of the semester. I’m also creating a family blog that would be for the try-fam crew.

Oh and to obsess about the design, is the orange too much? For anyone looking on explorer and a smaller screen, does it fit? Anyone checking it out on a mac?

Web Stats

Where do we go again to see who is looking at our site (besides myself)? I found the stats part the phpwebhosting, but it didn’t give me any domain names, just ip addresses. Is that it?

blogging vs. live class

so the main problem I see with holding “class” over this blog instead of in class is that people can choose to (or not too) answer questions. So since I’m not getting much help in the counter thread, I guess I’ll have to post my questions. Can someone please guide me through adding that counter to my site (on typepad) – I need very explicit directions!

computer hardware question

This is also a computer question just incase anyone here is a specialist in hardware. PCs usually come with 2 dual IDE cables (support 2 devices). So one of my dual IDE cable, I have it connected to my CD-ROM, and CD-RW. The other dual IDE cable, I have it hooked to 2 separate hard drives. However, I have another free hard drive laying here so I figure I might as well install it in. But all the IDE slots are taken. I searched online and found that there are IDE cables that claims to be able to support up to 3 devices. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am almost sure it�s not. To the best of my knowledge motherboards only support up to 2 devices per cable (excluding floppy drive), a master and a slave but they claimed to be able to support a master, and 2 other slaves.

Googleing Own Name

One story about googleing your name…..someone did this for my name a while ago and showed me a website Craig Weird, I thought, someone has my name and a website. So I went to it and apparenty this other Craig Chester is a big independent film actor in New York City and is one of the more famous gay actors in film. Without knowing too much of this and just looking at his site, I e-mailed him and he told me his story and I told him mine, and he wanted me to come down to NYC (1.5 hrs from my home) to all these film parties and premiers and stuff and how it would be fun that I am craig chester also. I never went though. And his middle name is my brothers middle name, which is also strange. His website used to have tons of stuff on it, pictures, etc, now there is a front page with some stuff but says most of it is under construction. He has a guest book and I was looking at it and apparently he was just on Sex and the City, so if you watch that show, maybe you saw him…..I mean, me.

Somewhat Amiable

After much frustration I’ve got the bare bones of Somewhat Amiable up and running! Yea! I haven’t done any of the internal pages yet, but it’s work in progress. Let me know what you think.

Sorry Matthew

I dont know what just made me think of this but I was just thinking about how you love singe Dot Com occasionally in class. You said you liked it because of Amazons commercial but it EXPEDIA. Sorry.

New Ideas

So I got a bit of new today that the School and the University do not approve of my blog. I guess it the whole UW and blackout thing. So unfortunately now i have to start all over come up with a new idea and create a new blog. While trying to figure out how to post 479 more times this semester. YEAH. Any ideas?


Well, I am taking the advice from some of you today. I think it was Amy or Charmaine who said if you just sit down at the weblog like this is a test or homework assignment, and just read through all the unread posts, comments really start to pop up in your head. I’m sure you have noticed some crazy blogging action from me today. Now, I have something else to worry about. Honestly, I feel like I may seem like an annoyance now. I hate to think that everyone is thinking “shut-up Ali.” I guess we can call this “blog insecurity.”

rss and comments

john/nick, do you know of any resources on how i can edit my rss feed to include a scan for new comments?

Designing a new MT template

Some of you are probably wondering how to go about designing a new MT template…

One word of advice: start fresh, don’t edit the default template.

The best method (that Nick taught me last year) is to create a dummy page with fake content, etc as a static HTML (or PHP, if necessary) file. Get everything setup exactly as you want, then…

Crack open the MT documentation and start plugging in template tags to replace your dummy content. Things are a little tricky, but between the existing templates and the user’s guide, you should be able to figure it out.

Chances are that the code you come up with will be better than the MT template — it’s a mess.

When you’re done, upload the template, then create a new index template (you’ll need to make an individual archive — or permalink — template too) in MT. Link the new template to the file you just created, and…. rebuild. Good luck!

My MT from Hell Site

I don’t get it. Now my logo including my h1 that I never deleted are gone…

How are the MT people?

Eventhough I know nothing about movable type, I just thought I would ask you all how it is working out for you. Some people seemed a little frustrated, but I just wanted to tell you that it is all going to work out…Nick will make it!!


When Nick says 500, does he mean 500 post or 500 points? Sorry for bringing this up again.


I found this blog Snap!Shots. Check it out… it’s kinda interesting.

Comment under someone else

Just incase anyone sees a comment that they didn’t post, it�s because I accidentally did it. I post a message under Amy and Nancy�s name because I didn�t realized they were log in at the computer I was using. Sorry guys but at least you guys got an extra point. :) Next time I will try to remember to log out and log back in before posting. It�s too bad the site doesn�t automatically log you out when you close explorer.

finding blogs via search engines

How is it the many blogs, and i say this of my own and i’m sure most people’s here, do not show up in a google search. I mean, i searched through all mentions of my name and my name with combinations of things or exact post titles, and it is no where to be found? just a question.

rss feeds

what was the pc (and i supposed mac people want theirs too) software for the rss feeds? anyone write it down?

My Pic

So, in the author section of Typepad, they allow you to put your picture up on your blog. Is anyone in class planning to put a picture of themselves on their front page? I know the giant head thing is also popular now…so I’m just curious about what other people are planning to do?

using 3!s :)

Hey guess what I noticed on this weblog? I noticed that you can’t post up three exlamation marks…because you get this So, if anybody sees this after a sentence…it’s because there are 3!s. :) So I advise people to only use 2 !! for excitement reather than 3!s:)

for tivo fans…

now that i have kim and nick’s attention, and perhaps a few others, tivo news reports high incidents of janet action for the super bowl.

Colors and TypePad

Can you explain to me and the class how you got those colors onto my weblog. They really make a difference, and I don’t know how we did that…


Does the word even exist today? Amy brought up a good point to start a new thread to discuss where the future of the internet is going. It has been hypothesized that using internet space will no longer be available without a charge. What do you all think? (P.S. Nice one Amy, Thanks)


Well, I just wanted to apologize if I came off with an attitude or something in class today. Sometimes, I just don’t shut-up and I know I can probably be annoying. Sorry!

computer issues

I know we have computer people here so i had a question maybe someone can help with. my machine,(which is decent i guess and only four months old) sounds like a johne deer lawmower from 1973. What’s the problem. Is it simply straining to keep up with the crap i download. Anyway, it really pisses me off.


Charmaine- did you figure out how to get rid of the default banner yet? Did you try just deleting the contents of div id= banner, and replace it with your image? I think that might work.

group blog

what is a good software program for maintaining a group blog? something over than mt i assume?

get real

kid named version 2.0

thought that was funny

Weird stuff…

I just thought this was so strange. I don’t understand the websites that people come up with…. Let me know what you think, but this is just bizarre


I am a little worried about this whole “average post” thing. Like I said, I was away for the weekend without computer access and I am scared that will be affecting my grade in the class. I am behind the average number, but I feel like I post every chance I get. Plus, a lot of people that have used MT have posted a lot about their particular issues. I am terrible at this computer stuff so I really don’t know how to help them out, but when I can I always do. Please let me know what to do or what you guys think? I know Lisa was worried also.


So I grasped the concept of linking pretty easily, which deals with HTML. Are there any other simple HTML things, tricks, what have you, that we can use in our weblogs?


When will you be in tomorrow? I really need some help. I’ve tried everything to fix my error, and don’t know what else to do. Before class? After class?


Does anyone know how to make the name of your weblog at the top of the page be invisible to put in an image? So I want that space, but I want to put an image up there…make sense.

Referring Address

So I was checking on the stats of my weblog and discovered a referring address that I didn’t recognize… so I checked it out. This person has never commented on my site, and I can’t find anything related to me on her site. So how do people get to my site through her’s? Can I find out who she is or how she found out about me? Just curious/excited…

For those that care

Dooce is in labor, she posted today that she’s going into the hospital to be induced. It’s a funny post. And for those that haven’t read before, it’s a really great weblog.


I know this is a bit random, but have any of you discovered “smarterchild” yet? I am a loser, but it is so much fun to IM. Click comments for more….

Back in Action

Hi guys!
Well, I hope you all had a great and productive weekend. I got home late last night and passed out from exhaustion. Now, I can begin blogging again and keeping up with this class. I must say, it is nice to be back at the computer! Nick, please let me know if you want me to do something to make up for being away all weekend. Thanks=)


Hey i just edited my blog to include links to my photos from this weekend. I use blogspot for my server. When i edited the template to include the links the words showed up and it showed in the preview as well. When i went to the site after the links are there and they work but you cannot see the words. There is a big space where i input the links. It should say the days Wed. Thurs. and so on. Why is it doing this?

comment requires…

Many of the weblogs that I commented in requires you to put in your name, email and/or URL. I’m the type of person who kind of only likes to put my name and maybe URL…but not my email. I’m not a pro blogger, but is this a normal thing to give away your email? Because I sometimes will not comment if commenting requires me to put my email down. It’s kind of a privacy issue thing…and I don’t want strangers emailing me. If they wanted to say something to me…they can just comment on that site right?


anyone still interested in learning to use the scanner in the lsc classroom? i’d be happy to host a 2 min. session tomorrow before class… it’s a piece of cake. let me know and i’ll be down there early to help whoever wants it.

Good Work

I just checked out everybodies blogs for the first time. I just wanted to say that i think they are all pretty cool and unique.

another MT question

sorry. i know this part is supposed to be straightforward, but i still can’t get it to work. currently, this is what i have for my cgipath:


when i try to update it, i get problems, so i’m probably updating it wrong. what should my CGIPath be if my site is at

thank you!!


Nick, did you have any readings you wanted us to do this week or just concentrate on the weblogs? (ours and everyone elses’)

survivor all-stars

i’ve decided to move my typical comments to my blog

Group Weblogs

Are we going to learn how to set up group weblogs this semester? I think you can set them up for free on Blogger, but can anyone suggest any other places I might look into?

NYC Blogs

This is a pretty cool site I came across, showing the locations of thousands of NYC weblogs by using a subway map- similar to the concept of the world map we saw in class. Check it out….NYC Bloggers

Giving Up

I’m giving up movable type for tonight- I can’t seem to figure out that last error… as for setting up the rest of it, I’m sure I’ll be pestering ya’ll again tomorrow. Thanks again for everyone’s help tonight!

For Nick

As far as your grading of our weblog goes, how is it exactly going to be done? How often do you want us updating our sites, or doesn’t this matter?

Blog Roll

I just have an opinion question for y’all. Regarding my blog roll, should I link to weblogs that I like to read, or should I link to weblogs that are kind of sort of like mine? Does that make sense? I know there is probably some overlap there, but I am kind of confused. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer here, but I’d like other peoples’ opinions about it.


Nick, I tried importing the OPML file to NetNewsWire, but it’s not working. You have any luck with it?

oooh, a NEW error…

Okay now I�m getting a totally different error!

./mt.cfg:23: variable �Objectdriver� not defined

I added the code that said Objectdriver DBI::mysql, so what else could it be?

APB for Nick

Nick.. amy is getting the same error msg i got on tuesday. does she just reload the library files?

Forte MT

Does anyone have Forte MT on their machine and could email me the font file? It looks kinda weehobby to me.

Help MT

Soo… I’m finally set to try to set up movable type, and guess what? I can’t even connect to FTP… is there something I need to know besides the log in info they sent me? What’s going on here!?

Blog and goal

It’s a work in progress, but here’s my fun blog, Moka Tales. I’m working on a more serious blog which will come after my 530 assignment is finished. My goal with this blog is to share the crazy life tales of the Moucha family. It probably won’t have a big following, and that’s ok. This is just for me to have fun with because my other blog, fatfriendly, will be covering some pretty intense issues for people of size and probably will have a big list of followers.

Problems with Typepad?

I am feeling a little left out because I don’t really understand what everyone with MT is going through. SO I figured I would ask if anyone using Typepad was having any problems?

MT Again…

Do you guys get kicked out of MT every time you make and save a change? Is rebuilding the way around that?

Uninstall old Mozilla

I opened up Mozilla this morning and all my toolbar bookmarks were gone and there was this new page telling me to install the latest version of Mozilla and then uninstall my old one. First, did anyone else get this recently and how in the heck do you uninstall the old one, I tried just deleting the files and it won’t let me. No big deal, just wondering if this has happened to anyone else recently, and if 0.7 is much faster. Thanks!

Like this…....

How was your weekend? Ready for the superbowl? Staying warm?

Technical Discussion

I find that many of the posts on this weblog are very technical oriented, like many people are posting questions that they want answered regarding the logistical aspects of their blog. While there is no problem in doing this, I sometimes feel alienated due to my limited knowledge on the subjects and consequently do not participate in an overwhelming majority of the discussions. Maybe if people post more things other than just technical questions this would not be the case. I am pretty sure I am not alone on this one.

Counter v0.1

Okay, this is a trial thing… but put the following code into your sites somewhere unobtrusive (right before you close your body tag):

<img src="[YOUR USERNAME]" alt="Counter" />

More to come as I get it coded up…

MT Templates

If you copy from MT and edit the templates in HTML Kit, for example, you then re-paste what you’ve worked up back into the MT page? Or do you ftp it to somehere in your server file?

Or is it best to try and “link” it up and they will be synched (like they recommend in the help file?) I guess what I’m asking for is what are other people doing?


While I was looking for pictures to post on my blog, I came across a site that offers affiliations. It is All Posters If you agree to put their links and logo on your site then you can use their images and in return they�ll pay you a commission of 25%. I�m not interested in making any money but they got lots of cool posters. Just a thought for anyone who is looking for images, there might be other places that offers images that you�re more interested in.

Index File

for those using MT and a server, where does our main index file go? I guess I’m still just a little confused on the site structure. Is it pretty much the same as how the spingree server worked for us last semester? Sorry to be such a pain on this one.

MT and comments…

do i need to change something in my settings to make my comments function support html commands? i can’t seem to find anything about that in the mt help manual, but code i put into my comments (for links, text formatting, etc) don’t seem to come through. anyone else using mt having this issue? thx —


Think nobody is reading our site besides us? You’d be wrong. Dave Winer of Scripting News found us on Friday — turns out he’s an alum. Dave is a big name in the blogosphere and now he works for Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society.

Small voices carry folks, and you’re off to a great start. Not just because Dave noticed us, but because of the quality of the discussion happening here. Let’s keep up the quality of our work, and this will be one phenominal semester.

Remember to save!

You’d think that after as much layout and design work I’ve done in the past few years I’d remember to freakin’ save my file frequently as I’m working . Well folks, Quark, the program from hell just decided to freeze and guess what, 2 hours worth of tedious survey work has just been flushed down the toilet. I could almost cry. :(

Yahoo account

I found this out by accident. I was trying to create a yahoo account so I can place an email on my blog. I accidentally put United Kingdom instead of U.S.A. as my location and I found out that you actually get 6.0 MB of space instead of 4.0 MB of space as compared to the U.S.

another new weblog…

okay, so i haven’t re-worked the look of it yet, but thought i’d throw my site up here along with everyone else’s. so here it is: one small yopp.

Views on Blogging

Compare this post to this one — which do you agree with? There’s absolutely no right or wrong answer here…

Nobody home:(

Well, it’s been 4 days now,...I’ve posted up so many posts….and hardly any comments…that is sooo sad:( I was just wondering to those who are blog pros…. will it always be like this….I’ve checked other people’s outside our class’ blogs…and it seems that nobody comments on theirs too.

Better comments

Nancy, I know that you are also having a lot of problems with your comments. I found one that is much better. I’ve updated mine but if you do you have to save you old comments and enter them in again. Here is the site

Is it still a weblog?

Well, I have changed a lot on my weblog. Nancy has informed me that mine no longer looks like a weblog but more of a webpage. She said that you guys cover this in the first lecture that I missed. Are we able to design it anyway we want, kind of like mine, or are there certain things that we need to have and to have it look like in order to still consider it a weblog?

How many links are too many?

I have just an opinion question to ask everybody. On my weblog I have numerous sites that I find to be interesting, etc. How many links to other sites do you think is okay before it just gets to be too much? Also, I noticed that Kottke updates his links kind of a lot…is that standard? Should I put new ones up all the time?

another MT question…

when i was trying to update the CGIPath, i seem to have messed up something with the styles… (see comments)


So, I’m in. I got it to work for too, but I did the mt-load.cgi at first on the other webhosting name, is that going to be okay? Now what’s next? Do I need to delete the mt-load from my cgi-bin? And then do I start making my templates?

multiple blogs?

to the all knowing.. so, if we want more than one do we 1) create a subdomain and house it there or 2) make the second one an internal page and link it from there? i’m stuck cuz they are two totally different blogs and i’m at a crossroads on what to do…

I did it!

hey guys, so i finally sat down and started my bog. It scared me at first, but definitely not too bad once you begin. A work in progress, but please let me know if you have any ideas. So far, its just random things/links that I find amusing … My Site It’s called babble cuz i think its mostly just going to be composed to ramblings- not a journal format – but i dunno, we’ll see how it turns out :)

Sorry in advance…

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving in a few hours to go To Penn State for the entire weekend. Unfortunately I won’t have any access to a computer so I won’t be able to keep up my blog or postg comments. I am really sorry (there is nothing I can do). Have a great weekend….talk to you later!

finally, the unveiling of what’s about to be…my blog

long title, but dramatic and needed.

my blog is currently going to going through visual repair, but it’s a temporary home for some discussion. i’ve titled it, “Just somet thoughts…but they’re good ones!” which too will change once i make it look pretty.

i thank you in advance for indulging me.

MT: design

which files do we want to all play with when it comes to the design of the blogs?


to nick and john for giving up so much of their morning/afternoon to help us out with installing mt.
and thanks in advance for all the questions i’m sure you’ll have to field over the next few days or so while we all try to get it up and running!
seriously, tho, we all appreciated today’s session — thx.


Check this out, I get code when I try getting to my page. Can you see it too? My impatient genes are coming out big time on this waiting game.


I was just wondering what a trackback is? It says it next to comments on my weblog. trackback

Calendar problems

All the sudden I am viewing my weblog and the calendar is huge and spread out, rather than on the side. Does anyone know how this happened?


Hi guys,
Well, I am using typepad for my weblog and I’m a little frustated when I try to change the design. One of the options that I previewed showed my blog in red and black colors, whbich would be awesome (because I am focusing on UW student issues). The template that shows this is listed when I preview the “Two Columns, Right (stripes)” template option. Why would it tease me like that? There is no way to get those colors, is there?
Here is my weblog as it is now:

did u know…

that glish has a template for blogger? go figure…

Blogroll Condensed

Okay, I was getting impatient for the blogroll to be in one place (sorry…) so I decided to start a post just for the addresses of the current blogs. Add yours to the comments if I don’t have it below.

Ski New England
SoCal Girl
What did I do last night?

Soren Says
College Chaos
Next NBA


Nick and John- you said you had some hosts that you recommended- John I think you said affordable hosts, but is this the right one? I’d like to buy some server space before tomorrow so I can get my blog up and running. Thanks for any advice you can give!


Does anyone know how �comments� work? I mean not how to use it but like the mechanisms, the building process of it. Blogger doesn�t come with the option for �comments.� Nick guided us to search other sources that gave directions on how to put in �comments.� However, the html codes they give, doesn�t actually build the �comments� into our weblog, I can be wrong. It seems like it�s just giving us a link to the source where the �comment� is. So if we don�t have the html table coding of the �comments� in our template, does that mean we can�t change the fonts, the size of it? I know, I sound confused.

gotta love it

i’m not a regular comic reader, but i do enjoy whitebread and toast.

today’s was just something i enjoyed for the new atkin’s diet kick.

Usage of weblogs

I hope Nick haven�t cover this in the first week but for those students who have purchased a domain name and a server, are you then able to use your weblogs for any purpose you want? Can you used it for profitable reasons (sell things, advertisement), or are you still limited to just personal or educational usage?


Not trying to jump the gun here, but could anyone clue me in on RSS?


Make sure if you haven’t updated the Author’s page with your email address you do so in the near future — thanks.

Hit Logs

Does anyone know how to put a hit log (keeps track of how many people goes into your site) into your weblog?

Legal Problem

I�m doing a weblog on Nba Topics. Must of my stats and pictures I plan to use is from Do I have to worry about any legal problem if I take pictures or stats from there? I�m assuming it shouldn�t be a problem because I�m using it for non-profit reasons?

Linking on Own Blog

Is it ever appropriate to create a post that links to something on the same website? I want to draw attention to one of my friends comments that was kinda off the topic but definitly worth reading, so I was going to create a post and link to the comment. Is that cool?

Ski New England

Here is my blog. All my friends out east are skiers and began posting withing hours, some of the comments are really good so far! Ski New England

Problem with quotations

Well, this weblog thing is getting really, really addicting and I�ve only been in class for one day. I find myself spending 6 hours after class on my weblog and I�m only using a free one! Too bad we�re not getting graded on how much time we spend on it instead of posting because us beginners would all get A�s�Anyway, I came into a problem with quotations. It must be an html problem but it seems Blogger doesn�t accept it too well. For example, I posted �O�neal� and came out with �O�neal�. Anyone got any solutions?

what do you all think…

of — does it look like “one smally opp” instead of “one small yopp”? (think horton hears a who if you’re wondering what the hell a yopp is).
thx for any feedback —

Something is wrong

If anyone can help me that would be great!! My weblog looks very plain because I’m new to this. Anyhow, when I went to go test my commenting out, it always says error but then the comments goes through. I don’t want people who goes in there to think that their comments didn’t get through. I don’t know how to fix it, I got my comments from enetation if anyone is familiar with it. And my blog host is

532 logo

nick, i noticed that when i went to edit my comment, the 532 logo is showing up. just thought i’d let you know…

I can’t believe I’m even admitting this…

Can someone show me how to use a scanner because, yep, once again I don’t know how to use one I think Don might be teaching it to us in 530 next week, but just in case…

This is so cool!

After today I finally understand why people think blogging is the greatest! Anyway, I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to write about…I know for sure that I want it to be ‘personal’ but I don’t want it to be an online journal.I really enjoy music (all kinds, no joke I love Tupac and I also love Toby Keith and Sheryl Crow) and I really like movies too. I was also thinking I could focus on news…everything from the weather and politics to Ben and JLo’s breakup. I think I am just really all across the board with my interests, etc., so it’s hard for me to pick my focus. Any suggestions?


If we want to make comments to comments other make in out own blogs can we do that under the comments section or do we have to create a new post?

blogs in academics

so, i ran across a Blogging Thoughts by Torill Mortensen. haven’t had time to read the paper yet, but i’m adding it to my reading list. it’s from a book apparently called “researching icts in context”

thought i’d throw this up…i’ll post more once i know more

note: this site contains a few different “categories” of blogs with examples, including photoblogs (matt, where you going to do this?) check the right column for links

anyone familiar with weblogger? it looks like you can register for a person’s blog and begin posting…(ali, like what we wanted)

anyone know anything about it, i’m investigating more

side note: it’s a chocolate creme filled oreo night, anyone want in? else i’m eatin’ the whole bag!

Update: this may not allow anyone to post…now i’m confused on it, but still looking…but i found a cool example

update 2: so, in playing with this educational site and suggesting a new post, i think that it goes into a holding tank rather then an instant post

SoCal Girl

Hey, there is nothing up yet, but hopefully by later tonight there will be. But here it is if you want to check it out anyway…SoCal Girl


This is a question for anyone who is using blogger as their host. When you do a post do you have to preview the post first or is there a faster way to get it up. It seems silly to have to preview it first. Thanks for any help.

Time to share

My weblog is at, as always.

You may notice that I haven’t written in a while, and there’s a good reason for that. In the past couple months, I’ve become bored with the design and overall structure of my weblog. Thus, for this class I plan to start by completely redesigning my site and then continue writing. Look for it over the weekend or early next week.

As far as the writing is concerned, I plan to stick to the same kinds of topics — music, culture, design, tech, media, travel, politics — but I will change my focus toward longer, more original writing and less reactionary link-and-commentary blogging.

This semester, I will be taking two trips — one to Colorado, one to NYC. I am working for myself as a web designer. My band is busily booking shows for the spring and currently recording an EP. I’m doing some writing. I plan to focus my writing on these experiences that will occur in my real life.

Yes, that’s a personal blog… but I’ll be using personal experiences to say things about ‘the world’ beyond me.

nick help!

nick, i messed up a post, and now it’s really messed.

sorry everyone! thanks for the help nick. i can’t edit it, cause all the page code is in the box now, and no buttons are to be found.

Domain Names

Okay, I’m truely torn between 2 domain names… can we take a vote?

1) “” – why? i like the open-ended, unleashed feeling you get… also, because it will be a blog of multiple topics… my thoughts unshelled, ya know? why not? maybe it sounds too forward, too naked, or something.

2) “” – why? it’s funny. it’s easy to remember, and totally opposite of my personality (i’m typically not grumpy) so it’s kind of a surprise… i think people like that type of stuff, when people aren’t what they seem… plus it’s just fun to say. why not? well, it’s kind of generic.

if you have ANY opinion please help! i’m really really looking for feedback. thanx!

My Blog

I created my personal blog site, yeah! Check out all the action at What Did I Do Last Night. The goal of my blog will be to have links to photos that i take over the course of the week (whenever i am beer in hand). All post will be in relation to my blackouts and hopefull commenters can help piece it all together.

Anonymous Postings

Okay, I was surfing weblogs…and I noticed that people who visit blogs can’t post. Us readers can only comment. Is this correct? So in my weblog, if a person has a question, they can only comment their questions? Or if they have something interesting to say, they can only comment it? This means that you are completely in control of your weblogs right?

Sports Blogs

Anyone know of any good sports related blogs? I think I may want to do a weblog on the topic of skiing in New England.


Seeing as i jsut figured out how to access the readings i now (a) feel less like an idiot and (b) feel caught up with the class. The reading on Bloggercon is really useful. It answered almost all of the functional questions that i have been asking all along. I have and suggest that others who feel as lost as i do, book marked the page for easy access.


Where is the link for the readings or am i just completly lost?

My Weblog

I finally came up with a great idea for my weblog. I am going to photo document my last semester and the blog can be a place to display my photos and the discussions can be between my friends and i piecing the nights together with the aid of the digital pictures i take. Here is my attempt at linking. I post my pictures at Ophoto.

Is it just me or…

Is it just me or is this whole linking thing impossible? I am very confused becasue i just flat out do no speak computer. Can anyone suggest a simpler way to remember how to do this chore?

Random Question

I remember Nick talking about how he wasn’t a huge fan of e-mail, in fact I’m pretty sure he said he hated it, so I was just wondering why? Is this a common attitude shared by those who are big fans of blogging?


For my domain name, I’m thinking about or weehobbed. It’s a word my boyfriend made up to mean stray from the norm or zig-zag around, or dodge something, “I had to weehob and hoohob around the angry dog.” Weehob is itself a verb, hoohob would be it’s complimentary verb, the two are usually used in conjunction.

Any thoughts, or is that just weird. To me it sounds kinda fun. I’d love thoughts, the buy now or forever lose your possible domain name is staring me in the face. :)


One of the readings mentioned something about Trackback, which supposedly “allows someone who has linked to you to [your weblog] announce explicitly that they have done so, thus avoiding you (and others) having to wade through referrers to find out who is linking to you, and providing more context for the conversation.” Is Trackback common among those who have weblogs? It seems like it would be a cool feature to have, but some of you “experienced” bloggers may know the pros and cons better than someone like me…


I know everyone’s probably discovered this- but if not, I found lots of answers to my questions about Typepad on their chart.

Updating Blogs

I’m curious to those who have blogs, anyhow, how often do you update your weblogs? Daily, weekly, monthly? And at what time of the day? In the morning, in the evening? This would help me alot to understand having your own blog. I tried looking up when people update their weblogs…and I came across this website Weblog Wannabe which is a weblog too but links to a blog host Drunk Men Work Here that has a technology that updates it for you. It is very interesting, you can make your own weblog here I think, but I’m not sure how the updating itself works.

Movable Type

For anyone interested in using MT on their own servers this semester, I’ll be helping people install it on Thursday during regular classtime (even though we don’t have class).


I have never done so much reading off a computer screen before! I am really not used to it, when course readings for other classes were online I would simply print them out; obviously this does not make sense for this situation. Maybe some of the expirenced bloggers can explain how they are comfortable reading so much text off a computer screen.

Password Issues

When I go to update my personal bio it says my password is too short and deletes my entry. How do I change this password and did anyone else have this problem?

Super Bowl

Had to start this discussion because I am getting really antsy to lose my money on side bets during the game…..We’ll start with a basic question, who do you think will win?

The Wonderchicken

Check out this bit on a definition of weblogs by the world-famous Stavrosthewonderchicken. It’s really long (really, really long) but it’s got some very insightful bits and you can get a good feel for the way the blogosphere works by reading it.

via Alex Halavais

Blog Tools

The folks over at Blogroots have a great list of blog resources available — including reviews if you’re still not sure what you’re going to go with.

Another question…

Okay, I am not quite sure what a “domain” is or means. I was going to just sign up for TypePad, and it asks you to make a “domain name.” Is this what the name of your blog is going to be? I was going to just type my name, but I don’t want that to be how people get top my weblog. Can someone please explain?


Here’s how to link from one page to another (though John’s tutorial has a pretty good description in it already).

Here’s a link: Google

Here’s the code behind it: <a href=””>Google</a> (all on one line, the display of it is being broken up by the site’s layout)

Things of note — the “http://” is required and must be quoted (on both sides). Also the second part (</a>) is also necessary.

Play with it a little bit, like Charmaine said it will become second nature to you by the end of the course. One last tip: the more descriptive your linktext (the part that says “Google” above) the better. You should always try to let your users know where you’re linking them before they click.

My Idea

Hi everyone! I just want to throw out my weblog idea/topic to get some feedback. I think I am going to make a weblog specifically geared towards college students. The blogging topics would deal with student issues such as study skills, choosing a major fitting the person’s interests, helpful courses to take, etc. My links could also be related to similar issues. What do you guys think?


I was reading the links under topic 2 and I came across a software called Manila to start a blog. Can someone explain to me what the difference between this software and just a host?

And speaking of comments…

On Thursday, Nick said something that struck me — “All weblogs should have a comments section, and I will require you to have them.”

In general, comments are a good thing. But it’s not always cut and dry. Meg (Kottke’s wife, who we talked about in class) wrote a post about comments in which she basically says “comments are sometimes a good idea, but sometimes they are unnecessary.”

Another consideration is comment spam. Several high-traffic bloggers have had to close their comments sections because the spam is getting out of control. Even unpopular bloggers have to put up with this trouble.

In any case, shutting off comments does not mean “shutting off conversation.” Some of the most interesting analysis and discussion happens across blogs.

Call for posts

A lot of people here are looking for good weblogs — so let’s bring the blogs to them. Next time you find an interesting weblog or post, just post a link to it here. It will make for good reading, and those who are new to this scene will get introduced to some cool weblogs. Sound good?

I’ll start:

Aaron Swartz is only 17 (or maybe 18 by now), but he writes an extremely interesting blog about politics and technology. He’s firey and controversial, and often hosts extremely heated discussions in his comments section.

From the comments section…

I wrote this as a response to this post but I decided it was general enough to warrant a front page post.

I wanted to address two related themes I’ve noticed in the class so far…

1) Class blogs like this one (and the one in 530, 532, etc) are not typical of blogging in general. Group weblogs are a rare, unique case — and these class blogs are a subset of that. What we’re doing here is more similar to a message board than a weblog in the traditional sense. For example, most of the action here takes place in the comments section. With a few exceptions, most of the action in the rest of the blogosphere takes place on the home page — the interaction happens when someone links to you and talks a bit about what you had to say.

2) While I can see the relation, similarities between AIM conversations and personal blogging are very few. AIM is like talking on the phone. It’s good for deciding what to do tonight or having other time-sensitive discussions. Having weblog “discussions” is different, and I’m afraid it’s tough to relate it to anything in the real world. If your friends are commenting, it’s probably them saying “yeah that was a fun night” or “hey haven’t seen you in a while — let’s hang out.” If you are writing more topically, then you might get into a discussion with friends that resembles an in-person debate about politics or music or sports or whatever.

The underlying point in all of this is that weblogs are not like anything else, and that’s what makes them so wonderful. It may seem awkward at first, but give yourself time to get deeply immersed.

Domain names

I went to Webopedia from someone’s suggestion (sorry, i forgot who) but it almost made things more confusing. Especially when i got to the part about registering a domain name i just got confused about everything internet related. Specifically the part about the people (or nonprofit organization) behind the Internet. Anyone have a easy explanation?

What constitutes a successful weblog?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how personal weblogs can become, and how some people might feel uncomfortable about that. But, an even harder concept for me to grasp is, how personal should they be? Since I know nothing about running my own weblog, the impression I get so far is that they should be kind of personal but not too personal…like it should showcase your interests and a glimpse of your personality, but you should leave out details about your favorite kind of toothpaste, for example. But then, if toothpaste really excites you, wouldn’t you want everyone to know that? I mean, I guess I’m just wondering, what is the point of having personal weblogs if you have to feel restrained about what you say? Is the point of running your own weblog to get visitors, and be successful like Kottke, or is the point to share with others a little bit about yourself, even if your weblog ends up being not as successful?


Again being as new to bloging as i am i am having trouble figuring out what i want to do with my blog. I though maybe everyone could share theirideas to help those of us who are clueless so far?

Trouble with 375

I’ve been having a lot of trouble trying to get on to the web site the last few days has anyone else? Also i have no idea how to comment so if someone could throw me a bone that would be great.

Why Bloging?

As one of the only people in the class who seems to know nothing about bloging and its apparently large strangle hold on its users lives I have just this one question. Why are the people that are so interested in blogs so interested?


Just out of curiosity, if you create a blog that has a large user base, do you get targeted by different advertisers? As an advertising major, this seems like an interesting angle. I am not sure how the whole weblog advertising deal is conducted.

How to attract others??

I was just wondering how do we attract others onto our blogs? Do we just ask our friends to look at it and pass it onto others? This is what I don’t understand, how does one blog become known. For example, I’ve never heard of or before:)


i was doing more browsing on this year old site microcontentnews and found a cool article on the history of the blogosphere. it looks at how blogging and journalism relate. check it out


i found this neat blog, microcontentnews. neat articles on blogging, and it tracks blogs in the news (right column). i’ll be reading it once/while i think. check it out…i haven’t read much, but what i have seems interesting. (plus he does nerdy stuff like me, playing with AI)


I just was looking through your web portfolio linked on your bio… and I noticed you left off Jakob Nielson and his thumb… what’s up with that?

Berkeman Center

Dave Winer of Harvard’s Berkman Center puts on a webcast every Thursday night at 8PM (CST) all about blogging. If you have Real Player and want to check it out — you should. I might try to tune in to tonight’s meeting.

There’s also an IRC chat going on during the meeting so you can participate in the discussion over there. The full version of Mozilla has it built in, but there are plenty of other clients out there you could use too.

Everything you need to participate is listed down the right side of their page.

When to begin?

So, should we be trying to set up our own sites right now, or wait for further instructions?


I was just checking out TypePad and it looks like you can try it 30 days for free. That’s a bonus.

cheap hosting is my current host. i pay $8.95 every 6 months. i don’t have heavy traffic, but it does the job. check it out…you can get cool double deals too.

Editing Blogs

Maybe something we should discuss (or maybe something that is already in our lesson plan) is the ethics of editing blogs…

Speaking of linking

Nick, I just made the classic “linking” mistake…while talking about how you taught us how to link. Of course I did it for the benfit of others :) It’s on the finding weblogs thread. Can you submit it for me?

sleep needed for creativity

finally an article that justifies our need for sleep as designers and creators. the study conducted in germany says that sleep is connected to creativity and problem-solving abilities. lack of sleep leads to less success in those areas.

Weblogs for doctors?

So I woke up this morning with one of those ideas in your head that you know if you don’t get up and jot some notes down you won’t be able to remember later. I want to bounce this idea off to you guys in class because it has to do with…ready, I bet you don’t see this coming… weblogs…tah da! If you’re interested, read on in comments where I’ll explain further.

political blogger

For any of ya’ll covering the primaries, here is the weblog for the candidate of mine and The Material Girl’s choice for president, Wes Clark Wes Clark Blog

Blog link HELPP

Okay, I’ve posted before in other online courses, but I’ve never had or seen anyone link another site onto their posts. I don’t know how to do that…so can some one step me through it? We can try linking (

Weblog Basher?

I found a weblog basher! I thought that the site was kind of funny because for someone who hates weblogs so much, this person sure knows a lot about them. I was going to share the site, but I was not sure how appropriate it was for a class all about weblogs. I am not trying to give a negative vibe to the class, I just thought that it was funny! Let me know if you think it is okay to put up…...


Everyone make sure to check out the reading assignment for this week, I forgot to put it up on Tuesday — my apologies. We’ll be talking about these readings on Thursday and Tuesday of next week.

Weblog Article

Hey guys! Here is an archived article from the Wisconsin State Journal. I hope you find it helpful. Blog Article


How can I change my password?

Finding Weblogs

Other than starting at a weblog and linking to other weblogs, how do you find these? Before today I’d heard of weblogs but hadn’t seen one. Really, how do people get into this – like, how could my mom (somewhat technologically inept) get into something this new and trendy?

Survivor – All Stars

Ok, so someone had to start this semester’s thread on survivor… :)

nick, if neither one of our picks doesn’t get the boot the first night, are we keeping it alive until either one of them does get the boot?

How timely

What is a blog?

some weblog info

just ran across some interesting blog facts re: blogging as an institution… sorry for the lengthly text, i know it’s hard to read, but it gives some good insight.

Just the beginning

Okay, so I don’t have anything too insightful to place on the weblog, but I did want to show some participation. I am really excited to begin to learn more about weblogs….I am not really sure what to expect from this class, but I am excited to find out. I don’t have a website of my own to link you too, but I do know how to link so to just show my skills, here is the UW home page

A little help

I prepared a couple of tutorials on using the class blog for 530 last semester. They might not apply to this class, and might be too simple… but, alas. Here they are:

error in display

when you go to the comments page, it adds the old 532 graphic…just an fyi nick


Here’s the wiki (or twiki?) for my Collaborative Leadership class, Nick. There’s currently not much on it, but I’ll definitely bring up the wiki topic later in the semester and post it again for more discussion.

Greater than the Sum of its Parts

Check out the stuff from topic 5. Be thinking about how linking adds to the conversation.