Chris's Posts

Fellatrix superiore


Punctuation and human rights

Bad education

The perils of knowledge

De te fabular narratur

A non-sequitur about Amnesty

Home cinema

Virtual ataraxia

Passion of the present

Amnesty annual report

Well-tempered clavier

Protection racket?

Multiple identities, one community

More on Darfur

The corrosiveness of war


The sound of silence

Hypothetical questions

Best political philosophy/theory papers

Bits and pieces

ENO's The Valkyrie


Alan Gewirth dies

India speaks

Tragic choice averted

If the past is another country, how about a declaration of independence?

Wings of Desire

Previous convictions

Press cuttings

17-year cicadas

The cost of legislation

What we don't notice...

40 years of academe


Ranking UK philosophy departments: RAE versus Leiter


Thom Gunn

Making learning languages fun

There's only one Danny Murphy

How government is wrecking British universities

John Maynard Smith


Nietzsche and squirrels

The fog of war

The right of return

Europe a province of Islam

That Rousseau broadcast

Illustrating egalitarianism

Iraq in 1920

Rousseau in Staffordshire?

Fictional leaders

Dylan poll results

Further confirmation?


Sharing fingerprints

US political debate as seen from outside

Flags and posters

US trip

Kitsch rubbish

More on Matt Cavanagh

Unfortunate symbol

Multiculturalism and animal cruelty

What a coincidence!

Male lust at Oxford

Medical ethics

Belle de Jour unmasked?

Some sense on Spain

If there were an election tomorrow....

Philosophy not for sale!

Libel action hypocrisy

Norman Geras conference

British university axes staff websites

Research help request

Making Instapundit look like Indymedia


...and a pony too

The miners and democracy

John and Belle


Wagner and evolutionary psychology

Greatest Dylan songs

Completely trivial

My second blogiversary

Sweezy dies

Nietzsche and Gibson, Locke and Pasolini

On not having a PhD

...the gnawing of the mice




The "function" of universities

Kant and Iraq


All men (nearly)

Conservatives in academia

"Twenty or thirty years ago..."


Libertarian flash

Catastrophic spider

Conspicuous religious symbols


The black Spartacus

Americans in Europe

Gearty on Hutton

They're behind you!

Tragedy at Morecambe

Mumbo jumbo

Living with hunger

Football nemesis for Yorkshire?

Some post-Hutton thoughts

Fooling the shrinks

European anti-Semitism

Investment and luck

Favourite movies

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

Top-up fees

Noise and nonsense

A ban on beards

Charming philosopher



North By Northwest

Public policy and philosophy

African Cup of Nations

Rousseau on film

Cheating Culture

NLR on Blair

Unforseen consequences

Local boy made good

Morgenbesser anecdotes

4' 3"

An important distinction

Perle and Frum

Making an example out of them

Germans in Afghanistan

Excusing or justifying genocide

New urbanism update

Brooke at a Fistful of Euros

Could blogging damage your career?

Lust a virtue


France and the Jews

Rousseau in Palestine


Oxford Political Thought Conference

Social-science parody

Tony Soprano as management icon

Till death us do part



Libertarianism without inequality (6)

The Weather Project



Gin Lane

Uncertain science

Hitchensian drift

Love Actually

Happy Christmas to all our readers

Four quotations bearing on choice and responsibility

Refusing gongs

Inequality in America

Le foulard islamique

Favourite films of all time




Famine in Ireland

New books in political philosophy


Seasonal fisking

Hoare on the Left on Yugoslavia

Iraq, Saddam and 9/11

Bad writing


Another bit of Sen

Horace in wartime

Sen's Development as Freedom

Hans Hotter

Monbiot on Spiked

Special obligations

Normblog moves

Disenfranchising felons

Berlioz day

Punishment theory

Libertarianism without inequality (5)

British political blogs

Leiter on Marx

Between consenting adults

Email software for Palm OS

Skinner on liberty


John Holbo on bad writing

There's only one Karol Wojtyla...


Alternative big read

Genre fiction redux

More on late starting

My book released in North America

British political culture

More on tenure and toddlers

Swing low sweet chariot

Yesterday's bombings

Those demonstrations

Living in China


Addendum on TCS

TechCentralStation exposed

Lucky choice

Terror and civil liberties

Fantastic news

National anthems

Maps and territories

Top Marxists poll

Mary Kaldor on Iraq

Vox pop

Televising philosophy

Sex selection banned in the UK

Greatest Marxists redux

Ceci n'est pas Daniel Pipes

Libertarianism without inequality (4)

More on Engerrlland

UK Universities (plc)

Greatest Marxists poll

This sporting life

Inside Iraq

Incompetence in Iraq

Richard Wollheim is dead


Vacuum-packed cassoulet

Hitler at home

Being occupied

Gambling with the devil

New urbanism and crime

Libertarianism without inequality (3)

Michael Howard

League tables

Political compass

Opera on a budget

Fox in charge of chicken coop

Geras on copyeditors

Philosophy and sport

A head of department's job

Libertarianism without inequality (2)


British Philosophical Association

What's left of the Israeli left?

Leaves on the line

Home schooling

Crime and the new urbanism


Jewish success, Islamic stagnation

Libertarianism without inequality

Jean-Jacques, antithesis of the metrosexual

Neal Wood has died

Libel and the left

Cruelty to animals

What did she expect?

Greatest jazz albums

Responsibility, crime and terrorism

Economists as agony aunts

Dworkin on the "war on terror"


Football slimefest

Welshman wins Nobel economics prize!

Literary discovery

Evidence (and global warming)

The more you watch Fox, the less you know


Abstract sex and viral trading

Humourless political philosophers?

A modern-day pogrom

A plea for higher standards in the blogosphere

Bundling e-journals


False positives

Animal sports

The Islamic vote

Dynamic Europe


Edward Said

The rhetoric of reaction

The genealogy of morals

Inequality, sufficiency and health

Scruton on Davidson

Struggling with amazon

Contingent valuation


Writing, thinking, daydreaming

Philosophy, horses and quill pens

Is piracy killing music?

Philosophical immortality

Restoration and the urban environment

Good Bye Lenin

Two Septembers

History of the EU

Beneath the city

Confusing the public about global warming

Pasolini's gospel

Meacher flips

Why does the Bush administration hate the world's poor?


National characteristics as revealed in cinema

Kathy Wilkes dies

My Rousseau book

Clint Eastwood as Rousseau's lawgiver

Trotsky, Jewish universalist

Veronica Guerin

Donald Davidson is dead

Reasons for fighting the Iraq war

Buying success

Hitchensian nastiness

Stats, stats, stats...

Reporting Hutton

Irish prosperity and social networks

How the news is made

Nickel and Dimed redux

France's heatwave

Internal liquidation

Suicide-bomber apologist in fit of indignation

Greatest figures of the 20th century

Trotsky's great-grand-daughter

Gilligan's own goal

Crazy science, crazy reporting

Road signs



Geras on Polanski

Michael Walzer interview in Imprints

Back in the GDR

Art, doodling, whatever

The end of the single

Facts in political philosophy

Cohen on facts and principles

Ethical naturalism redux

Norman Geras

Cities, buildings, architecture 1

Orwell on food technology and modernity

Financing basic income

Evolving altruism

How do they do that!

Gilligan's blog

GM crops

All for one and one for all

Protecting sources



Bollywood Jane Austen

The cost of emission control

The French political class


Nozick and natural rights to property


For the benefit of Mr Kite...