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In Focus

What are Freud's truth-claims worth?

Hindutva on the Attack
Campaigns to silence, intimidate, or destroy scholars and scholarship.

Bad Writing
Is it difficult? Is it daring? Or is it just pretentious and empty and circular.

Science and Religion
Are science and religion separate but equal? Or just separate.


More Than 500 Arguments for the Existence of God
Argument from numbers, from intimidation, from Internet authority...

Paul Kurtz on Belief
The Science of Religion - Why do People Believe?


Notes and Comment
Blogging Butterflies and Wheels style. And your chance to disagree with us!
Last Updated:05-06-2004

Bad Moves
Philosopher Julian Baggini's fortnightly column on bad argumentative moves.
Last Updated:01-06-2004

In the Library

Brief introductions to recommended books.

Our book reviews section.

Interactive Philosophy

Latest News

Bruce Grant on 'Intelligent Design'
The first step on the road to theistic science.
Date filed: 06-06-2004

Twenty Best New Poets
'Next Gens can expect a rough ride from the postmodernist hardliners...'
Date filed: 05-06-2004

New Poets Can be Wrinkly
One can start writing poetry at any age.
Date filed: 05-06-2004

Mary Midgley Reviews Judith Butler
What is gained by translating familiar terms into exotic abstract language?
Date filed: 05-06-2004

Late-term Abortion Ban Ruled Unconstitutional
Judge calls it 'grossly misleading and inaccurate' to equate banned procedure with infanticide.
Date filed: 05-06-2004


The Stop the War Coalition: A Monumentally Successful Failure
By Phil Doré
Phil Doré argues that the Stop the War Coalition was fatally undermined by its links to extreme leftist and Islamist groups.
Date filed: 25-05-2004

Calling India's Freethinkers
By Meera Nanda
Meera Nanda argues that insistence on a clear distinction between religion and science is essential for India.
Date filed: 24-05-2004

Proof of Astrology?
By Ivan W. Kelly
Ivan Kelly on misleading reviews of Percy Seymour's The Scientific Proof of Astrology
Date filed: 22-05-2004

Myths, Damned Myths, and Psychoanalytic Case Histories
By Allen Esterson
Allen Esterson dissects a BBC radio programme on Freud and hysteria.
Date filed: 05-05-2004

Freud Returns?
By Allen Esterson
Allen Esterson examines an error-strewn article in Scientific American by neuroscientist Mark Solms.
Date filed: 03-05-2004

Saving the Seed or Saving Romantic Assumptions
By Thomas R. DeGregori
Thomas DeGregori explains why 'traditional' farmers rely on new technology.
Date filed: 19-04-2004


Fashionable Dictionary
Your guide to the language of pseudoscience and fashionable nonsense.

Woolly-Thinking Rhetoric
How to argue like a sheep. Vanquish your enemies with the help of our guide.

'Let them speak for themselves', people often cry out (apparently). So we have.

Are your moral intuitions rationally grounded?

The Fashionable Dictionary



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