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Another premature G5 leak?
06/05/2004 09:21 | By Michael Simon    

CNET staff writer Ina Fried — reporting from AppleInsider’s original findings — offers some mainstream testimony to the widespread belief that new G5s will be released sometime this month. Earlier this week, photos were discovered from an accidentally-released Apple service manual which "appear to show a heat sink covering dual G5 processors as well as a new memory configuration," and have already been discussed at great length.

It is also interesting to note that wait times for all G5 models at the online U.S. Apple Store have been recently increased from "Same bus. day" to "7-10 bus. days."

Earlier this week, a verbal slip by Toshiba revealed Apple’s interest in a 60GB version of its iPod, and few can forget last year’s "premature specification" in the days leading up to WWDC.
Iraq looks to Internet for sovereignty
06/04/2004 09:25 | By Michael Simon    

USA Today reports that Iraq’s media commission and that U.S.-led administration in Iraq is making "its first claim for an internationally recognized presence on the Internet." With the domain code '.iq' as the final tag, addresses for Web pages would be "distinctively identified on the Internet with Iraq's own country code."

The report states that Internet cafes have been popping up throughout Baghdad, despite polls that show just 6 percent of Iraqis say they have access to the Internet, and fewer than 2 percent use it regularly.
Tech: In brief
06/04/2004 08:11 | By Michael Simon    

Google and Safari... McDonald's and Sony... Hotmail gripes... and an AAPL growth spurt — all in today's technology roundup.

'I think there’s room for improvement' 06/03/04 43 Comments
PC Mag: iTunes, Panther among '04's best 06/02/04 25 Comments
Comcast unveils video game download service 06/02/04 33 Comments
Toshiba paves the way for 60GB iPod 06/02/04 59 Comments
Windows' wireless security: 'To hell with it' 06/01/04 55 Comments

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iTunes playlists
06/04/2004 13:43 | By Kristie Ann    

Some people have one huge list containing all of their music, and others have their music divided into several smaller playlists. What are the names of some of your iTunes playlists? [Share]

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